Chương I: Fateful encounter

A.I don't want to become a shadow

Throw light through every tree, sunset light into the building, laught's noise in the courtyard are the children playing. The laughing inspired sounds really funny ears but made Anthony very annoying.

Boy sitting in front of a window, window boxes can look great, the boy looked down silently thinking "If jump down from here, May i dead?"

"You have to jump down not dead Anthony" Beyond answer as to read the boy's thoughts

"Beyond, why do you think I want to die," Anthony look Beyond filled with nasty

A boy about 12-13 are standing in front of a large Bookshelf, he holding a thick book, the eyes do not look toward Anthony "I just guess only a few months, you sit in it and then lost. Bored much?

"Maybe, I'm wondering existence?" Anthony looked out

Beyond sighed "Anthony, we are all orphans, we here are happier than other children there"

"Beyond, you don't see why we should be here? You do not realize they are looking to us to replace for someone else? " Anthony anger throws the book into the ground

The last rays of sunshine shone through the window boxes do hair Anthony as Sparkle, red hair and blue eyes full of angry resentment. "I don't like only a shadow, I'm fed up to here, and then" Anthony shouted full of anger

Beyond closing the book, maybe the boy has read the book. The boy looked over Anthony "Idiot, First, has anyone forced you here. Special genius like us, we want removed is gone, does anyone have enough barriers to you or me? "

Anthony turned away, he did not want to say more. Beyond sighed "I know, Anthony! I understand your fear of responsibility to shoulder when you wear over the shoulder position as successor of L right? "

"Not" Anthony did not turn around again. He still look outside "I just don't accept things we're doing, why we wear the heir to L that we not delivered anything more excitement in addition to things like stocks, credit, bonds. I'm not interested in the money game "

"I feel like you" Beyond choosing a book on the shelf "But Anthony, we have not yet qualified to shoulder the case as L, whether we maintain economic Wammy's House is also a challenge to the position of L"

"I know, Beyond, I know" Anthony stepped down from the frame stepped to the table nearby, with start and look at the computer on it "Beyond, you not bored? All the books here we all read, just sneak through once the memory, you do not bored when for reading again? "

"Every time reading I find interesting stuff than" Beyond looking at a book on high

"I don't think like you, I have just want to like another kid, whom still playing and don't worry anything" Anthony said, his voice too sad

"So, you can go there and played with them, who banned us" Beyond pushed the ladder near the shelf where the book's been

Anthony sighed expressed boredom "If you think as fast as a computer you will count up all the cases as well as the ability to"

"Did you mean when you play with the child normally that you always anticipate the actions of them true?" Beyond pulled the book off the shelves

"Playing with them would rather I sit here regarded the US stock market is also more fun"

Beyond sitting on stairs, he opened the book and looked at Anthony "Anthony, let me talk to you know, in this time, the Wammy have given us a spy characters. Only a few more years, we have been able to become a spy officially as L, a detective of the Wammy's House. You can't be patient over? "

Anthony thrown right mouse on the desk to the floor as punishment for the eye look Beyond "You don't understand. Beyond, you do not understand my feelings, I do not want to go back to L. Although I have become detectives of Wammy's House I will never exceed L. I only the successor, but while I absolutely could not afford. I do not accept. "

Beyond sighed "you're the No. 1 candidate, I am also not equal to you, but Anthony, you know how many children want to be like us, trained to skilled boom. If you feel enraged so do like Cindy, throughout the day away in the room with the delightful cotton "

"I get away from here, you've just sat that and readed those bore books" Anthony step out and closed the door.

Beyond looking out the window, listening Anthony's footstep. Indeed, this building was too wide. Everybody's just known it is an orphanage that was previously a church, but nobody's known Wammy has built up a private building, building only the child genius. The day that his mother's death, clearly seeing Beyong each time her last surviving off slowly. Closed those eyes, he cursed himself, why he must bring the eyes, the eyes of death, for the eyes that look who he also see real name and lifespan of that person. Although he knows someone is dying he also can't saves because the day alive was very low

Sad though to want to die, just look in the mirror he usually see in his lifetime is long, very long. "Persistent Life, Anthony, you know , would rather die is more pleasant" Beyond whispered. "Indeed, for me on my parents die before the day I was very excited. Finally I've also been to a place with decent, caring person I have for me. Though I just looked again and remember all the book but still happier than before when have a father only knew beating and my mother only drunkenness, gambling throughout the day "

Beyond stepping down the floor, he approached the desk computer. He picked up the mouse under the floor up, sat on the table and look into the screen. The screen is open site stock and a gambling online in Sweden. Beyond whispering "Poor Anthony, I know you so trade Cindy, but she will die in the following year. Maybe she considers also the depression worse you anymore "

Beyond stands up, his gaze on a box looks old stain yellow on the corner one shelf. "I have never seen it so" he silently advising.

The boy pushed the ladder to the shelves and then climb up to retrieve the box. He looked into the old box but it's still very clean none accented cling the dust, perhaps someone new to it. Beyond bringing the box down. He opened the case there is only one tangle papers, old profile. Maybe the box was formerly located in Wammy's office.

Beyond being attracted to a design a building. This design, looks like the buildings which he's lived. Strange but true, the building design has 2 basement. "Strange, why go into the basement many times but sees no way down next so much" Beyond secretly think.

He looked at the computer to open the program storage of Wammy's House and return the form to see only building with a basement. Beyond sit still thinking "If there is a basement anymore, so what's under there?" Beyond wonder.

He stood up picked flashlight and towards the basement. In the basement is dark,plenty of dirt. Looks like no way to come down. Beyond whisper, "If there is no entry, why have two desighs of the building". Suddenly Beyond recognize his supervisor, Ms Laura, she walked on the corridor and called Anthony' name.

"Stupid Anthony, you're hiding place again" Beyond thought "If I still stay here, Ms Laura would found me in here. If she knew why am doing here, it would not funny. I'll wait for everybody sleep tonight"

He walked out of the basement and then walked along in the corridor

"Beyond" Miss Laura called immediately when she saw Beyond in the corridor, "Do you see where Anthony? Wammy need to see him right now"

Beyond smiled "You look in the room Cindy, maybe that stupid guy get into it again"

"Right" She said as She had just realized the problem "I have not yet to check out the Cindy's room"

"I go out a little bit"

"Yes, but you must before dinner. And remember not to carry the corpses of animals, dead or alive. Game slaughter of you make I'm very disgusting" Ms. Laura looked at Beyond

"I knew then, you peace of mind"