Hi, everyone. Sorry to say this, but I had some bad news. I will NOT be continuing DRR Games anymore. Time seemed to have slipped away from me (3 years it seems) since I started this fanfic and I'll be honest, I forgot about it. During the time I was writing this, I was in the middle of my college career and had free time. But as I continued on with my education, I lost track of updating chapters and left all of my readers wondering when I would come back. I apologize for that. Every now and then I would get an email notification saying someone had reviewed this fanfic and asking me to update, but with me being graduate school and internships in full swing, I barely have the time to watch anime anymore.

I know this is not what you want to hear and that you're probably disappointed in me. I understand. But I thought it would be nice to let my readers know so they won't be kept in a suspense for the next chapter. I truly appreciate everyone for following, reading, reviewing, and enjoying all my fanfics, including this one. It was fun writing them and even more fun reading your reviews on how much you loved them. I kinda wish I took the path of being an author or something, but there's more talented people out there that I wouldn't even stand a chance with. In the end, I am just grateful that someone loved my writing.

Once again, thank you for your support, patience, and kindness.

If anyone wants to pick up where I left off, go right ahead. This was a story that I had planned to write at least 20 chapters on and had it all laid out in my head. Sadly, it did not reach my keyboards. I encourage anyone who wants to try! Happy typing and happy reading my SHIZAYA lovers!~~