Drastic measures

Summary: Jack is driving Sam crazy. and not in a good way. "water, hand, slip. o'neill...wet o'neill…" oops.

AN: this happens to me a lot. I figured it was bound to happen to Sam at some point too ;p

She was going crazy.
Absolute insane
Out of her mind
that sounded familiar.
She sighed, and turned around,
trying to awaken the beast beside her.
But nooo.
No no no.
She was seriously considered sewing a clothes-hanger into his pajamas at this point,
except, it was in the middle of the night, he didn't wear pajamas,
and she couldn't really sew.
Aaaaagh! she exclaimed,
sitting up abruptly,
furiously rubbing her face,
wanting to scream.

Maybe she could just tune it out,
she'd done that thousands of times before,
off world,
on base,
birds bees wolves klaxons.
She could shut out anything it seemed,
but this.
Not this.
This this this!
She glared at him.
Then at the bottle of water beside him.
jack. water.
water. o'neill.
She couldn't...
Could she?
Couldn't she?
It would be cruel,
but so was keeping her awake god damnit!
Cruel and unusual,
and driving her completely insane…

She decided in a flip-second,
just a drop,
just a smidgen,
just enough to-
oooooh no...
water, hand, slip, o'neill...
wet o'neill…
empty bottle..
"God dammit Carter!"

"I'm sorry sir, but- "
best defense:
"it was that god damn snoring!"

Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think :)