A New Hermione

AN: I do not own any of the characters of HP that honor is for JKR, WB and Scholastic.

I got this plot bunny bothering me so I decided to started, don't worry the en of 3Men 1 Brunette and a Baby will be soon. Thank you Severus Malfoy Maiden for your wonderful beta work. Love you girl.

I haven't decided which lucky guy will be Hermione's pair but is definetly not Ron or Harry so I will put a poll in my site with some options so you can help me. Love ideas so bring them to my attention maybe I can incorporate them in the story. I hope you enjoy it! Blessings.

Summary: Can Hermione put her life together after losing her parents in an horrific attack and discover that she was adopted and a pureblood? Does she has the mental state to deal with everything that comes her way? Come and help her in this, a journey where secrets are revealed, of self worth, self discovery, new family, friendship and love an much more. Rated M to be precautious. Hr/?

Chapter 1

The war with Voldemort was won. The count for life lost was minimal thanks to the research and dedication of the Golden Trio, but especially for a young lady, who was considered by many to be the brightest witch of her age. Yes, Hermione Granger was a war heroine who many acclaimed, but after everything had been accounted she experienced losses too. Her beloved parents were killed by Yaxley and Dolohov in retaliation to their Lord's demise.

Hermione was with her parents when they were attacked by the renegade Death Eaters, and had tried to save them, but the Death Eaters were quicker. Hermione had been badly injured and if it wasn't for the intervention of three strangers, she would had been dead, too.

Yaxley and Dolohov didn't meet with any luck; they were killed

Slowly, Hermione opened her eyes and found herself in a bright white room. She blinked twice before she could focus. She could immediately recognize her two best friends sleeping in a chair nearby and also heard other voices. She tried to sit up, but her hands and legs were tightly wrapped, which made it a little difficult to move.

"Please try not to move your legs and arms, they were badly injured." Someone sitting to her right said, with a very deep voice. When Hermione looked up there was an older man with salt and pepper hair, glasses, and a beautiful set of amber eyes that were looking at her with tenderness but also wariness.

"My parents?" she tried to say but was a mere whisper.

"I am so sorry dear, but they didn't make it." It was the same sweet man speaking as he touched her forehead. A tear rolled from Hermione's eye, but she already knew that was only a confirmation.

"Adrian, call your father she is awake," said the same man. A younger version of him stood from a chair in the corner and rushed out of the room. Harry and Ron woke up from their sleep.

"'Mione, thank Merlin you came back to us. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Harry asked.

"I'm okay, Harry, but my parents..." was the only thing she could say between sobs..

"Sh, sh, we are here for you. Everything will be fine." Harry said, sitting on her bed. "You are not alone, you have us."

"Please try to calm her down, and I will look for a Healer," said the sweet man.

Hermione was sandwiched between her two best friends, who held her as she cried.

The door to her room suddenly opened and in walked a tall and handsome man, standing about 6'2 and with black hair and amber eyes; followed closely by Adrian Pucey. There was something familiar about the three. She knew they were family because their resemblance, but she wondered what connection she might have with them It was strange, her magic were buzzing around her like when she was with Harry and Ron, in an acceptance of family.

She recognized Adrian from school; he was two years older and in Slytherin House. He'd never called her a Mudblood, and on several occasions had defended her from the Slytherins. She never considered him a friend, but she admired him. He was popular, intelligent, handsome a skilled Quidditch player, and at the top of his class. He addressed her only for a Good Morning or a nod of acknowledge; apart of that nothing else.

"Who are these people, Harry?" she asked.

"Hermione, I think we can wait a little to answer that, you need to rest," he said avoiding eye contact and fiddling with the blanket on her bed. trying to avoided answering her.

"No. I need to know," she insisted.

"These people were the ones that rescued you from the attack. The older man is Demetrius Pucey, his brother Camillo Pucey, and I suppose you remember Adrian Pucey from school".

"Hello and thank you for your help," she said trying not to cry as her emotions overwhelmed her.

"Please, it was a pleasure for us to be of help, we better..." said Camillo, but was interrupted by his brother.

"She needs to know, 'Millo, she needs to understand." Demetrius said.

"Not now Demetrius, give her a few days to rest and recover then we can talk to her," said in a tone that do not leave space to argue.

Adrian got closer to her bed and Ron moved so he could be beside her. To Hermione's surprise, Adrian bent and kissed her forehead, and said, "We have much to discuss, but for now rest, get well, and don't think too much. Everything will be clear in a few days." Turning to Harry and Ron, he added, "please take good care of her, she is precious to us." Ron and Harry only responded with a sharp nod.

Hermione had a million questions running through her brain, but she was tired and decided for the first time that everything else could wait. ~