Disclaimer: I do not sadly own any newsies I only own all the characters you don't reconize.

"Come on girls hurry up" ushered Mrs. Higgins

"Yes, yes if we are to go we need to go now" Mr. Higgins agreed.

We all trudge along to the basement that held a way to our new home.

"Ise don't wanna go not widout da boys" I complained the rest of the girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"They will be along soon enough" Mrs. Higgins replied somewhat sadly.

The finally reached the little trap door in the basement of the newsboy lodging house. Mr. Higgins swiftly unlocked the latch and opened the door to reveal a swirling green portal.

"Patrick." Called Mr. Higgins

"Yes sir.' Spot replied quietly not liking the use of his real name.

"Take this key and keep it with you" he said while handing him the key to the latch.

"Hey! Why does he gets ta keep it?" Anthony exclaimed.

"Because he won't gamble it away unlike somebody Ise knows" I said with an accusing stare.

Anthony's face turned red while the rest of us were trying to keep from laughing to loud. I went over and kissed my brother on the cheek.

"Try to stay outa trouble Race" I said sadly.

"Ha when do Ise evah get inta trouble" he responded cheekily.

I cracked a small smile even though he was a pain in my ass sometimes I would miss him dearly.

"Ok you first Allison" my mother called from near the portal.

"Do wese even know where dis is going ta take us?" I asked.

"No but we will make do where ever it puts us." She said with a small smile.

I took one last look around the room at all my friends. Race, Mush, Jack, David, Blink, Spot, Skittery, Specs, Dutchy, and Itey were there. The girls of course were there because they would be coming with me, but the boys wouldn't be coming for a while.

"Bye boys Ise will see youse soon" I said with a hopeful smile. I turned around and looked into what was going to control my future and jumped.