I didn't plan to write this to night but I got into this flow where it was easy so I decided to post this now too. This is the first time I have cried writing this story because I don't usually do that. As I said before this is the last chapter and with that I want to thank all of you who have read, reviewed and subscribed. It means the world to me. It really does. And I hope you will follow any other story I write which I promise will be less depressing. Anyway this is it. The last chapter ad I hope you will like it and that you liked the story. It wasn't easy to write but that's not what I wanted either.

Lots of love to you all Xxx

Finn was surprised that he actually felt better after the glee clubs little concert. He hadn't expected and he had only agreed on going because he wanted to make his mom happy. And because he knew how much effort his friends had put into this. And it was so nice to finally be out in the blue with the tears. To not be alone.

And god he had cried and he had ached so much but his friends had been there and his mom and Burt hand been there to. And everyone had cried. They had held each others hands and he had realized he had been stupid and selfish before. That they all missed hurt all the same. Burt missed his son and so did Carole. Mercedes and Rachel missed their best friend. And all the other glee kids missed one of their own a friend. And Finn missed his brother and his friend. Because Kurt had been both to him.

Burt and Carole went to bed when they came come but Finn couldn't sleep yet. There was something he needed to do first. Quietly he made his way up the stairs and to his room. His hands fumbled through the darkness and found what he was looking for. Found the drawer and found the letter. Kurt's letter. The letter that he swore he would never read but not manged to throw away. Now he had it in his hands. His hands closed around the the envelope wanting to read it in a safe place.

A five minute ride with the car and he was there. The graveyard. If there was any place he was gonna read it it was gonna be next to where Kurt was. Or at least where his body was. They had placed him next to his mom but with his own stone. Heart shaped even though Kurt probably would have snorted at the thought. Finn sat down on the cold ground by the stone. He lit on of the candles he had brought and the light danced in front of his eyes.

Kurt Hummel

Son, Brother and friend

Forever loved, forever missed

Finns finger follows the inscription

"Hi little brother" He whispered.

The light from the candle is barley enough for him to be able to read.


When you read this I will be dead. Or at least that's what I hope. There's not much to live for me anymore and I don't need you to understand. I don't expect you to. This is for the best. And you will realize it too, and when you do, it will be okay. But I need you to know Finn. It's not your fault. I know you will blame yourself so I will say it again. It's not your fault. You were a great friend and a perfect brother for me and I couldn't have asked for someone better. I love you with all my heart but sometimes that's not enough. You need to understand that I don't want to leave you or dad or Carole or my friends. I just don't want to live anymore.

Please don't be mad. Sometimes people are too broken to be repaired and I am on of those persons. I stopped living a long time ago and I haven't been happy in a long time. Nothing can make it change. Not you, or dad or the glee club. There's nothing you could have done and I'm sorry. I tried, I did.

You need to move on. You will have a better life without me. And so will dad. You have each other and I know that Carole will take care of him. And he loves her as much as he loved my mother. And he will love you as much as he loved me. He just need some time. Please look after him Finn. He will need you. Look after Mercedes too. Tell her I love her. Make sure she is okay.

I'm not going to ask you for more I only have one more request. But I do understand if you can't. Don't hate me for this. You might want to hate me but please try. Try not to hate me. It's all I want from you. There is too much hate in this world already. And it will only hurt you further. Don't hate me Finn and don't be sad for too long. It's okay if you forget about me after a while. Not just straight away. Tell the glee club too. And Mr Shue. I will remember you all forever. I'm happy I got to be your friend and I'm happy I got to have a brother. Even if it only was for a while. You were a great brother and I love you for that. Remember that Finn. I love you.

I love you my brother


He leaned on the cold stone and once again clenched the letter in his hands.

"I love you too Kurt, I love you too and I don't hate you." He whispered "I will never forget you, I promise"

The boy closes his eyes. It's cold around him but he will sit there until the end of the night. Then he will get up and leave. He will be okay. And he will be happy. He will live his dreams. He will tell his kids he once had a brother. That he still has and that he loves his brother a lot. Because this is what he promised. To not forget. And he won't

The end...

Can't believe I cried. This was probably the hardest story I have ever written. And I chose to focus on family and friends. Especially brotherhood and love between siblings. My brother and sisters mean so much to me ... Anyway here's the end. I hope you like it and that you liked this fic. AND it would MEAN the WORLD to me if you took a couple of minutes to let me know what you think. It won't take you long but will certainly make be very happy and motivated. Anyway I will probably start a new Klaine story soon. As I figured I missed Blaine a lot in this one. Again all my love to you guys who have read this story. I hope to see you soon again.

