Hello and welcome to another RP that I did recently. Unlike my other RP I am not going to separate the responses with x's but with the line system on . This RP is very fast paced and I hope you enjoy it. If you do not like crossovers of AUs don't read this. We did not follow the plot of the Hunger Games or any of the other two books. This is merely us placing them within the world and having fun with it. So if you like the idea of nations battling each other to the death, then you will most likely like this RP.


Denmark: Mathias

Norway: Niels

Iceland: Eirik

He had been waiting for more than thirty minutes in the launching room. Well, maybe less than that, though it seemed endless. He tried to keep his thoughts away from his family and concentrate on the upcoming event which was very difficult and frightening. He was in a tight position; being the eldest of a big family of 8 children. Mathias was the only one to be able to bring in any income outside of his father. So being here was really putting his whole family on the edge of a cliff financially. They would probably fall of that cliff if he didn't come back alive from this. But he was strong. This was his biggest attribute; and his only one.

Somewhere nearby in another launching room was standing his partner. Well more like his competitor whose name was Berwald, another guy from his district who was a tad older than him. He didn't care about who he was neither what he did in life or anything. The only thing that mattered was that the fastest he could get rid of him, the closest he would come to be crowned as a victor and going back home. But there were those careers to worry about. He could always ally with them, they seemed interested during training.

It was probably the best idea.

When the voice announcing him echoed in the room, Mathias rose from his place, gave a hand shake to his stylist and stepped on the platform that quickly pushed him up into the waiting arena.

Into the Hunger Games.

This year was a special. They decided to call it the Quarter Quell and would do something special and bending the rules so it would be an only a boyyear. When the platform came to a stop, allowing Mathias' eyes to adjust to the sudden change of lighting, 24 boys aged from 12 to 18 were standing in a half circle around the always so golden Cornucopia.

Mathias thought that he would see foliage around with green trees and a blue charming sky just like the last years' arena. Instead he was surprised by a wasted land covered of ruins, sand, an orange almost red searing sky making everything blur around. A deserthe thought, but it wasn't really like this. In fact, behind the Cornucopia was standing a ruined castle. It was gigantic, covering the entire arena and leaving no space for anything else. He was pretty sure that if he were to run around the thing, it would take him an entire day, and still, he would die of dehydration before that.

The heat was already making his forehead pearl with sweat.

First logical thing to do was to dash into the Cornucopia to grab an axe or a mace and kill as many tributes he could before fleeing into the castle to find water and food. Mathias had no sense of surviving; he didn't know how to hunt, he didn't know how to find water, he didn't know anything like that and the best solution after that was to team up with someone who knew. Sure, he helped his family survive, but that was by working in the lumber factory of his district, nothing else. He worked there from the earliest age since Mathias could remember. This had given him and extraordinary power that he allowed him transfer from an axe to a mace easily for both felt like a natural extension of his left arm. Outside of that, he had really good speaking skills and charisma he could use to make people trust him. But in an arena where young people were fighting to death in hope to return home with food for the rest of their lives, charisma wasn't enough.

The timer of 60 seconds announcing the very beginning of the games was ticking down slowly. Mathias rapidly scanned the other tributes, searching for Berwald and the careers, the tributes that were trained their entire lives just to volunteer. Berwald was standing just two tributes away from him and to his left however there were the other four to his left somewhat far enough that he wouldn't stumble on them on his way to the Cornucopia. He also looked inside the golden thing in hope to find his weapons of choice but he couldn't make out anything.

Maybe he shouldn't go in there. He wasn't fast enough for that; nature had given him a strong body, but being big and strong was a handicap on his speed.

But he was ready. Ready to use all he had, all his might, to sprint into that Cornucopia and get an axe. Mathias was will to do anything so he could get an axe and clear his way to the castle. The timer indicated 10 seconds remaining when Mathias positioned himself to run. He knew that if he stepped down before the clock stopped something bad would happen; either electrocuted to death, or maybe a force field that would be deactivated when it was over?

In the end, whatever plan Mathias had in head, he would end up alone and crowned. But he needed allies to go through it.

Niels stood on his pedestal, his hands sweaty and his heart beating rapidly. So far his family had the worse luck of the Quarter Quell by two members of the same family chosen to fight to the death in Hunger Games. Eirik, his younger brother and other fellow member of District 8 was almost the furthest person from him. He knew he shouldn't care what happened to Eirik, that he should begin to thinking survival of the fittest, but Niels wanted his brother to win even more then his own life. But they were at such a disadvantage here having breathed the smog and foul fumes of the factories all of their lives. It would take a Gods intervention to make it to the large castle and out of the desert. Of course, both he and his brother were accustomed to wastelands and could live long out here than anyone else, but the castle guaranteed water or supplies, anything. They had to go inside, and hopefully not unarmed.

So Niels leaned forward, his eyes looking over to Eirik to make sure he was following his plan. His pale face twisted with fear. The way Niels' knees shook revealed he was equally as frightened. What could they possibly grab? Neither he nor his brother had excelled with high scores in the weapon department. They were both light and agile, that was the only thing they had on their side. The bell went off before Niels could decide what to aim for, so he went to the first thing in his view. A pack.

It was so far in and Niels' heart began to race painfully as he saw other bigger and ferocious young men pass him, but Eirik seemed to be faster of the pack and was entering the fray ahead of him. God Niels' lungs were terrible for running and he had to stop himself from coughing as he ran down the long stretch of sand to the Cornucopia. Everyone seemed more focused on grabbing weapons and they did not heed Niels any mind as he dashed up to a rack with a pack, net, and spears. Retching the pack Niels almost stumbled to the ground as the thing did not budge as it was twisted in the net and spears. It was a trap. His heart began to beat loudly in his ears as the realization flooded through his veins.

Niels whipped his head around just in time to see the fair haired giant named Ivan strike at him with a blunt object. Ducking the packs strap tore from Niels' weight causing the net to fall forward and the spears clang to the ground. Covered half by the mesh and spears, Ivan looked gleefully down at him almost as if he were saying Niels was an easy prey. Just as his powerful arm was to come down on Niels' skull, he saw something white appear, slashing Ivan in the back. It was a poor slash, nothing deadly because it came from Eirik's clumsy hand. But it was enough to distract Ivan and for Niels to get up and grab his pack with the mesh attached. Eirik practically gripped Niels by the wrist and dragged him towards the castle, his longer and more agile legs motioned Niels onwards inside from the bloody battle.

Mathias could see the faster boys run ahead of him as he gave everything he had, aiming for an axe. Anywhere, an axe, he needed one. He was given a score of 9 on his training in front of the Gamemakers by showing his axe skills on different dummies, beheading them with a simple swing of the arm. Berwald did better than Mathias, as usual, but he didn't care. What was the difference in a 10 versus a 9? One mark, nothing else.

As he shoved and kicked weaker tributes on his way inside the Cornucopia, Mathias stumbled around, getting his feet tangled in different weapons already spread on the floor until his hand found what he came for; his axe. The same type he had used to impress the Gamemakers. Rapidly, he rotated on himself with the axe stretched in front of him to make the deadly weapon meat the head of a smaller tribute, one he didn't recognise but knew came from District 12 due to the number being printed on the front of his jacket. He rapidly withdrew the axe from the boy's head and grabbed a random pack from the very bottom of the Cornucopia before clearing his way as he intended and headed for the castle.

Though, it wasn't as easy as he first thought it would.

He killed two other tributes before struggling on one career he recognised being Alfred from district 1. Wearing his already famously known cocky smirk, Mathias kept a safe distance from the other guy, keeping his axe extended in front of him as a threat, scanning around to assure himself he was alone, "I can be very handy, ye know?" he said, raising one eyebrow at the other man, "I say ye and I against the world, what d'ye think?"

Alfred eyed the weaker man with indifference but kept a very open and very friendly smile. People from his place smiled even at the people they hated and he really doubted that someone from District Seven would know that secret. However, he placed his broad sword in front on him, the blade pointing down into the sand. The tip of it sunk into the soil from the weight, but Alfred was so strong that it felt light. Mathias appeared pretty strong, especially being from one of the more dinkier Districts.

However his movements seem to set off the instincts in Mathias' brain, making the man grip his axe and his body stiffened. "Dude, totally chill it. I'm not going to hurt you." Yet, Alfred thought to himself. He knew that any way he sliced it he would be slicing someone's head off from his alliance. However, breaking off from the regular Career Tributes seemed like not a half bad idea. Peering around he looked at them all once again, all too insane of tough for his tastes. 'Specially that Ivan who was sitting on the ground laughing manically as he bludgeoned an already bloodied and broken corpse repeatedly.

"Besides, don't ya know that swords always beat axes?" Alfred had received a ten, one of the three that did this cycle. It wasn't just his physical strength that got him that score, it was his knowledge on weapons and war tactics that did. He saw a brave, messy hair blonde beginning to charge their way. Alfred knew him more than vaguely from his own district as Arthur. He had no plans of going with him. They had a rocky history and Alfred didn't want to test his luck.

"We better get inside before the other's start getting hungry." He laughed as he stepped into the door way, peeking inside by keep and cautious look at Mathias, not quite trusting him.

Mathias rapidly looked around, analysing who was still around the Cornucopia before rapidly ascending the stair that were leading to the main entrance, keeping a safe distance behind Alfred. He seemed to look if it was safe enough for a peek inside before they ran in the first hallway.

"Don't ye go with the other Careers too?" he asked a tad confused. That weird Ivan guy from 4 seemed a bit too dangerous though, but the guys from 2 were alright. Brothers it seemed, just like the ones from 8. Mathias was sad for them. He really was. If he had to be trapped in this arena with one of his own brother, he certainly would make everything in his power to lead him to victory. Though, he was certain that the two from district 2 would be strong allies. Those being Gilbert and Ludwig.

Berwald had made it quick in the very beginning. He had ran from a pack and the first weapon he could get which was a spear, not his best one, before running around the castle to get into one side entry. He didn't want to meet the other, he didn't want to put his life in danger, all he wanted was a safe place where he could set camp and search for water and eventually food. Nothing else. He certainly wanted to win, but he would first let the other kill each other before heading for the win.

Though, it seemed when he wandered a bit inside the castle, that one of the boys was following him. Maybe unwillingly, but still. At first, Berwald made sure he kept a safe distance between them, zigzagging around the hallways until he reached a room. He looked around for traps always making sure it was safe, before stepping into the room and putting the bad down on a table he put back up. It wasn't stable, but better than nothing.

While checking the containing of his bag, he turned the head around to face the boy who was following him. Yes, he knew. It was one of District 9, a short blond with big dark eyes. He didn't seem dangerous; more afraid than anything. Well, something Berwald had always been oblivious off was that his forever scowl scared people around.

He waved at him to approach and they decided to team up. Berwald didn't care if he was alone or not. Maybe Tino wouldn't be of much help, but at least he would survive for a moment beside the older male.

Niels coughed into a wet rag as Eirik sat behind him, patting his back. So far they had managed to find water, but it was so putrid that they couldn't drink it without dying. But it was good enough to wet a rag and try to help Niels' burning lungs. People in District 8 worked in the factories at a very young age and Niels had had one of the more gruesome jobs where he shoveled out grime and inhaled smoke. Eirik had been lucky and sorted defected items from the good items.

Everything in the castle was full of mildew and there were rat droppings the size of a walnuts. Eirik smile and said they had a chance of food, but Niels had seen enough games in the past to think otherwise. More like something to come out and eat them. And being holed up in an old study seemed like a bad idea. However the barricaded the main entrance with a chair and they figured out the place had a secret entrance that they could use to flee at any moment. It was the place that Niels did not want to go down. Neither of them had to strain their ears to hear the skittering of rats.

Eirik sat in front of him, opening Niels' pack. They had some hard tack and a few cans of soup with no way of really opening it other than the knife Eirik had grabbed. Within Niels' net was a spear that busted off half the shaft, but it was better than nothing. They had some matches and the room had a fire place, but there was no paper or wood to start anything up. Everything was soaked by the busted rusted pipe. Eirik wanted to take the net and try to tangle a rat or two in it, but what would be the point without fire. Instead Eirik filled the canteen with putrid water they couldn't drink. They would need to move to a dryer room to get fire.

Holding the canteen towards his brother, Eirik gave his brother a small dry smile, "Look, water that's cleaner than what is at home." Niels laughed before dissolving into a few coughs, but for the most part his lungs were relaxed now.

"I still wouldn't drink it." Niels whispered behind his rag before lying down on the desk and closed his eyes.

"I'll take the first shift." Eirik announced before sitting near the door so he could hear people in the hall way passing by. They were so high up and in a maze and he really doubt anyone would come their direction just yet.

Alfred huffed for the thousandth time that evening. He was used to finer things in life, not that he was pansy, but the filthy smelly castle was not appealing in any way. All the water that they found smelled similar to piss. "God this is complete crap." Alfred whined as he kicked a rusted, hollow can. It clattered against the stones loudly. Not that he really cared. If someone wanted to find them then he'd kill them. All of his fellow Careers would be at the Cornucopia for awhile yet. And he really doubted they would kill him on sight. If they bumped into them now Alfred suspected he could just kill Mathias and join up with them again.

Mathias was starting to get thirsty and seeing Alfred waste even spoiled water seemed like the worst crime ever. All he wanted was burying his axe in the man's back. If it was the only water they had access to, it was probably best for them to keep it and find some device somewhere to purify it; a fire or something. Mathias didn't know much about this, but he knew that if they boiled the water they could drink it after a while.

Before the man could retort anything, a canon blasted outside. Then another one and Mathias started to count them out loud. When nothing else could be heard after a while, he ended up saying "Nine," and looked at Alfred. It wasn't much. The Cornucopia bloodbath was over. Nine of the fellow tributes were dead and they would see their faces in the sky after the sunset. Mathias had no one to care for; his only relief would be to see the Carrier's faces in the sky so he wouldn't have to kill them himself.

They kept wandering the hallways and came across their first one with traps. It was obvious by its look; it was way too long, way too slim and almost clean. They decided to take another way.

They kept searching for water but by the time they reached a room that used to be a restroom; the sun was already coming down. Mathias stayed by the window, waiting for the Anthem to play and to see the other dead tributes faces. Alfred kept the door. He insisted to be the one to keep the door. Mathias didn't quite understand why, but this guy had a serious superiority complex. Well, kind of like Mathias', but at least hewas aware of most of it.

Still, this guy wasn't acting like most Careers he had seen in the past years. Normally, they always hung up together around the Cornucopia and wandered around all together to catch all the weaker tributes, the like Mathias had already killed. Killed… he had killed 2 of the 9 tributes that were already dead during this first day in the Hunger Games.

Berwald and Tino put their belongings together, which they were lucky to fall on a bottle containing a water filter, it seemed. They had a body warmth blanket, which seemed completely useless due to the smothering heat of this arena, but automatically, Berwald knew that the nights in the castle would be freezing cold, and he was right. They had two knives and a spear. They had all they needed apparently, but if neither of them was able to light a fire, they would soon encounter problems. They looked around the room and carefully went back in the hallways. It was getting a tad darker outside, but Tino wanted to find a room with an opening to see the dead tributes, and their room would soon turn very dark if they stayed in it.

The darkness. Berwald hadn't thought about it, but certainly that this very place would turn very dark during the night and that maybe it would be their blessing to stay into those dark rooms. Or they would turn out to become their tomb. He still wondered how the Gamemakers would work to gather the dead bodies in each room without being able to send a hovercraft inside the rooms, which was ridiculous and impossible. But he didn't mind it too long.

They rapidly came around a little room with a window and settled for the night. Berwald took the first watch shift while Tino stayed glued at the window, staring at the sky to wait for the anthem to play. He certainly wanted to see if his fellow tribute from 9 was still alive, but Berwald didn't ask.

Tino kept his eyes glued to the outside world as he watched the faces flip by. It was a miracle that he had survived as long as he had and his fellow tribute were one of the weakest players on the field. The plan had been to avoid the Cornucopia entirely and head for the castle where they would meat up. Only, he never showed up and Tino knew why without really having to see his face flash above. Someone must have snagged his before he ever made it to the castle. Tina had been lucky with the end pedestal and booked it to the castle before anyone noticed he was there.

However, alone and without a bag and weapon left him completely vulnerable. It surprised him that Berwald offered to team up, or well that is what he supposed they were doing. There wasn't ever a verbal agreement. Then again Tino had heard Berwald speak three times and they were all during his interview. Nothing about the man seemed friendly, but then again Tino only wanted to live and would take any chance he had. Berwald was his only chance. If he was lucky enough the two of them would survive until the end and Berwald would be mortally wounded after taking out their last enemy. If not, Tino would be dead and he knew it.

Tino rubbed his arms as the cool air began to turn the stone castle even colder. It was as if the heat in his body was being sucked out of him. Slipping off the window seal, Tino rummaged through the pack and grabbed the only blanket they had. "I-It's cold.. huh?" Tino managed to bluster as he retreated back to his window. He knew he couldn't fall out; the energy field repelled him from being too close. However it did nothing to keep the draft of cold air from being sucked inside.

But he tried to fall asleep by tossing the blanket over his head and his shivering eventually heated up the blanket. Slowly Tino drifted into a light sleep where he woke on and off at the smallest sound. He wasn't asleep for long when he heard someone scream and a loud clatter as things were knocked to the ground. Instantly Tino was on his feet groping for his knife. It was above them, but still near. In the darkness he could hear Berwald bring a single finger to his lips urging Tino to not move. Without moments a cannon fired.

However Tino didn't even bother to breath and he sat their quivering waiting to hear footsteps coming their way.