Hey Guys! So this is my first actualy chapter Beatles fic. If you know what I mean..Anyodd, I don't want to make this too long, I just have to say that if you could review and tell me what you think..it would be much appreciated! Oh and the chapters will get longer in the future I just really wanted to post this tonight. Onward to the story!

Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own the Beatles..but I own Sky!

Chapter 1- Get Back

Numbers weave in and out of our lives. When you think about it, they influence a lot of what we do or don't. There are lucky numbers, unlucky numbers, the numbers that we are born with, and die with. They get branded onto us in the events of the past, just like a tattoo. I knew it was crazy, absolutely insane, but that didn't stop me from believing that maybe, just maybe, it was possible. You see what I was going to, or rather attempting to do, was transport myself back into the past. Yes, I know, you think I'm crazy now but just listen for a sec. My life isn't exactly what I had hoped it would turn out to be. Nothing is holding me back from trying this; no friends, no family, and no future. You'd think with a name like Sky Simmons, I was meant to be something or someone; a model, an actress, or a singer. Sadly, I knew the expectations were too great and I crumbled under the weight of them. So, here I am, nineteen and living all alone in the big city of New York, the girl with the red hair that managed to get tangled in an instant and hazel eyes that held a million secrets. The only thing that kept me going was him. John Lennon. A mystery even I could not figure out. Of course he was dead, long gone, but it felt like he was alive. His voice so frequently echoed the halls of my cramped apartment; his face was everywhere I turned. A few weeks ago I went to the famous building, where his life so unfairly ended. Standing in the exact spot he was when he died, I got chills. That was when I decided to do it, not just wish it would happen, but physical try and figure out a way to get to him. To prevent what should of never happened in the first place, to change the course of history.

When you think of your favorite Beatles song, Revolution 9 is probably not even on your list. I wouldn't even really consider it an actual song. Some wonder why the genius that is John Lennon would even create this, whatever you want to call it, and put it on the album. You see, John had an obsession with the number nine. If you didn't already know that. This was my first clue, the number nine, was it possible to somehow use this to get back to the time I so desired to be a part of? What did I have to lose? Absolutely nothing. Back to my plan, here I was riding on the number nine train; the date 9/09/09, the time 9:09, my iPod playing Revolution 9, nine small braids in my tangled hair, and carrying exactly nine items in my bag. Would anything happen? I didn't expect it, although a part of me hoped it would. Number Nine. Number Nine. Number Nine. The song played on; my hopes were fading. Then, suddenly, everything when black. I didn't know what was happening; all I heard was Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine still playing on my iPod.