A/N: Warning: OC Alert! Sorry if the opening is not as good, but then again, all my openings are not as good. I've actually re-written this one because I have this OCD about having 1000+ words in chapter stories.

Chapter 1: Thursday: New Student: Re-do!

A/N: I was re-reading this chapter and I just had to re-write it. This version has some more detail and I re-wrote Hailey's inner thoughts a bit differently. Don't want to make her seem like a Bella Swan. Jk jk.

Hailey's POV.

Being the new kid is never an easy thing. You don't know anyone else in the school except for your siblings, and if they aren't in any of your classes then you are totally out of luck. Its also very unlucky when your siblings are your rock on a usual basis, keeping you from saying anything that might be stupid and saying you when you do. That was my issue right now, as I stood in front of my new homeroom class with a stomach full of butterflies and fire, trying to act both normal and human, though in reality I was neither. Though, that was another issue entirely.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today." The teacher's over accented voice rang out in the otherwise silence class, as he pushed me to the front. "This is Hailey- Dailey? Hm, cute name. Very interesting rhyme scheme."

I turned at least seven shades of red at this comment, even though I'm very used to getting those types of comments on my name, its still embarrassing to have it be pointed out and I sometimes feel the need to question my mom on her choice of names. Anyway, I was already feeling nervous about standing up in front of the class, so I had to focus on that more than anything.

"Hailey, why don't you tell the class a little about yourself?" The teacher asks, stepping away from the front of the class and opening the floor to me, kind of putting me on the spot in a way.

'Keep it normal, Hailey.'

I took a deep breath and put on a bright smile to make myself appear more friendly and less shy and tried to choose my words carefully. To me, on the first day of school, one false word and you're dead. You're either labeled a weirdo or a pretty cool kid. With my luck though, I'd probably get labeled somewhere in-between. Maybe I'm just over thinking I- Oh crap, I was supposed to be presenting. Crap! How long have I've been standing here thinking to myself? Okay, new plan. Just start talking!

"Well OK, to start, I guess. Hello, my name is Hailey Dailey, I have a twin sister named Kati who does not attend this class in this period and an older brother Baron who is two years ahead of my twin and I. They both also go to this school as you can tell. My family just moved here from Wales, in the UK and I am 14 years old. I would also like to add that I am a huge fantasy nut." I said pushing a strand of my black hair (minus a pruple streak) away to revile my blue eyes, which until now had been hidden from view. "Particularly dragon fantasy. So if any one else is cool with that then we have something to talk about."

I notice one boy at the back of the room perk up at the sound of this information, and instantly I was face palming myself and overthinking what I had just said. He went from leaning back in his chair to sitting bolt right up. I don't know why, but he kind of looked familiar to me. Maybe it was just me, but I could have sworn I had seen him somewhere before. Wait, now I'm over thinking again in front of the class, well Hail, if you've seen him before then maybe he'll talk to you. Just hurry up and wrap up your speech and go sit down.

"Anyway, I am very happy to be in your class and I hope to make a lot of new friends this year." I concluded as fast as my mouth could while brightening my smile and rocking on the balls of my heels. 'Kati would kill me if she heard this...'

"Very nice Miss. Dailey. I am sure you will fit right in with the rest of the class. Your seat is the second from the last row in front of Mr. Long, there." He pointed to the only empty desk in the room and with that being said I made my way quickly down the aisle and find my way to my assigned seat.

For some reason everyone's eyes, or at least the more popular looking kid's eyes, seem to follow me as I walked. I couldn't figure out what they were staring at. My hair was done up simply in twin buns on the top of my head, so unless that was something weird now, I really saw no probably with them. The only other thing I could think of, was probably my dress. The fact that the sun-dress like shirt I wore looked as though it had been a large snake's pelt at one point probably wasn't doing my justice, but I thought myself that the pattern was cool and the ombre effect with the purple and white was beautiful. What ever it was, all eyes were on me.

Whatever. I felt comfortable in my style and hopefully other's would be comfortable with it too. If they didn't well they could go suck an egg. With that thought in mind I leaned back in my chair and tried to bury my face in a fantasy novel, only then I began to hear what some students were now whispering about.

"Do you see the way she dresses?" I hear a female voice whisper. "I mean its cute but for school? Really?"

"She kinda looks like an animal in that pelt dress." Another answers with a snobby snicker.

'Not any animal you would know about.' I thought with a roll of the eyes, trying not to zone in on their conversation any longer.

"If shes from Wales then why doesn't she have an accent?" A male asked another student.

"Omg, Robert, you can't just ask people why they don't sound Wales." The girl that spoke sounded like a dumb blonde, not even kidding.

'Doesn't sound Wales? The heck?' Well, I did try not to zone in, but that didn't mean that I succeeded.

"Class, that is enough talking." The teacher interrupted from his place at his desk. "Quiet down or I will assign work."

The students groaned and after that, they were silent. I silently had to thank the teacher in my head for stopping them, their comments were actually pretty freaking annoying, but they also kind of hurt. Back at my old school, comments like that weren't taken as lightly as they were here, but I assumed it was probably because it was a different school system entirely.

'Great, five minutes in this school and already I'm the class weirdo.' I thought, but unbeknownst by me, their was someone in the back of the room who didn't think so.

Regular POV:

School began and ended the same way. Painfully slow, and when it was finally over everyone raced for the door. The firsts ones out? As always, the trio of misfit friends.

"I don't know, something was up about the way she said 'Dragon fantasy'." Jake commented, referring to the new student's comment. "Don't most Dragons die in fantasy novels?"

Since having a few run-ins with hunters disguised as students and a creepy teacher who wished to expose him, the young dragon felt that he could never be to careful when it came to the people he met. Call him paranoid, but he wasn't going to take anything possible threats to his life or his families lives lightly.

"Not in Madame Blue Jay's novels, in which the dragons are humanoids and usually seduce the knights sent to kill them." Spud corrected, holding his finger up in his usual 'matter-of-face' way. "Not that I read her books."

"Yeah, aren't those lady novels?" Trixie smirked, looking at her friend, who by now was bright red.

"Um, uh! My cousin reads them!" Spud said quickly, only to quickly return to his careless stance.


"Guys! What if shes a hunter? Did you see that dress she was wearing? Defiantly wasn't any animal that isn't magic." Jake cut-in, returning to their original conversation.

"Yeah, so it HAS to be a dragon pelt, and she has to be a slayer right?" Trixie asked, rolling her eyes up to the Heavens and then back down to Earth.

"I don't know maybe." Jake answered shaking his head.

"Jakey, honey, I honestly think you're being more paranoid than usual." Trixie sighed, patting her friend's shoulder gently. "I'm pretty sure Rose is the only hunter that goes to our school."

"You can never be to sure." Jake reminded her, brushing her hand off gently and rolling his eyes.

"Why don't you just ask her?" Spud interrupted suddenly. "Shes right there."

Looking up the two teens saw the black haired girl was walking up beside them, in her hand, a Madame Blue Jay book. Upon seeing them, she quickened her pace to a slow run. The trio watched her for a bit, but then stopped when they realized that their staring was probably what was causing her to speed up the way she did.

"So shes not a slayer." Spud mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey guys, I'll catch up with ya later." Jake said, beginning his own slow run.

Either he was a very slow runner, or she was a very fast one, because the girl was soon out of his line of sight, but he was determined to talk to this new-comer, so he kept going anyway, and he only stopped to catch his breath once in front of where the school curved suddenly, and the sidewalk turned to the right.

"Now where did she?" He mumbled, but was suddenly knocked over by a flash of purple and black.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" An all to familiar voice rang out. "I was looking for my sister and didn't see you there!"

"Found her." He mumbled, rubbing his head as he straightened himself back out.

"Hm? Were you looking for me?" Hailey asked, brushing him off quickly with a slight giggle in her tone.

"Nah. Was just-." Jake began, looking up at the girl and catching a quick glimpse of a purple face before it was replaced by a tan one. "Nothing."

"Oh, OK." Hailey said smiling and letting go of his hand as she began to walk away.

"Wait, so your Hailey right?" He asked, trying to get the ball rolling a little.

"Yes." She answered, turning to face him. "I saw you today during class."

"You know I have a sister named Haley." He said, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Common name. How does she spell it?"


"I spell mine H-A-I-L-E-Y." Hailey said, beginning to walk away. "It was nice talking to you, I will see you at school tomorrow we can talk more then."

And with that the girl walked away only to meet up with two adults and two teens about her age. From what Jake could guess, the two teens were probably the siblings that she mentioned during class.

"Yeah, maybe." Jake said, turning around and walking away, well he was certain about one thing.

She read Madame Blue Jay's books.