After clearing the exam's Second Phase, the remaining applicants who passed fly through the night sky in an airship, their destination being the site for the exam's Third Phase. They are gathered in the mouth of the airship, a spacious empty room with windows as walls, showing them the beautiful sight of the starry night sky.

"Allow me to introduce myself to the forty-two remaining applicants. I am Netero, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee." Chairman Netero stood in front of the gathered applicants, his secretary whose name is Beans a little behind him. "Originally, I planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as I'm already here..." He trailed off, observing the remaining applicants in front of him. His eyes then narrowed a bit, his mouth playing into a smile, "I'm loving this tension in the air! So I think I'll stick around for the rest of the trip." Then, he laughed an old man's laugh, his eyes closed.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning, at 8 AM." Beans announced, deciding it was time to do his job. "You'll find diner waiting in the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. In other words, you're free to do as you please until you are contacted."

"Okay! Gon, let's explore this place! Fin, go get some rest, you need it." Killua exclaimed, sounding excited.

"No way! Let's go eat first!" Serafino protested, feeling hungry.

"Okay then, let's go eat then we'll explore this airship!" Gon concluded, his face showing just how excited he is. And with that, the three of them set off to the dining hall.

While searching for the dining hall, they ended up opening every door they see. The first one they opened was an empty room with small windows here and there. The second one seemed to be an office of some sort. In the middle of the room is a wooden coffee table, with four pillow stools around it. Then, behind the coffee table, is an antique mahogany desk, piles of paperwork on top of it. The left side of the wall consisted of a bookshelf while to the right is another desk, this one with even more paperwork on top of it. The third door they opened was a bedroom, a really simple one, queen sized bed, a bedside table with a lamp on top of it, a table across from the bed with a TV and a small couch at the foot of the bed. The next few doors are all similar bedrooms.

After taking a right turn to another hallway, the three adolescences found the kitchen. They decided to sneak in and take some food from there, they had given up on finding the dining hall, deciding to just explore the whole place until they find it. But now that they are in the kitchen, they see no reason why they can't just eat there. Sneaking in, they hide under a table and grab a plate of food each, but one of the chefs saw them and kicked them out, yelling "eat in the dining hall!". Serafino stuck her tongue out at the closed door of the kitchen before biting into the chicken thigh she held in her right hand.

The three of them continued on with their journey to explore the whole airship while eating the chicken thighs they obtained. While walking in a curved hallway with large windows at their right side, Killua suddenly exclaimed "Wow, awesome!" while running to the glass window and pressing his face on it. "Look here." He called out to them. Curious, they jogged over to Killua. Gon and Serafino, who just arrived, looked out through the window. A beautiful sight was what they saw, city lights shine brightly, lighting the dark night sky like a million stars.

"Woah! It's like the ground is covered in jewels!" Gon exclaimed, excited to see this beautiful view. And indeed he was right, the lights did seem like they are jewels, covering the ground beneath them.

"Yeah!" Killua agreed, nodding his head with a cute smile on his face.

Serafino remained silent, though her mouth was slightly opened, marveling at the sight before them.

Suddenly, Gon spoke up. "Ne, I was wondering..."

"Hmm?" Killua hummed, a sign for Gon to continue.

"Where are your mom and dad?" He asked.

"Hmm... They're alive. Probably." Killua replied with a really vague answer.

"What do they do?" Gon asked yet another question.

"They're assassins." Killua stated simply.

At this, Gon turned to face him. "Huh? Both of them?" He asked, genuinely curious.

Killua turned his head to face Gon and laughed, clearly amused by Gon's reactions. "That's your first reaction? You really are a riot!" He said, a huge grin still on his face.


Killua sat down on the bench behind them, still facing Gon, supporting his head with his right hand. Gon also sat on the same bench, only he's facing the window. "You're the first person who's ever responded seriously."

"Well, you're telling the truth, right?"

"What makes you think that?" Killua challenged.

"It's just a hunch." Gon shot his deadpanned reply.

"That's weird." Killua moved his hand to lay on the table, then place his head on it. "People only like me because they can't ever tell whether I'm serious."

"Hmm.." Gon hummed, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm from a family of assassins. So they're all assassins. And my family has really high hopes for me..." By this time, he had already sat up straight again, his chin resting on the palm of his right hand. His fingers were curled, only the index finger and his thumb are outstretched. "But I can't stand it. Who wants to have their life planned out for them?" While saying all these things, his expressions kept on changing. One time, he had a playful expression on, then a serious one, and then his brows were furrowed.

Suddenly, he seems to be more lively and turned again to face Gon, his expression changing once again. This time, his expression is more childish then the previous expressions he showed. He then began rambling, back to his more childish side. "When I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all snapped! My mother had tears streaming down her face, as she told me I have the potential to be a top assassin." He stretch out his right hand, as if carrying something on his palm and weighing it up and down. At this, Gon laughed a somewhat awkward-nervous laugh, his brows up at the center and down on the sides. "Horrible parents, right? It's natural their kid would go bad." He sounds so childish now, it's cute. "We ended up fighting. So I stabbed my mother in the face, my brother in the side, and ran away from home." He even sounded proud saying this. He then turned again, facing away from the window, the fingers of his left hand curled inwards, the index finger and thumb outstretched, placing it under his chin, striking a pose (though he's still sitting down). He had a huge grin and a funny expression on, saying, "I'm sure they're out for blood now. But if they find me, I'll send them packing." Hearing this, Gon drew back from Killua a bit, a weird sounding chuckle escaping from his mouth.

Killua then had a dreamy face on, "when I become a Hunter, I'll start by capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties..." At the background, Gon had a "ahaha" expression on.

"Dream on." A voice deadpanned from behind Killua. Turning around, well, Killua did, Gon just simply lean to the side a little, considering Killua's the one sitting in the middle, they found Serafino stretching. She had fallen asleep shortly after she finished eating, but was awoken by Killua's rambling. Still sleepy, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and yawned.

She abruptly stopped, and the three of them were suddenly on alert, sensing something from somewhere behind them. Turning to the direction where they felt it from, they found an empty hall way.

"Something wrong?" A voice asked from behind them. Startled, they immediately turned, seeing Chairman Netero walking towards them.

"Ah, Netero-san..." Gon began, raising his left hand and pointing to the empty hallway. "Did you see anyone coming from that side?"

"No." Netero replied, shaking his head a little and sounding all innocent when he had been the one releasing that aura earlier. Killua, who knew better, narrowed his eyes even more. When did he... Serafino, on the other hand, even though she knew, chose to ignore everything going on around her and focus on her ripstick instead, twiddling around with it.

Killua's expression returned to normal. "You're pretty fast for an old man."

"That little trick? I barely moved." The tension between the two is really high, even Gon felt it. Though, he has no idea what is it that he's feeling in the air.

"What do you want? You don't have to do anything until the last phase, right?"

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored, and was looking for some companions. By the way, I meant to ask the three of you... Any thoughts on your first attempt at the Hunters Examination?"

"Uh-huh!" Gon nodded enthusiastically. "It's fun! And there hasn't been any of the written exams I was dreading."

"Some of the people here are a bit weird." Serafino stated, not caring if she sounds rude. Even though she's met people far weirder than him, she still thought Satotz is pretty weird.

"I'm disappointed... I expected the exam to be far more difficult." Killua commented, still on guard. "I assume the next phase will be more entertaining?"

"Well now... I wouldn't know about that." Netero said in his usual playful tone, feigning wonder.

"Let's go, Gon, Fin!" Killua called, turning around to leave. Gon looked a bit surprised, he didn't take a step. Serafino, on the other hand, nonchalantly followed Killua while asking him "why do you always call Gon first?" Killua looked somewhat taken aback, but before he had the chance to reply, Netero stopped them.

"Now wait just a moment." Killua stopped walking, so naturally, Serafino stopped too. "Would you care to play a game with me?"

Slowly, Killua turned just a little to face Netero. While Serafino had taken a seat on the bench beside her and is twirling a lock of her hair around her index finger, an extremely bored expression on her face.

"A game?" Gon asked, curious and interested.

"If you're able to defeat me, I'll let you be Hunters!" Netero proposed, getting the interest of Gon and Killua.

"Really? I'll play!" Gon exclaimed, getting excited at the thought of being a Hunter.

Killua turned a little more, his body almost fully facing Netero. "How about it, eh?" Netero asked him.

"Fine, I'll play." Killua gave in. All three of them then turn to face Serafino.

"What about you?" Netero asked.

Serafino stopped twirling her hair and stood up, indicating that she will play. Then, the trio followed Netero to a room at the end of the corridor.

Serafino is bored, really bored. The four of them, her, Killua, Gon and Netero, are in an empty room. Gon and Killua has been trying to get the stupid ball from Netero for hours. She wanted to play, but Killua wouldn't allow her. And now she's really bored, just watching the boys trying hard for hours is boring.

They've tried a lot of things, like hitting him. Oh, Killua kicked Netero's right leg, but he's the one hurt and not Netero, he's so cute, jumping around holding his left leg he used to kick Netero, a pained expression on his face. Gon had surprised Netero, but he jumped too high and hurt his head, that kid...

"Killuaaaa... Let me play!" She begged him for the umpteenth time.

Killua sighed. Seeing this, Serafino broke off into a huge grin, she knew she's winning. "Alright." Killua reluctantly said that.

Immediately, Serafino jumped up, preparing to do some warm ups before going. "But only five minutes." Killua added quickly.

Nodding, she finished with her warm ups. She immediately took off, heading straight for Netero. "That's not gonna work." Killua muttered under his breath. Serafino heard this, but she ignored it, she knows what she is doing.

Nearing Netero, she suddenly blew a strong wind from her mouth, catching Netero off-guard and the ball flew out of his hand. Netero immediately looked back, finding Serafino reaching for the ball. Of course, he reached out for the ball and took it, just as the tips of Serafino's fingers brushed against the ball. Not giving up, she reached out for Netero's left hand, the one holding the ball, and caught his wrist. She put a lot of strength on her grip, reaching out for the ball with her other hand. But Netero threw the ball up in the air, planning to catch it again later, thinking she's going to let go out of surprise. But she didn't, instead, her grip just got stronger. When the ball was about to land on Netero's hand again, Serafino snapped her head to the left, her long hair slapping the ball away. She released her grip on Netero's wrist and went for the ball, but was beaten to it by Netero. She tried to just simply grab the ball this time, but because of her anemia, she's already slightly panting and is slowing down a bit. Noticing this, Killua grabbed her, carried her in his arms, and placed her at her original spot near the door.

Still not willing to give up, Serafino tried to stand up, but was pushed back down by Killua, who said "your time is over, you need to rest. Just sleep here."

"It hasn't been five minutes, Killua!" She protested.

"When I say your time is over, it's over." Killua said, using a firm tone and not leaving any chance for her to object.

Sighing, she leaned her back against the wall and fell asleep almost immediately, the last thing she saw being Killua's back, leaving her behind to try again.