
God I hate him! He is such a jerk! The girls are out on their dates with the guys and I'm stuck here on my bed leaned against the headboard with my knees up. While he was yelling at me for no reason! I couldn't take it anymore.

"SHUT UP RIVEN!" He instantly became silent. I had finally had it with him. I got up with and walked over to him.

"Why is it that the trust that should be in this relationship is the only thing that you don't have? I've told you before that he's my friend and so what if I talk to him your acting like it's a crime! If you really want to know why I was talking to Jared, I was helping him ask out Galatea!" I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me really hard.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. He slowly came out and sat down next to me I walked away and he followed me and I walked away again. We did that until he got me and pinned me to the wall.

"Stop running away!" he growled deeply "I'm sorry you know I hate seeing you with other guys even talking to them makes me jealous, I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry" he said his violet eyes staring into my midnight eyes. I smiled "Its ok"

I leaned in and kissed him soon he deepened it and led me to my room, one thing led to another… and lets just say it was the best night of my life. We decided to watch a movie in my room after that. Halfway through the movie I fell asleep.

I woke up suddenly. I tried to move but felt two arms wrapped around me looking up I saw a sleeping riven. He was leaned against the headboard with me against his chest. Turning to the left I looked at my digital clock and it said 1:09 am. Why didn't the girls wake us up? "What is going on?" I thought I slowly slipped out of riven's arms trying not to wake him up but unfortunately it didn't work and he started stirring.

"Ugh" he moaned loudly I quickly covered his mouth and he opened his eyes.

"It's one in the morning so be quiet," I whispered he gave me a questioning look. We walked to Tecna's room, since we weren't students anymore we didn't share rooms, and opened the door so we could take a peek and found her and Timmy asleep. I pulled Riven back to my room.

"When did you fall asleep?"

"After the movie ended, and the girls weren't home yet so I just fell asleep thinking they would wake me up when they get back but apparently not" he said rubbing his eyes. I walked out of the room. I checked the other rooms and the guys were there. I went back to my room and grabbed my ipod.

"What are you doing" Riven asked

"Waking everyone up" I just smiled and did a quick spell on our dorm to make it sound proof. I connected my ipod to my boom box. Before I could turn up the volume and play it, Riven grabbed my wrist. I turned to him with scrunched eyebrows.

"Let them sleep" he adorably yawned which made me smile.

"Fine" I sighed and unplugged the boom box. We walked back into my room. As soon as we got there Riven wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and pulled me onto the bed.

"Riven!" I whispered harshly.

He closed his eyes and nestled his head into my shoulder blade. "Hum"

"We need to get to sleep stop," I whispered tilting my head towards him to try and get his head off of my neck.

"Well I am trying to sleep but someone keeps on talking" he kissed the spot were my neck and jaw meet causing me to shudder. He grabbed the covers from under us and laid it over us. I twisted and turned till I was turned around and my chin was resting in his tousled hair.

I sighed closing my eyes and resting my hands on the back of his head. "Since when are you all lovey dovey" I smiled. I felt him shift and I opened my eyes to a pair of deep violet eyes.

"It's all your fault you know that right?" he questioned with a chuckle.

"Your welcome now go to sleep" I kissed his jaw and pulled my hand down towards my chest closing my eyes. "Good night Riven" I sighed

"Good morning Musa" I knew for a fact that he was smirking.

"You're a smartass you know that" I opened my eyes to find that he indeed was smirking.

"You're a fairy you know that" he mimicked. I rolled my eyes the closed them for the final time and drifted into a nightmare.

It was some guy with yellow cat eyes and black hair. I was getting bad vibes from this guy.

"Well aren't you a pretty lady" he smirked.

"Who are you?" I demanded

"Just someone you'll meet very soon. By the way you look very sexy in that costume of yours." He drawled on scanning me. I looked down and saw myself in my old and most favorite fairy form. My enchantix form. "And if I were you I would watch my back…well stomach that is" he had that evil smirk on his face that made my heart weigh down.

"See you later darling" he turned around ready to leave.

"Wait!" I shouted putting my hand out.

He turned back around towards me. "Ya beautiful"

This guy was starting to piss me off "Why are you telling me this? Why are you even here?" I was exasperated from this guy's attitude.

"Because we are coming after all of you soon. We are planning on killing you all, but I don't want you to get hurt, I plan on keeping you as my trophy when this is all over"

"You are a disgusting pig!" I shouted

He just laughed and disappeared into a wisp of air. Suddenly it got hard for me to breath. It felt like I was being strangled. I started clawing at my neck I found a rope around it, I started kicking my feet. My eyes were getting hazy from the lack of oxygen reaching them.

I shot up and out of Riven's arms quickly to a sitting position, coughing and gasping frantically as I clawed at my neck but slowly stopped when I realized that I wasn't being choked. Watch my stomach what the hell does that mean? He was making no sense.

"Hey are you ok?" Riven asked sitting up next to me. Looking at me with slightly red and worried eyes.

"Y-ya" I responded with a shaky breath.

"What the hell!" he suddenly started scanning me with shocked eyes. I got out of bed and ran to my full-length mirror that was hung on my closet door and saw that I was still in my enchantix form. I powered down back into my red maroon sweats and white tank top. I sighed and ran a hand through my navy waves. A shock like electricity suddenly ran through my body and I stumbled back a bit.

"Hey are you sure your ok?" he quickly got out of bed and walked over to me, gripping onto my forearms to help me balance.

"Yes I'm fine" I looked up at him and put on my best fake smile.

"Muse" he sighed. I freed my arms from his grasp and went back to the bed curling up into the blankets. I felt him come up and lay on the down on the bed behind me.

I turned around " I promise"

"I know your lying but I'll drop it for now" he kissed my forehead.

"It was just a nightmare" I scrunched my eyebrows. "A very confusing nightmare"

"Really now" he mused

"I'll tell you what it was about once I figure it out promise" he pulled out his pinky. I rolled my eyes and hooked my pinky with his then shook it firmly once.

"Now go to sleep!" I scolded "And let me sleep too!"