Disclaimer: Inception does not belong to me.
Arthur blinked. He suddenly felt unsure of what to do, or to feel. Ariadne had simply got up, and left. His mother was shaking her head.
"Well, I must say, I don't think much of your young lady's manners, Arthur!"
Furious, he got up. "Really?" his tone was a bark. His mother blinked.
"Arthur." His father's voice cut through the atmosphere, which seemed to be becoming more thick and suffocating by the minute. "Arthur, please - sit down."
Mechanically, he did as he was told. As he sat, he felt his knees shake slightly. He picked up his fork, realising he had no choice but to actually eat. Carefully, he scooped up some of the food, and placed it in his mouth.
It tasted ashen.
Willing himself, he chewed, and swallowed. Simultaneously, he listened- hoping to catch a sound from Ariadne, something that would indicate that she was all right. As he listened, he realised, frustrated, that he could hear nothing.
Silently, he continued to eat.
Ariadne sat on the edge of the bathtub, willing to calm herself. She had eaten too quickly, she knew, and she was fighting the fermentation in her stomach. The food seemed to be rolling angrily within it, threatening to come back up.
She took a deep breath. Getting up, slowly, she decided water was her only solution. She turned on the faucet, and filled a tooth mug. As she took a sip, she felt her stomach begin to settle.
She sat on the edge of the bath again, the mug in her hand. The nausea caused by eating too quickly was beginning to subside. She closed her eyes, determined that she would fight against this. She did not need to make herself vomit.
"Stop it!" She whispered, keeping her eyes closed. As the rolling, sick feeling in her stomach dissipated, she began to get up, and walked to the door. Opening it, she straightened her clothes, and walked back into the hallway.
Arthur leaned against his chair. He felt stuffed. His mother had not insisted he eat more, but he felt as though he should. As though he had to compensate for Ariadne's behaviour. He sighed. After his parents continually thinking he did not eat enough, they had looked surprised, and even slightly delighted, to see him eating more.
Suddenly, Ariadne re-appeared. "I'm sorry," she said, courteously. She re-took her seat.
"Its fine," Arthur's mother said, nodding. "Are you allright."
"Yes," she said, gently, lacing her fingers through Arthur's on the top of the table. "Everything's fine."
Arthur, reassured by her, squeezed her fingers. His anxiety was rubbing off on her, he realised. Suddenly, he began to smile. It was so ridiculous - two people with issues with food being forced to sit down to a polite meal. He realised he needed to get out.
"Do you mind if Ariadne and I go out for a walk, later?"
His mother looked taken aback. "No, not at all."
Arthur nodded. "Thank you."
"In fact, why don't you head out now?"
Thank you for reading, please review!
Apologies for the lack of updates...work is very very busy.