Ice and Fire

A Monster High Fan-fiction

by: Avvithespaz

Genre: Romance/Drama

Rated: T

Pairing(s): Heath x Abbey; Jackson/Holt x Frankie; Clawd x Draculaura; Gil x Lagoona; Deuce x Cleo; Slow-Moe x Ghoulia; Clawdeen x Romulus.

Summary: Abbey Bominable finds out that her "prince charming" is actually a mountain troll; will the handsome Heath Burns turn out to be her knight in shining flames? Or will they crash and burn? THREE-SHOT

Setting: The Monster High webseries universe; Abbey has been at Monster High for a few months now.

Disclaimer: I do not own MH.

Warning(s): Mentions and might allude to sex but is never described, some mild cursing!

Chapter 1: The Prince Is Really a Troll

Abbey's room at Headless Headmistress Bloodgood's house was trashed, girls rushing around, trying not to trip over the fallen supplies in their large heels. More clothes were being thrown from the closet and yelling could be heard from the five fluttering ghouls. Frankie gushed as she brushed through Abbey's long white hair, looking rather silly in her obviously summer outfit while sporting thick winter opera gloves that protected her from freezing while touching her icy friend. Clawdeen and Cleo were arguing over what Abbey should wear, fighting so viciously that they would have literally ripped Abbey's wardrobe apart if not for Lagoona breaking up the fights. When she wasn't breaking up the two rivaling fashionistas she was on her iCoffin with Draculaura, who was at the maul ready to shop for any last minute accessories once Cleo and Clawdeen decided on an outfit. Ghoulia was slowly but expertly applying Abbey's make-up, wearing the same heavy opera gloves as Frankie. Abbey was sitting quite and still, breathing deeply and using all of her concentration not to freeze her two friends.

What was the occasion you ask? Abbey had been asked out on her first date by none other than Sam Squatch, son of Big Foot. He is tall, 3 inches taller than Abbey in her highest pair of heels, with broad shoulders and large muscles, dark skin and brown hair with piercing green eyes; he is also the linebacker for the Monster High football team. Most importantly though, he is one of the very few students at Monster High who could make contact with the Yeti Princess and not turn into a block of ice, making he and Abbey an almost perfect match.

"Oh my RA! You are delusional if you think Abbey should wear that on her first date!" Cleo yelled pointing to the outfit Clawdeen held out, a pair of light pink skinny jeans with a tight long sleeve, scoop neck, silver lace shirt paired with a black fur vest and black fur boots.

"This is an extremely fashionable outfit; all it needs is a matching bag, which Lala can pick up. Its way better than what you want her to wear!" Clawdeen exclaimed nodding towards the outfit that Cleo had picked out, an ice blue long sleeve turtleneck tucked into a waist high black bubble skirt with a thick silver belt and black over the knee leather boots with fur lining the top.

"What is wrong with this outfit?! All it needs is that cute little baby pink beret Laura and I saw at Cadaver last Friday!" Cleo exclaimed.

"Well I think that-" Frankie started.

"Stay out of this Frankie," Lagoona muttered to her before taking a deep breath and turning towards the warring fashionistas. "Alright Ghouls, we're going with Cleo's pick."

"WHAT?!" Clawdeen exclaimed looking at Lagoona as if she were a traitor.

"Obviously," Cleo shrugged, smirking.

"Though your outfit is the more fashionable of the two Clawdeen, its Abbey's first date, and they're just going to the Coffin Bean and then catch a movie. Abbey needs to look approachable, cute, and fashionable more than fierce and fashionable. Therefore we're going with Cleo's," Lagoona said, calming the angry werewolf down and dimming the mummy's smug smirk slightly. "Alright Lala we're going with Cleo's choice but I think that those baby pink lace tights that we saw at Ghoulace will look better than that beret, we could put Abbey's hair in a ponytail instead."

They could hear the enthusiastic murmurs of Draculaura on the other end of the phone before Lagoona hung up and moved over to Frankie to help with Abbey's hair.

"Ghoulia pick up some of this mess will you? I can barely walk!" Cleo exclaimed after pushing the discarded clothes off of Abbey's bed and perching herself upon it with her outfit laid beside her on display. The other ghouls rolled their eyes at Cleo's behavior as Ghoulia put the last few touches on Abbey's make-up before doing Cleo's bidding, Clawdeen helping her. After the ghouls were done helping Abbey in the hair and make-up department, and Draculaura had arrived with the tights and a cute silver clutch with crystal studs that looked like icicles, they sent her into the bathroom to change, which took her only a few moments.

Frankie squealed in excitement as Abbey stepped back into the room, giving a twirl for her ghoulfriends in her giddy state of mind.

"I'll give it to you this one time Cleo, you look awesome Abbey!" Clawdeen smiled.

"Like, tots ghoulicious!" Draculaura exclaimed, jumping up and down and clapping excitedly.

"My Ra I'm good," Cleo smirked.

"Fintastic!" Lagoona whistled.

"YYhl brgf Gggahhhaa," Ghoulia nodded.

"Much thanks, Abbey looks very pretty, hope that Sam likes," Abbey smiled nervously.

"If he doesn't he's an idiot," Clawdeen scoffed before looking at the time. "Ghoul you gotta go, you're meeting him in 30 minutes!"

"Come on, I'll drive you!" Draculaura offered, as they walked out of Headmistress Bloodgood's house and Abbey and Draculaura separated and walked towards her cruiser. They got in, making small talk as Draculaura drove them closer to the maul. "Just be yourself Abbey, just a little more talkative!" The vampire giggled as she pulled up to the maul entrance to let Abbey out.

"Be Abbey who talks more," Abbey nodded as she got out of the cruiser, turning to wave a Draculaura before walking into the maul towards the Coffin Bean. Looking around, Abbey noticed that Sam wasn't there yet, so she decided to get a tea to calm her nerves.

After ordering and receiving her tea, Abbey walked towards one of the back tables to await her date. She licked at her tea, which she had frozen to her liking, as the minutes ticked by and Sam didn't show. Sam was almost half an hour late and Abbey had long finished her frozen tea when she checked her iCoffin to see if he had sent her a message, getting on FearZone in the process. Looking through the status updates she heard the laughter of two obnoxious boys, Abbey didn't have to look up to know that Heath Burns and his cousin Holt Hyde had entered the Coffin Bean. She tuned out their unnecessarily loud voices and switching from FearZone to Chatter, only to have her heart constrict at Sam's latest Squawk, "Hanging with MannythebullTaur and Dougeythewolf2! #Maboyz #nowhereelseidratherbe" Abbey felt shock run through her, he had played her. Fighting back emotion, Abbey stood up and started walking out of the Coffin Bean, only to be stopped by the loud practically auto-tuned voice of Holt Hyde.

"HEEYAH Abbey Bomb! Have you seen my high voltage HOTTIE today?" His hair erupted into flames, much like his cousin's tended to do, as he asked about Frankie's whereabouts.

"Abbey saw her earlier, Frankie at her house now," Abbey spoke evenly, not even looking over at the fire cousins.

"TTHHANKYOU ICY LLAAADDDY!" Holt belted before addressing his cousin, "Check you later Heath, Hyde's gonna go get charged up! If you know what I mean," Holt chuckled, giving Heath some kind of special handshake where they both lit their hands on fire, before walking past Abbey and out the door, presumably to Frankie's.

"Hey Abbey wait up!" Heath called running to catch up with her. "You're looking super fine today."

"I'm not having the patience to deal with you fire boy," Abbey stated, not taking her eyes off the exit doors to the maul.

"Are you okay?" Heath asked, the flirty expression dropping from his face, his right hand coming to rest on the back of his neck.

"Not your concern, Abbey will be going now," Abbey barely kept her voice from breaking as the tears began to make icicles on her face as she sped up in hopes to get away, forgetting that Heath was one of Monster High's star athletes.

"Woah woah woah!" He called, stepping in front of Abbey and looking into her eyes. "You're crying."

"And you are in my way," Abbey sighed before side stepping him

"What made you cry?" Heath's voice had softened, and he walked beside her.

"The business isn't yours," Abbey huffed, beginning to walk in the direction of Headmistress Bloodgood's house, wiping the ice from her face, only for it to be replaced by more.

"Let me drive you home," Heath said softly, grabbing her upper arm lightly, she felt the tingle of warmth where he touched her, just enough heat to where she wouldn't freeze Heath and he would burn her. She didn't give any outward sign of agreeing, but she allowed him to lead her towards his car, a nice vintage mustang, black with flames painted on it, go figure. Heath opened the door for her, letting the Yeti slip into the passenger side before he rushed to the driver's side.

Heath sat for a moment, looking at Abbey as she gazed out of the window, purposefully not meeting his eyes. After a moment of silence, the fire element sighed as he started up his car and pulled out of the maul parking lot. The two monsters drove for a moment before Abbey spoke up.

"House is other way,"

"Oh, sorry," Heath blushed and chuckled lightly as he maneuvered the mustang into the turn lane.

"Is not problem," Abbey stated, wiping more icicles from her eyes.

"Where do you live?" Heath asked, hoping that he could keep her talking.

"I stay at house of Headmistress Bloodgood," Abbey shrugged.

"Oh, okay I know where she lives, why?" Heath asked, shooting a quick, curious look.

"Trip home is long and traveling it many days is hard. Headless Headmistress Bloodgood is family friend, Mamma and Pappa thinks it good to stay with her," Abbey explained.

"Okay," Heath nodded, another moment of silence passed as he turns off the main road on his way to the Headmistress' house. Yet silence didn't last long when Heath Burns was around. "So… why where you at the Coffin Bean alone, crying?"

"The business is not yours," Abbey repeated angrily, but a look of enlightenment had come over the fire element's face.

"Hey, didn't you have a date with Sam Squatch tonight?" Heath wondered, looking over to Abbey curiously.

"Pull over," Abbey demanded, shifting her body closer to the door, her hand wrapping around the door handle.

"What are you-?" Heath asked, looking at her in alarm.

"Pull over car!" Abbey growled fiercely, as she pulled on the door handle.

"No, Abbey, stop!" Heath exclaimed grabbing her forearm in panic. Abbey yelped in pain, yanking her hand away from him and holding it closer to her body, fresh tears forming icicles on her cheek. "Oh burning hell Abbey I'm so sorry!" Heath exclaimed looking at the burn hole in the arm of her sweater the skin turned purple and melting underneath, he had burned her. Her normally shimmering skin looked almost like a grape slushy. He quickly pulled the car over and grabbed for his glove compartment, where a first aid kit was stashed.

"Will not work, need special medicine, have some at Headmistress'," Abbey whimpered as Heath watched in horror as the burn spread and more of her arm began to melt.

"Okay, I'll get us there quick!" Heath promised her as he pulled back onto the road and sped towards the Headmistress' house. "Abbey I'm sorry, like I'm sssoooo-"

"Stop with the talking!" Abbey shrieked. Heath nodded and pushed his foot harder on the accelerator, rushing to get her help.

A loud squealing sound broke through the neighborhood as he pulled into Headless Headmistress Bloodgood's driveway. He quickly got out of the car and rushed to the passenger door, yanking it open and reaching for Abbey, but she shied away from him. He moved aside and let her get out herself. Heath rushed towards the front door opening it and calling out for the Headmistress.

"Bloodgood is not here, at teacher's convention." Abbey whimpered a breath away from sobbing as the burn spread.

"Alright, go run your arm under some cool water. Where is the medicine?" He asked.

"In medicine cabinet, door three on second floor, on right," She informed him, moving through the archway on his left to the kitchen. Heath ran as fast as he could up the stairs and locating the bathroom that Abbey had led him to. He yanked open the medicine cabinet to see multiple bottles of medicine that he had never seen before.

"ABBEY WHICH ONE IS FOR BURNS?!" Heath yelled down the stairs.

"Top shelf!" She yeller, her voice was muffled by the running water, but Heath looked to the top shelf and breathed a sigh of relief to see there was only one unknown medicine on this shelf. He grabbed what he assumed was a Yeti Burn ointment and rushed back down the stairs and through the same archway he saw Abbey go through earlier.

Abbey was standing at the kitchen counter with a large first aid kit sitting on the table, the left arm to her sweater completely ripped off, her arm stuck under the faucet, water running over it; the burn had stopped spreading. Now that he looked closer at the burn, it didn't look so bad; it hadn't even got to her hand yet. Heath breathed a sigh of relief and set the ointment down on the table and opened the first aid kit, grabbing the gauze and searching for the one thing his mom always told him to use. Which they didn't have; he rolled his eyes and rushed back to his car to get the oil and ran back inside motioning for Abbey to hop up onto the bar.

"What are you doing?" Abbey asked, looking at his hand which had just been patting the bar beside her, in complete confusion.

"Get up here," Heath shrugged.

"Why?" She asked.

"So I can help you with your burn," The fire elemental replied slowly.

"You are not doing the touching of me," Abbey told him firmly.

"Abbey, I know how to deal with burns please let me help you," He pleaded, looking her in the eyes pleadingly.

Abbey rolled her eyes but followed his instruction by hopping onto the bar, Heath taking a seat on one of the stools and getting to work. He revealed the lavender oil and showed to it the yeti, but she didn't speak, so he assumed she wasn't allergic and started spreading the oil onto the burn. She hissed some but mostly kept her mouth shut as he worked with tender hands to patch up her forearm. After Heath was done applying the lavender oil, he asked her to translate the directions for the ointment, but they were pretty general, so he applied the freezing cold ointment as he would any other. He washed his hands before carefully wrapping it up in the gauze.

"There that should do it," Heath breathed out as he finished securing the gauze. Abbey tried to take her arm back from his hold, but the fire elemental grabbed her hand and looked up from her left limb and into her eyes. "Bab- I mean Abbey, I'm really, really sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you I-"

"Samdidnotshowupfordate," Abbey confessed quickly, looking into Heath's eye's with a peculiar look on her face.

"-What?" He asked, head cocked to the side like an adorable puppy.

"Sam… He did not show up for date tonight," Abbey confessed slower, hanging her head in shame.

"Why the hell not?!" Heath exclaimed look at her as if she had just sprouted off nonsense.

"I waited half of the hour for him and he did not come. Then I check iCoffin to see if he sends message. I checked Chatter and he had just squawked that he was with Manny and Dougey and there was no place else he would rather be." Abbey replied quietly, icicles hanging from her eyes.

"He seriously stood you up, you who's too good to even set eyes on that jerk, much less date him!" Heath exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"I'm not being too good to date him, Abbey is lucky he got asked on this date. Sam first monster to ever like Abbey like that," Abbey confessed, finally taking her hand from his to wrap her arms around herself, wincing as she touched her left arm.

"No he's not! There are plenty of guys who think you're a totally hottie! Burning Hell I'm one of them!" Heath exclaimed, looking at Abbey as if she had grown another head.

"That is not what I was hearing Scarah tell her zombie friend in restroom. Scarah say Abbey is cold and cruel, that no guy would ever wish to go on date with me. She said she could just live from shock of Sam asking me on date. Then zombie ghoul say that I may be pretty but it not make up for personality and freaky way I talk," Abbey told Heath sniffling.

"Scarah and Zoey don't know what they're talking about," Heath started reaching out to the distressed ghoul, but Abbey was on a roll.

"These words hurt me because Lagoona and Frankie tell me that I'm getting better when I talk, and I don't think I'm cold or cruel, just not talk as easily as other ghouls. Sam not is even really the monster I am liking!" Abbey exclaimed, finally looking up from her lap and into Heath's eyes, the icicles on her cheeks thick. Heath was struck by how beautiful she looked, even all broken down like this.

"Then why'd you agree to go on a date with him?" Heath asked confused, unconsciously deciding that sitting next to Abbey on the bar would be much safer than trying to hold the distressed ghoul in this state.

"What if Scarah and zombie- Zoey were right. What if Sam only monster to ever have desire to be with Abbey? Also, was excited to go on actual date, not just hear ghoulfriends talk about theirs," Abbey confessed a small purple blush in her cheeks. "I got more excited even when I told ghoulfriends, they squealed like baby yaks wanting milk from mamma and made Abbey feel special."

"Oh," Heath replied after she had been quit for a moment, slightly shocked at her very girly response to being asked on a date.

"So many emotions I am not used to feeling," Abbey shrugged. "Think I had an… unfroze down?" Abbey tried.

"Melt down," Heath corrected with a half smile.

"Melt down in car, Abbey is sorry for acting like over drama queen," Abbey chuckled, finally calming down enough to look at Heath with a normal expression.

"It's cool, I'm the one who should be sorry. I really didn't mean to burn you," The fire elemental apologized again, a sad look coming over his face.

"I know you not mean to. Fire boy patched it up very good, no?" Abbey smirked, holding out her arm and showing off the neatly covered burn. They chortled quietly together before Heath jumped down from the bar.

"Well, I best be off, don't want to take up anymore of your Saturday Night," Heath chuckled, walking backwards on his way out of the kitchen.

"Wait! You must stay and take the care of Abbey if it was accident, it is tradition," Abbey exclaimed her right hand outstretched towards him.


"On mountain top it is custom for monster to take the care for those he injures on accident. If he does not do so willingly, it shows that the injury was not an accident," Abbey informed him.

"Um, that's not really something we do down here, but I'll stay, since it was an accident," Heath shrugged. "How long do you want me to stay?"

"Until Headmistress returns tomorrow," Abbey declared with a nod.

Heath whistles. "Alright, just let me call my mom," He quickly grabbed his iCoffin and dialed his mother.

"Heath Phyre Burns! Where have you been? Jackson just got here saying he woke up on the sidewalk alone!" Abbey heard the sharp voice of a woman float through the phone.

"Sorry mom, Holt ditched me in the maul to go to his girlfriend's house, and I started hanging out with a friend."

"Damn right you're sorry! Poor Jackson, he and Jillian just left, you're lucky she wasn't her Hyde self or you'd have an angry Aunt on your case mister! Anyway, which friend are you hanging out with darling?"

"Yeah it is a good thing Aunt Jillian wasn't Aunt Harriet," Heath chuckled. "I've been hanging with my friend Abbey and wanted to know if I could just crash here tonight?"

There was silence on the other end of the line before Heath's mother replied, "You want to spend the night by a girl's house?"

"Yeah," Heath answered blushing.

"Absolutely not young man!" Heath's mother screeched into the phone before launching into a rant, "You will not be shacking up with some girl tonight! I'm too young to be a grandmother Heath! That's what happens when you sleep around son, even if you think it'll never happen to you, you're going to end up getting some girl pregnant! Then your entire future is ruined and so is her's-!"

"Mom! I'm not going to be having sex with Abbey! I'm going to be taking care of her," Heath tried to explain.

"Oh burning hell Heath, making love is still sex!" Heath's mother screeched.

"Not that either mom, like literally take care of her; I accidently burnt her!" Heath exclaimed, his face now the color of his hair.

"YOU DID WHAT?! Is she okay? I thought I told you to be more careful!"

"It was an accident mom, she's fine I just want to stay and make sure she stays okay," Heath had sunk into one of the chairs in the breakfast nook, his head resting in his hands as Abbey held back her giggles from atop the bar.

"Fine. Just come home and get some clothes, you can't sleep naked at this girl's house-"


"Plus I want to meet her, see you in a few Firefly. Kiss-kiss," Then the line went dead. The room was filled with a moment of silence before Abbey burst into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, you think this is funny do you?" Heath fake glared at Abbey as he lifted his head from his hands.

"Very much so," Abbey nodded.

"Well you won't be laughing for long, because it seems like you'll be meeting my mom."

A/N: Okay so this is my first try at a Monster High FanFiction! This is a three-shot and I hope to be finished with it very soon!