This is it . The moment you've all been waiting for. THE DEATH OF SHADOW! DIE! As you might have noticed, she isn't going to be killed by flames this time. However, that doesn't mean you can't flame her. Go ahead. Tell her how much you hate her. Me? I'm going to get drunk and try to pretend that this story never happened.

Bumblebee had to admit, things looked hopeless. Shadow had all but ruined the Titans, she had turned Speedy and Aqualad against her, and now...this. The worst part, however, was the sense of helplessness, knowing that there was nothing she or the twins could do. Fortunately, the author of this story took pity on them, and decided to use the power of the plot device to save the day!

The wall behind Bumblebee smashed apart, leaving a cloud of thick dust. When the dust settled, in the middle of the room was a black man wearing a green and black suit with a lanturn emblem on his chest. His entire body was encased in a green light, and on his hand was the ring that was his namesake.

"Green Lanturn?!" gasped Bumblebee, both in awe and surprise. "What brings you here?"

"As you know Green Lanterns are sworn to combat evil wherever it may lurk. One of the greatest evil's to befall the universe is Mary Sues, and it is our job to destroy them. You may notice that most Sue stories last only a few chapters before they are mysteriously discontinued. This is because a Green Lantern will desroy the Sue soon after they show themselves."

"You're ok with killing people?" asked Bumblebee.

"They aren't people, they're Mary Sues. And now, this one will meet her end!"

With that, he smashed down the door with a beam of light. Fortunately, Shadow was taking a ridiculously long time to undress due to trying to do it in a 'sexy' way (it literally took her 30 seconds to take off one shoe) and as such had not yet worked her horrors. However, she was now in nothing more than a skinpy top and thongs. (Once you see a Sue in thongs, you are scarred for life). Speedy and Aqualad, on the other hand, had wasted no time in tearing off their clothes. She immediately turned when the door burst open, and her eyes went wide when she saw the Lantern. The set jaw. The piercing eyes. The unmistakable power. Only one thought was going through her mind.

"Hey, you're kinda cute!"

Green Lantern narrowed his eyes. "I am immune to your influence, Sue. And now, for the good of the universe and for the sanity of the author, YOU WILL DIE!"

A giant green malet formed in the air and came crushing down. On seeing this, the twins immediately fell on their knees in front of their savior.

"Ha salvado nuestro equipo de un destino peor que la muerte. Por la presente juro que nuestro servico hasta que podamos pagar la deuda." [1]

Green Lantern shook his head. "Please, I'm just doing my job. Now that the Sue's dead-"

"I'm not quite dead."

GL cringe at Shadow's voice. "Now that the Sue is mortally wounded-"

"I'm getting better. I think I might pull through this!"

The giant green malet returned and smashed her five more times. Immediately, her charm over Speedy and Aqualad was broken, and they imediately came to their senses.

"Ugh. Where am we?" asked Aqualad. He then at the room. "And why are we naked?"

Bumblebee smirked. This was about to get fun. "A girl named Shadow mind controlled you two into falling in love with her and forming a convoluted love triangle. Oh, and she also tried to rape you."

The look of horror on their faces would have made Scarecrow proud. Aqualad glanced around nervously. "This...Shadow. She is dead, right?"

"Yeah," said Green Lantern. "Let's just hope she stays dead."

He was greeted by five uneasy gazes. "Que quieres decir?" [2] asked Menos.

GL grimmaced. "Let's just say that Sues have a bad tendancy to come back from the grave."


When Shadow opened her eyes, she noticed something very strange about where she was. Namely, there was fire everywhere, and lot's of people were getting tortured. A red man with horns and a pitchfork walked up to her.

"Welcome to Hell!" he said. "I'm Satan, and I will be your tormentor for the next eternity. We have so much planned for you here. Disembowlment, ironic punishments, Adam Sandlar movies, I can promise you that your stay here will be anything but dull."

Shadow, however, wasn't listening. She knew she had to get out of here, and fast. After a brief glance around, she noticed a gate, and made a mad dash to it.

Satan chuckled. "Oh, don't bother. We keep the gate locked, so there is no chance-" the Gate swung open, and Shadow ran out. You could practically see steam spewing from Satan's ears.


Shadow continued to run, not looking back. She kept running and running until she heard someone behind her. She spun around to see a man dressed in white garments, wings, and a halo.

"Greetings," he said. "I am Michael the Arch Angel. Are you lost?"

Shadow nodded. "I have to get back to Aqualad! He's like, sooo hot!"

Michael nodded. "I see. Take my hand, and I will bring take you back to where you belong."

Shadow grabbed the Angel's hands, and immediately they took flight. Never before had she felt so free, so liberated. She felt like she could soar forever. At this rate they would be back with Titans East in no time! She was ready. She was determined. She was-

-heading back to Hell.

Michael flew over the gates with the Sue in tow and found Satan yelling at Steve. "I TOLD you to lock up the gate! This is the second time a Sue has escaped under your watch! The second time! How do expect Hell to be taken seriously if our prisoners keep escaping!"

Steve was trembling in fear. "I'm sorry, sir! I...wait, there she is now!"

Satan turned around, and his furious expression was replaced with one of joy when he saw who Michael was carrying.

"Ah, Michael! Thanks for the assist, man. I owe you own."

Steve chuckled nervously. "So, does that mean I'm off the hook?"

"NO! This time their will be an even greater punishment, one from which no man can leave unscarred. Take him to...the showing of Batman and Robin!"


Michael cringed as Steve was dragged away. "Lucifer, don't you think that's a bit...harsh."

"He let two different Mary Sues escape on two seperate occasion. His punishment has to be severe."

"Well I agree, but why don't you just have someone guarding the gates? Didn't you hire Cerebrus for that exact purpose."

"Yeah, but he went on strike. Said that the working conditions 'appalling'. What did he expect? It's Hell!"

Shadow stamped her foot indignantly. "Hello?! Aren't you going to ravish me or something."

Satan slapped his head. "Look, in Hell, just like on Earth, you are only raped if you are somewhat attractive. But don't worry, I'll make sure some of my best tormentors are assigned to you. Behold! Attila the Hun! Ghengis Khan! Adolf Hitler! Joseph Stalin! And Justin Beiber!"

Beiber raised his hand. "Actually, I'm not dead yet."

"Shut up boy! You owe me!"

"Yes master."

And so Shadow was tortured in Hell for tortured in Hell for the rest of eternity. Everyone else lived happily ever after.

This time I decided not to bring her back to life. Why? Because I hate her guts and can't stand writing her. I spent many hours 'researching' and having my mind scarred just for your entertainment. I hope your happy, because I don't care anymore. I don't care what you guys think! From now on I will base my self esteem on what other people think about me.

P.S. Don't forget to review.

[1] You have saved the team from a fate worse than death. We hereby swear you our service until we can repay the debt.

[2] What do you mean?