Chapter 10

He had stayed on the island way to long, and now the Night Fury was on the run for his life. Not only was he certain that the Vikings were coming after him, he also knew that the Monstrous Nightmare was there to kill him as well. There was no way he could stay on this island any longer; he had pushed his luck too far and now it had run out. The fear was overwhelming as he ran as deep into the forest as he could. If he could hide from the dragon's sight from the sky and escape from the Vikings, he could perhaps find a way to leave this island. Taking flight right now might solve one of those problems, but he was certain that it would not help him escape the Monstrous Nightmare and perhaps the other dragons that were following him.

He weaved through the trees until he came until a small opening in the forest. He was going to use this opportunity to take to the sky, hoping that he could get far enough away from the island before the other dragon realized he had left, but that idea was laid to rest when the Monstrous Nightmare plowed through the tree tops and landed in front of him. The Night Fury nearly fumbled trying to come to an abrupt halt to avoid running into the larger dragons. He had cut him off so sharply, that it took a few agile dodges to avoid the jaws of the larger dragon.

Once he regained his footing, he ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could. The other dragon continued his pursuit on foot. The Night Fury, was fortunately the faster runner, and was successfully putting distance between them, when he saw the young Viking coming towards him with a hammer. He was now caught in the middle of two creatures who wanted him dead. Turning around and taking on the Monstrous Nightmare was out of the question; that left one option open to him.

The Night Fury bore his teeth as his pupils turned moon-slit thin. He spat out a blue puff of flames which landed in front of Stoick, who was thrown back by the sudden explosion of flames. Stunned by the attack, the Night Fury leaped through the flames and used his head to plow through the young Viking.

Stoick was thrown to the ground as the young dragon continued to run for his life. He grunted as he barely looked up in time to see the charging Monstrous Nightmare coming straight for him. He rolled to the right and narrowly avoided being trampled on by the beast's massive claws. He was just lucky that it didn't stop to attack him; it's focus was strictly on the Night Fury.

As the Night Fury ran, he knew that he had to think of something fast. He was heading straight back for the village full of angry Vikings who were most assuredly on their way towards him. As it turned out, he had even less time than he had hoped. The sounds of an angry mob of Vikings were getting louder, and he could see the illumination from their torches quickly draw near.

He stopped running and looked behind as the Monstrous Nightmare continued to stalk him. The dragon knew that he had him trapped. This time, he was confident that he had the Night Fury just where he wanted. At least, he could make up for his failure and put himself back in good graces with the queen.

As he was about to attack the young dragon, a war-cry scream had him on alert and looking behind him. Stoick, the young Viking, was back on his feet and charging towards both dragons. He didn't care which dragon he killed; he was going home with one of their heads. With his hammer posed to strike, he had nothing to lose but to charge at them.

While the Monstrous Nightmare may have been distracted by the Viking, the Night Fury had kept his focus on the dragon in front of him. The moment the larger dragon looked away, an opportunity had presented itself and the young dragon pounced on it. He spewed a puff of blue flames into the face of the Monstrous Nightmare. He immediately leaped to the sky and flapped his wings as hard as his immature muscles would allow him.

Outrage by the assault, the Monstrous Nightmare had started returning his gaze towards his target when he got the fire shot in the face. The sneak attack momentarily blinded him, forcing him to shake his to clear out his vision. When he COULD focus his vision, he saw the Night Fury had taken flight and was well on his way to leaving the island.

Before he even had a chance to react, Stoick came in, with his hammer, and smashed it across his face. "Okay beast, this time... you're mine!"

"There's the dragon! Capture it before it gets away!"

The arrival of the rest of Berk could not have come at a worst time. He was this close in killing the dragon and finally proving to his father that he was worthy to be the next chief of Berk. The thought had flashed across his mind to go ahead and kill the dragon before the other Vikings could arrive, but what would be the point? He would only encourage his father's wrath once again.

Stoick dropped his hammer to the ground as he faced the Monstrous Nightmare head-on. "Alright beast, it's just you and me." The Monstrous Nightmare was expecting a punch or a quick grab for the hammer, but instead, the crazy little Viking tackled his neck.

He wrestled with the dragon until he was able to pin his neck to the ground, he quickly climbed and slid on top of his head and wrapped his arms around his jaw in order to prevent him from spewing out flames. The dragon tried to break free and almost did if another Viking hadn't joined him on top of him to pin him to the ground.

The two Vikings managed to keep the dragon contained until the others arrived. They quickly tied the dragon's snout to make sure he could not spew his magma-like fire or set himself ablaze. After they tied his snout, they threw a net over the dragon, which was heavy in of itself, but was also weighed down by even heavier rocks. The dragon was not going anywhere.

When the dragon was secured, everyone relaxed after a long, strenuous fight with the dragon. Their relaxation was short lived when Stoick's father approached with his torch still in hand. His face remained unreadable as he stared down at the captured dragon. "Who's responsible for this?"

The Vikings all looked at each other with stunned looks on their faces. Out of fear, they all stepped away... all except Stoick. He stood there, expecting his father to find something new to blame him for. That was how things went for him as of late; everything he did was wrong in his father's eyes. At first, the look on his face appeared that this was going to be another one of those times, but then he spoke. "Not bad, son. Perhaps we can make a Viking chief out of you yet."

The compliment caught Stoick off guard; he almost didn't know how to process it. After it finally sunk in, he allowed himself to crack a smile and feel good about himself for once. Perhaps, this would be the beginning of an improved relationship with him. All he wanted to do was to prove that he could be a good Viking chief one day.

The chief's attention quickly moved on to the dragon that they had captured. "Are there any other dragons?"

"No, this was the only one we've found," another Viking replied.

"Good. Take him to the arena. We'll add him to our collection of devils so we can train new Vikings."

The Night Fury had put the island behind him. Now, flying over the wild waves of the body of water, he was off in search for another land mass. Perhaps the next one would be a little more peaceful with an abundance of food. Right now, he was just glad that the other dragon was not following him.

As he flew over the rapid body of water, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful his surroundings were. It was a clear night, so the full majestic powers of the stars were radiating tonight. The reflection of the moon echoed back into his face from the water. There was a chill in the air that only seemed to make the night feel magical. He closed his eyes and let his tongue flap in the chilly air. He stretched his wings out and glided through the night sky.

His dragon instincts told him that he needed to open his eyes, but he was ready to ignore his instincts. He reluctantly opened his eyes to see that he was about to fly straight into a blinding, low-lying fog. He ceased his glide and again started flapping his wings. He looked to his right in preparation to turn right to fly around the fog, but a two-headed Zippleback was flying besides him. He let out a threatening hiss, warning him not to try anything funny.

The Night looked to his other side and an orange and black Deadly Nadder was there, preventing him from flying to the left. Soon, a whole heard of various species of dragons were surrounding him. They had him trapped. He had no choice but to go where they wanted him to go, and it appeared that they were taking him straight into the fog.

As soon as they entered the grey mist, it was nothing more than swerving left and right around strange rock formations sticking out of the water. After what seemed like a long and winding maze through the fog, they pierced through to find a tiny island that was mostly made up of a giant mountain. There was no life, animal or vegetation, anywhere to be seen. It was as if this was where death, herself, dwelled.

Upon pressure from the heard of dragons, the Night Fury landed on the strange, rocky surface. Afraid for his life he desperately looked around to find a way off of this island. All the dragons were flying in all directions; none of them were coming near him. However, the randomness of their flight patterns was more than enough to intimidate him from escaping the island.

The ground shook under his feet, and the dragons quickly scattered away. A giant dragon, unlike anything the Night Fury had ever seen came stomping through the darkness. She was the biggest dragon he had ever seen, almost seeming as big as the mountain itself. Her pointed teeth were nearly as long as he was as she could easily swallow him whole if she so chose to. Her six eyes had death in them as she stared down at the young dragon. As she approached, he could do nothing but cower before her presence.

He was utterly at her mercy now. She could do anything she wanted with him and there was nothing he could do to fight back. How could anyone fight against such a monstrosity? She towered over him; her six eyes bored into the dragons soul to tell him what he had pretty much already surmised. YOU BELONG TO ME NOW, NIGHT FURY!


Many years had gone by. Life for the Night Fury had not been easy. Now, a fully grown dragon, he had been groomed to become the Alpha dragon of the heard. He no longer had the childish fear of his youth; the only thing he was trained to fear was the dragon queen, herself. It was he and his dragons that had to bring food back to her or else they, themselves, would be eaten. He had seen more than a dozen of good dragons suffer that fate, and it always served to remind him of the consequences of failure.

He had spent most of his life in this harsh servitude; it was the only life he had ever known. It wasn't really all that hard; he forced the other dragons to do the work for him. If they got into trouble or needed his help, then he would come in to help. He was more or less the enforcer who made sure things went as they were supposed to. That was what he was groomed to do. He was to show now mercy to any incompetent dragon, but no matter how server Red Dragon's training was, he could not show such disdain for the dragons. He was more interested in protecting them, but as long as it appeared that he was acting as an enforcer rather than a guardian, then things would be alright.

As long as they continued to bring enough food, Red Death had never questioned his loyalty. Various missions were easy to get ample of food; some were not so easy. Their missions to Viking villages were among the toughest, but they had no choice but to do them. If they didn't ransack the Vikings, the dragon queen would start to question his commitment to her. He tried to do as few of those kinds of missions as possible but Red Death was determined to drive out the Vikings from the region.

This time, there had been no choice but to hit a Viking village. He had gone too long trying to avoid them, that the dragon queen was getting suspicious. To get her off his case, he chose a very familiar Viking village to ransack; one that he had been in as a child. At first, things had been going alright, but then the Vikings started using catapults and throwing large boulders at them. Upon seeing that, the Night Fury had to take action and take out those wooden contraptions while taking advantage of the darkness of the night to allow him to move in stealth.

That was when it all went wrong. He had just taken out one of those wooden structures when something strange began to entangle him. His wings were being prevented from flapping, and most of his mobility had been taken from him. Without his wings, he could not sustain flight. His body arched downward towards the ground. He hit the ground at such an angle that after hitting the ground his slid through the thick bristle of the forest. He slid up a small hill before it gave way to another small drop. He was air bound for about a second before his breath was taken away by the impact he made with his ribs hitting the ground first.

Entangled by this strange material, he fought to break himself free. He was fairly uninjured by fall, except for his tail; the tip of his tail was quite sore. He wiggled and jiggled, trying to slide out of this trap, but the more he resisted, the tighter they entangled him. It didn't take him long until he realized that trying to escapes was futile. He was stuck there, on the ground, helpless against any ground predators that might be leaking through the forest.

As he laid there in the dirt, he was forced to watch as his heard of dragons flew off to bring their loot back to Dragon Island. Not one of them came looking for him. Their fear of the queen was such that they had no problems abandoning him and leaving him for dead. He dropped his head to the ground, refusing to waste any more energy keeping his head up. There was no escaping this situation so all he could do was lay there until he drifted off asleep.

There was no telling how long he had slept, but without opening his eyes, he knew that dawn had arrived. What was the point of opening his eyes when he was as good as dead laying there in the middle of the forest? However, the noise that had awakened him had him at full alert. It started off with the sound of faint bristling of brushes. Something small had stumbled upon him. There was a very familiar scent to it, though there was also something different about it.

"Oh, wow... I-I did it! Oh, I did it! This-this fixes everything! Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast!"

It was after he touched him was when he opened his eyes. It was just as he thought, it was a Viking...but not the same Viking as before. He had a very similar scent to the Viking he had first encountered on this island, but his appearance was a lot difference. This was the most pathetic looking, scrawny, little Viking he had ever seen. Yet the order told him that this boy was related to the Viking he once knew.

Staring him in the eyes, he could almost see himself. As much as the boy wanted to pretend he was brave, deep down inside he was scared and lost as he was. The Night Fury could see something deep within the tiny Viking that made him trust him. Although his appearance was less than impressive, his scent told him that this boy was going to change not just the Night Fury's life, but the entire world. There was something about this unassuming young boy that made the dragon feel that life was about to change for everyone.


My Next Project: Five years after the events of How to Train Your Dragon, Hiccup is a young warrior prince of Berk, also known as the Dragon Master. After years of studying to aquire such a title, the time has come for him for a new study: how to be a Viking Chief. Alvin the Treacherous has kidnapped a young Viking princess who may unknowingly hold a key to unleashing a mythcial and indestructible beast with an extreme hatred for Vikings.

HOW TO BE A VIKING CHIEF (starting Late August)