CHAPTER 1: Since My Maker Left Me

[Starts from the end of episode 5x11]

FANGTASIA - The first night

"He was getting on my nerves" Pam drawled with indignation.

Tara, though impressed by her maker's poise, was unable to stop her body from trembling. Time seemed to slow, and her vision blurred. She stared impatiently at Pam waiting for their eyes to meet, just as 5 Authority guards vamped to Rosalyn's side.

Normally Tara would think her heart racing, but as she was now part of the undead, that explanation made no sense. All she knew was that up until that moment, she had never known dread like what she now felt throughout her entire body. Her mind began to flood with a myriad of thoughts.

How could Pam sacrifice herself? Tara was just beginning to understand her feelings for Pam, and now she was to be taken away from her.

What would happen to her? And at that thought, Tara's trembling intensified.

"They better not hurt her," she mused, suddenly overcome by an intense anger and desire to protect her maker. But what could she do? She was only a baby vamp, a fact Roselyn just painfully reiterated. If Tara was still capable of puking, she would have done so at that moment. Her body was a twisted mess of helpless rage, and she felt as though she would die…again.

It was then that Pam peered over to find Tara. Keenly sensing her Progeny's turmoil, they locked eyes for a moment, and the two are able to find fleeting comfort in the familiar gaze.

Still unsure herself about what she was feeling for Tara, Pam hoped that at the very least her look would communicate "You're worth everything." In that moment, Pam realized that she was willing to do anything she had to in order to protect her beautiful progeny. The old vampire took comfort in knowing that her own maker would do the same, without hesitation.

As the guards tightened the cuffs and forced Pam out the door, Pam thought of Eric and hoped to see him one last time before she met the true death.

Tara barely lost sight of Pam as she was forced out by the guards, when she heard Jessica scream. Rosalyn had found her, and just as quickly as she arrived, Jessica was gone again too.


The door to Fangtasia closed, and "business" resumed as usual. The dozen or so fangbangers present, continued to parade around wantonly in their unfettered attempts to be some hungry vamp's next meal. Tara stood for another moment behind the bar before vamp speeding to the PA system, and pulling the power.

"Everybody get the fuck out!" Tara sneered to the fangbangers as they stared at her, but no one moved.

"Did I mother fucking stutter?" Tara continued. She locked eyes with a greasy looking fangbanger in the corner before vamping over to him in under a second. Once Tara was face to face with the greasy human, she exploded into a forceful push that sent the man across the club.

"I said, everybody get the fuck…out…NOW!" Tara persisted, this time more assertively, and within a minute the bar was cleared.


In the back office of Fangtasia, the weary vampire slumped down into the chair behind the desk. Tara had just finished cleaning up the bar to the point of being spotless, and there was nothing else for her to do. She had scrubbed each table and chair near raw, in an attempt to do something- anything, for her maker. In the aftermath of her cleaning rampage, Tara found her newly languid moments to be unbearable. She wished in that instant, that the chair she was sitting in could swallow her whole.

Noticing the picture of Pam & Eric in the frame beside her, Tara removed the photo. She was almost in disbelief at how much she apparently cared for her maker. Was it love? Was it the blood? Whatever it was, Tara was tired of fighting it. She gave into her sadness and began to weep openly for her maker.


Back at the Authority, Pam was pacing nervously back and forth. Opposite her was Jessica in a neighboring cell, whimpering quietly against the wall. All at once, Pam's entire being was overcome by a profound sadness. It was Tara- Pam could feel her progeny's grief. She gasped shortly before sitting down on the bench, prompting Jessica to turn her head. Having noticed Pam's change in demeanor Jessica moved closer to Pam and whispered quietly.

"Pam…are you ok?"

Pam decided to wait a moment before answering, giving her just enough time to regain her usual steely composure.

"I'm fine" she drawled back to Jessica before turning away, but as she did, a lone blood tear fell down her cheek.


Tara's unrestrained weeping had bloodied up the photo of Eric & Pam. Just as she began to wipe her blood from the image of her maker's face, she heard the door to Fangtasia burst open. Seconds later Eric was standing before her with another dark haired vampire, and both were covered in blood. Eric noticing the photo in Tara's hand, looked at her with concern.

"Tara.." Eric spoke softly, "What's wrong? Where's Pam?"

Tara stood up from the chair and looked intently into Eric's eyes. "I'm sorry. It's my fault." Tara stated barely above a whisper, before hardening her tone.

"The Authority," she continued "..they took her."

Eric looked to Nora, and in an instant Nora knew what Eric was thinking. That they were headed straight back to the place they'd only just escaped from.

"I…I don't know what I, If I.." Tara continued sheepishly.

"Without Pam I just-" but Eric cut her off before she could finish.

"She is your maker" Eric said reassuringly, and with one look Tara knew that he understood.

"We have to save her Eric" Tara pleaded.

"We will" Eric replied matter-of-factly.

"Nobody fucks with my family," he finished with a sneer.

Tara smiled, and for the first time, she felt truly proud to be a vampire- to be part of a family.

"Speaking of which" Eric continued, "This is my sister Nora. Nora-Tara, Tara-Nora" and the two vamps nodded at each other in recognition of their new familial status.

"So how do we save Pam?" Tara asked eagerly, as her thoughts wandered back to her maker.

"I have a plan" Eric replied dryly. "There's just someone we have to see first."

"Don't you think we should get cleaned up though" Nora interrupted. "I mean, we look a fright".

All three vampires examined themselves. Eric & Nora were still a bloody mess from their escape from the Authority and their run in with Russell, and Tara had been crying enough blood tears to rival the Niagara Falls.

With a sigh, Eric vamp sped himself, Nora, and Tara all clean while putting on a new jacket for himself in the process.

"There" Eric growled, "I trust you can apply the lip gloss yourself?"

Both Nora and Tara smiled simultaneously as Eric mockingly bowed in their direction, and then gestured with his arm to direct them towards the door.


Outside of Fangtasia, the three vampires prepared to leave.

"So where are we going?" asked Nora.

"To see Sookie Stackhouse" Eric replied before he turned his head to give Nora a sharp glare.

"Remember what you promised me, Nora" Eric snarled in a low tone. The two vampire siblings locked eyes in a fierce stare, but they were quickly interrupted by Tara's protest.

"Fuck me" Tara groaned loudly, "We gotta go see Sookie?"

The question caused Eric to raise his eyebrow, which Tara noticed immediately.

"But whatever it takes to get Pam back" she finished quickly. Then Tara looked up at Eric bashfully as if quietly seeking his approval, and this made the old viking smile.

"Do you want to eat her too?" Nora inquired excitedly in Tara's direction.

"I did" Tara replied flatly. "But Pam went all, 'as your maker I command you' on me, and now I couldn't eat the bitch if she begged me to."

"Well fuck" Nora sighed, now dispirited. "Eric basically did the same thing to me 10 minutes ago."

"Shit" Tara responded, almost feeling sorry for the vampire. After all, Sookie did taste amazing.

"Yeah" grumbled Nora in another retort, muttering something else in Swedish that Tara didn't understand. And for a moment, the two vampires were bonded in their mutual disdain of authority.

"Glad to see you ladies are getting along" Eric chuckled. "But do you think we can get a move on?"

"I want to taste a fairy Eric!" Nora pleaded like a toddler.

"Yes, but not Sookie" Eric responded with a conclusive tone in his voice. And with that, Eric vamp sped off towards Sookie's house with Nora & Tara following closely behind him.


"Jason are you even hearing me" started Sookie, before she was interrupted by her front door being thrust open.

"What the-" but before she could finish Eric appeared before her, followed shortly after by Nora and Tara.

"Oh my god-" Sookie gasped. She couldn't believe it. There was Tara, looking beautiful and healthy.

"Tara, are you ok?" Sookie asked quietly.

Tara just stared at Sookie with blank look of disgust. Admittedly, she was happier to see Sookie then she thought she would be, but there was only one thing she cared to talk about right now, and that was saving Pam.

"Oh, fuck" Jason said breaking the silence.

"Tara, I forgot that you were…one of the them."

Tara turned to look at Jason, though seemingly unfazed by his statement, before turning back to Sookie.

"Well this reminds me, you still haven't gotten around to transferring the ownership of my house back to me" Sookie quipped while turning her attention to Eric.

"I'll do it first thing tomorrow night" Eric replied. Then he paused a moment, taking a tentative breath before finishing, "if we survive tonight."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sookie fired back, pissed off at Eric for insinuating he might meet the true death.

"I need you to come with us into the Vampire Authority" Eric started. "They got Bill and Jessica".

Eric paused for a moment before adding "…and Pam," with a desperate gasp.

Eric looked down visibly unnerved, and for an moment his expression resembled the childlike gaze of Marnie's amnesiac. Pam was his one and only progeny. Because he had released Pam, Eric had no way of knowing if she was hurt & the uncertainty infuriated him. He was only sure that she had not yet met the true death, and until he was sure Pam was gone, Eric vowed to do everything within his power to save his progeny.

"And you owe Pam" Tara shot out. Her words cutting through the air like a knife.

Sookie turned back towards Tara and saw that her old friend was dead serious. There was a tenacious urgency in Tara's eyes that intrigued Sookie.

"Ha!" Jason chuckled rebelliously, "There ain't no fucking way I'm gonna let her go anywhere with you" he sneered in Eric's direction.

Jason was just trying to be a protective older brother, but Sookie was still worried about his physical health. He took a pretty serious blow to the head, and was acting way more "Jason" than usual.

"Jason, I got this!" Sookie snapped at her brother.

"But what about mama and daddy?" Jason continued in protest.

"Sook, you oughta tell all these fucking fangers to go back to hell where they came from!"

And at that, all 3 vamps turned to glare in Jason's direction. Eric quickly ran through 1000 different scenarios in which he could kill Jason Stackhouse in under a second, and he couldn't help but laugh, not so quietly, to himself.

"Something funny, fanger?" Jason asked, clearly annoyed by the vampire's laughter.

"Yes" Eric growled.

Eric couldn't believe this guy. He was sure that Jason had somehow forgotten that he could rip his throat out and spit down his neck, all before Jason would be able to put down his jar of honey. The worthless breather.

"Bloodbag" Eric snapped in Jason's direction.

"Leech" Jason responded, rather cleverly.

"Breather" Eric retorted without missing a beat.

"Dead fuck" Jason shot back, not so cleverly this time.

"Meat sack" Eric continued, until Sookie who looked very annoyed, interrupted them both.

"Stop acting like children" she snapped. But before Sookie could continue, Nora broke her silence with a light moan.

"Mmm" Nora breathed out almost seductively.

"You smell like something I once dreamed of" she finished with a cat like purr, and fired an intense look of desire in Sookie's direction.

Sookie turned her face up in disgust at Nora. She really was growing tired of the vampire's obsession with her scent.

"Eric please ask your sister not to look at me like that" Sookie demanded after turning back towards Eric.

"Look" she continued, "I already know vampires are behind the True Blood factory bombings-"

"Bill was behind those bombings" Eric cut in, hoping to end any line of reasoning Sookie looked to come up with.

Sookie shook her head and looked down in disbelief. "There's no way" she thought, "not Bill."

"And he did it to force mainstreaming vampires to feed on humans" Eric continued. "We gotta get him out of there before he loses himself completely."

Eric paused noticing Sookie's skepticism and spoke more softly.

"Now if anybody can get through to him, it's you."

Before Sookie could take a moment longer to ponder, Tara quickly followed Eric up with another declaration.

"And you owe Pam."

There was no time for Sookie to get into any debates about Bill, that was obvious. Tara needed her and so did Bill & Jessica too. And she did owe Pam. Sookie was sure that Bill was a good person deep down and whatever Eric thought he knew, she was certain he must be wrong about. Sookie resolved right then and there to prove it to him.

"Alright, so what we do?" Sookie asked matter-of-factly.

"We kill us some fangers!" shouted Jason.


"You're insane to go back in there" Nora seethed as she helped Eric pack away the huge piles of cash.

"She's my progeny Nora, she's family." Eric replied pragmatically.

"She's a former prostitute!" Nora continued in protest.

"We're going" Eric persisted in a low growl " just as soon as we stash this somewhere safe" he finished while gesturing to the large pile of cash.

Nora glared impatiently at Eric, but she knew there was no changing his mind.

"Are you sure these are light tight?" Tara asked sarcastically as she hauled an AVL coffin behind her into the room.

"Light tight and virtually indestructible." Eric replied casually.

"Are you kidding me?" Tara countered abruptly. "Even I can break it."

Just as Nora turned to glare at Tara, still visibly agitated, Eric added quickly "She's family too remember, so be nice to her."

"Huh" Tara groaned in earnest as she smirked at Nora, who was fully aware of Tara's victory. Tara took a moment to savor the win, before she turned to Eric with a wry smile.

"She's just mad 'cause she's never had a fairy" Tara stated dryly.

"She did taste fucking incredible" Tara reminisced, as she recalled the taste of Sookie's blood. For a moment Tara's eyes rolled to the back of her head. Now that she had thought about it, no other blood she'd savored since Sookie, tasted nearly as good.

"Wait a goddamn second?" Nora asked in outrage, piercing through the baby vamp's thoughts. "You've tasted the fairy as well? I thought you just wanted to?"

Eric who was now also clearly as intrigued as Nora to hear the answer, joined his sister in looking at Tara expectantly for an answer.

"Uhhh" Tara stammered nervously before she continued. "Look, I was fresh out of the ground. I had just taken a bullet for the bitch, and she smelled like cup cakes, and sex, and every happy memory I never had. What was I supposed to do?" Tara finished petulantly.

Suddenly feeling vulnerable, Tara looked up again at Eric with the same diffident expression from before.

"Pam stopped me before it got too bad" the young vampire added quietly as she let her voice trail off. The viking stared at her for only a moment before a smile slowly spread across his lips.

"Just the other day I drained Sookie's fairy godmother by accident." Eric stated practically uninspired. "Sometimes when you're around fairy blood- shit happens."

"Shiiiit" Tara breathed out after a second or two of silence; her mouth completely agape before twisting up into a smile.

Nora just stared blankly at Eric in disbelief as the old viking shared a hearty laugh with the newest member of his family.

"It's good to know I can still laugh in fucked up times of crisis," Tara snorted out as her laughter began to give way to tears of concern & panic.

"Don't worry" Eric said quietly as he placed his hand on Tara's cheek and pressed their foreheads together. "We'll get her back."

The two vampires continued to stare in each others eyes a moment longer before Eric broke the embrace to pack away the last of the money. Tara allowed her fingertips to linger with his as she thought of her maker.

Unamused, Nora broke the silence with yet another declaration about her lack of fairy blood.

"Eric this is so not fair" the vampire wined.

Eric smiled at her briefly before his expression became entirely dour.

"Come Nora, we've got work to do."


Tara charged out of the elevator with Sookie at her back and her pistol aimed chiefly in front of her. Sookie followed closely behind armed with a specially modded machine gun that was almost as big as she was.

"Watch your step," Tara called back to Sookie as she waded carefully through the piles of vampire goo on the floor. As they walked, Tara continued to shoot down each security camera they came upon, as they searched for Pam & Jessica.

"Ow!" Sookie yelped as Tara shot down a third security camera, and plastic shards came flying in her direction. Hearing Sookie scream, Tara turned abruptly and vamp sped up to her old friend.

"Are you ok?" Tara asked nervously, almost surprised at herself. "What happened?"

Sookie couldn't help but smile. She hadn't seen Tara in what seemed like forever. Sookie had hoped that someday Tara would forgive her for the role she played in Tara becoming a vampire, but if Sookie was honest with herself, she never actually thought it would happen.

"I'm Ok" Sookie tried to proclaim confidently, though her voice was no louder then a whisper.

Tara took a moment to look over her childhood friend. Tara was sure that she would hate Sookie forever, but these past few days, her thoughts on that were changing. She would have never picked her life as a vampire, but now that she had it, she was grateful.

Tara noticed a shard had struck Sookie in the cheek, cutting her deeply. Without saying a word, Tara's fangs descended and she pricked her right thumb. Using her blood, Tara wiped her thumb across Sookie's cheek to heal her wound.

"Thank you, Tara" Sookie choked back, as she blinked rapidly in effort to rescind her tears.

Tara's mouth began to curl upwards in a smile, when two guards emerged from an adjoining room. Before Sookie could lift her gun, Tara was up in the air and shooting at one of the guards.

The second guard began to move at vamp speed in Sookie's direction, and she immediately clenched down on the trigger of her automatic weapon. Sookie however was unprepared for the kick back, and instead of shooting accurately, the gun spun her around wildly with bullets going in almost every direction except that of the guard, who quickly tackled her. Tara having successfully killed the first guard, turned her attention to the second one, and tackled him from behind. With a slick MMA move Tara reversed positions and in one swift motion, she had the guard on his back and landed on top of him just in time to shoot him squarely in the chest.

"FUCK!" Sookie shouted as she stared at Tara who was now squatting in a pile of goo. "That was bad ass Tara!"

Tara looked up at Sookie with devilish smile of satisfaction, before scrunching her brows down into her typical annoyed Tara face.

"Yeah Sook but uh, maybe I should be holding both guns."


Jessica jumped again at the sound of loud gunshots nearby.

"Now what?" drawled Pam from the neighboring cell.

The cynical vamp tried to sound disinterested, but the truth of it was, she was practically terrified. It sounded like all hell was breaking loose at the Authority, and it didn't seem like her and Jessica had much time left.

Pam's thoughts drifted to Eric. Where was he? In a perfect world he'd be leading a mutiny upstairs. Instead, she suspected that it was Bill at the start of his great religious vampire cleansing of bullshit and fuckery.

"Fucking Bill Compton" Pam snarled under her breath. Her faced grimaced as if saying his name tasted worse than drinking warm True Blood stored on a fishing boat.

Unable to feel Eric, Pam's thoughts began to drift back towards her progeny. She was worried about Tara, and worse yet, she actually missed her. This girl she once thought she hated, was now the person she found herself completely infatuated with- almost to the point of obsession. Over the past 2 weeks she had watched Tara closely in every waking moment, constantly finding new and nuanced behavior about her progeny that she found irresistible. Tara was impertinent, but she was also fucking sexy. Pam balked over the fact that each time Tara defied her, it just made her want Tara even more.

And then there was that thing she did. Besides Eric, Tara was the only other person in the world who had ever killed to protect her. She thought back to when she first confronted Tara at Merlotte's when Tara was still human.

Together with Eric, Pam had eviscerated Princesses, Shahs, & even dictators; and before the happy duo would drain their prey completely, they often laughed as the humans who once thought themselves gods, realized they were little more than merely food. She watched as "distinguished" men begged for their lives and offered their first born children in exchange for mercy. Yet when Pam threatened Tara, the lass showed no regard for her own life, and only sought to protect the life of her girlfriend at the time. And that really pissed Pam off.

"Fucking bitch" Pam muttered aloud referring to Tara's ex, as the image of Tara & Naomi kissing crept into their mind. She had watched the two together for a moment before approaching, intrigued by the soft caresses of the cocoa beauty. But as Pam scrutinized Tara's affections, she was reminded of her human life. It occurred to her that she hadn't shared a moment nearly as intimate, with anyone other than Eric, for over a hundred years. Pam found herself bewildered by the introspection caused by simply watching Tara, which only served to infuriate her more. Truthfully she wanted to fuck and then kill Tara right then and there, which wasn't anything unusual when it came to Pam and pretty women. But the fact that she also wanted to experience Tara's devoted embrace for herself, frightened Pam to her very core.

Pam despised feeling helpless; and that loathing was largely the reason she chose her life as a vampire. But for the first time in over a century, not only was someone making Pam feel vulnerable- Tara was making Pam feel in general. Pam dreaded her feelings and the devastating tailspin of emotional surrender that came with it. The old vampire already felt herself falling hard for her progeny, and the chasm created between the love she feared, but so desperately yearned for, was virtually suffocating.

A sudden pang in her chest ripped Pam violently from her thoughts. Through their bond, Pam could feel that Tara was overwrought with feelings of anger & chaotic savagery. Pam shuddered and hoped Tara wasn't planning on doing something stupid, when suddenly she heard another round of gunshots.


Tara and Sookie stormed forcefully down the corridor, quickly stepping over the 4 vamp guards they just killed. As they rounded the corner, the gates to the cells became visible, and Tara could sense that Pam was close.

Jessica and Pam moved towards to the front of their cells just as Tara and Sookie rounded the corner.

"Sookie!" Jessica squealed with excitement.

Just then Tara came into Pam's view. God she looked beautiful, but what the hell was she fucking doing here, Pam mused.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Pam barked at Tara as she approached her.

"Getting you the fuck out of jail bitch" Tara fired back as she shot another guard to her right.

"Eww" grumbled Jessica, obviously too tender for the likes of war.

Tara's mind was swirling and her blood racing. Now that she was finally standing in front of Pam again, only feet away, she was abruptly reminded of her intense feelings of desire and devotion towards her maker. She still wasn't sure what to make of it all, but what she was certain of, was that she needed to get into that cell and get to Pam immediately.

As Pam stared back at her progeny, she couldn't help but be in awe of her. Here Tara was again, not listening as usual, and killing whomever was necessary to get to her. Pam realized in that moment that she found Tara romantic as fuck. Although she tried to hide it, Pam was somewhat of a sucker for chivalrous acts. Especially when they came from beautiful women. Pam tried to shake off her sappy feelings, but she found herself unable to concentrate on anything but the image of Tara before her. Why the fuck was she still locked in anyway? And just as that question crossed her mind, Sookie spoke.

"Ya'll need to hold tight. We need to wait a second here" Sookie announced to the restless vampires.

"Wait? For what?" Pam darted back, with a combined look of impatience and worry on her face.

"For Eric & Nora to disarm and unlock everything" Tara interjected, reclaiming Pam's attention for her own.

"Nice plan" Pam drawled in Tara's direction, as she tried to stifle the smile threatening to escape to her lips.

"Sure beats yours" Tara finished as she smiled bravely and sweetly at her maker.

There it was again, that hopelessly devoted feeling Pam was trying so hard to avoid. "Fuck you, Tara" she thought, as she smiled wistfully at her progeny.


There was a loud clank signaling that Eric and Nora had successfully disabled the cell door locks. Jessica looked to Sookie for assistance, as Tara thought for a moment before tucking her pistol in her waistband.

"Oh um, Sookie, can you get these doors" Jessica asked, prompting Sookie to shake her head in an obvious blond moment.

"Right 'cause they're made of silver and ya'll are vampires, duh" and with that she moved to open Jessica's cell door. But before Sookie could open Pam's door, Tara beat her to it, burning her hand severely in the process.

Tara let out a primal scream, but much to Pam's surprise, the pain didn't appear to phase her. Tara thrust open the cell door and threw her body into the arms of her maker. Before she could process her thoughts, Tara pressed her mouth hungrily to Pam's lips, eager for a response. Much to Tara's delight, Pam complied with her unspoken request almost immediately.

Pam kissed Tara with a passion she'd forgotten she had. She explored Tara's mouth with her tongue as Tara pulled their bodies closer together. Pam wasn't usually one for public displays of affection, but as Tara kissed her, the world seemed to disappear. Pam felt her knees weaken as she brought her hand to Tara's face, and felt the young vampire's body relax further into her own. Pam cocked her head to the side in perfect unison with her progeny, and explored Tara's mouth deeper still. Pam moaned as Tara reached around and grabbed her ass to the pull the two even closer together. Tara thought she heard Sookie or Jessica say something, but she was too distracted by the taste of Pam's lips to pay them any attention. Tara then wondered what Pam's other lips might taste like, and with a low moan, her fangs clicked.

Pam smiled in amusement, acutely aware of just how turned on Tara was, as their lips finally separated for the first time. Poor baby vamps, they never did have any control over their hormones. "Lucky me" Pam mused, although she immediately chastised herself for her apparent eagerness.

"Down girl" Pam purred playfully, causing Tara to turn away shyly.

"Don't be bashful" Pam continued quickly with an unmistakable hint of arousal and admiration in her voice.

"They're beautiful" she purred, as she leaned in closer to Tara.

Pam then gently placed her hand back on Tara's cheek, and turned her progeny's face towards her. Once there eyes met, Pam lingered a moment before she moved in close and stroked Tara's left fang with her tongue, causing her to bleed ever so slightly.

Tara's body shuddered with desire as she watched Pam pull back and slowly lick her lips. All at once the young vampire found herself overwhelmed with an intense yearning. Instinctively she lunged forward in Pam's direction to resume their kiss. Aching with desire, Tara bit Pam's lip which elicited a growl from her maker. Before Tara knew what was happening, Pam had quickly spun Tara around and thrust her forcefully into the only safe cement wall in the cell. With their bodies pressed firmly together bosom to bosom, Tara watched in awe as her maker wiped the blood from her lips with a seductive smirk. "Fuck" Tara thought. Her body was on fire for this woman.

"Ah-hem" Sookie coughed into the air, in another desperate plea to get Tara's attention.

While Tara was still completely mesmerized by Pam's lips, the elder vampire begrudgingly acknowledged the fairy's voice.

"What" Pam drawled impatiently without taking her eyes off of Tara.

"I don't know, just the end of the world if you ask Eric" Sookie replied equally as agitated.

Upon hearing Eric's name, Pam began to recompose herself. "I almost forgot, Bill fucking Compton" she murmured as she continued to stare into the doe-eyed face of her progeny.

"And Tara, we should probably go check on Jason and see if Eric & Nora are back" Sookie continued, looking for any response from her best friend.

"Jason's here?" Jessica cut in, sounding like a teenager waiting for her prom date.

"Yeah, he's upstairs keeping watch till we get back" Sookie responded, her eyes still trained on Tara. "Tara?" Sookie groaned as she tried again to get the vampire's attention.

Tara was completely entranced by her makers mouth. She watched as her tongue danced and moved with each word Pam spoke, and she longed for the beautiful blond to return to her lips. Her body moved rhythmically with her maker as she thrust her sex repeatedly into Pam's thigh, just enough to let her know what she was thinking. Tara was so aroused she felt as though her entire body was throbbing with lust. She desired the reprieve that only another kiss from her maker could bring.

"Tara" Pam whispered softly to her progeny, "We should go" and as she finished Pam began to slowly separate from Tara's embrace. In a not so quiet protest, Tara whimpered aloud as she regrettably adjusted her posture to stand upright.

As much as Tara hated to admit it, this was not the best time to get up close and personal with Pam. Besides, for what Tara had in mind, she would need hours of her maker's undivided attention.

"Where are you goin'?" Tara asked as she grabbed Pam's hips and pulled her body towards her maker once more. "You stay close to me" Tara finished in a low tone soaked in arousal & determination.

Pam arched her brow at Tara, and took in the site of her progeny. She thought Tara looked absolutely stunning. By way of their bond, Pam could feel Tara's longing wafting over and through her body, and she struggled to retain her composure.

"I thought you came here to rescue me" Pam breathed out a moment later.

"I did" Tara replied squarely, with a pout so adorable Pam couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well are we gonna get out of here, or does your plan end with the kiss?" she drawled.

"Oh it definitely doesn't end with just a kiss" Tara shot back with a bold smirk, somewhat surprised at her confidence.

Pam also surprised and newly aroused, began to lean in to grant Tara another kiss.

"Oh- My- God-" Sookie cut in.

"This is so romantic!" Jessica squealed a second later.

"Honestly Tara, maybe ya'll can save the pillow talk for when we actually escape?" Sookie continued sounding more than a little annoyed.

"Fuck you, Sookie" Tara snapped back.

"Fuck you, Tara" Sookie retorted, and straightaway the two old friends broke into a hearty and familiar laughter.

"We really should go though" Sookie continued earnestly, after their laughter subsided. "I'm worried about Bill" she breathed out; her smile now giving way to an expression overwrought with concern.

"You gotta be kidding me" Pam drawled, as she finally broke her gaze from Tara to roll her eyes at Sookie.

"You two can fuck like jack rabbits on Sunday, when we're all safe. But right now, we need to go." Sookie finished with a saccharine grin in Tara's direction.

Tara nodded at Sookie with a smile, before her face turned serious and she moved forward to exit the cell. As she did, she kept her arm wrapped tightly around Pam's waist and began to protectively guide her maker out of the chamber.

If Pam were still alive, at that moment her heart would have skipped a beat. She relaxed into her progeny's safeguarding embrace, fighting off the temptation to rip Tara's clothes off where they stood. Instead, she allowed Tara to finish rescuing her. No matter what else was to come their way, Pam couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be more, than inside the arms of her beautiful progeny.