A/N Um, am I the only one still dying over Big Time Surprise? Like, Jesus Christ, I might as well throw my self off a god damn bridge or something. Anyways, this is a random one shot of my favorite pair. Everybody already knows that though. :3 Enjoy!

I'd Rather Exercise With My Lips

"Come on, baby, you can do it," James Diamond encouraged his blonde boyfriend. "Just three more to go!"

Kendall Knight huffed cutely, his face contorted with pain and shiny with a thin layer of sweat. He was doing sit ups, 50 of them. Well, he already did 46 of them and was now in the middle of slowly and painfully doing 47.

"H-h-hurts," the blonde groaned as he finally go up in a sitting position.

James nodded. "Yeah it hurts. But if you keep doing these everyday, it'll be a piece of cake. Now go back down, you got 2 more to go."

Kendall let out a whine and obeyed the older boy while wondering what in the world was wrong with him for asking James to help him workout. If he had known his boyfriend would turn into a serious hard core trainer, he'd never ask or even think of working out in the first place.

"Almost there, Ken! You can't give up now! You did 25 push ups, 200 jumping jacks, lifted 75 pound weights and ran around this huge ass gym 20 times! Surely 3 sit ups won't kill you?"

Kendall glared up at the ceiling since he was on the hotel's gym floor and James wasn't in sight to glare at. "Yes, they will." he grouched breathelessly. James rolled his hazel eyes before pressing down hard on the younger boy's sneakers.

"Here, I'll hold down your feet to make it easier. Now chop chop! This exercise isn't hard."

Kendall slowly lifted himself up and pouted at James. "Yes, it is."

The brunette arched an eye brow. "No, it's not." he argued and Kendall jutted his bottom lip out even further.

"It is when you do 50 of them."

"You haven't reached 50 yet, so you have no right to complain. Now go!" James poked his boyfriend's chest who fell back with a groan. The blonde rose up again, pout still graced on his lips. "Ugh, what now? You've 2 left, baby. It's not that difficult."

"You know what's not difficult?" Kendall didn't wait for a response. "Exercising with your lips." he gave his boyfriend a suggestive smirk. James, on the other hand, frowned and pushed Kendall back to the floor. "I'm just saying, Jamie. I'd rather exercise with my lips."

"Yes, well not everybody gets what they want." the brunette rolled his eyes. Kendall tilted his head to the side cutely while a devious smirk played over his lips.

"Is that so?" he murmured before shooting up and launching his body forward against James' and connecting their lips together soundlessly. James gasped out in surprise and Kendall took the opportunity to search his boyfriend's warm and sweet mouth with his tongue. James moaned at this before fighting back, wanting to be the dominant one. Kendall fought him roughly though, twirling both their tongues around and giving small but sharp bites to his lip.

But James finally one, having pulled the smaller male in his arms and lap and shoving his tongue down his throat. Kendall let out a whimpered choke before moaning as he felt his boyfriend's velvety tongue slide up his throat. James grinned a little breathelessly before pulling away, a line of spit connected to both of their mouths. The brunette leaned back in to swipe his tongue over the saliva before pecking Kendall's bruised lips.

"Mmm, maybe not," the pretty boy mused and rubbed his hands up and down Kendall's thighs. "Exercising with our lips doesn't seem like such a bad idea anymore." he winked and Kendall shyly bit his lower lip, cheeks rosy red.

"Told ya." he whispered cutely and James just slid him more onto his lap and kissed those soft lips again.