Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, just playing about with them for fun not profit.
A one-shot.
I am in love with my best friend. There. I've admitted it. I've said it out loud. Well, no, not out loud so anyone else could hear it, just in my internal monologue. I have thought it, ruminated it until finally it's there at the front of my cerebral cortex. Huh, Maura taught me that. I always listen to her. She's so clever and I like the Googlemouth thing that she does, I learn so much from her.
Maura. A feeling of guilt as if I have been caught doing something I shouldn't have washes over me. It strikes me all at once that the feelings that I have towards my best friend, are not that of only friendship. I am in love with my best friend; Doctor Maura Isles.
Holy crap. I am in love with my life long best friend forever. Except that's not what I want; lesbian lover best friends forever is a more accurate description.
I didn't expect to have the realisation on a dull Wednesday afternoon, but there it is. It hits me like a ton of bricks and it's like an epiphany; a true moment of conscious realisation.
I'm waiting on an autopsy report and I find myself staring at the cursor blinking back at me. As if it's silently mocking me. Daring me to fill it's screen with how I feel.
So I do. I go to compose new message and decide that I will splurge my feelings onto the page, as if by some miracle writing them down will make my feelings disappear. That by writing them down I can make my feelings erase as easily as holding the delete key and watching my sentiment obliterated from the screen.
I'm not particularly good at talking about my feelings and what am I supposed to do about this? However, I will give it a go. What harm can it do right?
I write the first thing that comes into my head.
Hey Maur,
How are you today? Have you got that report for me? Oh by the way, I have been thinking and guess what? The reason I am crap at dating men is because I am head over heels in love with you. Oh and while I remember, Ma's made a lasagne for us, would you mind picking up some salad to go with it? I've bought you some of that wine you like and it will go perfectly. See you tonight.
Yeah like that's going to happen Rizzoli. Nice try. Try again. I am careful not to write anything in the 'to' field. That would be just my luck. I write again, writing the words I am feeling.
I uh, I know you always encourage me to talk about my feelings, so here goes.
You see, the thing is, all my life I have wanted to be a cop, ever since 4th grade and a Police Officer came to my school and told us all what it was like on a Career day. I was just a kid Maur, but the respect that he had from not just the badge and gun, but from being someone so brave risking his life day in day out to uphold the law, well I knew that's what I wanted.
It's all I ever wanted.
So I worked hard. I trained, I fought, I made my way up through the ranks. I love what I do and I wouldn't change it. But everyday I have also had to fight against the prejudice. They're so narrow minded but it's what they think. Successful cop read dyke. I have tried so hard to break away from that stereotype but in doing that I think I embody it more. I mean you've seen the way I dress, but then imagine me wearing heels and a dress to chase down a knife wielding perp. It just ain't practical.
It also isn't how I feel comfortable. I like wearing my suits. I feel baddass in them; my gun on one hip and my badge on the other. That's right buddy. Mess with me and see which of us ends up bloodied.
My point is, I love what I do and it's ironic that in trying to break away from stereotypes, I kinda re-enforce them. So I date and I think this is what has suddenly made me realise, but dates are dinners, or long walks, or movie nights. Dates are all the things we already do. And enjoy.
I am already enjoying dating you. Hell, we've been dating for three years and neither of us realised. It's that old adage; we're like an old married couple. We do all the coupley things together, we just don't have sex. Except I want to have the sex. I really really want to have the sex.
You are beautiful, stunning, curvaceous, beguiling, intelligent, engaging, challenging, encouraging; the yin to my yang, the Cagney to my Lacey, ok so not quite as they're both cops but they're a team and that's us. I want to be a team in everything Maura, in every single part of my life. We practically are already.
I'm in love with you and I wanna take you out. Properly. I want to wine and dine you.
And sixty-nine you. I don't know what that is in French, but I bet you do. You lived there, you're bound to know.
The next time I put my hand protectively on your back I want it to be as your girlfriend. I act like it already Maur. I really would be 'the man' in this relationship. Not that it works like that, just that there is usually one who would die for the other and that is me for you. I would die for you, Maur. Kill for you. I have done and I nearly lost you. I'm still sorry about that. Every day.
And so, I won't risk it. I won't risk the friendship we have worked so hard to get back. I am grateful to have you in my life in whatever content, so I will keep these feelings to myself. I will aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"Damn it Frost, what in the hell?"
Her partner, Barry Frost has been watching Jane screw her face up and type whatever she is working on on her PC. His report is still blank and as a distraction he has launched a stress ball at Jane's head. Unfortunately he misses Jane but successfully knocks the contents of her coffee all over her pants.
Jane grumbles as she walks to the bathroom, her front soaking wet, her face like thunder as she wills Frost to laugh in order to rip him a new asshole. He knows better than to do that. Jane is muttering to herself so much so that she doesn't hear the ping of the elevator announcing it's arrival, nor does she hear the click clack of Maura's heels as she walks towards the Detective's desk.
"Oh hi Barry, where is Jane? I have finished my report and hoped to catch Jane."
"She's uh, in the bathroom. Leave it on her desk Maura."
Maura seats herself on Jane's chair and seeks out a post it in the bomb site that is Jane's desk. As she does so, she cannot help but see the words 'Hey Maur' written on the new message on the screen. As the email is addressed to her and she is not invading anyone else's privacy as it is addressed to her anyway she reads the whole message.
Maura doesn't make a sound as she reads the email, but writes something on the post it and sticks it to Jane's screen.
"Thank you Barry. See you later. If you could tell Jane I dropped the report off that would be great."
"Sure, no problem Maura."
Jane is still muttering to herself when she steps out of the bathroom that again she misses the sound of the elevator doors shutting. She is still cursing as Barry speaks.
"Maura just left the autopsy results on your desk."
"Just now, while you were in the bathroom. She said to tell you that she dropped the report off."
Jane's heart sinks. She hadn't locked her PC when she tore off to the bathroom. What if Maura read it? What if Maura saw?
Jane can feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Fight or flight? Out of the corner of her eye she spies a yellow post it which is stuck to her screen. She recognises Maura's neat calligraphy immediately. She gulps and prepares herself for her world to end. She reads the note.
Lasagne sounds lovely. I'll bring salad and garlic bread. I'll see you tonight at 7. M x. PS souixante neuf ;-)
Holy crap. She read it. She didn't freak out. The world didn't end. Was she just flirting with me? Maybe things will work out. Maybe she wants the same thing.
With that Jane deletes the email and smiles at Barry.
"Seeing as you spilled coffee all over me Frost, how's about a refill?"
Maybe today wasn't so dull after all. Maybe today would be the day for them to finally get together. Either way, it was a helluva long time until 7. It was a long time to wait, but then she had waited all this time. A few more hours might just be worth it.