The next day when Falkner woke up he saw that Morty wasn't lying next to him. He sat up and looked a little puzzled. He moved his legs to the side of the bed and stood up. He looked tiredly around and he really wondered where Morty went. He walked out of his bedroom and he smelled fresh baked croissants and something that smelled like Green Mint Tea. Morty knew it was one of Falkner's favorite. When Falkner came into the living and dining room, he saw Morty. Who was trying his best to be quiet and that was one of his specialties. If one person would know how to be silent then it would be Morty, but Falkner assumed that it had to do with the fact that he trained in silent with his Ghost-Pokémon.

Falkner cleared his throat to make Morty look up. Only Morty didn't and so he tried again. This time Morty reacted.

"Want a glass of water if your throat hurts so much? Take a seat, breakfast will be done soon."

Falkner did what he was told. He saw that his precious Bird-Pokémon already had eaten and were flying around somewhere. Gengar and Misdreavus were trying their best to aid Morty with making breakfast. Gengar put down a glass of Orange in front of Falkner. He then pointed to Falkner's throat as if he meant that it would help him.

"Gengar wants you to drink it, so that you don't have to clear you throat anymore. He think that you're getting sick and because of that he believes that you need a drink with vitamins." Answered Morty as if he knew what Falkner was thinking. But that was impossible. So far Falkner knew Morty didn't had such a power. He received his breakfast when he wanted to ask the question. So in the end he didn't ask it. There were different kind of products on the table. In the end Falkner drunk his Orange Juice, but only because Gengar began to look so sad. No grin on his face and even his eyes looked like they would drop. He also took a cup of Mint Tea and 2 croissant. He took one croissant with jelly and the other with cheese. He looked at Morty who was playing with his food. He didn't knew that Morty wasn't hungry, but then why did he made so much? In the end Morty took 3 cups of Tea, 1 glass of Orange Juice and a half eaten croissant. Gengar and Misdreavus were eying Morty's other half of the croissant and in the end Morty gave it to them. They both eat it like they were starved to death and then smiled and tried the same with Falkner. Not with much luck though because Falkner ate it all up himself.

The Ghost-Pokémon disappeared in nothing and he saw Morty doing the dishes. He stood up and placed the plate on the counter and hugged Morty. Morty smiled, but didn't said a thing. He looked at Falkner and dried his hands to hug him back.

"Why did you play with your food? If you aren't hungry then you shouldn't eat." Said Falkner. Suddenly Gengar and Misdreavus showed up again next to Falkner and both shook their head in a haste way and with big, panicked eyes. As if they once again tried to make something clear to Falkner. When they saw that he didn't understand it, they tried to show it. They got the last croissant that was over and pointed to Morty. Then Misdreavus ate it like she wanted to tell him that Morty should eat. Then Gengar put up his paw and show first one finger and shook his head once again. Then he showed 2 fingers and then he nodded. He pointed to the croissant, then put 2 fingers up and pointed to Morty who looked amused by the play that Misdreavus and Gengar were performing.

"Are you guys saying that Morty has to eat 2 croissants?" Gengar and Misdreavus partly nodded their head and then shook it. Morty smiled and decided to help them out.

"They want me to eat more. I don't eat so much these days and they say that I'm getting thinner. So they want me to eat more, but then they see that lovely food and want to eat it too. So in the end I give them my food." Said Morty while smiling and the Ghost-Pokémon looked guilty down and slowly disappeared again. Falkner poked Morty and hummed.

"Indeed you're getting thinner. Are you getting food there in Ecruteak or are they starving you? Did you eat yesterday?" Asked the Bird trainer worried.

"I did no worries, you can ask the Pokémon they saw it." Said Morty while continuing with the dishes. Falkner looked in the cabinets and sighed and then walked to the living room where there was, surprisingly, a fruit bowl which actually had fruit on it. He picked a banana and an apple and went to Morty.

"Choose. Banana or the apple? If you don't choose then you will eat both. No other options." Said Falkner in a definitive voice. Morty just acted like he didn't hear him. The Violet Gym leader poked him in the side and gave him an angry look. "Congrats Mort, you won an apple and a banana. Lucky you. Also you will eat them, even if I have to feed you in many painful ways!" He saw Morty smile and dried his hands when the dishes were done.

"Okay, I will eat them in the living room. Promise." Said the Mystic Seer of the future while walking to the living room and Falkner waked after him. They both sat down and he gave his lover the apple and banana.

First Morty ate the apple and in a few minutes only the middle part was over. Then he began at the banana and then it hit Falkner what he just had done. He looked at the blonde men next him and saw him licking the banana while looking at Falkner. The younger Gym leader began to blush when Morty took the banana deeper in his mouth and made sucking noses. As soon as it started he stopped. Suddenly Morty began to eat the banana in a normal way while the younger one was still enjoying the teasing moment. And before Falkner knew it he had a growing boner. He stood up and walked to the bedroom to get his things to shower. In the bedroom he heard the door close and looked behind him. He saw the blonde grinning to him and then advancing him. When Morty was in front of Falkner he kissed him. Slowly he moved backwards and the younger one hit the bed and they fell on it together. Falkner was enjoying it as Morty applied a little pressure on his cock with his hand. Falkner let out a moan and then the kiss stopped.

"We should stop. We promised not to do anything until everything was out in the open."Morty moved back while he said this, but was grabbed by his lover.

"I was born here in Violet City, no interesting story. Lost my mother at a young age, want to be like my father. Trained most of the time in the Bellsprout Tower. Could ask everything to the people there. Now please Morty, we have done this too many times and it really begins to hurt. So don't be cheeky." Growled Falkner out. Morty smiled, but did as his lover asked. He didn't knew everything about his lover, but he knew the pain he had.

He kissed Falkner's neck and took of the sleeping pants that Falkner were wearing along with his boxer. He then stopped kissing Falkner's neck and moved down to the proud standing cock. He blew over the tip and hear his young love groan. The Ghost trainer grinned again and took the length in his mouth. Falkner arched his back in pleasure. He never felt something like this and he enjoyed everything of it. Then the unbelievable feeling was gone and he looked up at Morty who came back with something. He then laid back again and let the pleasure come to him.

"Falk, this will hurt a bit. But don't worry it will be wonderful after the pain. I promise, okay?" And all Falkner could do was nod. And so Morty once again took his length in his mouth and then he heard something open. He didn't paid his mind to it as he was overwhelmed with pleasure. Then the mouth disappeared and a hand took his place. At the same time he felt a finger at his hole and felt it slowly enter. He grunted out in pain, but slowly it became bearable. After something that felt like minutes, he felt another finger in him and this time it really hurt. He once again groaned in pain and then the hand stopped pumping him and the mouth came back again. He wanted to tell Morty to take his fingers out of him, but suddenly his vision became white and he moaned loudly. Morty licked his lover's length, enjoying the fact that he could bring him this pleasure. He kept hitting the prostate and not soon after, Falkner came. Morty swallowed and smiled at the Falkner's blissful face. He gave him a quick kiss and pulled the boxer and pants up and hugged him.

"Enjoyed it?" Was all he said and Falkner could only nod. He never had felt so good. The blonde smiled and kissed his neck. Falkner turned to his lover and smiled.

"Thank you Morty, but don't need you to…?" Asked Falkner and the blonde shook his head.

"I'm fine. Now tell me more accurate about your life so far. Because that was a real shitty story." Smiled the blonde and the Bird trainer nodded.

"Now like I said, I was born and raised here in Violet City. My father's name was Walter and he died when I was 16. My mother died when I was at a young age so I don't really remember her. I want to be like my father, well respect and a strong Gym Leader. My father trained me to become the next Gym leader and after he died the people in the Bellsprout tower took it over. They were good people. Tried to understand me. On my 17th I became a Gym leader as the people thought that I were ready for it. I love to train my bird-Pokémon or fly with them. It gives me a feeling that I'm one with them. That I'm flying too. I have a good life here in Violet City and didn't have any interesting story's to tell. Well there once was a time…" And then Falkner stopped.

"There once was a time and then what?" Asked Morty curious.

"Well there once was a time that I flew with my Pokémon around and then back to Violet City. Some really panicked Pokémon came to me and tried to take me to something, someone or somebody. When I arrived to the place they wanted me, I saw someone lying on the ground, bleeding. I took that person with me to Violet City and let him heal, but that man… He was quite stubborn you know. Wanting to go back to his city… I didn't want it as he was still hurt and in the end I got support of his Pokémon. I still remember that I thought that he and I would never work together and look at me now. Together with that same man who is no smiling at me for telling this interesting story. So anything else you want to know, you stubborn man?" Grinned Falkner.

"Not today, so I'm stubborn huh? Someone has to be right? It's not like you are stubborn? No… no not at all." Grinned Morty back.

"Haha if you say so. So tell me Morty. How is it with your family?" Falkner almost wanted to take it back when he saw his lover's face fall.

"My parents died when I was very young. I don't really remember them. I was born and raised in Ecruteak, mainly by the Sages. It can be a good life in Ecruteak, it depends on what kind of person you are. I, personally, can never really leave Ecruteak. I love the Brass and the Tin Tower. I love the legends about the place. It gives a highly spiritual sense there. So I like it, but I like it the most when you're there with me." Said Morty while he kissed Falkner. "Also doesn't people compare you with your father?"

"They do sometimes. I try to be my best to be like him, but it's hard and close to impossible. My father was better in those things than I was. I hate it when people compare me to him and tell me that I'm not half as good. It make me feel like all my hard work is for nothing." Sighed Falkner.

"You shouldn't try to be like him. Try to be yourself, that's all hard enough. You are a very good Gym Leader and you are just starting. You are a Gym leader for 1 year now, almost 2. You are doing great so just ignore those people. I love you like this and I don't really want you to become your father if you don't mind." Smiled Morty while giving him a kiss on his forehead. The younger male gave a smile back and moved closer to Morty. They both fell asleep for 2 hours.

When they both woke up again. It was in the 12 in the afternoon. Morty looked at Falkner and they smiled at each other. Morty looked at the clock and saw the time. He sighed because he had to go back to Ecruteak and he didn't really want to. He decided to change his clothes.

"Are you going already?" Asked Falkner. "I've to. The Gym has to open soon. Also the Sages will otherwise wonder where I was. I don't really want to anger them. Is it okay to stay here tonight?" Was the response of the blonde.

"Why are you even worried about those Sages. You are a grown up boy now. They should leave you alone, you know? And to your question; of course you can stay here. I wouldn't mind it at all. What time will I see you?" Said the Bird Trainer.

"Around dinner? Otherwise I will have 2 very angry Ghost Pokémon after me. Don't worry I'll be fine. See you tonight." Said Morty when he was done changing and he picked up his bag. He gave Falkner a haste kiss and then went to Ecruteak City to open the gym. Falkner was changing too and wondered what they should eat tonight.

On the way to Ecruteak City he heard a sound. He couldn't really place it so he asked his Gengar and Misdreavus if they wanted to help him looking for the sound. It sounded like a hurt Pokémon. Then Misdreavus made a sound to alert him where the sound came from. He walked to the tree to the 2 Ghost-Pokémon and saw Gengar pointing upwards at the branches. There Morty saw a little Drifloon who was caught in the branches of the tree. It looked like he tried to fought to get out, but that it didn't work. Morty first asked his Gengar to get him as he wasn't really good with trees, but in the end Gengar couldn't do it. So he tried to get the hurt Drifloon. He grabbed a branch and pulled himself up. He heard the branch crack and stopped moving. He slowly climbed higher until he was at the Drifloon. The paws of the Pokémon were entangled around the branch and it hurt the Drifloon when Morty freed him. He then took a hold of the Pokémon and slowly tried to get down unharmed. To bad that didn't really happen. The branch where Morty was standing on cracked and he and Drifloon fell down. Morty protected the Pokémon and thanks to his Gengar he felt less hard. He was covered with scratches though, but the Drifloon was safe. He looked in his bag and saw a super potion. He warned the Drifloon that it could sting and then sprayed a little bit. After he was done he took a hold of the Drifloon.

"I will take care of you for a while. Until I think that you can go again. It that okay with you?" Asked Morty. And the Drifloon tried to nod in his way. He could have worse people right?

Morty then arrived in Ecruteak City with the Drifloon on his shoulder. He went to the Pokémon Center and asked the nurse to have a quick look for other wounds. When Nurse Joy said that Drifloon was okay he moved to the Gym and opened it. He hoped that it would be a quiet day and then changed quickly and took care of the scratches. He won 6 matches and lost to 1. He was happy with this progress though. It meant that he wasn't as weak as some trainers thought. He was ready to leave when the Sages arrived.

"Hello Morty, what a surprise to see that you did come home today. With a new friend I see." Said Sage Koji . Morty didn't gave a response back, but tried to ignore them. That was until Sage Masa told him something that broke his world or at least a part of it.

"Do you really believe that your boyfriend really loves you? He has only pity on you. He doesn't care about you Morty. Face it you don't have anyone. Only your Pokémon. So stop doing this and try to do the important things. Like retrieving Ho-Oh, what you were suppose to do."

"Ho-Oh will not come to someone like me. I thought that things like that were already clear. Like you said, I'm not worthy enough. So stop trying to get me doing it and try doing it yourself for once." Said Morty angry and packed his things. "I'll stay with Falkner tonight and probably tomorrow too as it is Sunday and the Gym is closed then. I hope to see you later Sages. Have a nice day." Said Morty politely and then walked away.

Drifloon may be new in the group, but he already saw that Gengar and Misdreavus didn't like those people and to hear those mean things; he too decided that he didn't like them. He moved to Morty and grabbed his arm while Misdreavus and Gengar moved next to him.

Morty didn't said a thing on the way, but the Ghost-Pokémon could see that he was glad that he was in Violet City. He knocked at Falkner's door and not even a minute later the door opened and showed a busy Falkner.

"You came early. I wasn't done with the dinner yet…" Said Falkner while walking to the kitchen with Morty trailing behind him.

"Falk, you love me right? You're not with me because you pity me right?" Asked the older male and Falkner stopped in his tracks and look at him surprised.

"What did you say? Do you really believe that I'm with you because I pity you? Are you really that stupid? I love you Mort." Said Falkner loud and clear and continued to walk to the kitchen. Morty still trailed after him. "Who told you that ridiculous idea?"

"The Sages…" Whispered Morty back. And Falkner turned around and had one eyebrow up and gave him a look that said: You-believe-them-more-then-you-believe-me? Morty felt guilty not far after that. "Sorry I just had to ignore them…"

"It's okay. Now the dinner is done. We are eating Lasagna. Do you mind?" Asked Falkner and at Morty shake of the head he began to serve it. They both had a glass of water with it. It was then that Falkner saw all the scratches and he thought about the Sages.

"Morty… How did you receive those scratches." Inquired the Bird trainer. Morty looked up surprised and then laughed a little bit.

"Well that quite a funny story. It's because of him here." He grabbed the Drifloon that now had a hold on Morty's waist as if he was afraid of Falkner. "It's okay buddy. This is my lover Falkner. He is nice so don't worry." Drifloon let go of Morty and floated around Falkner and Morty began to explain.

"Well under my way to Ecruteak, Gengar, Misdreavus and me heard a sound. It turned up that Drifloon was trapped in the tree and couldn't get out. So in the end I climbed in the tree and got him out, but when I wanted to climb down, the branch broke and we fell down. And that is how I received those scratches. Sorry if I made you worry." Grinned Morty while eating his food.

Drifloon then moved back to Morty and hid again behind him. Gengar and Misdreavus on the other hands where drooling at the food in front of them. Morty stood up and got food for both the Bird and Ghost Pokémon. He filled the bowls with the food and told the Pokémon that they could eat and so they did. At least now they could eat in peace. They both finished their food and took the dishes to the kitchen. They decided that they would do it later, but for now they went to the living room and sat on the couch. Drifloon moved back to Morty's arm and looked around in Falkner's house. Gengar and Misdreavus were playing with the Pidgeot and Hoothoot from Falkner. And Morty and Falkner talked about things while laughing and Drifloon could see him staying by these people. He would not leave the man who helped him.