IF YOU ARE READING THIS NOW, IT MEANS THAT I MADE A MAJOR EDITING (plot-wise mostly) TO THIS CHAPTER DATED 24/9/2017. Previously betaed by Kioshino but after this editing, I didn't have it betaed anymore. Any errors are my own.

Disclaimer for the whole story: Naruto and any canon characters are not my own. OCs and cover are mine. The animated cover can be found on my profile.

Warning: heavy cussing, minor drinking, implied slash (if you would see close enough), eventually heavy plot, slightly rated scenes in the future, erm.. this is an M rated fic if you haven't realized. :P

Genre: (Plenty of) Humour, Family, Drama, Romance, Angst, Fluff

Pairing: SasuFemNaru, one-sided SaiFemNaru Don't like, don't read!

To those who fancy it, I truly hope you'll enjoy this. Those who are curious, give this fanfiction a chance. Kindly R&R.

Important: I hope you can see the extent of the relationship between characters by their suffixes and usage of words. Only close friends or couples use purely first names. Also, from my understanding, it is polite for younger-anywho/ underclassman/ employee/ whatsoever to call their older-anyhow/ superior/ boss/ whatever by title and it is not cool to do it vice-versa because it is somewhat rude and degrading. Unless, of course, talking to another person in the third person/addressing a close friend's younger sibling (otouto-san/imouto-san). Then, that would be okay.


Not all love is at first sight. Some just need a little work.


74 days before Uchiha Sasuke falls in love
410 days before Uchiha Naruto falls in love


Saturday, 10th November 2007

Today was the worst day of her life.

She had been forced to leave behind everything she'd ever known. Her home, her neighbourhood, her parents, her school and even her surname.

Starting three hours ago, she was no longer Namikaze Naruto.

As of three hours ago and counting, she was now Uchiha Naruto.

Her azure eyes glared at the piece of paper that was her marriage certificate. Life wasn't fair at all. She had barely turned sixteen when she found out that her birthday marked a month before her arranged marriage. To the youngest son of her Father's best friend.

The Uchihas were rich, famous, and powerful. It was known worldwide. The Uchiha's had steadily conquered the world with their keen intelligence and plentiful talents. Since the first Uchiha rose to fame, the first empire they dominated was the business world. The first was Uchiha Madara.

The next was his brother, Izuna who was a famous and gifted actor. A decade later, he became a remarkable director. Every movie he was in or directed always hit first place in cinemas around the world.

Soon Shisui would be known as the best doctor around. His grandfather, Madara, gave him a hospital as a gift. Soon, more Uchihas joined in the medical field, inspired by the prodigy doctor.

The branch of the Uchiha family Naruto had married into were in the family business run by Madara. Their eldest son, Itachi, who was a genius and had brought the company to a new height was named heir of the Uchiha Inc. Itachi's younger brother was given the freedom to choose any career of his own wish, an apparent yet startling soft side of the ever-strict Madara.

The seventeen-years-old Sasuke was Madara's youngest and most favoured grandson. Since he was little, Madara would openly shower his affection towards the young child. Everyone knew that Sasuke was the one who had melted his icy cold personality with his chiming laughter and adorable mischief. Like all Uchiha, Sasuke too put on a stoic façade in public. It was only within the Uchiha family that Sasuke would open up with no hesitation.

He was their sun.

The marriage was taken place early only because Uchiha Madara was getting old (and senile, according to one Uchiha Obito). He vehemently believed that he didn't have many days left to live; (Prof. Dr. Shisui mumbled that he was just being melodramatic). He was already in his late seventies and was afraid that he would die before he could see his beloved grandson getting married. Madara was relieved when his good friend and Mayor of Konoha, Senju Tsunade, agreed to marry the boy off to her beloved granddaughter, Namikaze Naruto, with the condition that they were not to consummate until they were old enough.

Today, a few hours ago, wedding vows were successfully exchanged between the seventeen-year-old Uchiha Sasuke and the sixteen-year-old Uchiha (Namikaze) Naruto.

The marriage was the reason the blonde teenager was now sulking in her room, mulling and mentally berating about how unfairly her beloved grandmother had given her away to the boy she hated the most. She gave the marriage certificate another scowl, hoping that it would burn under her intense glare.

"Hn, dobe," a voice sneered softly.

She scowled at the raven-haired teenager, who was also her husband of three hours ...and twenty-five minutes.

"Teme, what are you doing in my room?" the blonde said curtly.

Sasuke was leaning against the bathroom door frame with his arms crossed. Their rooms were separated by an adjoining bathroom. He chuckled condescendingly, "Hmm, can't a husband come to his wife's room whenever he wants to?"

Naruto scoffed aloud and glared at him, "Husband? Seriously, teme?"

The raven-haired teen blew his stray bangs off his face, walking towards her with haughty steps. He blinked at her, his eyes promising more derision.

"Well, dobe, since you're married to me, I am your husband now." He gripped her chin and pulled her face roughly, giving it a good inspection. "Luckily, you're up to Uchiha's minimum standard for looks, or you'd put me to shame forever." He pushed her face away, shrugging nonchalantly.

Naruto screamed with frustration, pulling the hem of her long, expensive Japanese wedding kimono, and almost tearing the elegant flower embroidery stitched on the white soft satin. She gave him a livid stare. "You - must - be - joking. Are you seriously going to stay with all this foolishness?"

Sasuke slipped a slightly confused look on his face.

Naruto rolled her eyes, scoffing irritably. "Wow, teme… You call yourself a genius, but you're actually more stupid than I thought."

"What are you trying to say, Naruto?" he snapped, losing his cool faster than the sand slipping off one's fingers.

Pleased to see Sasuke was losing his temper so easily, Naruto smirked. "Well, teme," a thoughtful finger on her chin, "since we both obviously hate each other, once we are older and allow to have a say in our lives, we can just file for a di—"

Naruto was surprised when a weight threw her flat on the bed. Sasuke was on top of her, squeezing her wrists painfully tight and glaring furiously at her.

"I—I hate this… this stupid forced arranged marriage just as much as you do, Naru," he breathed angrily. "This is our grandparents' wish. Like it or not, we Uchihas do not do divorces. It is unheard of," he squeezed her wrists, emphasising his point.

"So, we're going to live with this and you're free to do whatever you like, same as me. We'll mind each other's business. And we are going to pretend, do you understand, Uchiha Naruto?" Sasuke's eyes bore into hers, challenging her. The sound of their angry, short breaths filled the tense silence.

"Fine. You said it yourself. I'm going to mind my own business. I don't care what you want to do. Actually, I don't even want to know," she said curtly, looking solemnly at him. "Now, get off me, teme," she gave the older teen a hard push.

"Hn, gladly," Sasuke peeled himself off the blond girl and dusted his black wedding yukata as though he was removing something repulsive off it. Naruto scowled and managed to land a kick on his knee. Sasuke yelped and caught himself from falling.

"You fucking dobe," he spat, giving her a fierce glare. "You are really asking for it!" he stood up slowly, emitting a dangerous aura. His dark eyes seemed to flash red briefly. He cracked his fingers and neck aloud as he moved his head from side to side, pacing deliberately towards her.

"Pssh, teme, don't think I'm backing away," Naruto was ready to pounce. Her long, smooth leg was shamelessly sticking out from the side of her kimono and her hands were in an opening fighting stance. They were both about to take a step forward when the door clicked open and a chuckle caught their attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was interrupting your intimate moments. I shouldn't have intruded in the new bride's room at this hour. My bad…" the intruder laughed quietly.

Naruto blushed crimson instantly while Sasuke hid his embarrassment behind a cough, squaring his shoulder to regain his regal posture and collect his leftover pride. Muttering the blonde's name quietly, he motioned to her exposed hip with a glare. She gathered herself up and bowed her head to hide her growing blush, biting her lips in chagrin. Sasuke stared at the intruder coolly and walked towards him.

"If you know better than not to intrude at such hour, then what are you doing in my wife's room…," his eyes zeroed to him dangerously, "…Sai?"
