Good Girl Gone Bad – Chapter 3
I really want to thank all of you that are reading my story and actually liking it. This writing thing is still all new to me and I hope that it's getting better as I'm going along. But I want to thank everyone that left something for me in their reviews to help me direct my story along.
I'm changing things up a bit though. From this chapter on, I'm going to start every chapter in a flashback from Rachel as to where she started and how she got to where she is now. I don't know if it will work out, but we'll see.
(Flashback in Italics)
Beep. Beep. Beep. Rachel rolled over in her queen sized bed covered in pink bed sheets and turned off her alarm. It was the first day of freshman year of high school and to say that Rachel was excited would be an understatement. Even though school didn't start for another 3 hours, and Rachel's alarm was set for 4:30 am, she was her usual, over annoying, obnoxious, perky 15 year old girl for this early in the morning.
"This is it! My first day of my freshman, my first day to make an impression that will last me for the next 4 years. Rachel Berry, you are a star in the making and you need to show everyone exactly who you are. Daddy always said, 'First impressions are lasting impressions' right? Now, get out of this bed and show everyone in that school who Rachel Barbra Berry is!" With her little self –prep talk down, Rachel jumped out of bed and made her way to her bathroom for her early morning routine, then to her elliptical for a half hour and finally and most importantly, her closet.
"Dress to impress, Rachel" Rachel silently whispered to herself as she started to shift through all of her clothes in her closet.
Getting dressed was a crucial factor for Rachel. She wanted, no needed to look her absolute best and would not settle for anything less. But she had so many clothes to choose from and she couldn't make up her mind for nothing. Should she wear the blue pant suit with the black loafers, the plaid skirt with her favorite black and white bunny sweater with her knew high socks and oxfords or what about her favorite dress that her grandma sewed just for her little Rachel? Too many options. After 10 minutes of debating what to wear, Rachel decided on her plaid skirt, bunny sweater, knee high socks and oxfords combo!
"Perfect" Rachel smiled as she examined herself in her full length mirror, becoming even more confident and satisfied in her outfit, "Just perfect"!
"Rachel" Rachel heard her daddy call her name from downstairs.
"Coming daddy," Rachel gave herself one last look in her mirror and with a sigh, grabber her purse and went downstairs.
"Good morning, my beautiful sunshine."
"Hi daddy" Rachel greeted him with a smile".
"So, is my princess ready for her first day of high school?"
"Yes, of course I am. Don't I look pretty?" Rachel spun around for her daddy to see.
"Beautiful, if I don't say so myself."
"I need to leave now or I'm going to be late. I can't be late for today. Never have I ever bee late-."
"Rachel, relax. Take a deep breath and calm down. I know that you're nervous, but you are going to be fine. My Rachy is a star and don't you ever forget it okay?"
Rachel nodded her head and smiled. Rachel tended to ramble a bit when she gets nervous. As much as she was excited for the day, she was still nervous. Today would be the start of her next 4 years of her life, which also means the start of change and Rachel doesn't deal with change particularly well. She likes familiarity and continuity, so she was just a bit stressed.
"Okay, daddy. Let's go!"
Rachel and daddy got in the car and made their way to school. Rachel was ready for this. She didn't have many friends, so she was happy in hopes of meeting someone that truly understood her and liked her for her. As she continued to look out the window on the drive to school, Rachel started to get a feeling and it wasn't a good one, but she chose to ignore it. Nothing was going to ruin this day for her, she was sure of it.
Finally at the school, Rachel gave her daddy a kiss, got out of the car and happily made her way into McKinley High School.
Rachel rolled onto her side in her bed and wiped away the tears that were falling from her eyes. Rachel rarely ever cries, she hasn't since her tragic freshman year of high school. Rachel was being nostalgic, and she didn't know why. Something brought her back to remembering her freshman year. The last time when she was truly happy with herself and her life and her surroundings. She envied her 15 year old self when she truly loved life, people and school. When she had dreams and ambitions and when nobody was going to get in her way of achieving them. Rachel missed all of it, but most importantly, she missed being happy.
Tears continued to fall and Rachel couldn't stop them. "Ray?" Rachel heard a soft knock on her door but couldn't care less about it.
"Ray, I'm coming in" Santana said as she opened the door and walked right over to Rachel's bed. "Oh, Ray" Santana whispered as she climbed in bed with Rachel and immediately took her in her arms trying to comfort the weeping girl. Rachel instantly broke down in Santana's arms.
"Shh, it's okay. It's okay." Santana cooed.
As much as an appearance that Rachel puts up, she still has feelings and moments and right now she was having a moment and Santana was there for her, just like she always was and always will be.
"Ray, talk to me," Santana said, wiping away Rachel's tears, "What happened today that's making you so upset?"
(Earlier Today)
Santana was on the couch in her and Rachel's apartment getting her sweet lady kisses on with Brittany when the front door burst open and in walked a seemingly ticked off looking Rachel. Tears falling down her face, going unforeseen by Santana.
"Woah, Rach. What's wrong?"
Rachel glared at Santana and Brittany, "Piss off," and stomped off into her room and slammed her door.
Santana turned around when she heard a noise. She looked and saw that Brittany was crying. "Why are you crying Britt?" Santana hugged her.
"Rachel is upset and I don't like it when she's upset. I don't want her to be upset. What's wrong with her?"
"I don't know Britt, but I'm going to find out."
"Rachel, please look at me. Tell me what happened." Santana asked pleadingly.
Rachel looked up at Santana, "It's Finn."
"…and what about Finn?"
"After you went into school, I walked to the bleachers like I always do and he followed me there. We talked and stared and touched. He started telling me things that a girl could only dream about a boy telling her, things that no one has ever told me before, not even my dad's. He was telling me how he 'sees' me and watches me. San, it was like he was inside my head; telling me things about myself that only you and I know about me." Rachel started to sob again.
"Hey, no more crying until your finished," Santana laughed, "go on."
Rachel continues, "It was scary and overwhelming and confusing. This boy who I've never, ever talked to before today was practically pouring his heart out to me when he really doesn't even know me. Why would this boy do this? He says that he 'sees' me, but that doesn't mean that he knows me. He can't like anything about me, we barely even spent a day together San. Spending a day together with someone gives them absolutely no right to practically confess feelings. And to top it all off, he kissed me."
"That's it?" You're this upset because a gorgeous guy kissed you?" Santana was expecting something else to come out of Rachel's mouth.
"What do you mean, 'That's it?'" Rachel mocked, visibly getting even more upset while getting out of bed and starting to pace her bedroom. "Before today, I've never even looked towards Finn, let alone talk to him. Hell, I didn't even think he knew me, but guess what, I was wrong because like I said before, he's more than seen me and watched me and wants me. And then he went to the bleachers with me and talked and then when he kissed me," Rachel stopped and just stared, sort of reliving that moment over again.
With more tears falling down her cheeks, "T-that kiss, it was unexpected. I was talking and then he just kissed me and it wasn't some simple peck, it was a full on, open mouth, tongue and all kiss. A-a-and it was powerful and intense and full of passion and exotic. I could feel his hands wrap around my waist and bring me closer to his body. M-my hands eventually finding his face and just holding him there. As much as I wanted to stop it, I just couldn't. Actually, i-it was like I n-n-never wanted t-t-t-to let go". Rachel sobbed, trying to get her words out.
"Sweetie, the way you're explaining this moment to me, it makes it seem so wonderful and passionate and amazing."
"Exactly" Rachel screamed, "That's exactly how it made me feel. It made me feel alive again. It was like how I felt my freshman year. It's been so long since I felt like that. I felt happy and respected and loved all in one. And I hated it. I hate that feeling, Santana, and you know it. I hate feeling happy, it reminds me too much of freshman year and you know how hard I try to forget that year. When Finn kissed me, I lost all control. None, no control what so ever and I had no idea what to do, or feel."
"What's wrong with me San?" Rachel asked, "Why is it that when a boy who seems to like me, actually like me for me and not who they want me to be for them, I can't handle it. Why do I feel like I need to push this boy away and my feelings away and just disappear in a bottle of liquor, when he really hasn't done anything wrong but admit how he feels about me. I know that I'm overreacting just after a day of really talking to Finn, but I can't help it." Rachel looked at Santana, "Why do I feel like this?"
Rachel fell onto her knees and sobbed. Santana went over to her, held her and just rocker her. Rachel honestly doesn't know how to feel. Never had a guy shown so much interest in her in such a short amount of time. Rachel is always the controller. She finds the boys, does what she wants with them and leaves them; no emotional attachment, no feelings involved. But why now, all of a sudden, that has seemed to go out the window when it comes to Finn Hudson? Rachel needs to figure out what's going on not only inside her head, but also inside her heart as well.
A/N: So there's chapter 3. I hope you liked this chapter. This story and ideas for it is starting to slowly come together in my head and I can't wait to tell it to you guys. Please, just stick with me and don't give up yet!
Don't forget to review and tell me what you guys think, it means a lot!
Until next time X