cattycahill, thanks for reminding me. I forgot. *facepalm*

Disclaimer: I do not own the awesomeness that is the Wyomings. Or the 39 Clues.

She groaned, "Can I please go to the bathroom?"

The two guards looked at each other. Finally one of them stepped back and opened the door. "Come on, kid."

She grinned in victory. And then she doubled over, pretending to be in pain. The guards watched uncertainly, not knowing what to do. She was a fugitive, sure, but she was a fourteen-year old girl.

One of them hesitantly walked behind her, ready to help. And then…Cheyenne somersaulted and kicked him in the gut, sprang up and punched the other guy in the nose. They looked at her from opposite ends of the room, and ran at her. at the last second, Cheyenne pulled away, leaving the guards to bash their heads together.

They crumpled to the ground. Cheyenne dusted off her hands, allowing herself to give a self-satisfactory smile.

It was amazing how much one could learn from the Holts.

Casper was desperate. The old lady reminded him of the family that had taken them in the first couple years on the run. Trying to stay strong and tough, yet sometimes letting a small glimpse of their feelings shine through. He sighed. He missed them. Cheyenne, his parents, the Holts—who had been the family that they should have had—all of them.

The old lady was studying him carefully. "You are one half of those who my cousins took in?"

"Huh?" he oh-so-intelligently asked her.

"The Holts." She replied. Casper looked at her. she didn't look anything like the muscle-bound family. Grace smiled. "Distant cousins." She explained.

He nodded. He still didn't get how she would be able to help. After all, she was an old lady. Albeit an old lady with ninja moves, but still an old lady.

But she had ninja moves. There might be hope.

Grace looked at him. "Casper Wyoming, do you want my help or not?"

"I…" Casper hesitated, and made a decision. "Yes."

She turned abruptly on the heel and began walking. "Come on, Casper."

She didn't say it in an imposing way, but a friendly tone that Hamilton would've used with him…Hamilton…he was a good kid. Strong, but smarter than most of his family.

And Madison and Reagan, the twins. They had just been born when he and Cheyenne had left….

Cheyenne. She was still in trouble. And like it or not, the old lady was his only option. So he followed her. She hailed a cab and they rode in an awkwardly comfortable silence, if that's even possible. That's when Casper started to realize that outside was beginning to look familiar. The Holts.

He was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Déjà vu. Whatever you want to call it. The last time he had been here, he was riding a taxi cab out of the area. With his sister. To lose themselves.

Now, his was riding back to the area. With an old lady. To find his sister.

He gazed out the window. Cheyenne was gone….and she needed help. And he would do anything to get her back. Anything.

Urgh... short, I know. But if someone reviews, maybe I'll post the next chapter tomorrow! (also, it'll prevent me from forgetting. Again, thanks, Catty!)