Lightning was partied out. They seemed to be having parties every other day now and this beach day was turning into one. Here they were, supposed to be on guard for the unknown and they were at the beach. She felt faint regret at the thought that only a couple of days ago, she had longed for a beach trip. Sitting here, in swimsuits instead of uniforms and weapons that Serah had insisted not be on display. Fang had ignored her of course but Lightning couldn't blame her. What sort of bag could you put a lance in? She had covered the blades, though Lightning suspected that was due to the sand more than comforting Serah. Lightning, in comparison, was lugging an oversized beach bag that held her gunblade and belt. She felt faintly jealous of Snow, he had his weapons anywhere he chose to go. She glanced to Sazh, who was already laying towels on the beach. She was sure he had his pistols but no idea where he put them.

Serah had pulled out an infinite amount of towels from her own bag and had been spreading them out.

Lightning was sitting on one with a book in her lap. She was already grumpy due to Hope waving at a passing patrol. The patrol had walked over to say hi and were left speechless at seeing a black bikini clad Lieutenant Farron. Fang had been unable to control her laughter at that point as Lightning stood up and scolded the patrol. The patrol took off the second she was finished and left Hope apologizing profusely as Lightning stormed back to her towel. Vanille stepped in to distract Hope half dragging him towards the water as he continued sputtering apologies.

"Bet you wish that you had let Vanille dress you up now, hey Light?" Fang goaded and Lightning had snapped open her book again. Secretly she had, if only a little bit. Fang's under layer was hardly different from her usual black top and shorts though the top had lost some material. She still had on a version of a sari to Lightning it looked between a cross between the sari and a sarong. Vanille had one too, apparently it was a custom beach wear thing. Fang was still sporting hers, it was a dark green while Vanille's was pink. Fang was impressed Vanille was still wearing hers, she thought by now it would have been tossed onto the sand with Vanille out in the water. Vanille could swim like a fish and seemingly breathe underwater too, Fang however could swim but only because she used her arms to pull herself through the water.

Vanille had managed to make Serah a version of one too, though it was made from two sarongs carefully sewed and knotted. The top had two separate pieces that crossed across the chest and tucked into a band. The pieces went over the shoulders and into a y shape at the back where the material split up and became intricately knotted until it reached the small of the back. There it turned into a wrap skirt that ended around knee height though Fang wore hers higher and Vanille's had been lower around mid calf. Lightning was grateful for the sunglasses she had managed to find. Fang had stolen her aviators within the second she had spotted them and Lightning had put up a fight but not much. They didn't really suit Fang with her long face but with that familiar cocky grin on her face she pulled off the whole look. She managed to look modern yet traditional in her garb.

Snow had carried three boards to the beach and Fang was currently interrogating him about them. They looked like regular surfboards with machine enhancements added to them.

"These look like they're made for the ocean, mate." She commented while picking up a black board with a white tribal pattern on it.

"They are. We recovered them from Bodhum. They let us take anything we could carry." Fang's grin widened.

"How much did you have before they stopped you?"

"He had two boards up on his shoulders with the third balancing on the ends. I managed to get quite a few things on that way." Serah piped in while Snow puffed out his chest out proudly.

"Though it was mostly Snow's stuff. But that did allow Lightning and I to grab some things."

"I think the neighbours liked it more than you did." Lightning added wryly as she walked over. Serah laughed.

"After we got our things on, others started bring boxes over. Lightning had to hold up the board on the end to keep Snow from falling over."

"So why bring boards like these to the beach?" Fang ignored the obvious question of why there was even room on the boards for the neighbour's things, it wasn't the right day for that. Snow lifted up the massive silver one.

"Because they have engines they can power through the water. It's still pretty fun even without waves." Snow explained as Fang nodded.

"So that gigantic one is yours,." Snow nodded.

"You have Lightning's right now and Serah's is that one." He indicated the last board that was bright blue with white outlined flowers.

"A sport they took up when they met you?" Fang asked. Snow shook his head.

"Serah and I got boards a long time ago." Lightning answered.

"They were one of the first things we bought when we were able to afford things. We had to bring them." Serah added softly.

Fang inspected the board. It was in good condition from what she could tell. Hardly any visible chips, dents, or scratches.

"They're older boards but Lightning's maintained them so well that they'll last for years." Snow pulled a sad face. "I can't convince her to work on mine." Lightning scoffed.

"Don't worry darlings! The party has arrived." A voice called out and they all turned to see Lebreau with all her 'children' in tow. Gadot had a massive cooler and his own bright red board that ended in flames. Yuj and Maqui sprang forward to greet Serah dropping their own boards and bags.

"Nice outfit Fang." Lebreau commented as Yuj tried to hug Lightning who reacted like a pissed off cat, spine bristling and backing away from the group. Fang shrugged.

"Gran Pulse thing." She said simply.

"Checking out Lightning's board?" Lebreau asked as she watched Maqui get hit squarely in the nose with a book.

"Snow was regaling me with the tale of their rescue."

"Ah yes. The hero lugging everyone's material possessions. Not even his own girlfriend's things." Fang gave Lebreau a curious look and Lebreau leaned towards her.

"They had nothing. Granted that go round you were only supposed to get essentials but people ignored that. Those two had their boards, Lightning had a rucksack and a duffle bag. Serah had two duffel bags and a backpack. Nothing else." Fang wasn't surprised by Lightning, a soldier lifestyle taught you what you needed but Serah must have learned from her sister. Though Serah had been in school and while they had money to survive they must have been careful with it.

"Who wants a drink?" Gadot boomed as he flipped off the cooler lid.

"Are you unable to go anywhere without drinking some sort of alcohol?" Lightning had returned and seemed to be using Serah as some sort of shield. She had positioned herself so she was behind Serah's right shoulder, away from where Lebreau and Yuj were standing.

"Bartender lifestyle, honey. I can't help myself." Lebreau responded.

"It's ten in the morning." Lightning quipped back while Lebreau laughed.

"Toss me a cider Gadot." If Fang hadn't been watching Lightning's face, she would have missed the split second look of interest. Gadot pulled out a green bottle, throwing it to Lebreau who caught it neatly. She stalked over and dangled it in front of Lightning.

"Guess what I've started bottling again? I was going to drop some off at your place, I heard you had ran out but if you disapprove…" Lightning glared at her.

"You do this on purpose." She stated, coldly.

"That I do darling, but just try and prove it." Lebreau tossed the bottle and Lightning caught it slowly. "Made it out of local fruit. Should be better than that last batch which used the stuff shipped to us from Erewhon. It's not too sweet, you should like it." Lebreau explained as Maqui showed up.

"Lebreau, Lightning hit me." He whined.

"Really? I saw a book committing assault but not Lightning."

"Lightning was aiding it!"

"Did you deserve it?"

"I was just saying hi!" Lebreau collapsed beside Serah and signaled for Gadot to toss more ciders.

"Your definition of hello differs from that of our stony soldier." Lebreau commented while opening her bottle. Fang had her own bottle now and was interested. She had seen a couple of these bottles hanging around the few parties she'd been at but they had been rare and she never found them in the coolers or the fridge. She twisted the cap off and stopped as Sazh came running towards them with Dajh in tow.

"There's something on the lake. It just appeared from the river." Sazh pointed where a black shape was visible. Lightning sprinted over to her beach bag, pulling out her belt and putting it on. Hope and Vanille came running in from the water.

"It's a ship!" Hope called.

"Snow, Hope, with me." Lightning ordered. "Gadot, Lebreau, clear the beach. Sazh, go alert the military."

"I'll go tell Jihl." Vanille said calmly. Lightning nodded, surprised by Vanille's offer but unwilling to overlook it.

"Fang, go with her." She took her board from Fang.

"Like hell." Fang responded, which Lightning ignored.

"Move out." She ordered though everyone had began moving already. Lightning headed to the water, Snow behind her. Serah handed her board to Hope.

"It's faster than anyone else's here." He nodded, taking it gratefully. She turned and asked Dajh to help her gather things up.

Fang pursued Lightning, ripping the covers off the blades of her lance as she ran.

"Lightning!" She yelled. Lightning didn't pause as she crashed into the water. Fang caught up with her as Lightning placed the board down.

"Fang, you don't know how to board. Go with Vanille." Lightning ordered as she climbed onto the board.

"I don't need to know. I just have to stay balanced and stay on. I know you've modded that board enough that it could carry Snow and a half." Lightning paused as Snow got onto his board.

"Fine, get on. If you fall off, I'm leaving you." Lightning warned. Fang nodded and crawled onto the board.

"Stand in defense stance." Fang nodded as she managed to get onto her feet. Hope had reached the water and was up on his board.

"Any particular plan?" Snow called out, waiting.

"Triangle formation. Stay together unless there's trouble."

"Got it." Snow confirmed.

"Let's go." Lightning pressed down lightly with her back foot, starting up the board and moving slowly through the water. Fang staggered slightly at the movement, her lance wobbling as she tried to stay upright.

"Give me the end of your lance" Lightning ordered as Fang swung the lance towards her. "I'll hold the end and try to keep you steady." Fang nodded, her knuckles whitening on the hand gripping the lance. Lightning grinned and added more pressure. The board shot forward and they both nearly fell off as Fang lost her balance. Snow, worried that they would fall with a sharp lance stayed as close as he could.

Fang regained her balance and confidence as Lightning kept the board at a fast, level pace. They sped across the water as the ship came closer and more into view.

It was a grand, old massive, wooden ship, ones that Lightning would have described as coming out of fairy tales. Three massive masts held up bright white sails that went down into a dark wooden ship. It looked like the grandest pirate ship ever to sail the seas.

As the neared the ship, Fang gasped at the carvings and designs that covered the ship, and lifted up her sunglasses to rest on top of her head. She craned her neck while still staying balanced on the board.

"Those are Gran Pulse markings!" She yelled at Lightning, who gave her a surprised look. Why would this ship have those markings? She was more worried by the fact they couldn't see anyone yet. She slowed the board, unwilling to go too close to the ship. She couldn't make out any human forms on the deck, which worried her.

"Lightning!" Hope called out as a panel slid open and an anchor started to fall into the lake. Lightning turned the board sharply, hoping Fang would manage to keep her balance. Snow and Hope followed suit as she circled around to keep a fair distance from the ship.

Fang was more interested in the figurehead of the ship. It looked like a warrior from Gran Pulse, an intricate wooden carving with one arm outstretched and the other clutching a dagger against her chest. The expression was close to feral, this ship was not made for carrying supplies for trade, this was a war ship.

Lightning didn't like any of this. She could shoot bullets and Hope could throw his boomerang but they could easily be thrown off the boards and killed like sitting ducks in the water.

"Back to the beach!" She called out. Hope nodded, he had reached the same conclusion. Snow however waved to acknowledge he had heard the command but began to move closer to the ship.


"Leave him Lightning, they would have shot at us already if they wanted us dead." Fang said calmly, her eyes fixated on the markings. Lighting shot Fang a look, confused. Fang glanced at her and went back to the markings.

"If they wanted to attack they would have never let us seen the ship. Looks like they're alone."

"Could be waiting for us to make the first move." Lightning countered.

"Nah, you're thinking like a moony again." Fang replied, absentmindedly. Lightning rolled her eyes and began to turn the board. She sped back to shore, pleased to see the troop that Hope had waved to before was already waiting for them.

"Hope, take charge of that unit!" She called out, as Hope jumped off the board and headed for shore. Lightning slowed the board and let go of the lance as Fang jumped into the knee deep water.

"Lightning!" Hope called out as she jumped off the board and leaned to pick it up. She turned and saw the ship was lowering a rowboat off the side with human figures in it.

Great. They would all to get to meet these strangers in their swimsuits. Brilliant.

Brix and her troop had arrived at the beach just as Fang had jumped off the board, managing a half stable landing in thigh deep water. Jihl and her ever present shadow were with Brix, with her own soldiers who weren't mixing very well with the local ones. Vanille had taken off once she had reported to them, Jihl had attempted to stop her and Brix happily got in the way informing Jihl that Vanille was a civilian and Jihl had no right to treat her in such a manner.

Brix was snickering and Jihl could see the Oerban soldiers were trying to keep straight faces. All of them were trying not gape at their Lieutenant.

"I don't see the humor in this." She snapped, letting her annoyance take over. Brix paused, turning her head towards her a smug look on her face.

"Yeah, you were well known as an ice cold bitch." Brix said in flat tone. Jihl could feel her anger flare up but she suppressed it, choosing instead to study Brix's face.

"Vivian Brix." Jihl stated finally, but still a bit unsure. Brix tipped her head slightly.

"That's me." Jihl nodded slowly. She had seen her before but she couldn't remember where and when.

"Stop trying. You don't remember me and I don't really care." Brix went back to looking at the ship. "I only said it because it is the exact same words they used to describe Lightning with. But look at her now. She even has the Pulsian woman on her board. That's not the Lightning I used to know. People can change." Brix laughed, partly at herself. "Buttercup has more redeeming qualities than I ever realized." She walked away from Nabaat, not bothering to care whether her little lecture had an effect or not.

Brix walked over to Lightning, her face worried but she still couldn't hide her amusement. She proffered the jacket in her arms to Lightning. Lightning glared at Brix.

"Seriously? You couldn't have grabbed one of mine?" Lightning questioned.

"It's actually my jacket, meaning I'm being really nice to you so you should accept it." Brix explained. "I also didn't know we were having a beach party, I would have brought my suntan lotion."

Lightning's eyes rolled and she snatched the jacket, swinging it on. It was an old jacket, more reminiscent of the older style of jackets over a century ago. In the guardian corps, any uniform that had been worn before was accepted. At least among the higher ups. Part of Lightning's uniform was now outdated and she had no intention of updating.

It was a medium blue with a high collar and two rows of large silver buttons and silver trim on the cuffs and collar. Lightning was tall woman and slight, but Brix was smaller thank her. Lightning slung it on, grateful for at least the slight covering it gave even if she couldn't do up the buttons for fear of bursting them.

"So anything to report?" Brix casually reminded.

"Fang says the ship has Gran Pulse markings on it."


"You'll have to get her to explain it." Fang had walked over to Clash and was drawing the markings in the sand.

"They've dropped a rowboat, Snow is still out there somewhere." Lightning continued.

"Why are you reporting to me?" Brix scoffed and hen her face blanched slightly. "I don't want to be in charge of this!" She hissed at Lightning. Lightning scowled and leaned closer to Brix.

"If Nabaat hears you say that." She stopped as Jihl walked towards them.

"Well, what is our plan? They are actively moving towards us."

"Wait and see. Greet them on the beach. Treat them as emissaries until we know their intentions. Constantly outnumber them." Brix replied instantly. "Though maybe we shouldn't let them know we outnumber them. We'll keep Hope's unit and yours." She promptly turned and began issuing orders to her own unit, who had a couple of experienced captains that were less than pleased they were being sent away from the action.

"These city people don't know how to fight out here." A captain stood his ground.

"With any luck, this won't be a fight." Brix snapped back. "Your experience is why I need you to integrate into the town. You don't send your best pieces in the first wave, it's why we have pawns." She emphasized the word pawn, glancing at JIhl while she said it.

"Really, that was demoralizing to my troops." Jihl's somewhat polite façade broke. Brix shrugged.

"Move out!" She barked at her remaining unit in a surprisingly commanding voice. There were slight murmurs of protest as the unit shuffled off and Brix sighed.

"They would have been eaten alive by sergeants back on Cocoon for the behavior." She muttered while Lightning nodded slightly in agreement.

They both turned as Snow came running up the beach, board on his shoulder.

"One rowboat." He huffed. "Three people…" He placed his hands on his knees, wincing a little. "Looks like.. they have dogs with them."

"Aren't you supposed to be the chief of police or something?" Brix commented.

"More like chief of the keg." Hope said quietly and Lightning gave him a smirk.

Fang and Clash walked over.

"We both don't recognize any of the markings. They look similar to what you would see on old prayer buildings but that's about all. Very few of those lasted even though they were considered sacred."
"I thought temples were sacred." Lightning mused and Hope nodded in agreement.

"They are, no one would dare destroy such a thing. Prayer buildings were more like a church, it was a grave insult to destroy a villages building. Lead to feuds that lasted centuries. They were also gathering places so when it got ugly, it was usually the first to be burned." Fang supplied.

Snow had regained his breath.

"Looks like we have company."


It's baaaaaccckkkkk.

Most of this story is finished, just filling in some details. Hoping to have it all up and done in a few months.