Short prompt story
#1- Sneaking
Lily Evans poked her head around the corner, looking down the dimly lit corridor, her breath held. She felt James grab her hand a pull her back towards him. His hair was still wet, and she ran her fingers through it as he leaned down to kiss her.
James pulled away, chuckling softly. "Evans, you know I hate it when you do that. My hair is perfectly mussed up." He kissed her forehead. She tried her hardest not to smile, keeping a stern, disapproving look on her face.
"That's what you get for messing around while we're trying to sneak back into school. It wasn't my idea to sneak out after midnight for a stroll by the lake in a rainstorm. What happens if we get caught? You can't afford another detention. Plus, we are Head Boy and Girl. What kind of example would we be setting?" She placed hands on her hips, a smile tugging at her lips. She wouldn't let him have the satisfaction.
"We'll just tell them its head business. Simple as that."
"That's what we said last time… and anyways, we're soaking wet. How would we explain that?"
"We… got lost?"
"As brilliant as that sounds James, I don't think they'll buy it." James laughed quietly and Lily couldn't help but join in.
"Then we'd best get going Evans." One last peck on the cheek and they were off again.
There were a few close calls. Mrs. Norris crossed their paths once or twice, but James knew enough secret passages to avoid running into Filch.
Five minutes of sneaking later, they reached the Gryffindor Tower.
"And you were worried darling," James Potter snuck his arm around Lily's waist as she blushed furiously. Even though they'd been dating for two months, Lily would never get used to him calling her darling.
"Fiddlespark," Lily whispered to the sleeping Fat Lady and the portrait sprung open. Once inside, they stood facing each other.
"We didn't get caught Lily," James took a step closer to him. "I'd think that we can consider ourselves ninjas."
"You'll never be a ninja James, you're really clumsy." Lily grinned as James mocked outrage.
"There's a reason I'm tripping over things. I'll give you a clue as to why it is… you're always in the room." Lily blushed again. "I love you Lily." Her blush deepened.
"I love you to James. Goodnight." She turned and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her in for another kiss.
"Goodnight Evans."