A Kiss.

Ciel Phantomhive would end with a kiss. The concept both thrilled and disturbed him. He had never been kissed before. He had shared a peck on the cheek with Elizabeth, his cousin and fiancé. They had been innocent and had never moved to the mouth. No, Ciel's first kiss –and last- belonged to Sebastian but Ciel never got to have that kiss.

A Touch.

Ciel received simple touches from Sebastian but they made his heart race as if they had meant something more. Sebastian had decided to keep Ciel as a pet once the contact was up, claiming the young master amused him and it got boring in Hell. The younger didn't argue. He was given immortality and agelessness so that Sebastian could keep him around for more than a mere few decades. It confused Ciel. Why would Sebastian want to keep him for so long? But, in the back of his mind, he knew Sebastian would tire of him eventually and he would be disposed of when that happened.

A Look.

Ciel would look at Sebastian sometimes and the elder would look right back. Their eyes would meet and Ciel would see a glimmer of something warm and tender in Sebastian's eyes. It was a look Ciel lived for. He could go on just as long as Sebastian kept looking at him like that. He wasn't sure why he felt like that, he just knew that the tender feelings he had for the elder had him craving Sebastian's affections.

A Guest.

Ciel noticed Sebastian had many female guests. One in particular, Eve he was sure her name was, had Sebastian's attention most of the time. Eve was pretty with big brown eyes and soft chestnut brown hair. Her skin was tanned and her smile could break a thousand hearts but it was Sebastian's that broke Ciel's. Eve made Sebastian laugh. Ciel had never heard Sebastian laugh before then; he had never had the ability.

A Ring.

Ciel found the ring by accident. He had been going through the clothes in their rooms that had been worn to put in the wash pile when he'd found a small velvet box in Sebastian's pocket. He'd opened it only to find a silver ring that twisted and warped around a sapphire as if ready to devour it. Ciel knew it was for Eve. Who else would it be for? He put the ring back and tried to forget about it but the break in his heart wouldn't let him. He knew then, though he suspected he had known all along, that he was in love with Sebastian.

A Tear.

Ciel had forgotten how to cry. He had forgotten what it felt like to have so little control over himself. He went to bed the night he had found the ring and felt something warm and wet trickle from his eye, down his cheek and dried on his chin. He touched his face and pulled his fingers away to find them wet. It surprised him that he was still capable of such a thing. And it was for Sebastian too. Ciel picked up his pillow and held it to his chest as he lay on his side. Sebastian would never love him as he loved Sebastian. He would never share a kiss with the elder, never be able to touch the elder. Ciel silently cried into his pillow as he realised this. Then he realised something that both killed him inside and set him at ease. Once Sebastian was married, Ciel would be little more than an inconvenience. He'd be in the way and Sebastian would finally devour him. He'd be put out of his misery and he wouldn't have to watch as Sebastian held another in his arms, as Sebastian loved another and did all the things lovers did with another.

At least he's have that small mercy.