A/N: I would like to start by thanking all the ones of you that review the first chapter, I'm glad you liked this story. I would also like to thank my wonderful beta AirnationOracle for all his help, please check out his work if you are in the mood for some hevans. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy...

Addicted chapter 2

Rough hands traveled from his chest up to his neck and caressed his cheek.

"I love you so much," Sam panted huskily from under him.

Tilting his face down, his gaze met Sam's, letting the love, passion and desire that he found in those eyes fill him the same way Sam's dick filled him now as he rode him, his hips swinging up and down slowly, lazily enjoying every thrust, making it last.

Making love to Sam was always so different than having sex with Sebastian. With Sam it was always tender, sweet but passionate. They would always try to make it last and enjoy every second of it. But Sebastian was always fast, hard and dirty, leaving you satisfying but not fulfilled, always making you look forward to your next fix.

It wasn't that Sam's body wasn't as addicting as Sebastian's; he could never keep he hands off of either boy. But he would always find himself satisfied and blissfully sedated in Sam's arms afterwards; you could even said fulfilled.

Sam wrapped his arms around Kurt, keeping himself sheathed in the brunette as he moved into a sitting position. Kurt wrapped his arms and legs around Sam's neck and waist, both of them rocking their hips and breathing together, faces buried in each others' necks as they exchanged kisses sporadically until Kurt went silent and still as his orgasm overtook his body and erupted between their bodies. Sam's seed exploded inside Kurt as the young brunette clenched around him.

"Thank you," Sam whispers, unwrapping his arms and slowly pulling out of Kurt.

"If it's for the orgasm, I should be the one thanking you, sweetie," giggles Kurt as he gets comfortable in his boyfriend's arms.

"Well, for that too. But for making me so happy and always being there for me when we were standing on that stage tonight getting the trophy; I knew there wasn't anyone else I would rather be with and share this with but you for the rest of my life."

"Mr. Evans, are you proposing?" giggled Kurt, turning so that he was eye to eye with Sam, their chests plush together.

Sam ran his fingertips slowly from Kurt's hair down to his face. "No, but it's a promise that when we're both older and stable I will. Would you accept if I was?"

"In the future... If you still want me I promise I'll accept," replied Kurt, the constant ache that he's had in his chest ever since he slept with Sebastian intensifying, knowing that he won't ever get that proposal once Sam discovers his deceit.

In that moment, Kurt made a silent oath to stop this thing with Sebastian, even if the need and desire kills him, and to do anything in his power to make sure Sam will never find out.

It's been four days, seven hours and about twenty minutes since he last seen Sebastian; the last communication they had was Kurt's text, telling the handsome Warbler to please never contact him again. The text was immediately followed by a phone call from Sebastian which Kurt promptly ignored just like he's ignoring the hundred of calls and texts that have followed.

The need to see Sebastian, to feel him or at least hear him terrifies the young countertenor; Kurt finds himself not being able to concentrate on anything, even his NYADA audition. The way his body craves the tall boy's like a junkie needs a fix is the reason why he knew ignoring Sebastian was the right thing to do; he knows all his walls will come down and his determination will shatter the moment he even hears the other boy's husky voice. And he owes Sam at least this much.

Even if it has him so badly on the edge that he can't seem to be able to keep anything down or the terrible mood swing he's had lately makes he feel dirty, like a junkie in withdrawal anticipating the chance to slip.

Just the thought of slipping makes his stomach churn and he races to the closest restroom just in time for the bile to hit the toilet.

Leaning his head back against the stalls door he repeats to himself that he can do it; he is a Hummel, he can do anything even if he doesn't believe it.

Opening the stall door, he is met with the vicious smile of Santana Lopez "Morning Tink. What is this, the sixth time you've been sick this week? And we are barely on Wednesday; if I didn't know any better, I'd say Trouty Mouth finally did something right and knocked you up."

It was like being hit by a truck when realization came; he knew the chances of being a carrier where slim, so much so that Kurt and his dad hadn't really thought about getting him tested, but he had the symptoms and with his luck he probably was. He paled at the though of it.

"Oh my God, you are! You so are preggers!" said Santana with a barking laugh when he saw Kurt pale even whiter that he already is.

"Don't be ridiculous, Santana, not even I am that unlucky. Now if you excuse me, I have a meeting with Coach Sylvester; you know the responsibilities of being Head Cheerio two years in a row. Oh wait, I guess you wouldn't. Bye" says Kurt, walking out of restroom, head held high with a confidence and composure he can only fake.

He tries to ignore Santana's words, finding ways to invalidate them to no avail. Replacing his constant urge for Sebastian with dread and fear, he spends the rest of the school day in a daze not realizing the school day is over until Sam is walking them to his car.

Sam must of been talking to him from the way he is looking at Kurt as if expecting an answer, to which Kurt only gives him a disheartened sorry.

"Are you getting sick?" asks Sam with a voice full of concern as he sweeps a calloused hand against Kurt's forehead.

"I'm pregnant," Kurt just blurts out and winces at the way Sam's face goes white and his eyes widen. "I mean I think I'm pregnant," he corrects.

"But how? What makes you think that?" Sam swallows.

"It's just something Santana said earlier and it just makes more and more sense the more I think about it, and I'm so scared I don't know want to do," answers Kurt as tears stall falling from his face and he starts to break.

Sam's strong arms warp themselves around him, holding Kurt tight as Sam promises that no matter what he'll be there for him, that they'll get through this together.

They went straight to the pharmacy from the school parking lot, Sam offering to go in and get the test by himself but Kurt insisting in coming along and doing it together. They just stood there looking at all the tests in the display for ten minutes; it felt a bit like gambling, like if he chose just the right one it'll come out negative and this be just another thing to laugh at in retrospect.

Now they laid in Kurt's bed, his head resting on Sam's chest as his blond boyfriend holds him tightly, protectively, while they wait for the timer of his phone to go off so they check the lone pregnancy test that had been exiled to the bathroom with the door closed.

Finally the timer on his phone goes off and the wait that just seconds ago had seemed eternal suddenly it doesn't feel like enough; Sam looked at his phone pleadingly, begging it to please give him one more minute.

Sam reached out and turned the timer off. Taking a hold of Kurt and lacing their fingers together, he asked if he was ready giving him a sweet kiss. Kurt only nods in response for fear of his voice breaking.

Hand in hand they walk into the bathroom, directly to the test sitting on the sink's edge, mocking them to take a look.

"Do you want me to?" asked Sam, nodding towards the test.

Untangling their hands, Kurt grabbed the test and just drops to his knees and cries as if his world had just ended.

Sam embraced him again, whispering that all will be okay over and over again, trying not only to convince Kurt but himself too.

Kurt just wanted to yell at him that nothing can be alright, not when he wasn't even sure it this was Sam's baby. But Sam's embrace was tight and strong and keeping him together somehow, calming him, and he knew he could never survive this without Sam; he felt like a coward, this was the perfect time to just tell Sam the truth. Sam shouldn't have to go through what Finn did, but for the first time he understood Quinn's reasoning for lying and decided against his own heart that was yelling at him to tell the truth to keep the secret no matter what. Not only did he need Sam but the baby did too.


They talked to his dad and Carole that night. No use hiding this when his father has always been able to read him like a book. He had never seen his dad so disappointed in him, it tore him up inside making all the guilt and pain he already felt suffocating. The worst part were the murderous glares his father threw at Sam every time he looked at him, as if somehow Sam had corrupted and defiled his baby boy.

"I can't lie Kurt, I'm very disappointed in you, buddy. You've always been so mature and responsible. Do you have any idea how much more difficult your life is going to be now? Not just for you two but for the baby."

"Raising a kid when you are a mature adult is hard enough, I can just imagine how hard it'll be for two kids," reprimanded Burt, the hurt in his voice evident.

"I know Dad, I know. But I didn't even suspect I was a carrier. And we already discussed this, Dad. We know our lives are gonna take a huge turn but we are going to try our best to make it, hopefully with you, even of you don't want to help us. I need you by my side, Dad," implored Kurt from the couch were he was sitting next to Sam.

"If I may say something, Mr. Hummel," interrupted Sam, taking a hold of Kurt's hand in his. "I know we screwed up, but I'm going to take full responsibility of Kurt and the baby. We had already discussed getting married and adopting kids in the future; this just means we are doing things a little out of order, but that doesn't mean we are giving up on our lives," said Sam honestly as he turned to face Kurt. "And just because we are having a baby doesn't mean I'm going to let you give up on your dreams, Kurt. I'm going to make sure we get to New York and go to college and give this baby the life we always dreamt up. All I need is your love and support by my side," finished Sam, sounding so confident that Kurt couldn't help the small flicker of hope lighting up in his chest.

"You'll always have my love and support, Sam," said Kurt, full of conviction.

Sam and Kurt were lost in each other's presence until Burt cleared his throat, snapping them back into reality.

"Now just because I'm disappointed in you Kurt doesn't mean I'm abandoning you. You are my son first and foremost and no matter what, I'll always love you and be here to support you," said Burt as he got up to embrace Kurt.

The relief washed over him as his dad's arms wrapped around him and he couldn't help the tears of relief that escaped his eyes and were now soaking his dad's shirt. With his father's unwavering support behind them, things didn't seem so hopeless.

The next couple of hours were spent discussing their options, whether they were gonna keep the baby (which of course they were) to their plans for school after graduation and New York.

With a vague idea of what they are going to do with their lives, the boys set to Sam's house along with Burt and Carole to tell Sam's parents about the pregnancy and get their input on their decisions for the future.

Kurt held Sam's hand all the time while their parents talked, giving his boyfriend the same love and support he had given him earlier. Sam's parents, just as Kurt's, were disappointed but very supportive to which Kurt could only thank his lucky star and ignore the nagging feeling in the back of his head that told him this was just the calm before the storm.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please review and comment to let me know how you are liking the story, and also cause they serve to motivate me and feed my muse.