'Dear Flame Princess,

I'm going to be blunt in saying that I am coming for a visit tomorrow, and that I can't wait to see how much you've grown.

Have you found a boyfriend yet by the way? You never ment- oh, yeah- coming for a visit, duh. I'll just ask you then.

See you soon.

-Love, your cousin, Burnadett.'

"So, whats wrong?" Finn questioned, setting down the letter and raising a blonde eyebrow. "She sounds totally rad."

"Ugh! I hate Burna!" Flame princess growled, rubbing her face bitterly as she spoke.

"Why? Is she evil also?" Finn asked. "If she is the-"

"No... Shes really nice... B-but she always tries to upstage me!" Flame princess complained, wavi MG her arms around now.

"How?" Finn asked suddenly, lacing an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. "Tell Finn all about it."

"Shes prettier, more talented, and everything I'm not!" Flame princess yelped. "Well, not really, but still."

"I don't think that." Finn said, smiling abit as Flame princess returned the smile. "Besides, we still have a few hours before she shows up, so how about we play some BMO and relax?"

Sighing softly, Flame Princess nodded her head and just hoped that her boyfriend was right about that.

The Next Day:

Burna really was a sight in more ways than one. She looked nothing like the Flame princess, as her hair was dark red with streaks of orange that billowed around her instead of upwards like her cousin's. Her skin was also a dark tan color, and her eyes were black with flecs of silver, resembling the color of ash. Her outfit consisited of a red, sleeveless crop top with random scraps of fabric that wrapped around her stomach, and she also wore a matching skirt that reached her feet. To conplete the outfit, she had a small red jewel on her forehead.

"What. A. Slu-!" Flame Princess was about to mumble, only to be pulled into a bone-crushing hug by the older woman.

"Hiiii!" She cooed happily. "Hows my baby cousin?"

"Ready to smack you." Flame Princess mumbled, wincing at the hug as she tried to push at the other to get her away. "And it feels like there is just this annoying, pain in my rump."

"Aw, stomach problems again? Didn't I give you medicine for that?" Burna asked, catching the sarcastic tone in her cousin's voice and returning it.

"Yes Burna. Yes you did." Flame princess growled slightly. "Thanks for bringing that much up."

Finn, who was standing just a short distance away, couldn't help but smirk a little. 'Burna ' spotted him suddenly and smiled at him as she walked over to him and gave him a rather tight bear hug.

"You must be Finn. My future 'cousin-in-law'." Burna greeted with a laugh as Finn blushed in her arms.

"H-how did you know abo-."

"News travels fast in a cell-phone tree." Burna answered, reaching into her pocket and then holding out said device. "Furnis and Torcho told me."

Finn froze at the names of the two males, remembering them well from their last run-in at the Fire Kingdom. He wasn't scared of the woman now, just a little concerned and not emotionally stable enough to fight a potentially evil lady at the moment.

"W-wait, are you evil too?" He asked, eyes darting between the two flame females.

"Nope, not part of the Flame kingdom. I am, however, part of the Volcano Kingdom." She answered, letting go of the small boy.

"Thats actually alil bombastic." Finn said smiling as he looked to Flame Princess. "Anyway, we should probably head back to the tree-house for some lunch."

"Sounds awesome, Finn." Burna replied as she followed the two there.

The two teens then smiled at each othe, with an annoyed Flame Princess watching them with a steely gaze, even long after they had made it to the tree-house and we're seated around the table with bowls of stew between them.

"So, you seem nice, Burna." Finn began, attempting to make polite coversation with this newcomer, as was his custom.

A tense silence suddenly fell throughout the tree-house, as the two fire women and the human boy sat around, each of them trying to figure out a way to respond to the comment. Finn, who was usually very talkative, was now silent as his spoon scraped the bottom of his soup bowl.

"So..." He mumbled at last as he sipped some soup, not looking up from the bowl as he did so. "How was your trip, Burna?"

"Long." Burna answered as she began to copy his actions with her own bowl of soup. "I've never really been outside of Volcano Kingdom before,so I didn't really know my way around here."

"I could show you around Ooo sometime if you'd like." Finn suggested suddenly, smiling widely as his 'good host' side began to show again, causing Burna to smile.

"Oh, I'd like that." She said happily, folding her hands under her lips suddenly.

"I'd like that." Flame Princess mumbled sarcastically.

"Aw, come on FP." Finn cooed, suddenly holding her hand under the table. "Don't be such a domp."

Flame Princess blushed darkly and quickly jerked her hand away from him as she huffed. Not that she didn't want to hold his hand, but she was just not really liking the attention she had brought to herself.

"You can come with us if you'd like." Burna suggested, still smiling widely despite her cousin's pouty face.

"No thanks, I know my way around Ooo." Flame Princess said, folding her arms over her chest.

"Okay." Burna replied, shrugging. "Finn and I will be gone for a few hours then, but don't worry, I won't steal him from you."

Flame Princess jumped to her feet almost instantly upon hearing this. She had just about had it with her cousin already, despite the woman really not doing anything mean other than that one little line that bothered the young heiress to no end for some reason or another.

"I'm coming with you guys!" She yelped, stamping her hands on her hips boldly and frowning.

"Thats the spirit FP." Finn said as he began smiling, not realizing that she was only going with out of fear of losing him.

Unfortunately, he was still completely oblivious to this fact even DURING the grand your if Ooo.

"And over here is the candy kingdom, and thats a rock, and those are clouds and-" Finn excitedly gasped, pointing to everything in sight, but soon stopping to take a breath.

Burna nodded her head sweetly as she and Flame Princess followed close behind him, dtopping only when he did.

"Finn, Finn! One thing at a time." Burna laughed as she caught up with the panting boy and began to pat his back gently.

"S-sure B-Burna." Finn panted out as he tried to catch his breath.

After about five seconds of deep breaths, he straightened himself out and then looked at the two girls. Putting on his kindest, hero face, he began again. Or at least tried to.

"So, where to first ladies?" He asked coolly.

Both girl's looked between one another and thought it over silently. Flame Princess was about to speak up, but Burna, who didn't see her cousin's mouth open, spoke first.

"The Candy Kingdom! I haven't been there in ages!" She cried happily.

Finn smiled at the suggestion from her and nodded and then took off in the direction of the Candy Kingdom, followed by the two fire elementals. The princess of said kingdom was waiting by the front gate, and she waved as the trio drew closer to her castle. As soon as the three were close enough, Burna and Princess Bubblegum ran to each other and giggled while hugging.

"Hey Bonnie! haven't seen you in a hell of a fortnight!" Burna said happily as they hugged.

"Almost twelve years its been." Bubblegum corrected her as she let go of the hug.

"Woah! you two know each other?" Finn yelped slapping his face in surprise.

"Not really, but fellow princesses all kind of know each other in one way or another." Bubblegum admitted, laughing a little from her earlier joy as she shook her head.

"Wait, so-" The boy was suddenly cut off by the youngest princess there.

"Well Finn, someone had to rat me out for being unstable." Flame Princess cut in.

"Oh, your cousin didn't rat you out. Her family just felt concerned about you and alerted me of your escape as a child." Bubblegum said as FP rolled her eyes in annoyance. "If they hadn't then you would have become unstable and possibly have died if you went on."

"Wait, so you guys saved FP? Screw the tour I wanna hear this!" Finn flopped down onto his stomach and propped his head up with his hands.

Two folding chairs were brought out from the older princess' castle by her guards, and soon the gang were seated in a circle. Soon, it seemed as though they had forgotten all about the actual Flame Princess in favor of telling their story, with Finn all to eager to hear the story. It was because of this that no one noticed that a clearly annoyed Flame Princess had wandered off.