On Cloud Nine

Nine more days before Young Justice returns! I'm seriously insane right now.

Look out for the rest of my drabbles— one for everyday before YJ is back! :)

Wally pulled the girl closer to him, inhaling her sweet scent of rainwater and wildflowers and nature.

He could just picture himself lost in the endless woods, surrounded by the sweet smells of oak and maple and pine. His fingers would be intertwined with those of the girl beside him as she flashed him her brilliant smile before she pulled him off the trail and into a pile of fresh flowers and leaves, her laughter chiming clearly— music to his ears.

She looked up, touching her forehead to his and meeting his gaze with piercing grey eyes that twinkled full of life and mischief.

"What's on your mind?" she asked. Her breath tickled his face and the warmth of it floated up to the cold night sky in curls.

"Just you, beautiful," he replied breathily.

"Does your hyperactive mind really expect me to believe that?" she asked with a small laugh that made Wally's heart skip a beat. How well she knew him— sometimes it scared him— but he loved it.

"You got me there. I can't get over how beautiful the night sky looks tonight," he confessed, turning up to gaze at the stars that twinkled in the sky. "Nothing compared to you, but still— amazing."

She turned to look up a the sky, too. He kept an arm wrapped around her waist as they laid there, gazing up at the stars.

"You see that yellow star right there?" Wally asked, pointing at it as best he could. The blonde beside him nodded, her silky hair grazing against his cheek. "That's Venus. And that red one over there is Mercury. Its average orbital speed is 47.87 kilometers per second."

"Only you would say that during a date, Baywatch," she commented, turning back to face him with a fond smile gracing her face. He turned and pulled her even closer, so their noses were touching.

"You know you love it," he breathed.

"Mm, I so do," she replied in the same manner before pulling him into a sweet and long kiss. Wally kissed her back, loving the way she tasted like those mints that he could never seem to find anywhere but from her.

As they laid there underneath the starry night sky— sometimes kissing, talking, or just enjoying each others company— Wally absently wondered if this is what it felt like to truly be on cloud nine.

My next drabble will be called Octaves. Look out for it!