Believe it or not, I do not own D. Gray Man. I know, shocker right?
This plot idea belongs to Keys Studio. I am just rewriting it in my style and changing it up a bit. But this is all my writing.
Allen Walker was the kind of boy that you looked at and immediately thought of innocence. The pure picture of an angel, with brown hair and big blue eyes. He always was clothed in long sleeves and gloves, which only added to the mystery behind the man. No one had ever seen Allen Walker unhappy, well with his genuine smiles and cute head tilts what could possibly be bad in his life? But that was because no one ever looked beneath his mask. Beneath the totally fake expressions and sense of innocence were his true feelings, his true being. But no one would ever know the true Allen, for it was better to live a lie than to live as a freak.
Allen had always dreamed of a warrior, coming to rescue him from the nightmare he resided in permanently. A man with flowing hair and armor, sword drawn and soft eyes. Ready to protect his prince at all costs. A man that understood Allen and could see behind his façade that was in place daily. But alas, Allen knew this knight in shining armor would never appear, for those beings usually went for the voluptuous princesses, rather than the quiet and scrawny teenage boys.
Allen wasn't always a face in the crowd, when he was younger he had been more of a stand out. The kind of kid to come home crying from the harsh taunts of the other kids at school. But not anymore, that little problem had been taken care of with an expensive wig, tinted contacts and thick waterproof concealer. All to cover his long white mane, silver eyes and apparent scar. The long clothes also took care of his deformity, the other cause if the harsh comments. But ever since moving to his current residence 4 years ago, the young British boy had made friends. But these friends didn't know who Allen was. They only knew and liked the mask he wore.
The one person who knew the truth was his guardian, and abusive one at that, Marian Cross. Cross knew Allen was hiding behind his masque. But frankly the flame haired womanizer didn't give a flying shit. As long as Allen continued to help fund his booze supply, Cross was satisfied. Allen disliked Cross, but had to give him props. The man did take him in after the accident, and had been more or less caring for Allen for a good decade and more.
Life wasn't fair, was Allen's conclusion, but can anyone really say different?
"Allen!" Lenalee's shrill screech broke Allen out of his gloomy trance.
"What Lena?" Allen composed himself and slipped back into his disguise, head tilting to one side on instinct and wide eyes looking at the excited girl.
"Well, have you seen her yet?" Lenalee asked with joy in her eyes. "The new kid? I heard that she is a transfer."
"Oh, so we are getting a new girl, eh?" Allen asked with a slight frown, pursing his lips.
"Well, yes. Either that or a guy with long hair, and that would be a bit strange." Lenalee giggled and inside Allen's heart fell. A guy with long hair was odd… like himself. "She is a senior too, and I heard she is really pretty. All the guys have already begun calling dibs. You might want to as well, unless you want to pass up an opportunity for an actual relationship. Sometimes I wonder which way you swing.." Lenalee laughed and nudged Allen's arm. Allen tried to keep his face from falling along with his heart.
"Well, last time I checked I was straight, but hanging out with you and Lavi may be switching my preferences." Allen said with a faked chuckle. Suddenly the brunette was thrown off his feet and into the wall, then arms wrapped around him tightly.
"ALLEN!" A voice yelled and Allen moaned as he was squeezed to death.
"Lavi! Please get off," he spit out and the teen obliged, standing up and helped the injured boy off the floor.
"Speak of the devil," Allen commented dryly, rubbing his side. "I think you may have fractured my ribs," he frowned and Lavi sheepishly scratched his neck.
"Sorry, I was just really happy to see you!" Lavi exclaimed and tried to hug Allen again, who stepped away quickly and laughed as the senior sulked.
The shrill pitch of the morning bell rung throughout the hall and Lenalee grabbed Allen's wrist. "We have to go! Bye Lavi!" She called over her shoulder as Allen was pulled through the hall by the her unusually strong grip.
Lavi just laughed at his friend as he was dragged to his impending doom.
It was after lunch and Allen was in his advanced class of Chemistry II, alas stuck with all the Seniors. He still didn't know why in the world they didn't have an advanced junior class. He managed to skip physical science and was in Biology his freshman year, so in return he got the great pleasure of being stuck with the older students. Professor Komui Lee was his teacher in that class with his teaching assistant Reever Wenham.
The Chemistry textbook was huge, but the enormous thing was rarely used. Mr. Wenham encouraged the use of the large book which was vetoed by Professor Lee… he was more of a 'hands on' science teacher.
While all the other seniors were busy talking and chatting Allen pulled out his journal. Most people would call it a diary, but it was really just a place for Allen's observations and thoughts.
"Class," called Komui's voice, causing the brown haired boy to look up at the teacher. "We have a new test-subj..… err… student today. This is… ummm…. Uhhh…"
Komui looked up at the ceiling, trying to remember the teen's name. Allen assessed the person in front of the classroom. It looked to be a senior girl, rather tall for a female, with narrowed eyes and raven hair in a ponytail. Simply put, she was beautiful. Too bad, Allen mused, not his type…
'Of gender,' a voice said in his mind but Allen ignored it, used to the intrusion.
"Che, just call me Kanda. My first name is of no consequence," growled out a deep and accented voice.
The whole class gaped at… Kanda… who was this kid? Some of the boys groaned and a couple fainted. So was this Kanda character was….. a guy?
"Alright, Kanda it is! He is a transfer student from….. uh….. far away, so give him a warm welcome." Komui chirped and Kanda huffed. "Your lab partner will be Allen, the shortstack over there!" He directed and Kanda stalked over to where Allen was sitting, shock still evident on the short boys face.
"Hey pipsqueak, close your mouth before you get flies in it." Kanda scowled and Allen leaned away from the angry Asian. PIPSQUEAK?! A flash of anger shone in the boys eyes before they returned to their artifical bright blue.
"Sorry," Allen resumed his façade and tilted his head to the left. "I'm Allen, it is nice to meet you!" He said cheerfully and held out a hand. Kanda just glared at him and Allen dropped the outstretched arm. "Ummmmm…" Allen was truly at a loss for words. Who rejected the head tilt…. No one had before.
"Push that fake smile off your face before I barf, Moyashi." Kanda growled out and glared at the paralyzed boy. Fake…. Smile? Wait.. right after that. Had Kanda called him a…..
"BEANSPROUT?" Allen yelled and the whole class turned too looked at the boy, who was now snarling at the dark-haired man sitting next to him.
"It justifies you." Was Kanda's reply after the surprise from Allen's understanding of his language had sunk in.
"Okay… BAKAnda, that's sweet." Allen smirked and turned to look at the board, trying to ignore the fuming teenager next to him.
"BAKANDA?" Kanda growled and Allen nodded.
"I thought we were given each other nicknames!" The Brit chirped and smiled, this one real and full of mischief. "I thought I would give you one that….. suited you." He continued, stifling a laugh. Kanda growled and turned away from Allen, muttering curses under his breath.
Allen shivered as he thought he heard "Guess I am going to have beansprouts for dinner tonight."
HAHA lol! Review please.
This story is actually a version of Keys Studio's story A Samurai's Promise. It is really good. She has decided to rewrite hers, so she gave us readers the option of posting it as a different story. I rewrote this whole chapter, so the only thing similar is the plot. But credit for this fabulous idea goes to her. As for the title, I don't know what to call this yet. So Meeting Again it is. I am planning on adding my own twist to this that may explain why this is called what it is. So the next chapter will be up in a few days. I have to read through Key's chapter, rewrite it in my style, then post it so it takes a while.