Sandra awoke from a blackened sleep once more, this time with a sharp pain in her side.

Wincing and holding the source of the discomfort, she realized her body had been moved to the brown couch in the living room downstairs.

Her parents most likely thought it best to keep her out of the soiled sheets in her room for the night, and left her there. She could also feel that her clothes were changed into a nightgown, and the urine smell was gone.

Grimacing at the embarrassing scene she may have left on the bed, Sandra attempted to draw her attention somewhere else.

Looking outside a nearby window, she realized it was still night outside.

A deep frown crossed her face, her lips slowly parting in worry.

She can't be here.

Not alone.

But before she could register anything more however, the searing pain from before drew her into a hunched position, leaving her moaning at what felt like a thousand needles piercing her lower hip.

Slowly inching herself out of the makeshift bed, she practically crawled upstairs for the bathroom across her bedroom door, not wanting to go to the one downstairs.

Eventually reaching the sink/mirror fixture in the tiny room, Sandra flicked the lights on, and was shocked to see blood staining the right side of her nightgown. Gingerly grasping the end of the dress, she lifted it up.

Eyes widening in pure horror, Sandra saw a violent, deep gash carved deep into her bare flesh, and upon closer inspection, was in an unfamiliar shape.

A hastily cut circle about 4 inches in diameter was outlined by a large X passing through, it seemed so familiar-yet she never recalled seeing such a thing… but oh, she knew who could have done it.

The girl shuddered as she lifted her hand and traced it across the mark, the blood beginning to clot and harden, but remnants being smeared on the tips of her fingers.

'It touched me…' Sandra muttered, her expression being changed to that of disgust. Then, recalling the bleeding, she reached for the medicine cabinet on the right side of the sink, grasping around the shelves to look for gauze and disinfectant.

Finding and applying the materials to the skin, she quickly bound the wound as best she could, though Sandra had little medical knowledge that she knew of, and she wasn't sure just how serious the risk of infection could be.

Just then, she acknowledged a strip of white by the cabinet, out of the corner of her eye.

It wasn't there before.

Slowly removing her hands from her now bound hip, she moved towards the slip, realizing it was a piece of paper. With shaking limbs, Sandra reached and held on to the paper, cautiously moving it towards her eye level.

It only held 6 words, all the same, and a crude drawing of a familiar, faceless man in a black suit, surrounded by scratched-in trees. NONONONONONO-

Tearing the thing away from her face, she ripped it up and threw it into a nearby bin, Sandra quickly shut off the lights and dashed towards her parent's bedroom, but just before turning the door handle to the room, she stopped, realizing the oxidizing blood stain on her nightgown.

Afraid of more her parent's reaction to seeing such a thing than the cause of it, she made action before rational thought as she guided herself to her own bedroom down the hall, planning to sprint into her pajama drawer, grab a gown, and run out before that Slenderman monster came back.

And so she did.

But, just before leaving her room, Sandra reflexively stopped, to give herself the chance to see the state her chambers were left in. She noted that it was all in dismay, the sheets on the floor, pillows in disarray; lamp on the ground, books topsy turvy, unruly messed about.

Sandra then noticed something was on the wall behind her bed. Taking hasty glances about the room, she then slowly walked towards it, trying to adjust her eyes to the dimness of the place. Looking closer, Sandra found that a symbol was penetrated into the wall, the same as the one on her arm.

'I couldn't have possibly done all of this on my own. The fucking thing is real, no dream….' She thought.


Quickly putting on the fresh nightgown, she went to spend the rest of a sleepless night with her parents in their bedroom. Sandra hadn't done such a thing since she was 11.

The next morning, the girl heard her cell phone alarm back in her room go off. Hearing her mother and father grunting and turning the covers over themselves in irritability, she scrambled out of bed to silence that incessant ringing.

Peeking and reopening the door towards the source of her recent nightmares,

Sandra was even more shocked to find that, instead of the mess she had found just a few hours ago, everything in her room seemed suspiciously back in order.

Gasping in surprise, she ran towards her bed, finding object of her search, the phone, lying atop the still-soiled sheets, and thus she grabbed it. Sandra swore it wasn't there before, she had clearly recalled leaving it on the bookshelf the night before last. Taking her stare upwards, it also seemed as if the symbol that was engraved on the wall behind the bed-frame was out of place as well…it was gone!

A searing, burning ache on her side brought her out of her horrified state,

the wound on her hip! Letting out a low groan of pained efforts to keep it down, Sandra crouched in fetal position, clutching the-still ringing- phone close to her breast.

With trembling hands, she then held it at eye level, flipped it open, and pressed a few keys to stop that incessant ringing.

But just as it stopped, the mechanism rang again.

Someone was calling her, apparently by the name of UNKNOWN.

Sandra almost immediately clicked ignore, something even in any other situation she would still do, Slenderman or no.

Looking at a nearby clock, she also realized how she needed to get ready for school.

And so she did her best to start her day.

A/N: I'd like to briefly thank all of the kind readers who took the time to look over this story, and for those lovely people who had written such encouraging reviews for this.

On that note I'd also like to acknowledge my first reviewers, Animeguard, Holy Batman at the Disco, Elena 777, Zaikia, and LuluCalliope!

Finally I sincerely apologize for the delay, the short, apparently uneventful 2nd chapter, and just my negligence from this story. Luckily I've just been given a week off from my academics so I'll have more time to write sooner, and better. Reviews or no, I will not abandon this! Also, expect sexually explicit content next chapter. *Winks*