Jake raised an eyebrow as he watched Finn grab his back pack and sword "I know your all pumped about fighting this guy but we have no idea where he is, how are we going to fight him if we don't know where the heck he is?"

Finn looked over at the dog and shrugged his shoulders "We'll figure something out."

Marceline floated over to the two. She still didn't like the idea of them coming along but didn't feel like fighting with them about it "Don't worry, once he sees me he will show himself. You guys need to be careful though, this guy is really sneaking and he kinda just pops out of nowhere."

Finn grinned as he walked out the door "Don't worry, this guy is going down!"

Jake and Marceline followed the hero out the door. Marceline sighed as she looked up at the sky, luckily today was overcast so she didn't have to worry about being burned by the sun but she wasn't really worrying about her safety. The queen brought her attention to the boy and the dog as they were ginning and laughing at something stupid the other said, "How can they be so calm about this?" She said to herself.

"Yo Marcie!" Jake called out, bringing the vampire out of her thoughts "You still with us? You seem...distant."

"What? No, I was just thinking."

"Well we need to be alert!" Finn said as he drew his sword "Who knows what this guy has up his sleeve."

"Yeah!" Jake agreed as he turned one of his paws into a blade and the other to a spiked ball.

Marceline went to go say something but a shadow like wolf pounced on Finn from behind, snarling "What the!?" The human yelp out in surprise as the beast tried ripping him apart

"Finn!" Both Marceline and Jake yelled out but once the vampire went to spring forward to help out her friend, another shadow wolf appeared and grabbed the vampire by her leg, using its sharp teeth. Marceline hissed out in pain as Jake used his blade hand to hit the wolf that was on top of Finn but the wolf just faded away like it was smoke and reappeared in front of them, snarling.

Marceline kicked the other wolf in the muzzle but it did the same thing the other one did and appeared next to it.

"You okay Finn?" Jake asked helping his brother to his feet.

"Yeah dude, just a few scratches" He replied as he looked over at Marceline who was now standing next to them "You okay?"

She gave the boy a quick nod "Like I said, this guy is sneaking and judging by the shadow wolves I'm guessing hes some type of wizard."

"So instead of fighting us himself, he's using magic? Wow how lame" Jake said glaring at the wolves

"Don't be fooled, hes around here somewhere" Marceline said keeping a keen eye out in ever direction so she wouldn't be surprised attacked again.

Finn nodded, not taking his eyes off the wolves. "Lets kick some butt!" the hero charged at the wolves swinging his sword at them as Jake turn his first huge and punch them but just like before they vanished and reappeared unharmed, except this time with every hit the wolves took they would multiply, soon enough the trio was surround by these beasts.

"What now Finn?" Jake asked looking for any way out.

Finn, just as nervous as his brother shock his head "I don't know! We can't hit them or they multiply! And the last thing we need is more."

Finn and Jake closed their eyes as all the wolves ponced at them, barring teeth. They expected intense pain but it never came. The two brothers slowly opened their eyes and realized they were in the air? They looked up and saw Marceline looking down at them as she hoovered in the air.

"Way to go Marcie!" Jake said as him and Finn smiled widely.

Of course this happy moment was interrupted when stream of electricity came out of no where and struck the vampire.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Marceline screamed out in pain as she dropped the two hero's on the ground

"Marceline!" Finn yelled out in shock as she to fell to the ground. "Marcie, Marcie! You okay?" Finn ran over to her.

"Y-Yeah" she slowly got up and hissed as a figure approached them. He was wearing a hood that covered most of his face, he was tall and dressed in mostly black.

"So your the lame wizard, vampire hunter thing." Jake said growling at him.

The wizard pointed one finger at the dog and shot another stream of electricity, hitting him.

"Nooo!" Finn yelled as he watched Jake yelp out in pain and fall to the ground, unconscious. "You will pay for that!" Finn yelled as anger slowly took over him and he charged at the vampire hunter, however before he made it to him he felt a fist connect with his stomach and got sent flying backwards. When he looked up he was even more surprised to see Marceline standing in between him and the wizard. "Marceline! Why the heck did you punch me!? What the hey!?"

The queen glared down at the boy "You should be thanking me! I just saved your life! You can't just charge like that! If you let your anger get the better of you then your giving him the upper hand."

Finn clenched his fist and tried to get a hold of himself. "Your right." He sighed as he stood up.

The wizard let out a small chuckle as he snapped his fingers and the shadow wolves appeared, surrounding Finn. "I gave you a chance to save yourself but you blew it and now you shall die!" The wizard's deep voice spoke as the wolves snarled and got ready to attack the human.

"WAIT!" Marceline screamed out before the wolves attacked "If you set him and Jake free then you can do whatever you want with me!"

"You really mean that!?" The wizard asked as the vampire tightly closed her eyes and nodded.

A/N: I am in such the witting mood today :D I might even work on the next chapter today! Either that or work on Ooo high or both :3 Anyways I would love to thank all my reviewers! You guys rock :)