Don't do it. Don't open the door. Only bad things can be behind that door at this time of night.

That's what I told myself as I stood up off of my behind and walked nervously to the door. I pressed my eye to the hole and saw a man on my porch. He was average height, had an old-fashioned haircut, and pale skin. He was handsome but I didn't know who he was at all. I opened my mind up and tried to reach into his but all I received was peaceful silence.

A vampire was on my porch late at night. I knew without an invitation from me he couldn't touch me so I flicked the lock unlock. Then the argument with Eric flew into my mind and I flicked it back to secure the door. I reached out further to see if I could sense anything near and I didn't.

Licking my lips that were suddenly dry I spoke to him. "Who are you?"

I looked back into the peep-hole while he replied. "Hello, ma'am. I'm Bill Compton, I live a little down the road and I have a question for you."

"That is?" I asked, looking through the hole at him.

He grimaced looking down at his shows and scraped a hand through his styled hair. Shaking his head slightly he took a step back, "I'm sorry to disturb you, it's fine I will-"

Well, dammit to hell and back. This probably thought I was shunning him because of what he was. Which wasn't it at all. I unlatched the door and opened it so he could see my face and neck. "Hello, Mr. Compton. I'm Sookie...Sookie Stackhouse. Sorry for that, I'm not used to strange men being on my porch this time at night."

He smiled once he saw my face, his eyes glimmering with friendliness. "I apologize immensely, I was busy with my new prodigy tonight and I just moved here. She told me that she heard that you were different too, that you may be kind to us since we're vampires."

I was becoming wary of what this vampire wanted with me. I squinted at him like I would find the answers in his smooth pale face. "I don't have any prejudice against vampires..."

"That is wonderful to hear. In this Southern state hospitality is a tradition...I know it may be too much to ask but I don't know of any other option."

If he didn't spit what he wanted out already, I was going to go out of my mind. " what is it that you want?"

He sighed in a very human way and continued, "if you had any time in your day tomorrow would you mind calling local plumbers? The pipe system in my home is very old and in need of a lot of replacements. I can't call them this late, but if you could find one that would come to a vampire's home and give me there number...I would be eternally grateful."

The weight off of my shoulders lifted with a refreshing inhale of cool air. I smiled cheerfully at him, and he grinned back. "I can certainly do that for you, let me go get my phone so I can get your number."

He nodded his head, "I am very grateful that you are open-minded about my kind. I didn't know who else to ask honestly."

Curiosity got me. "Who is your um, prodigy you said?"

"Oh, Jessica. Yes, she's a very young girl and Turned recently. She heard about you while she was out exploring the town. I guess, uh, someone didn't have very nice things to say about you. She thought you might be open to consider doing this favor for us."

I understand what had happened immediately. Some jerk in town talked about me being a freak and Jessica got it in her mind that I was just like them in some way. I suppose she was right, I'm not normal. I smiled a little too hard, thinking of what they could have said about me that Jessica heard. "I'll go get my phone."

Yeah, before I crack my face with this forced smile.

I went for my phone that was in my purse and was gone for a second. A second I say! I came back to the door and there was Eric Northman standing off of the porch and on the walk path. He was staring at who was now facing him, his back straight and tense.

I stood in my doorway, thinking about rescinding my invitation to Eric. He was already angry with me, now there was a strange vampire standing on my porch. "Eric what are you doing here?"

He didn't look away from . "I came to talk to you."

"You didn't seem so open to that earlier." I said, lacing my anger with sweetness.

"This is quite a surprise Sheriff, didn't think I would be seeing you again so soon." Mr. Compton said calmly in a soft tone.

Eric's body visibly relaxed, I noticed. Then he walked past to me. Sliding his hands up my back and pressing himself into my body intimately. His lips met mine hard, it was a greedy and possessive kiss that stole my breath. I blinked up at him and saw anger blazing in his blue eyes.

I looked in the doorway and Mr. Compton wasn't there anymore.

I squirmed out of Eric's hold and stepped backwards shaking my head. "You yelled at me, you told me off, you told me to leave and now you're here. I'm sorry for not thinking clearly at the time and making a rash decision but that doesn't mean you can treat me that way. Making me feel like shit and then showing up at my door kissing me in some show of dominance"

Eric snarled, "Imminent death deserves that kind of response, the thought of you in danger does something to me Sookie. It..." he looked out the open front door and sighed. "Sookie, it scares me. You scare me. This is too much in such a short time period for me. I can't catch up with my mind. I just know you putting yourself in danger like that scared me."

"It wasn't my intention, Eric. I know it was wrong now, and I'm sorry. I didn't think about Pam and you at all. It just came out and it shouldn't have." I admitted.

He looked back at me and closed the distance between us that I had created. He slid his hands over my face, and pulled me towards him. Kissing me, his tongue delving deep into my mouth. His hands wandered down my waist and to my ass, squeezing before dipping his hands inside my pants touching flesh. "I'll forgive you if you forgive me."

I was lost in our kiss. "I forgive you, honey."

Then all of a sudden he pulled his mouth from mine. "Why was Bill Compton at your door, Sookie?"

I had to ignore him for a moment, my mind hazy with lost for him. Then his words sunk in and a bucket of water washed over me burning out the lust quickly as it came. "He asked for a favor."

"You needed your phone for that favor?" He asked glancing beside us at the dropped and forgotten phone.

"Aren't you perceptive. Yes, I did need it. He needs a plumber."

"And he just came right to you...have you seen him before?"

Maybe Eric thought was dangerous. "Is something wrong with him? I didn't invite him in or anything."

"Harmless as any other vampire before or after him. I'm just curious to why he was here asking a human he doesn't know for a favor." Eric said.

I was terribly confused. First it was my fault that we were having a fit, now he came here to apologize then...this. Was this how relationships were?

"Come out and say what you really mean, Eric."

He looked down at me and grimaced, then he kissed me on the forehead. "You're tormenting my mind Sookie. Without even trying, I think I'm going mad."

I hugged him as tight as I could. "I'm not trying to. He lives nearby and his roommate heard in town that I was different and they thought maybe I would be friendly enough to help them out. That's it, nothing more. My mind isn't on anyone else but you, Eric."

He kissed me softly, his lips soft and gentle on mine. "I should go."

I didn't agree. "I think you should stay...I want you Eric."

He growled softly against my lips. "Don't tell me that."

I shivered with anticipation of what he could do to me. "I do."

His eyes glittered with mischief and then he pulled away from me. "Not tonight...I want us to be perfect. I want to be the only thing on your mind, I want to you be consumed by me."

"I'm sure I already am."

He smiled cockily, "Not yet my little lover, but soon."

And then he was gone. Leaving me standing there wishing I was wrapped up in his arms.

My bones felt like they would break if I didn't get out of Lafayette's embrace soon. He held me tightly against his buff and bare chest. His tears landing wetly on my shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Sookie."

I rubbed his back and smiled sadly. "I'm going to do the best that I can, okay?"

He stepped back, nodding. "I understand. I'm going to get back in the kitchen, we'll talk later ya hear?"

"Okay." I agreed, heading back to my waiting tables. It felt like a normal day at work besides the obvious turmoil going on in my life. Eric had texted me after he had left me the other night. Telling me we would be leaving out tonight to visit the wolf pack and investigate. Sam wasn't happy that I would be missing work but he didn't deny me the time off.

I made sure my tables were happy and didn't need anything before directing my attention on the single girl who had seated herself in the back. She had beautiful red hair and light blue eyes I felt like I could see through. She smiled brightly at me as I approached her.

"Hello, I'm Sookie Stackhouse and I'll be your waitress tonight. How may I help you?" I greeted her in my sweetest voice that I hope didn't sound fake. I have been standing on my feet for hours now and dodging people's sick thoughts. I didn't want to come off tired and pissed like I felt.

She pushed back stray tendrils of hair behind her ear and cleared her voice. "I'm I think Bill told you about me?"

I was taken aback, I wasn't expecting her. I didn't even notice that I couldn't 'hear' her until suddenly I tried and I got nothing but quiet. "Oh, hey there. Nice to meet you Jessica."

"Yeah, I came by because Bill wanted me to tell you that he was 'very thankful for your kindness'." Bill told me, drawling out her words when she quoted Bill.

I smiled at that, remembering that I had ended up calling a few plumbers and tagging the number on Bill's door. My grandmother had told me about the Compton house before so I knew where it was. The house was huge, and need of work. Especially the lawn, I had almost turned back around and went home. The land sort of gave me the creeps.

"It was no problem at all, I'm glad I could help." I told her truthfully.

"Well, I was wondering if...if I could show our gratitude with dinner at our house soon?" The young girl asked hopefully. "It'll have to be after everything is replaced, but my mother taught me how to cook. Now that I'm a vampire I'll never be able to cook for myself but I can cook for others. What do you say?"

I couldn't bare to tell her no, not with those puppy dog eyes. You would think I would be immune, especially with the brother I have. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a hot meal with a neighbor."

She grinned and stood up. "Okay, sounds good I'll tell Bill. Seriously, thank you Sookie." She walked out of the door as any human would but I knew once she hit that concrete outside she was gone into the night.

"I don't think Eric will like the fact you're going to be sharing a hot meal with the likes of Bill Compton." A familiar voice said beside me. I jumped, startled and Pam came to stand in front of me. She looked so much like a Barbie it was hard to take her seriously. You should, if not you could potentially be killed by underestimating her.

"Jessica invited me, not Bill." I scoffed.

She lifted an eyebrow, her lips twisting into a smirk. "That's what you think."

A.N Don't get upset you guys, this isn't changing into a Bill/Sookie story. It's just to piss off Eric even more lol and add Jessica as a friend. You'll see in the next chapter Sookie isn't as helpless as she seems.