Due to the overwhelming response to the one-shot I decided to make it a bit longer.

Disclaimer: I, Ashleigh Wood, do not own or claim the neither Vampire Academy series as my own. Richelle Mead owns vampire academy. I, Ashleigh Wood, claim this plot as mine and no one may copy it or use any ideas without my written permission.


I sat on the floor in the room, staring a head at nothing. I lay my head on my knees which were drawn up to my chest and had my back pressed against the side of the bed. I felt almost completely hollow.

Suddenly I burst into hysterical laughter, unable to control myself anymore. I laughed until my stomach hurt at which point I burst into tears. My body shock with sobs and I sniffed very un-ladylike and wiped my nose with the back of my hand.

I huffed and dragged myself up and walked to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at myself. My ski-goggles were pushed up and resting on the top of my forehead causing a big bubble in my once neat hair. My eyes were red and puffy and my lips were swollen and my skin was too pale.

I wiped my face and took off the goggles while brushing my hair out. I leaned forward and put my hands on either side of the sink on the counter, leaning forward I examine myself further. "Your nose is too small and your ears stick to far out of the side of your head and look how your eyes practically bulge out of your head, no wonder Dimitri didn't want to stay with you." A nasty voice sneered at me.

I began to sob again placing my hand over my mouth I sink down between the toilet and sink and lay may head against the wall. There were no tears only sobs, my throat hurt and it felt almost impossible to breath.

Why do people even date? Is this how it ends? Or am I just the only one stupid enough to fall in love with a married man? I thought back to all the movies where the screwed over girl goes and gets another man to make the one who broke her heart jealous and eventually they end up together, but even the thought of being with someone other than Dimitri was painful.

I remember reading somewhere that when your heart sore or sad it's not actually your heart but your brain but damn does it felt like there had been a bomb set off inside my chest. I remember clearly how Mia and Lissa and Avery and all the other girls say how much they hated their ex's and how they couldn't wait to get back at them.

I couldn't even think about hurting Dimitri, emotionally or physically, I guess it was too bad he didn't feel the same. I mean it's not like he could have forgotten that he was married and then woke up today and thought wow I should really tell the girl I have been messing around that I am married.

I drew in a shaky breathe and let it out again. And then repeated the process five or six times before standing up and making my way back to my bed, I looked over at Lissa's bed which had not been slept in once since we got here. I pulled off all of the layers of clothing until I was left in my thermal wear. It was only about nine at night and normally I would be eating dinner with Dimitri right now.

My stomach lurched and it didn't know if it was the thought of food or Dimitri. I thought back to this afternoon, I was happy beyond ecstatic even and then karma came around. I don't remember committing any really bad deeds lately or maybe I was Joseph Starlin in a past life.

How could he deliver, in such a short sentence, so much pain and anguish? Even worse was how could he say that sentence like it meant nothing, like it was no big deal almost as if he was talking about the weather. I thought back to what had happened earlier.

I have no idea how I did it, maybe I was on neutral or my brain had turned off, I walked away. I just turned and walked, leaving my skis, the lunch and worse of all Dimitri and didn't even look back once. I didn't think about where I was going my feet just moved and I walked around and around eventually I found myself outside Dimitri's room.

I could hear his rapid, angry and strong voice talking on the other side of the door, it sounded as if he was in an argument. I slide down beside his door leaning back against the wall. I laid my legs out in front of my in a V and placed my hands down by my sides.

I closed my eyes and just listened to his compelling voice, it didn't matter that he was shouting, that he was speaking in Russian or even the fact that he had practically ripped my heart out, it still felt so good to hear his voice.

It felt as if he voice was wrapped around and it gave me goose-pumps just hearing the way he rolled his R's and how some words his voice deepened ever so slightly. Then the tone of his call changed, it was soft and cajoling almost cooing. I felt a shiver run down my spine and all the hairs on my body stand up.

I realised he was talking to a child, the words he used were soft sounding and then tone was loving and it was no longer fast pace but almost like a prayer. I shot up straight, he was talking to his child… he didn't say anything about a child. I knew he said he had a wife but not a child.

It felt as if the air was ripped out of my lungs, my legs felt like jelly and I crumbled into a heap on the floor. I just sat there not able to move, I heard him say goodbye to someone named Paul. What a lovely name I thought idly.

The door knob moved and Dimitri stepped out and froze when he saw me lying on the floor. He smiled down at me sadly, and then sat down next to me on the floor. He grabbed my hand, and pulled it onto his lap.

"That was my Grandmother. She and my mom took turns screaming at me, even my nephew chewed me out but his was more about not bringing him here with me." I smiled sadly up at him and was thanking myself that I hadn't mentioned the kid thing.

"I told them I wanted a divorce," he took a deep breath and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started hyperventilating and stepped back from him while shaking my head. He was taken aback by my response.

"I'm not a home wrecker Dimitri," I said trying to hold my sobs in. I turned my head away in an n effort to hide my tears. He stood up and tried to grab for me but I stepped back and held up my hands.

"Roza my marriage was long over before you came. You were just the catalyst," I whipped around and faced him head on.

"Wow, Dimitri because that's just made me feel a hundred times better about the situation. I'm sorry I can't do this, I just can't deal with you right now," I said and then began making my retreat. He looked like he had been shot; it felt as if my heart had been shattered. A pressing and suffocating pain ripped through my chest.

That was the second time I had walked away from him today and even now thinking back on it, the pain felt exactly like it had the first time, unbearable. Regret coursed through me and I thought that I should go back to him and let him hold me and tell me how everything is going to be ok.

I can't deal with this anymore, sighing I got up and started up my laptop and logged onto the airline companies website and booked myself a flight for tomorrow night. I knew going home wasn't going to make me feel better but at least I would be able to feel like shit in the comfort, and private, of my own home and bed and I can feed my fish because lord knows that Adrian hasn't remembered to.

I curled up and called him, "This is Adrian, charmer and lover extraordinaire but you already knew that. I can't come to the phone right now so leave a message and if you sound cute I'll call you back." I rolled my eyes at the typical Adrian charm but welcomed the familiarity.

"Hey, just wanted to call and tell you I'm coming back earlier than expected. If you ever check your messages, I would really appreciate a lift home, since well you got my car impounded and everything." The message tone beeped and I hung up.

I sighed and pulled the pillow over my head, knowing that the next twenty-four hours were going to be the worst. Telling Lissa would be the hardest, and suddenly all I wanted was my best friend. This was my first 'boyfriend' and break up and I had been there for every single one of hers. I had been her shoulder to cry on numerous times and the first time in my life where was she?

Running around with that weirdo of hers, ok I loved Christian like he was my brother and it didn't matter that she had no idea about mine and Dimitri's relationship, if you can even call it that? Picking up my phone I called her but once again was met with voicemail.

God what is it with all these people and not answering their phones? I sighed and walked over grabbing some stationary and wrote Lissa a note telling her that I had to go home urgently and not to worry I will call her when I land.

When the plane touched down my heart sank down into my stomach, I had really left and there was no going back now. I grabbed my bag, luckily it was one of the first ones out, and set off outside the terminal.

First I saw Sidney and then her handsome boyfriend. I threw my arms around Adrian and used all my will power not to burst into tears. Once my hellos were finished, Sydney receiving equal treatment we headed to the car and thankfully they did not ask why I have left the winter wonderland earlier than expected.

They dropped me off at home and I had to practically kick them out because they were worried about me and were considering cancelling their plans for the evening. I curled up on my bed and fell asleep dreaming of brown eyes looking at me in pain.

The next morning you would have never guess that I had slept over ten hours, granted I did wake up three or four times sobbing and clutching my pillow begging a certain someone to forgive me. I undressed and went for a shower.

By the time I had settled down to eat breakfast I felt completely drainage, I dint know whether to blame jetlag or heart ache but I still went a passed out on my couch.

A week later I sat in at my desk, dejectedly typing away on my computer, answering the endless emails and doing the piles upon piles of paper works on my desk. I mean a forest is sitting on my table at the moment.

A call came through on my land-line. My eyes widened when the receptionist told me I had a package at the front desk. I got up and walked to the elevators. I got in and the ride from the third floor down to the first seemed to take for ever.

As I got out and rounded the corner, I stopped and stared at what was in front of me. Dimitri stood there with the biggest bouquet of flowers I have seen in my entire life and before I could stop it a face splitting grin spread across my face.

So there it is, hope it lived up to expectation!

It was fun to write and I might just add one more chapter just to round things up but that's up to you guys.

Love you guys, Ash.