Alfred stared at the back of Arthur's head through the mixture of Sousaphones and bass clarinets. The blonde snare drum always did this when Mr. Edelstein had them in the class at the same time. Although he loved staring at the back of his head, Alfred loved Arthur's face more.

The two percussionists were in marching band together. Alfred played the snare drum in the Drumline and Arthur played the marimba in the pit. Though technically in two different sections, they spent a lot of time together. Everyone who didn't play a wind instrument had to come a week early for band camp in order to get the correct amount of instructional time. After they memorized every note and beat, they were free to do as they pleased. Alfred and Arthur spent their time together. Alfred is a junior yet leader of all the Snare drums. Arthur is a senior and leader of the pit. Both of them being leaders just gave them even more time together.

Alfred fell for Arthur in his freshman year. He watched Arthur's grace as he would play on the xylophone or marimba. Arthur even helped him with his marching and memorization. The younger blonde was also mesmerized by the beauty of the pit member. Alfred found him amazingly attractive from his gorgeous eyes to the caterpillars of eyebrows. Arthur was all around perfect.

Though they've spent three years interacting, nothing romantic has happened. Alfred is simply hiding his feelings. There are two factors keeping his feelings bottled up, the first being rejection. The American would be crushed if he was rejected. His heart would shatter and he wouldn't be able to go on. The second is his nerves. They hold him tightly. Whenever he would work up the courage, his nerves will break him down. Just talking to Arthur was a challenge at times.

Alfred's heart beat would go from a tempo of 82 all the way to 110 when he saw Arthur. His otherwise tan complexion was flushed with red. His word would be lost and he was caught staring more time than one. Alfred was truly head over heels.

It was a Friday, and that meant a football game that night and a competition the very next day. Anyone who didn't want -or couldn't- come back to the school after three hours would stay after school. Alfred had his license and his own means of transportation; he just didn't want to go home. He liked being able to roam the halls with no one in them. He got to see a part of the school no one but band kids saw.

Arthur always stayed to help the theatre teacher.

The mischievous snare drum player would often pop in on them. He would annoy them, distract them, or even perform for them. Anything to be close to Arthur.

"Hey Artie~! Hey Mrs. Karpusi~!" Alfred called, coming into the classroom. The Greek teacher smiled up at the boy. "Hello Alfred~! How are you?" Mrs. Karpusi answered. Her son, Heracles, is also in band, actually playing the same instrument as Alfred. When she's not grading papers or making up lesson plans, she's at the sideline cheering them on.

"I'm fine~!" Alfred turns to a silent Arthur. "How are you Artie?" The Brit looked down at the work in front of him, ignoring the obnoxious American. "I'm fine Alfred… Just fine." Alfred pouted. "Stop being so cold, Artie!"

"Don't call me Artie! My name is Arthur!"

"I think the nickname is cute!" Mrs. Karpusi chimed in, happy to help Alfred and his cause.

Arthur blushes a deep crimson. "B-But I am not cute! And I'll thank you to remember that!" He huffed, standing and stomping out of the room in a rage. Alfred frowned to himself.

A hand patted his back. "It's okay Alfred, he'll come around." The theatre teacher said softly. "I-I don't know-" "Don't lie to me. I know what's going on." She gave him a small smile. "Don't worry~! It'll come in time. Now I have to go get my son!" Mrs. Karpusi practically skipped out of the room, leaving Alfred by himself.

"Well damn…"

A few hours passed and they had just finished marching their show. After circling their director they were set off for third quarter, free to do what they wanted. Alfred bolted for the concessions after putting down his drum and put on his bomber jacket. There was always a long line, and only 15 minutes for the band kids to get food. Saying hey to an "old friend" was the ideal way of skipping the unbelievable line. If you're not back by triple zero, you wouldn't be allowed to leave the stands the next game.

Alfred got what he always ordered, two things of cheese fries, a Coke, and Reece's peanut butter cups. Almost immediately the blonde started shoveling the fries into his mouth. "H-Hey Alfred." Someone called softly. Blue eyes looked up from the fries and met green ones.

Arthur was beautiful even in the cold. Frost nipped at his nose, cheeks, and ears. Despite the fact that bibbers –oversized overalls that are the pants portion of the uniform- never make anyone attractive, Arthur managed to looks as stunning as ever.

Unfortunately for Alfred, he caught him at the worst of times. Fries stuck out of his mouth and cheese spotted his face. No matter, Alfred smiled through the food causing half of it to drop out. And to his surprise, Arthur giggled. Alfred automatically blushed and swallowed. "Hey Arthur. What's up?"

The other blonde shrugged. "Just forgot my money and its bloody freezing out here." A shiver ran down his spine and he gripped his arms, rubbing his hands up and down his arms.

Alfred thought for a moment. "Come with me." He said and started towards the fence under the bleachers. He sat by the chain links and placed his feast down. Then, he took his jacket off, holding it out for Arthur.

The shorter blonde blushed. "I-I can't take your jacket! You'll freeze to death!" Alfred shook his head. "No I won't. Now shut up, take my jacket and sit next to me." Arthur blinked, taking the jacket and sitting next to Alfred. The taller smiled and fixed the jacket on his shoulders. Once that was finished he held out his fries. Arthur shook his head and Alfred gave him a look. Begrudgingly, Arthur took the fries and started eating. "You didn't have to give me this…"

"I wanted to. I don't need a second… And you were hungry…. You deserve it…" Alfred chewed his lip, looking away in embarrassment. Arthur smiled softly. "Thank you Alfred."

The taller blonde smiled back. "You're always welcome Artie," He looked over Arthur. "My jacket looks good on you. Wanna keep it for the night? It'll cover up the awful bibber~!" Arthur blushed and laughed, shaking his head. "Fine I'll keep it." Alfred then wrapped his arms around Arthur in a tight hug.

Arthur blushed and hugged back, enjoying more than just the warmth. He smiled into Alfred's neck and slyly took in his scent. Arthur loved the way he smelled like axe and leather. It's an intoxicating smell that fits him all too well. Arthur himself smelled amazing to Alfred. Rain, tea, and old books. Everything that reminded Alfred of Arthur.

Sadly, their moment was interrupted by a loud cousin of Alfred's. "COME ON BITCHES! IT'S ALMOST TRIPPLE ZERO!" Emily Jones was a Sophomore Saxophone player. The family resemblance was scary. She had the same blue eyes, blonde hair, and bone structure as Alfred. They've been mistake for twins multiple times. It's only fitting since their fathers looked so much alike as well.

Alfred broke the hug and glared. "Yeah, we're coming Emily," the blonde grumbled. Emily only giggled and skipped away. Alfred turned back to Arthur. "Come on, we gotta go." He agreed and they went back to the stands. There, Alfred and the drum line played cadences and stand tunes that they knew too well. It was same old same old for the rest of the game where the football team won 42-14. On the way back Alfred was the one to tap on his rim to give a beat so that everyone would stay in step.

In the band room, every one nearly passes out. They're exhausted. They shed the awful layers of the uniform, put their instruments away and left. Alfred waited, though. Arthur always took too long, he knew this, but with his own ride he could easily get back home.

He smiled as Arthur came up to him in his streets and Alfred's jacket. "You really like my jacket huh?" Alfred teased. A moment later the jacket was thrown at his face. "T-Take the damn thing…" Arthur mumbled, embarrassed. The junior only laughed loudly. "You got a ride home?"

Arthur nodded. "Yeah… I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yup… See ya tomorrow."

Call time was 1:30. Alfred was there at 1:00 for the leaders meeting. After the pointless five minute meeting, Alfred sprawled out on the band room floor and fell asleep until a rude freshman kicked him awake.

"Fuck… Little shit…" He hissed, his eyes landing on Arthur's little brother, Peter. The annoying trumpet player hated Alfred for absolutely no reason. Alfred received another kick to the gut for his last comment before Peter ran off with a Saxophone. The snare drum sat up groaning. When he checked his phone it was 1:25. He had 5 minutes to get to the practice field. "Fuuuuck!"

With little time to spare, Alfred got his drum and harness so he could run out to the field with only seconds to spare. "BAND-TEN-HUT!" Nikola, the drum major, called. Every one froze. Their chins were up, feet together, and a killer stare was on all of their faces. This was attention. "GO TO OPENING SET!" All 110 kids jogged to their first set. Alfred was at the back of the field with the rest of the Drumline.

Alfred watched Nikola's hands. With each swoop he hit his rims and added a small 'dut'. "Dut. Dut. Dut, dut, dut, dut." And the run through started. It almost seems robotic or militaristic. Everyone moving and shifting at the same time to make a huge picture. It was amazing to watch it all unfold.

Their show was a Broadway tribute. It was a mixture of some of the most famous Broadway songs ever written. The opener alone had four of the most memorable opening songs ever. It started off with the song 'Rent' from RENT. It takes the beginning of the song, and then transitions into 'No Place like London' from Sweeney Todd, with the arranger's own twist. The once soft instrumental was now intense with clashing sharps and flats, high and low notes all in order to go into 'Overture' from Phantom of the Opera. The transition decrescendos and swells for a crescendo. After that is the last bomb shell. 'No One Mourns the Wicked' from Wicked. The piece is powerful and great for the opening of an emotional show.

Any theatre junkie would love this full proof show. It's a very good thing most judges are not only band nerds but theatre nerds. They'll be humming along. They'll get invested. They'll love it. Most importantly, they'll score it well. No matter if the band is off step with the beat or they play a few notes wrong, the show and the sets will speak for themselves. It was meant to stun them. And that's just what it'll do. The majority of the band members love the show, which makes the drive even better.

They ran through the show three times before they were free to do what they wanted until they got on the bus at 3:15. They had about 30 minutes. As soon as they were called to be dismissed Alfred threw off his drum and collapsed, making an awkward grunting sound in the process.

"What a bad section leader! Almost late for practice!" A coy voice called. Alfred pouted and looked up at a smiling Arthur.

"Hey! It's not my fault I fell asleep!"

"Yeah I think it is."

Alfred stuck his tongue out at the Brit as he laughed and extended a hand to him. Alfred took it and was pulled to his feet. They smiled at each other and spent the 30 minutes together until they had to get on the bus for their first competition.

HAPPY ANNAVERARY TO DAISY-MAX1196! Okay guys this whole story (which will be who know how long) is for the anniversary of me and my interweb best friend Daisy-Max1196 meeting. To be honest it's in two months but now I can develop it and it'll be a story by the date of: D I'm excited!


Any who, this is based off my band experiences. So if you think it's wrong well…. Come to my band. THE MUSIC IS ACUTALLY BEING DONE! It's being pieced together by my awesome friend thepocketparadox! It's not going to be ALL I want because she can't tweak it THAT much but she's doing an amazing job!