Chapter 1 - Here Are Your Tributes!


Base on the poll I had on, this story title won! So here's the first chapter of the Hunger Games, Durarara! STYLE! Hope u like it :)


"Ohh Kasuka! What's wrong?"

"Today... I have to sign up for the Games..."

"Huh? Ohh right... Don't worry. It's your first time for the reaping, the chances of those bastards picking you is slim to none!"

"I guess... But still..."

The younger male frowned as he stared at the ground, his expression grim. It happened every year, theses torturous games. Each district would pick one boy and one girl to represent their District. They would then send all the District tributes into a confined area and have them all fight to the death. Only one can exit out alive, the rest must die. The chances of you surviving were 0.04166666666... Well you get the idea, they were slim. And they chances of the lower Districts, such as District 12, were even slimmer.

Shizuo grabbed firmly onto his younger brother's shoulders and stared him dead in the eyes.

"They won't pick you. I promise. So no worries, Kay?"

The younger Heiwajima smiled and nodded his head. Going to the fridge, he took out the last bottle of milk and handed it to his older brother.

"Here; You need your strength."

"Thanks little bro."

Chugging down the white liquid, the blonde wiped his mouth and headed out the door.

"I'll be home in a bit! Get dressed and meet me in the middle of the square when you're registered!"

And with that, he waved goodbye to his brother and disappeared out the door.


"*sigh* what is it now Mairu?"

"I need help tying a perfect bow on my dress."

"Can't you ask Kururi to do it? I have to go gather some food before the reaping."

"She's in the tub and I don't wanna wait. Pleeeaaasseee!~"

"Ugh! Fine c'mere"

Skipping over to where her older brother was standing, Mairu twirled around to allow him to tie a bow behind her dress. After he was approved of his work, his younger sister finally set him free to do whatever he was planning to do.

"Wait wait! Nii-San!"

"What is it now?"

"Are you going off into the ' secret place'?"


"Ohh ok. Be careful! And don't forget to come back in time for the reaping!"

"I know I know. See ya later."

Hoisting the quiver on one of his shoulders, Izaya climbed out the back window and headed towards the gate. Approaching the wired fences, he threw a rock at it, making sure the electricity was off. Thankfully it was and he began climbing the wires, jumping off onto the other side.

Running with his bow clutched tightly in him hand, the brunet made it deep into the woods, quickly climbing a tree and scouting the area. He saw a rabbit just a few feet away and drew an arrow. Taking his aim and drawing his string back, the male let out a slow breath and released the arrow. It traveled like a bullet, fast as lightning, giving the poor creature no time to react.

"Too slow."

The sharp object pierced the rabbit, killing it instantly. But Izaya was mad. Scowling, he jumped off his branch and rushed over to his kill. Pulling the man-made spear out of the small animal, he glared at the weapon and smirked.

"Tch! I should've known."

"You're as slow as ever flea."

Turning around, he saw his blonde headed rival materialize out of the trees, grinning at him. Smiling angrily back at the male, Izaya threw the spear back at Shizuo, trying to kill him. But of course he missed intentionally and it landed right in front of the larger male's feet.

"Shizu-chan. I didn't know you would be here today."

"Same goes for you. Shouldn't you be getting ready for the reaping?"

"Ha! That's the same as asking me if I'm ready to die! Hell no. I have more important things to do, like feeding my sisters."

"How are they?"

"We're managing. Since I enter my name mores times to get more rations, we've been able to survive."

"So you too huh?"

"Yeah... What about you? How's your brother?"

"Good. He's a bit scared for today's reaping. First time and all."

"Same for my sisters. Both of them, since they're twins..."

"Must be hard; living without any parents I mean."

"We've managed. Anyway, it's not like you care."

Pulling his arrow out of the dead rabbit, Izaya wiped the end clean and placed it back inside his quiver. He began walking away before Shizuo called out to him.

"Hey! Don't you want this?"

"I don't want anything that you touched. I hunt my own food. I don't need your pity."

Disappearing into the woods, he left the blonde alone.

"Tch! Jerk..."

Picking up the game, Shizuo placed it inside a bag and headed off in the opposite direction.

"What's wrong with him? Always pissing me off. I swear if we were ever in the Games together, he'd be first person I'd kill..."

Gathering enough game for the week and some for trading at the Black Market, the blonde headed off into town. Passing by the flea's home, he saw through the window Izaya dealing with his sisters. From the looks of it, they were causing trouble again; one over his shoulder pulling his hair, the other pulling his arm. They were yelling pretty loudly, enough for the blonde to hear their conversation.

"Nii-San! We want cake for our birthday!"


"You promised that you would buy one for us this year!"


"Ok ok! I'll get you one! I just have to make sure we have enough money for the week... The price of everything keeps going up..."

"We don't need a big cake! Just a small one will do!"


"Ok, how about we head to the bakery before the reaping? That way we can pick out your cake in advance and I can find out how much I have to make by then."

"Yay! Cake cake!~"


The entire Orihara family, or what was left of them, exited their small house and headed down the street. Izaya caught Shizuo's eyes as he glanced over, frowned at him before he was pulled away by his sisters'.

"Let's go Iza-Nii!"


"Haha, alright alright."

He smiled at his siblings and left. Never in his life has the blonde ever seen such a happy face on the flea. It made him feel a bit guilty. The Orihara siblings lost their dad in the latest mining explosion two years ago and their mother to an illness caused by depression.

Now left alone with two smaller mouths to feed, they barely got through each day. Shizuo at least had his mother who worked in the District office, which helped them with their finances and food problems but not by much. He still entered his name extra times to receive rations like the brunet. In a way, they had a lot in common.

The sound of the bells ringing notified that it was time. Time for the reaping. Izaya held his sister's hand's, one on each side as they walked up to the signing table.


The man in white with a cold hard expression on his face stabbed each person's finger and scanned it in a book, recording them and checking them into the gates of hell. Today, two lives in District 12 will be chosen to face death.

As Izaya and his twin sisters went into their sections, he parted them goodbye as he kissed them both on the forehead before heading over to his age group.

"Stay together and I'll see you outside the gates when we're done."

"But... But Nii-San! What if we get picked?!"

"Hmp! The chances of that happening are almost zero. You two will be fine."

"What if you get picked...?"

They had a moment in silence as Izaya had a hard expression on his face. He looked back up at his siblings, smiling sincerely.

"I'll make arrangements then for someone to care for you. But until that happens, we have to be strong and assume that we'll be fine. Okay?"



"Good. See you then!"

Rushing over to his area, Izaya saw Shizuo crouched down next to his brother, ruffling his hair before he left. He walked side by side with the brunet, not saying a word or giving him any sign of acknowledgement. They stood adjacent to each other, facing forward as the reaping began.

A woman that was dressed in a dark red frilly dress, almost the color of blood, walked across the stage, a helmet hiding her head. Her hands were covered with long black sleeves that made her give off an eerie, mysterious aura and there were glimpse of shadowy like smoke fading off her body.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome! To the 25th annual Hunger Games!"

She was clapping enthusiastically as if this was an exciting event. Realizing that no one was going to cheer along, she halted her attempt and clear her throat before she spook again.

"I am your host this year, Celty! And I am very proud to able to pick our very own, District 12 tributes this year! You see, the capital has decided to make this year different than past Hunger Games. Instead of picking one boy and one girl, we will pick the names of two individuals from one large drawing jar. It can be two guys or two girls or one of each gender! We shall see! Isn't this exciting?!"

She still received no response as she glazed out into the apathetic crowd.

"Well then, let us begin!"

Two men dressed in white carried a large, clear jar into the middle of the stage and rest it on the table in front of the host. She tickled her fingers above the jar, teasing the crowd as she slowly descended her black nails into the jar. Mixing around, Celty grabbed one piece of folded paper, drew her hands out and waved it in the air for everyone to see. The tension in the atmosphere seemed to have risen as she walked over to the microphone.

"Our first tribute this year is..."

Time seemed to have slowed down as Izaya stared at the piece of paper as it unfolded. And the name the witch called almost made him have a heart attack.

"Kururi Orihara!"

Crimson eyes widened, frail body trembled as he froze in his spot. (Wait...what no! This...this wasn't supposed to happen! Her name was only in there once! There's no way she could be picked out of all of us!)


The cry of his other sister brought him back to reality as he turned around to face the back. Mairu was thrashing all around, trying to reach her twin as she kicked and punched the guards that held her. Kururi was crying as two other guards held on to her, her arm stretched out to Mairu, screaming her name. Even thought he was their brother, Izaya had never heard Kururi raise her voice like that before.

"MAIRUUU! Mairu don't let them take me!"

"Let go of me you jackasses! Let go! Kururi!"


Izaya was pushing his way out of his section, ducking under the rope that divided the age groups and ran to the guards that were holding onto the younger of the twin.

"Stop! Don't you dare touch her!"


"Help me!"

He sprinted full speed at the guards holding Kururi, pulling his fist back and punching one of them right in the face. A full out fight soon erupted as reinforcements came out, tackling the brunet to the ground. Two more grabbed the Orihara girl by both arms and lead her to the stage.

"No! No Kururi!"

"Let her go! Dammit let her go!"

Izaya struggled underneath all the men on top of him, trying to break free. They pulled him up and began dragging him away. Pulling, kicking, cursing, anything he did was no use. Only one idea came to his mind to save his sister.


The whole world seemed to have stopped. Everyone, even the guards, stopped what they were doing and faced the brunet. Celty grabbed the microphone and stared at him, obviously confused at his outburst.

"I'm sorry. But...what did you say?"

"I volunteer."

The guards released Izaya as he began walking towards the stage. Kururi was released and she ran back to her brother, sobbing.

"No! No Nii-san you can't! You can't go!"

"Shh shhh, it'll be alright Kururi."

"No it won't!"

Mairu managed to tangle her way to them, hugging her twin then her brother.

"No Iza-Nii! You can't go! Who will watch over us? Who will feed us?! Who will protect us?!"

"I'll make arrangements. Don't worry."

He kneeled down and embraced his sisters, hugging them tightly as they cried in his shoulders. He whispered some last few words in their ear as he held onto them.

"Take care of each other, okay? There's a small box underneath my dresser in my room. There you'll find enough money to last you for a month. Don't go anywhere near the woods. Neither of you know how to hunt so don't go there. There's a pile of fresh game I caught this morning in the storage. Cut them and preserve them alright? The garden will also help keep food on the table. Be safe."

Releasing his sisters, the brunet pushed them away and walked onto the stage. With his head held high, he faced the crowd.

"It seems like this year is just getting more and more exciting! Ladies and gentlemen, your first ever volunteer tribute. What your name dear?"

"Izaya Orihara."

"I must take those two are your sisters! Such devotion to family! Give it up for the boy!"

No clapped were heard, no cheers were shouted. Just dead silence as the crowd watched in sadness as another one of the younger generation was being sentenced to his death. Slowly, one by one, they all began holding up their cell phones, the logo of the DOLLARS on their screen savers.

This was a rare sight, since the locals only did this to represent their respects for someone who was willing and brave enough to give up their life. Izaya balled his hands up into a fist to try to suppress the urge to cry and bowed to his people, thanking them.

"Alright then! On to the next tribute shall we?"

The woman went over to the jar again and pressed her hand. Flicking out another name of a child, she unfolded the paper and announced the next tribute.

"Shizuo Heiwajima!"


Izaya hushed those words underneath his breath as he glared straight at the shocked blonde in the crowd. Shizuo snapped out of his state of confusion as he stepped out of his section and began walking towards the stage. No one bothered to volunteer for him. Most would secretly say that they were glad he was picked. Because of his abnormal strength and short temper, many of the District 12 members were afraid of the blonde. Another reason why Izaya thought this was a good way to get rid of him. (Dammit... things are not going my way today...)

Shizuo walked upon the stage and up to the brunet, their eyes connecting for a short second before he faced the crowd. Celty placed and arm around his shoulders and asked if anyone wanted to volunteer for the young man. This made Shizuo laugh as the crowd and host stared at him.

"I don't want them to. Besides, there was always someone I wanted to kill and this is the best situation for it!"

"My such enthusiasm! And there you have it! This year's 25th annual Hunger Game tributes! Let us wish them luck in the upcoming games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"


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