Notes From a Royal Screw-Up


Thor was on the roof. Tony had checked in on him. So had Bruce. The big blonde god stood facing out over the city, still and silent as thunderclouds slowly gathered overhead, encasing the city in grey gloom. He knew, without being told, that Jotun had arrived. He knew that they were treating with his brother. He had known for some time that this day would arrive...


On one side of the room, some of the Avengers were assembled. Steve Rogers, muscled arms folded across his chest, trying -and failing- to keep a startled expression off his face; Carol Danvers stood close to him, mirroring Steve's expression; James Rhodes, who wasn't even trying to look casual, hyper-aware of the weirdness of the situation, and Bruce Banner, who was sitting calmly, breathing deeply. Trying not to think too hard about the giants in the room...

On the other side of the room were three Frost Giants, the tallest of which kept eyeing the ceiling warily, lest he hit his head. Again. One, a strong and stunning female, looked at the Avengers with the same suspicion they afforded her. The third, a slighter female, looked all about the room in wonder. She stared openly, but kindly, at the humans in the room. She'd never seen an actual human before, and they weren't nearly as ill-favoured as she had been told.

In the middle of the room, attempting to keep the peace and bridge the gap, were Frigga, Queen of Asgard, and Tony Stark.

Frigga hid her anxiety beneath a cloak of sparkling graciousness. She moved about the room making pleasant comments, attempting to draw the strange company into polite conversation. She pretended not to notice how badly she was failing.

And Tony... Tony was loving this. More aliens in his house, huzzah! Giant blue ones, this time. And hey- they weren't even trying to kill him! And Loki was off chatting to one, his actual birth Mom, who wanted him to join the family business. Yep. He kept his glass of scotch topped up, making himself sip slowly. Maybe they would leave peacefully before he got completely tanked. Leave.. and take Loki with them. Yeah, that was going to go over well with Nick Fury... And Thor...

Frigga moved to the picture windows and gazed out over the city. Tony wandered over to join her. He'd been watching her closely, and he wondered how much of her graciousness was instinctive, and how much was learnt over many, many long years as queen.

They share polite silence for several moments, before Stark got straight to the point. "You're a classy lady and I like you... and I trust you... but I'm not sure Nick Fury and co are going to let your Smurf friends take Loki with them. I mean, taking him is one thing, training him up to be their king... you sure that's the best idea?"

Frigga gave Tony a tight smile. "I am not asking anyone's permission, Mister Stark. I deeply appreciate the care you have taken with my youngest son, but this is his birth-right, and now is his time."

Tony frowned, trying to keep the anger from his eyes.

"Can you think of better employment for Loki?" Frigga asked lightly.

Tony shrugged. "He wants a throne, so you're giving him one. Perfect gift for the spoiled brat who has everything."

Frigga laughed bitterly. "He'll get more, much more than a throne. The fate of an entire realm will sit squarely on his shoulders..." She blew out a shaky breath. "If he lives long enough." She shook here head, a short, sharp gesture. "I am quite possibly giving him a death sentence, actually. My beloved son, who is just beginning to come around."

"You you can keep holding his hand, can't keep making excuses for him."

Frigga's eyes dropped. "That is correct."

Tony went to put a comforting hand on the queen's shoulder, but hesitated. There was that protocol thing again... Frigga reached up and squeezed his hand.

Tony nodded. "I'm just gonna go have a chat with-" he gestured over his shoulder "My guys. Will you be all right here with the Blue Man Group?"

Frigga's brow furrowed slightly at the obscure Midgardian reference. "It will be fine. I should speak with Thor. He will not be pleased."

Tony cringed internally at the thought of how that conversation would run. He turned to the Avengers. "Let's get some fresh air?"

He had never seen any of them leave a room so quickly.


"So... what do we make of this situation?" Tony asked.

Rhodey chuckled dryly. "About these giant blue guys taking Loki to be their king? I'm pretty sure Nick Fury is gonna shit kittens"

"And puppies" Steve added. "And possibly ducklings."

Tony blew out a breath. "So what... do we try to stop them?"

"If we're gonna suit up, I want to change out of this shirt... it's new, I like it..." Bruce said sadly.

Carol placed a calming hand on Bruce's elbow. "Maybe we should ask Thor what he thinks? I know Loki can't be trusted... but from what Frigga tells us, these Jotuns aren't exactly giving Loki a free pass."

"You think this might be good for him?" Steve questioned.

"Maybe" Carol said, shrugging her shoulders. "We can't keep him here on Midga- on Earth- forever. And it's not like he has a lot of career options."

"But they're practically rewarding him, don't you see?" Rhodey said hotly. "The guys is five kinds of crazy, a dictator, a despot, and they're handing him a throne. Giving him exactly what he wants."

"Maybe the punishment fits the crime" Tony said suddenly. The others looked at him askance.

"Being royalty can't be easy, can it?" Tony said slowly, thinking of Frigga. "We're all just looking at the worst-case scenario, seeing Loki as this crazy guy with the armies of an entire realm at his command."

Everyone looked suitably alarmed at the thought.

"I don't know if it's that simple- don't let Shakespeare fool you- mustering armies is only a fraction of what a king does. And he's going to have all of Asgard, both of his Moms, us and most importantly of all, Thor, keeping an eye on him. And all his loyal and not-so-loyal subject. I don't think he's going to get a lot of time to run amok." And wicked grin lit Tony's face. "He'll be politicking, and settling land disputes and sorting out feudal lords and dedicating hospitals all that royal crap I don't really understand. It's not just a crown and sceptre and throne- he'll have to work."

"Probably more than he ever bargained for" Steve said thoughtfully.

"Exactly" Tony said with a little smile. "And you know his Moms are going to be breathing down his neck, making sure he's perfectly royal and kingly."

"Sounds boring, when you put it like that" Bruce said, smiling slightly.

"Kinda... tedious" Rhodey added, grinning.

"And he'll have to set a good example of duty and diligence to his subjects, won't he?" Carol said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Precisely" Tony said, his grin increasing.

"Well then. Let Frigga talk to Thor, and we'll see if Thor warms to the idea..." Steve said genially.

"If Thor is okay with it... we're okay with it?" Bruce checked.

Everyone else shrugged and nodded.

"Just don't tell Fury" Tony warned.

… … …

"Are we ready for this?" Thor asked.

"Of course not" Frigga said quietly. "How could we ever... I knew this day would come. "

"I, too"

"No" Frigga said, gently scolding. "From the moment I first held him, I knew. I knew he would be fated to walk a different path. Yet I still dared to think of him as my son."

Thor stared calmly at his mother. "This is a fear you have lived with ever day of his life?"

Frigga nodded. "I knew one day I would lose him." She gave a huff of sad laughter. "And I have already lost him so many times; when he fell from the Bifrost, when he was exiled to Earth... but this... this time I must actually let him go. For his sake more than mine."

"Mother" Thor breathed, embracing Frigga.

She rested her forehead on his shoulder. "He is finally ready" she murmured.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And Jotunheim needs him." She looked up at Thor. "Which means that you must let go of him, too."

Thor gently pushed out of his mother's embrace and paced away. His fists were clenched, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Surely... this need not be goodbye forever" he muttered.

"Thor... we do not know what will come to pass. I have explained the training and the trials Loki will be expected to undertake. Even if he does survive-"

"He is cunning and strong, of course he will-" Thor interjected.

"-Even if he does, when we meet him again, it will not be as his family."

Thor's face fell. "Then, what will we be to him?"

"Only time and distance can answer that question" Frigga said, blinking away tears. "And we must hope for the best."

… … …

"So. This is a thing now, is it?" Tony said casually, gesturing to Loki's general appearance. "You being blue. And possibly even taller, which is ridiculous. The being taller bit- not the being blue."

"I'll commission a dwarf to fashion you some stilts" Loki said dryly.

Tony folded his arms across his chest. Loki stood, waiting for the commentary to continue. "You look like your Mom" Tony said thoughtfully, looking across the room to where Farbauti had joined them. "You bio-Mom" he added uselessly.

"I... know" Loki admitted. "Even some of her mannerisms seem familiar. It is startling."

"For everyone in the room, and more than you can ever know" Tony said flatly. Loki frowned sullenly at him.

Tony unfolded his arms impatiently, shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and frowned.

"I uh... I guess... you kinda did me a solid, back there... earlier today, when you helped Pepper. I never would have expected that... so... thanks. Thank you."

"You're thanking me" Loki said with open wonder.

Tony held in a sigh. "Yes. I am."

Loki smirked silently at Tony for a moment. "Thanking me physically hurts you, doesn't it?" he asked slyly.


"Well, I consider myself blessed by your thanks" Loki said graciously.

"Don't be a schmoe" Tony chided. Loki looked incredulous and amused.

Tony chewed the inside of his mouth. "Look. I'm kinda used to be the hero around here, especially in Pepper's life. So I'm not sure how I really feel about you coming over all helpful. Makes me... a little nervous. Not sure about your agenda..."

"You don't like feeling indebted to me"

"And there's that" Tony confirmed.

Loki smiled and leaned in conspiratorially. "Let's call it even. Not that long ago you saved me from a death sentence. You allowed me a second chance. Today, I saved your precious love from a death sentence, giving you a second chance- at a life together" he said reasonably.

Tony considered this and swallowed hard. "Fair enough" he breathed.

"You should marry that woman, Stark. And soon. She's anticipating a proposal." He chuckled. "She's been anticipating a proposal for some time. And you're not getting any younger. Or taller. Marry her, and give her children. This will bring you joy in ways you cannot anticipate, I'm sure."

"Now you're starting to make me uncomfortable" Tony said quickly.

Loki grinned, always glad to have the upper hand. "I'll miss you, too."

Tony just nodded, ready to exit the conversation. "Whatever you say, Naughty Smurf." He nodded to the other Jotun- "Smurfette, Grumpy Smurf, Other Smurfette, other-other Smurfette" he addressed them as he quitted the room. They frowned. Loki grinned and shook his head. He probably wouldn't miss this.

The other Avengers took Tony's lead, and made ready to exit.

Steve stopped before Loki. He leaned in earnestly. "You have a chance to do good. Don't waste it. Don't let your family down. We'll be watching, Loki."

"Oh, I'm sure of it" Loki said smoothly. "Thank you for the pep-talk, Captain."

"And we're just a world away" Bruce chimed in casually. "You know, if you need a refresher course in etiquette."

Loki's smile wavered. He looked blandly at the other two Avengers who were present; not really having gotten to know them, he didn't have any particular parting shots for them. He did notice how Danvers gravitated towards the good Captain as they exited, and a suspicion he'd had seemed confirmed. His grin returned and he shot Steve a wink. Steve looked baffled, Rhodey smirked despite himself, and Carol raised a middle finger briefly in a final salute to Loki.

"Yes, good luck" Loki drawled. "To all of you. You're going to need it."

… … ...

"I take my leave of you" Loki said stiffly.

Thor glanced at him over his shoulder, then returned his gaze to the skyline. "So, you go to Jotunheim to prepare to be their king?


"And what if I forbid it?"

Loki's eyebrows rose. "After all this time, all the things we have been through together... do you really think your preclusion would stop me?"


Loki casually looked about terrace, remembering the last time he and Thor had quarrelled there... "Frigga- our mother- wishes it. The Jotuns tolerate it, Odin gives his permission-very grudgingly, of course. Even your Avenger friends seem ready to turn a blind eye to my ascension, even if it is just to be rid of me. So what of the Mighty Thor? Will you not give me your blessing?" Loki said casually.

"I wish it, as it is your destiny, and neither of us can escape that fact. I wish you happiness. But above all else, I would wish us to be allies."

"I cannot guarantee that, Thor" Loki said flatly. "I cannot promise it. My realm comes first; I will have to do what is right by my people..." he trailed off and sighed a mirthless laugh. "My people" he murmured, weighing the statement. He sighed. "I cannot always guarantee peace, not with you, not with anyone."

Thor's face fell slightly, but he nodded. Unseen by his brother, Loki's expression softened slightly. "Yet... I would not wish to be your enemy... again" he said kindly.

Thor's eyes lifted to meet his brother's. "Then go. I hope the throne will suit you. Perhaps we will both learn, in time, to rule wisely and fairly. And in time perhaps Jotunheim will count Asgard as a friend."

Loki paused, holding his brother's eyes. There was nothing but sincerity there, and sadness. There was no cunning or envy, no grudge being nursed. Nothing but kindness and regret. Loki marvelled at the god's naivety and felt an ache somewhere very deep in his heart. He realised that he was looking upon his brother, a man he had known his entire life. Thor, with all his arrogance and bluster had remained steadfast, while Loki had raged all around him like a storm. Loki had enemies, himself foremost, but Thor was not one of those. The ache was replaced by a flicker of relief, and a smile came to his face, soft and genuine. He reached forward and clasped Thor's forearm. Thor clasped Loki's other forearm.

"Until next time we meet" Loki said lightly.

"Next time we meet, you will most likely be an actual king" Thor said casually. He startled slightly at the thought, released Loki's arms and stepped back, bowing slightly. He cleared his throat self-consciously. "Your Highness" he muttered.

A smile played across Loki's face as he narrowly surveyed his brother's obedience. "Not quite yet. But I do like how that sounds."

Thor sighed and managed to not roll his eyes.

Loki turned and strutted off, head held high.

The End

.. .. .. .. .. ..

Author's notes: Hey there, finally got it finished, just those last few loose ends to tie up. Sorry it took so long, and thank you for coming back to check it out. I had bits of it written for ages, but then with everything that happened in Thor: The Dark World, well... it kinda threw me off my game, and I couldn't bring it all together. But hey, my AU isn't canon, and my canon isn't AU. So there you go! Loki's got his sassypants back on, made a up a little tiny bit with Thor, and now and he's off to rule Jotunheim, and I managed to insert some Smurf jokes. My work here is done.

I enjoyed writing the series. Thanks for reading.
