First of all,Thanks for the follows,favs and reviews! I didnt think it would get anything but you guys pleasantly surprised me ;) could you review me some ideas? because I ,like, need inspiration,dude. ummm so yeah you probably will just skip this sooo just go ahead.
"Whoa, what happened to Reindeer games?"
Tony,ever the first to speak up asked. If it was possible Thor seemed to sadden even more,the look on his face could be described as a wounded animal or for a more descriptive phrase, a kicked puppy. Meanwhile Natasha was speaking very rapidly into her SHIELD earpiece.
"This was his punishment,Man of Iron. He was released today and most of the wounds are healed, but there is only so much Asgard healers can do for him." answered Thor.
"Wait" It was Bruce this time "What do mean 'Most of the wounds', there was more than that?!"
"Yes, I'm ashamed to admit that there were many more, Dr Banner."
They all looked ready to puke-except Natasha who always looked unruffled and was still talking into the com and Clint who looked mildly disgusted- if Loki was barely recognizable now , what did he look like before?
Snapping out of the stupor of shock, Bruce's professional instincts kicked in. "We need to get to get him to a medical facility ASAP"
"Already on it" Natasha informed, "SHIELD is on its way with an air ambulance, should be arriving in a few minutes. Director Fury has been informed of the situation, there will be a meeting while Loki is being dealt with."
As predicted the air ambulance had arrived in no time at all, along with another helicopter to carry everyone had insisted on going in with Loki with such a ferocity that no one even tried to had been taken out of the tattered red cloth and was laid on a stretcher,and taken directly to SHIELD. Which led the Avengers to now, sitting around a clear glass table with Director Fury himself, talking about the matter at hand.
"No, Thor what I'm asking is; is Loki a threat?"
They had been over this quite a few times, Fury asking if Loki still had magic, Thor replying with complicated answers that confused the mortal. Trying to make sense out of Thor's confusing words, he asks "Would you like to elaborate for me?"
"Magic is a part of Loki, you can dim it with the Odin-cuffs that father made but you cannot fully take it away, To do so would kill him."
Fury nodded taking it in to account, then Steve looked up and asked the question that everyone had been wanting to hear the answer to. "What exactly was Loki's punishment Thor?"
Thor looked down into his lap, looking ashamed "I do not wish to speak of it at this time.".
Wanting to get out of the awkwardness of the situation Tony spoke up " Hey can I go now? I gotta go work on my suit."
"You can all go, but stay at SHIELD just in case something goes wrong." Fury told them, and they made their way out the door.
Question: shall I have Thor bashing?