He hung his head thinking of the woman he longed for..

"Sasuke…" He looked up at the familiar voice and there stood Neji in the cell with him with his hands crossed over his chest.

"Neji" He gave him a glare and a low growl. Neji merely smirked at him which made him angry. They both knew exactly why Sasuke was in the cell and he knew Neji would rub his face in it that he couldn't have Hinata.


Sasuke stood from the coldness of the bench and stepped forward slightly. The smirk on Nejis face sent a chill down his spine. Not a chill of fear but a chill of pure anger.

"I was informed you had come back…Stupid…Why would you even think about it. You're hated by everyone even the Akatsuki don't want you. Not even my cousin" The stabbing feeling in his chest hurt like hell. I t wasn't true, but why did he have a hard time convincing himself of it. He knew Hinata…

"I don't believe you…"

"Yeah? why not? Your killed the only important person to her. You think she will really fall for the man that killed him" there was that stabbing feeling again. Why? Why was he feeling like this. He knew it couldn't get any worse. Or maybe it could, he could feel his anger building up. He stepped up and reached through the bars and before Neji could move he had him by the top of his shirt glaring him in the eyes as his Sharigan activated on demand. "She won't come see you….Your an idiot for coming back. I know that's what you came back for. She's on a date, celebrating her 2 week anniversary with kiba" He dropped Neji and his sharigan deactivated and his eye color returned to the normal empty , black color of his eyes. He watched as Neji gave him one last look before leaving him be in his misery. The nisery that will forever haunt his heart. Was it true? Did she already forget him. The thought of it made his heart fill with sadness, but only for a moment, anger was quick to take over… He could feel the anger swelling up. He was quick to decide never wanted to see her again

She waved to kiba with a smile and blush on her face before returning back into the gate. She walked up to her house with her head hanging. The golden band was around her finger and she hesitated to take it off. Kiba was so good to her and all she could think about was the other man that had her heart. She stopped halfway to the porch of her house and gazed up at the stars above in wonder of where he was. If he was thinking of her and if he hurt just as much as she did.

"Hinata" She looked down at her cousin who had walked down the steps of the porch with the usual expressionless look on his face but she knew something was up. She could tell by his aura. Even though he looked emotionless a satisfied vibe came from him. She brushed it off and went back to the questioning look of why he had approached her in the first place.

" N-Neji…"

"How was your date" She hated that word. She turned away and said nothing "Whats wrong. Don't you like Kiba" She looked at him and knew something was up. Since when did he care about what she done.

"I-I do but…" She looked at the golden band on her finger and gave a small whisper. "It doesn't feel right…" She could feel the glare from him stab her. She looked up and smiled a weak smile " But I do like hi-"

"-yeah they have him in the prison right now. Lord gaara is going to have a word with him for killing Naruto" The voices were faint but she heard them and her heart stopped. Killing naruto? She turned to neji with a sharp glare she had never given before, to anyone. Now she got it.

"You knew.."

"Hinata I don't want you seeing him you understand?"

"Neji you can't tell me what to do" A dark aura surrounded his form and he hung his head so the shadows covered his eyes. She stepped back towards the gate.

"Your so blind you cant even see what he has done….He ruined our lives…He killed everyone we love. He killed your father and your husband. How much more of an idiot can you be?! You, me, kiba, shikamaru and sakura are all that's left of the hidden leaf! It's all because of that BASTARD!"

"I love him…doesn't that mean anything? He's changed."

"Changed my ass!"

"Don't talk like that! " She removed the rings from her finger and threw them at him. "Im not one to live in the past but to look at the future….and in the future, I see him apart of it…" She looked at her cousin with innocence and pain. She shook her head and turned to the gate slamming it open then closed. She rushed to the prison pushing past the guards that tried to stop her. "leave me be!" She rushed through the door that led to the cell of her beloved and seen Gaara in there holding the raven haired male by the throat. The sand had collected around the two fell at her entrance.

"Sasuke…" She ran to them pushing gaara out the way. When sasuke had fallen to the ground she went to him faster then ever by throwing her arms around his neck and falling to the floor right beside him. She didn't feel his embrace…she pulled from the hug and looked at him who had his head turned and his eyes closed. "Sas…"

"Leave…." Her eyes widened and she stood up looking down at him. What was he saying?


"Hinata. You need to leave. His execution is about to take place." She ignored the kazekage and ran her hand down sasukes face.

"Sasuke…I missed you..please…why are you-"

"Go to kiba…" Guilt rushed over her.

" n-no…you don't-"

"You gave up on me the moment you got back here didn't you. While I sat in my sadness hoping to hold you at least once more before I enver see you again. To feel your lips pressed against mine like that day we had made love…"

"Sasuke no" She watched as parts of his raven hair fell infront of his face, covering parts of his black eyes. "I did think of you….I did. I never figured you would come back for me" She smiled and pressed her head against his and rubbed her nose against his as well. She closed her eyes as gaara leaned against the wall of the cell. "I don't want to live in the past anymore…I want to make you happy and I want to love you and only you and love whatever family we make." She pulled away and satred into his eyes.

"You believe me that I have changed."

"Yeah…if I didn't I wouldn't have this feeling deep inside me." She turned to Gaara who watched. "Kill me too. If your going to-"

"Shut up…I'm not going to kill him…He's free" Hinata sat there in disbelief and smiled pressing her lips against sasukes. Gaara rolled his eyes and motioned for the guards to follow him out . They lef the cell open but the two didn't leave. They sat there on the floor enjoying the love they had at that moment.

"Don't ever leave me" His words rang through her body . It felt so right.

"As long as your promise not to leave me. " He sealed it with a kiss and smiled.

"YOU DID WHAT?"Neji's voice was loud and full of anger. Gaara sat on his chair with his head resting on his palm and his elbow on the arm rest. "You know how many crimes he's commited?!"

"This is my village and I do what I please, If he wishes to leave to another village then that's the villages decision to do what they want with him…" Gaara stood from his chair and walked to the large windows that over looked his village. "You know just as well as I do if Naruto was alive he would want sasuke to live among us like he had way back then…Isn't that what he wanted in the first palce? To bring him home? He died trying…and I believe if it wasn't for that…Sasuke would still be as he was. Killing freely. I know Naruto sees this…Hes not mad. There's peace and that's something he died trying to accomplish.

And he succeeded"


"Go hinata I believe in you" Sakura said as she sat in the small chair on the other end of Hinata's open legs.

"Come on just a bit further hunny" Temari said as she ran her fingers through her hair.


"What the fuck is taking so long" Sasuke growled pacing in front of the door.

"It takes time Sasuke sit down your going to make your head hurt." Shikamaru said looking at the 9 year old, the son of asuma and kurinai, eat his sandwich.

"Yeah, she will be out in a minute" Kiba said.

The door opened and out came Sakura with seat coming down her face. Sasuke didn't wait for an explanation and he rushed in to see the pink blanket in His wifes arms. He smiled and walked up after Temari stepped aside. In came the other 3 waiting to see the baby. She opened her eyes and revealed the big black eyes she bared from her father. Talking filled the room and the 9 year old was quick to see the baby. He peeked over the bed trying to get a look.

"What is her name" The boy asked. Sasuke looked at him and smiled then looked to Hinata.


"Ume? Okay its your baby" He said with a shrug. Shikamaru smacked the back of his head and he growled rubbing it before stepping back.

"Ume Uchiha, the baby who held both sharigan and Byakugan" Sakura smiled as she dried off her hands.

"This will be interesting." Kiba laughed.

"If only she had an uncle….." Hinata looked at the open door waiting for Neji.

"Its been 3 years….Hinata…I don't think he's coming back." Temari said softly.

3 years…


"Love That Hurts So Good."

Everyone has or had one, you know, that person that you had fallen for? That person that is so special to you and you look past the fact they treat you like shit. You keep going back to them even though that person has hurt you more than enough. Like the old saying goes, that person who is the itch you cant scratch. My name is Ten-Ten and Neji is that person to me, Its been 2 years since i have fallen for him I cant get over it, He is my LOVE THAT HURTS SO GOOD, my love that I don't think i can ever get over.

Based on a true story