Hey guys! Long time no see! Been worried about having no updates from this story? I'm sure you have. Well, let me tell you why there was such a gap for so long. So, after writing chapter 3, I looked at my story and felt dissatisfied with it. I found that there were a lot of things missing in it, that I was trying to rush and hurry things up without giving proper explanations, and a lot of things didn't make sense. Or at least, that was how I felt. I want to let you know, that all this time I've been trying to hone my writing skills and only now I'm sort of satisfied with my skills. My writing is still very poor and my vocabulary is still bad though I am trying to improve it.
I basically re-wrote the whole story with a lot of new content being added in. Some parts are still the same and my story WILL STILL BE MY OC KIRIMI x GoM so don't worry about that. I hope you guys don't mind this reaaaaaaaaaaally long prologue for Kirimi's story but one of the things which I felt really lacked in my previous chapter 1 was a decent back story for Kirimi. So I went all out, fleshed it out, added another temporary OC(who is actually not as OC as you might think...hint...it's related to Kuroko :P ) but things will make sense in the end even if things seem like a random story in the beginning. So I ask you, my beloved readers who've been waiting patiently all this time to take the time to read this re-written story I wrote just for all of you. I promise you, things will start making sense in the end and even more in the next chapter. I will be rewriting the next few chapters as well but I promise it's still Kirimi(my OC) no Harem.
I cannot express how sorry I am for not updating the story all this time. I'm still in love with KnB and I still love reading KnB fanfics especially OC fanfics and I wish to keep this story for all OCxGoM fans!
So, what are you waiting for? Go to my profile, find my re-written fanfic and start reading!