
I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor do I gain any money by doing this. KHR and its characters belong to Amano Akira. Please do not sue me because I'm just a rabid fanboy who is currently unemployed and just suddenly got addicted with KHR fandom and the smexy yaoi of the characters.


It's Yaoi All x 27, as in male x male loves each other or doing sex together. If this subject turns you off, you had better press the Back button. Alright, you have been warned! I don't want any complaints, reports or flames about this story since I don't think I do you any harms by uploading this story to the net.

This story is rated T-M!

It's All Because Of Vongola's Chat Room! ─ Chapter 1

'Not Another Sex Challenge Again!'

It was about around noon in Namimori town, with the sun shining so brightly, when a tired looking brunette boy was walking to his home, almost looking like a dead zombie, with his head hung down slightly by a little itty bitty inch all because of his tiredness.

"Hhh..." sighed a certain brunette boy in exasperation, as he then added again,

"I'm beat!" complained the small teen again as he stretched his muscle a little to shake away his tiredness.

It was just the usual Dame moments in school that made him all so tired. Today, he tripped on his feet twice, tripped over nothing once which was then being laughed by some group of people, chased by a gruesome-looking Chihuahua, punished and was almost deathly beaten by the head of Disciplinary Committee, had a P.E. class, had a detention with his Math teacher because he failed his test and so on.

Above all, he just had to have tons of homework from his Math teacher. Deep down, he swore that the teacher would probably want to bury him alive with the homework!

Could it be worse than this? Tsuna just didn't know. He was in for a surprise later!

Today, since he had to attend detention, he was walking home on his own. It made him a little bit sad and lonely but it's just couldn't be helped. He knew that he needed to be able to stand it. After all, he was used to being all alone and lonely.

After a moment of walking for a while, he finally arrived at his home-sweet home. Tsuna was still walking and looking like a beat up truck too. After reaching in front of his house, the brunette then opened the door swiftly, with a single tuck, and proceeded to his house.

"I'm home." he said it weakly, still feeling all so tired all over his body.

Then, not really wanting to wait for a moment, the brunette then decided to just go to his room, probably heading straightly to his bed to have a rest for a while. He removed his shoes on the foyer and he put it on the wooden drawer located not far from his door. He gently closed the door shut and walked wearily to the staircase, heading to his room.

After he arrived in front of his room, he smiled to the blue Tuna-fish sign on his door, which he really liked. And, decided to open the brown-colored door leading to his room.

"Hhh..." he sighed in deep relief, as he rubbed his chest a little in relieved manner. "There is no place better than home sweet home!" said the brunette boy happily.

If before he was a little bit sad because he was all alone, now he felt quite happy to have a silent moment in his room. His room was quiet and peaceful. In fact, his entire house was so quiet and noiseless that it made him slightly happy about it. He then wondered,

"Maybe Mom and the others are going out for a while." thought the brunette boy as if he was thinking out loud.

Tsuna scanned his eyes around his room for a while. In his room, his green blanket and the light blue bed was tidied up and had been made up, most possibly it was his mother. The glass windows near his bed were also locked and the yellow colored curtains were pulled to the side to uncover the windows, letting the shine to come in and illuminate his room. And not far from the windows, was his studying table on which on top of it was his own personal computer.

His father just recently brought it for him, telling him that he could do a lovely father-and-son talk with the video chat feature on the computer. Pfft, like it was something that Tsuna would do. Iemitsu sure was someone that could be really blunt and probably suffered from Tsuna-complex or something. But all in all, Tsuna at least could use his own computer to do his homework or searching the net.

Knowing that he needed to do his homework first, Tsuna decided to turn on his computer and work on it quickly.

"The sooner I finish it the better! Besides, it's very rare to have a quiet day without Reborn bugging on my ears!" said the brunette boy with a slight happy smile on his face expression.

He walked a little to his room heading for his computer, after he softly closed his room's door shut. Then, he pulled out the chair which was tucked under his studying table. He sat on the chair and leaned closer to his table, turning his computer on for a while. He looked at the monitor in front of him, on which displayed the starting up, now-loading, page. Tsuna waited for a moment as he flicked and tapped his finger to the table and that's when he saw that the start-up was finished.

He logged in to his computer, slightly smiling at his desktop image which was a photo of him, Yamamoto and Gokudera on a photo booth. Gokudera was on his right side, slightly pouting to the baseball jock who was on Tsuna's other side. The silverette was pouting in jealousy because Takeshi was partially hugging the Decimo, with his arm around the brunette's shoulder and he's smiling his signature Yamamoto Takeshi grin, with his left hand making a slight 'V' sign with his index and middle fingers. As for Tsuna? The boy was blushing up like crazy.

Suddenly, he was startled by a sudden message coming to his computer. And, there he could see a notification on the monitor!

"Hiieee! W-w-what's this...? S-s-spam?" wondered the Decimo, slightly shocked by the sudden message.

But since he was intrigued by it, the boy then decided to open the message. He moved his mouse swiftly, pointing his pointer to the message, then he double clicked it to open the message. The screen then turned into a black out for a while, before it was then changed into a huge Vongola's family insignia in front of him. Not only that, a pop-up box was shown on top of the Vongola. Tsuna could read a simple text on the box, it's read,

You have been cordially invited to Vongola's chat room! Sign up now for your account!

Such statement was kind of making Tsuna a little bit startled because of it, with his eyes widened in confusion, Tsuna then said,

"V-V-Vongola's chat room? Who made this kind of thing?" wondered the brunette wryly, as if he was thinking out loud.

But then, feeling curious, Tsuna decided to sign up and make an account for him. He was after all curious about the creator of this chat room. He suspected that it was Reborn's fault but still he wanted to know what this chat room was about. Besides, he was a little bit lonely today and if using this chat room could relieve his loneliness, then why not? He really missed his best friends, after all.

"Umm... How do I log in..." he wondered a little as he skimmed at the page, then he exclaimed, "Ahh! So, I need to sign up first."

He slightly smiled at the thought of talking with his best friends through online and then he decided to move the pointer again to click at the 'sign up' link. After he waited for a while, thank God that his internet connection was quite fast, he was then brought up to another page.

In the new page, he could see an empty text book with 'user name' label on the right side of the box. Not far from that box, he could see an empty box, located below the previous box, with 'password' label written on the right side.

"Enter my user name and password?" he slightly wondered, as he then rubbed his chin slowly as though showing a gesture that he was thinking.

Then, after a moment of thinking, Tsuna decided to enter 'Tuna-fish 27' as his user name and he wrote his full name 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' as the password. It was such a big mistake to put his full name as a password. He could easily get hacked! It was too bad that the Vongola Decimo didn't really notice about how dangerous hacking really was.

"Alright! Now I just need to sign in!" said the brunette boy happily to himself.

He then typed his user name and password on the previous page he where in. Then, after waiting for a while, slightly tapping his fingers on the table to shake away his anxiety, he was finally directed to the Vongola's chat room!

On his page, he could see a huge Vongola insignia as a background and small boxes with a different background color on the box. The boxes opacity was a little bit low, so he could still barely see the Vongola Famiglia's sign from behind it. It also seemed that he had his own box too. The color of his box was sunset orange, just like the Sky Flame color.

"So the box represents me. And, the other boxes probably represent the others?" said Tsuna to himself as if he was doing a monologue. He looked at the other boxes and after knowing that the boxes were empty, he felt a little disappointment wave suddenly struck him.

"Hhh..." he sighed in disappointment, with his lips turned into a slight frown, then he continued,

"It's too bad that no one's online."

But to his surprise, suddenly, there's one box that appeared on his screen. The box was colored with blue background, just like the color of a Rain Flame. And, there he could see a name written on the top part of the box, located the same just like on his box which was written with his user name 'Tuna-fish 27'. Then, a message box was coming out of nowhere, at the top right of his screen. It's read,

Baseball Ace 8027 just signed in.

Tsuna looked at the name in front of him and a slight smile was suddenly dusted on his face, he then whispered,

"Baseball Ace 8027? Could it be? Yamamoto?"

He didn't even need to wonder that long though, since the blue box suddenly appeared and it's read,

Baseball Ace 8027: Yo! Is that you, Tsuna?! It's me, Yamamoto! :D

The brunette looked at the text in front him, slightly feeling fluffy looking at the smile emoticon that the baseball jock used and decided to reply,

Tuna-fish 27: H-hi! Yeah, it's me!

Yamamoto then replied,

Baseball Ace 8027: Wow! Isn't this just awesome? How're you? Sorry, I didn't walk you home. I had a baseball practice just then!

Slightly happy and blushing reading at the sentence from his best friend, Tsuna then replied,

Tuna-fish 27: It's okay, Yamamoto. I had detentions too. :)

Baseball Ace 8027: Aww, really? I still feel guilty about that. Hey, how about I'll make it up to you later? We can go out together sometimes?

Wasn't that just like asking to a date? It sure seemed so or maybe Yamamoto was just too oblivious to realize it. Or was he? He couldn't be planning something so evil from inside his happy smile, could he?

With a huge blush hovering on his face because Tsuna was very embarrassed to read it, he then replied,

Tuna-fish 27: S-s-sure... if Yamamoto wants it... then I'll go...

This was, of course, made the baseball jock to be oh-so-happy that he could practically jump out from his chair and dance a happy dance.

Baseball Ace 8027: Awesome! It's a promise then!

But before they both talked even more, suddenly, another message box came up, just like Yamamoto's box was. It's read,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! just signed in.

Tsuna didn't really need to guess who that was. It was very obvious. There was no one else that would be so eager to call himself as a right hand man. It must be Gokudera Hayato.

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : Oii! Baseball idiot! Don't talk with Tenth that freely!

Yup, it's definitely Gokudera Hayato. Yamamoto then replied,

Baseball Ace 8027: Ahahaha! Is that you Gokudera? Your user name is so cheeky!

This made the silverette bomber to twitch his eyebrow in a rather frantic way, he then said,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : S-s-shut up, you brainless baseball freak! I know you're just jealous! What kind of idiot would use a user name like 'Baseball Ace 8027', if not you? See? Using numbers on a user name? That's just way stupid than I am!

This statement made Tsuna to sweat-drop a little, the brunette then said,

Tuna-fish 27: G-G-Gokudera-kun... Mine has a number too...

Oops, Gokudera didn't seem to read Tsuna's user name! Feeling stupid of what he had just said, the feisty Italian boy then said,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : T-T-Tenth? No! No! No! I didn't mean you, Tenth! Your user name is so heavenly superb and awesome!

Again, Tsuna sweat-dropped a little after reading such statement. But before they continued their conversation, a new message box just appeared again. This time, it was not just one message displayed on the box. It's read,

EXTREME! just signed in.

Namimori 4 Ever just signed in.

Looking at the list of names in front of him, Tsuna knew instantly who would use such user name. The first one was definitely Sasagawa Ryohei, since it's like his favorite motto while the latter one... Who would use 'Namimori 4 ever' as a user name, if it's not the one and only, head of Disciplinary Committee, Hibari Kyoya, who happened to like his school so much?

Then, he could see Hibari wrote,

Namimori 4 Ever: What's this?

This was replied by Ryohei,

EXTREME! : Wogh! Is this like a chat room or something? This is so extreme! I wonder who has this extremely extreme idea to make this extreme chat room.

This made all of the boys sweat-dropped a little, except for Hibari. Seriously, did Ryohei really have to write so many 'extreme's in one sentence?

Tsuna then replied,

Tuna-fish 27: Onii-san? Hibari-san?

Namimori 4 Ever: Herbivores... Crowding in a chat room?

But then, out of the blue, Gokudera wrote,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : Hahaha! What kind of idiot writes a user name as 'Namimori 4 Ever'?

This made Tsuna to be startled in so many ways. It was not a wise decision to say something like that to the prefect. Most probably, Gokudera didn't read the user name again. Or maybe he just wasn't scared of Hibari? He seemed to only be scared with his own sister, the Poison Scorpion, Bianchi.

Hibari then said,

Namimori 4 Ever: I'm not interested with this. I'll just log off. You're wasting my time, Herbivores.

But before Hibari logged out from his computer, a message box appeared again. This time, it was colored with indigo, just like a color of Mist Flame. It's read,

69 Therapist just signed in.

What? A therapist? Who's that? Reading such user name, of course, it made all of the boys to be so confused. They didn't really need to wait that long though, since...

69 Therapist: Kufufu~ What an interesting sight to behold...

That evil laugh? Could it be, Rokudo Mukuro?

Feeling curious, Tsuna then asked,

Tuna-fish 27: Is that... Mukuro?

He then replied again,

69 Therapist: Oya? You ready for me to take your body, Tsunayoshi?

Take his body? How could such statement sound so incredibly wrong?

Tsuna then retaliated,

Tuna-fish 27: N-n-not a chance!

Followed by Gokudera,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : Why would Tenth want that, pineapple haired creep?!

Yamamoto then decided to simmer the situation down,

Baseball Ace 8027: Maa~ maa~ , why are you using '69 Therapist' as your user name, Mukuro?

EXTREME! : Yeah, I am extremely confused too!

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : You're calling yourself a therapist? Hah! You should go see one!

But before Mukuro answered, the prefect, who wasn't logged out yet, replied.

Namimori 4 Ever: Could you Herbivores use the small brains of yours for once? Just add a space between his user name.

Yamamoto still didn't seem to get it, though.

Baseball Ace 8027: Add a space? '69 Space Therapist'? It still doesn't make any sense for me! Hahahaha!

EXTREME! : Same here.

But then, the smart and feisty bomber finally got it!

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : You creep! You're calling yourself the rapist! Not therapist!

This made Tsuna to gasp breathlessly,

Tuna-fish 27: Hieeeee! The rapist? You mean like really really rape, Gokudera-kun?

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : D-d-don't ask me, Tenth! Ask that perverted creep!

Before they continued the conversation, again, a sudden message box came in. It's now read,

Number One Hitman just signed in.

There's no one else would name the user name as 'Number One Hitman', if it wasn't Reborn.

He then said,

Number One Hitman: Shut up, Dame-Tsuna. You don't need to use your 'Hieee' in here. This is a chat room not a real life.

Which was then replied by the brunette,

Tuna-fish 27: Re-Re-Reborn! What are you up to again? Making this chat room like this? I'm sure you're up to no good!

But before the skilled hitman replied, suddenly, a message box appeared again,

Tuna-fish 27 changed display name to Dame-Tsuna 27.

This, of course, made Tsuna to be so startled. His user name just suddenly changed without his own will!

Dame-Tsuna 27: W-w-what's happened? Why is my user name changed to this?!

Suddenly, he said again,

Dame-Tsuna 27: Ahh... I wonder why I am so Dame? Putting such amazing home tutor like Reborn-sama to teach me is like throwing pearls before swine.

Reborn-sama? Did Tsuna just call the skilled hitman with Reborn-sama?

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : T-T-Tenth! D-d-don't sell yourself short!

Then, he wrote again,

Dame-Tsuna 27: I didn't write that! It wasn't me! Why would I say something like that! This must be a hack! A glitch!

Dame-Tsuna 27: No, actually. It's not hacking or what. I'm just that Dame. No explanation needed. Sometimes, I wished I could just be Aho-Tsuna or Baka-Tsuna, instead of Dame-Tsuna.

This made Yamamoto to be confused,

Baseball Ace 8027: Eh? Why are you talking to yourself like that, Tsuna?

But before Tsuna could reply back, a message box suddenly appeared!

Dame-Tsuna 27 changed display name to Little Uke-chan 27.

This made Tsuna to be so confused as hell!

Little Uke-chan 27: I didn't write that! Reborn! What did you do to my account! My user name changed again on its own!

69 Therapist: Kufufu~ Little Uke-chan seems perfect on you, Tsunayoshi.

Hibari then replied,

Namimori 4 Ever: Something that fits perfectly for a little herbivore is a collar...

Oh no, bad thoughts! Did this mean Hibari wanted to put a collar to Tsuna?

Baseball Ace 8027: I agree! Tsuna will looks so good in a collar! By the way, what does uke mean?

But before Tsuna could reply suddenly a message was shown again. This time, it's read,

Little Uke-chan 27 just signed out.

On the contrary, the brunette was also surprised of what had just happened to him.

"Hieee?! Why did I get automatically log out?" shrieked the Vongola Decimo to himself. He looked at his screen, but it was all pure black out. He couldn't even seem to see anything.

What was happening to him? Who was responsible for that, then?

Baseball Ace 8027: Tsuna's been logged out? Perfect! I'd like to ask question to you guys!

EXTREME! : Wogh, what is it, Yamamoto?

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : I'm not going to answer you, baseball freak! But what is it? I am curious.

Baseball Ace 8027: Does Tsuna seem to like someone? A girl maybe?

This was then replied by Gokudera,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : Bah, brainless baseball idiot! Isn't it already obvious? It's with Turf Top's little sister.

On the contrary, Ryohei then replied,

EXTREME! : Actually, no. Kyoko said to me that Sawada don't like her. I don't know the details though. But, I think Sawada has a new crush in his heart!

Baseball Ace 8027: Really? I wonder who it is. Could it be with one of us?

This statement made Hibari to reply,

Namimori 4 Ever: If he's not occupied then he's mine.

69 Therapist: Kufufu~ Are you day dreaming, Skylark? He's so mine.

But then, Yamamoto continued,

Baseball Ace 8027: Sorry, but I won't give him up too! He's mine.

EXTREME! : Whoa! This is so extreme! Three people are fighting for Sawada? Count me in!

Only one people seemed to reply differently,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : Y-y-you! All of you is such a sick perverted bastard! Don't think it like that about Tenth! I won't let you!

Yamamoto then retaliated,

Baseball Ace 8027: Ahh, come on now, Gokudera! Like you've never thought it like that too about Tsuna!

69 Therapist: Kufufu~ If so, why don't we just do it all together with Tsunayoshi? Tsu-kkake seems nice...

Feeling so shocked reading the word 'Tsu-kkake' from the perverted Mukuro, Gokudera then replied,

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : T-T-Tsu-kakke?! Y-y-you sick! Don't think ill about Tenth!

Gokudera knew exactly what Tsu-kkake really meant. That's why, he protested it like that.

EXTREME! : Oooh! Are you afraid that you're going to lose, Octopus Head?

But then, before the argument continued...

Number One Hitman: Why don't we have a competition? The rule is simple. Whoever can win Tsuna's heart is the winner?

It was Reborn! He's back again! Actually, he wasn't logged out yet, right? And his statement made the adrenaline to be pumped!

69 Therapist: Interesting. Let's add getting him laid too to make it harder. The winner is the one that can win Tsunayoshi's heart and get him laid.

Reborn then replied,

Number One Hitman: Everyone agrees with Mukuro's proposal?

And they're all replied,

Namimori 4 Ever: I don't care. You're all going to lose anyway.

Baseball Ace 8027: Hahaha! You can't be so sure, Hibari! Why not!

EXTREME! : Yosh! I agree as much! Octopus Head, you too, right?

Juudaime's Right-Hand Man! : ... yeah.

Smirking evilly, Reborn then said,

Number One Hitman: But before that, I'll give you a simple test to see whether you're all qualified or not.

The hitman then continued,

Number One Hitman: All you have to do first is very easy. You just need to flirt with Dame-Tsuna. Every one of you has only one chance. Just be creative in making your own pick-up line. Understand? If so, who wants to go first?

―To Be Continued―

Author's Note:

The pairing in this story is All x 27. I'm listing this story as Yamamoto and Tsuna pairing because I want to add the numbers of 8027 stories in FFN. Even my OTP is 8027, I'll try to be fair with all of them.

I have questions though:

1. Who wants a lemony scene of 'Tsu-kkake'? I do. :P

2. Should I add more characters? If I should, then who? I want to add Giotto or Enma. Reborn seems nice too... I don't know. Ever since I read the latest chapter, I was like... Wow. But still, My OTP is still 8027!

3. If you want I can also add Dino, Varia, Arcobaleno or everyone else you name it to make it more interesting and funny. Maybe I can make some other pairing too. But, mainly, to avoid making it suffocating, the other pairing will not be too mentioned. The main will still go and compete for Tsuna.