Holy fuck. So many yummy reviews... I love you guys so much. O_O Here, I'm writing this extremely long chapter, that I've been working on all week, just for you. You better like it or I'll... Let me think about your punishment.
Why are you being punished again? Remind me? Oh, do you want to read chapter 5?
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" yelled the angered Sebastian at my Father who was on the ground, clutching his broken nose.
I stood up and weakly grabbed Sebastian from behind, wrapping my arms around his torso, trying to prevent him from attacking my Father again.
"Ciel, let go of me, and don't worry, I'll make sure this son of a bitch never lays a finger on you again."
I shook my head as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "No... Please, Sebastian, stop... He's never hurt me before this, he's a really great Dad, he's just been... Stressed before work lately."
His muscles stay tensed as he turned around to face me. "How do I know your not lying?" he asked hesitantly.
"Please, just trust me on this one, Sebastian..."
His red eyes turned soft as tears fell down my cheeks, oh god I was such a baby...
Sebastian knelt down in front of me so we were eye to eye. "Alright, Ciel, but if I ever see or hear of him hitting you again I'll personally make sure he never sees that light of day again."
I let out a breath of relief and looked over at my Father who had passed out on the floor, still clutching his crooked nose.
"Are we still going to work on the project today?" I asked quietly, hoping he would say yes, I didn't want to be I didn't want to be here when my Father woke up.
Sebastian shook his head. "No..." my heart sank "I think we should save it for tomorrow, but you can still come over if you'd like" he said the last part with a smirk that made my heart speed up.
I nodded furiously at his offer.
He chuckled and helped me up, that smirk still plastered across his perfect face.
"Then let's go."
Saying that Sebastian's house was big was an understatement. It was the biggest, and nicest, house that I had ever seen, the front yard was filled with short green grass and the house was a bright, clean looking white while the windows hard a dark tint so you couldn't see inside, I guess he really liked his privacy.
The inside was nice as well, yet very cozy. When you walked in there were a few couches surrounding a table and large fireplace, two doors, one that lead to the large kitchen and the other to the backyard and a carpeted staircase that led to the second floor.
"H- How do you have such a large house?" I asked Sebastian as we took a seat at the table in the kitchen.
"My parents are extremely wealthy" he answered "They travel around a lot so they're never never home..."
A brisk silence enveloped the room after that, almost awkward but not quite.
"Would you like me to show you the upstairs?" he asked, breaking the silence.
"I..um...sure" I answered hesitantly.
He grinned as I followed him up the stairs and into a large hallway with more than a dozen doors on each side, and between each one was a different exquisite painting.
He led me to a door at the end of the corridor that was identical to all the others, inside was a huge bed that could probably fit a whole army, a large open walk-in closet and a door that probably led to the bathroom. I was surprised at how bland the room looked.
"Is... This your room?" I asked while Sebastian went and sat on the edge of the bed.
He nodded and motioned for me to sit next to him. I did and blushed furiously when strong hands pulled me onto his lap. He leaned forward so our noses were almost touching, I could feel his hot breath against his face and smell the mint in it.
"Do you like this...?" he asked while pulling his large hand up to my face.
I just blushed and didn't answer, he made a thin trail with his hand from my eye lid to the corner of my mouth then leaned closer.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispered.
My face was on fire as I shook my head hastily, I actually did want him to kiss me but... I wasn't very experienced in the subject and would hate to accidentally embarrass myself.
He sighed. "How about if it's not on the lips?" he asked and before I knew it I was nodding my head.
He smirked and planted a small kiss on my cheek then trailed down to the pale skin of my neck, he lapped at the skin then left a trail of kisses going down to my collar bone. I moaned and leaned my head back at the sensation of his lips on my skin.
He started to go lower but I pulled away so he couldn't go any further.
I looked into his eyes and noticed how they were full of a hungry lust, almost like he was on the verge of devouring me whole.
I gulped and narrowed my eyes. "I- I can't..." I stuttered "I mean, we're not even together... It just makes me feel.. Never mind..."
"What if we were dating?" asked Sebastian "Would you let me?"
I nodded.
"Then will you date me?" he asked.
"I- I um.. I don't-"
"It's alright, I understand, this is to fast for you just promise you'll think about it?" he interrupted.
I narrowed my eyes and nodded before he stood up with me. "I'm starved" he said "Do you want to come make dinner with me?"
"Sure" I replied before we went to his large kitchen.
He rummaged around in the fridge for a bit until he pulled out a few slices of bread and some cheese. "Since I don't have much, how about grilled cheese sandwiches?"
"That sounds fine" I answered as he heated up a pan and laid the slices of bread on it.
He chuckled. "I never usually cook so I'm probably doing this wrong" he said.
I shrugged. "I never cook, so I wouldn't know either."
"So hey... I'm kind of curious, do you live with both your Mother and Father?" he asked and I raised my eyebrow at the sudden subject change, then narrowed my eyes.
"No... I only live with my Father, I don't know what happened to my Mom, I just came home one day and my Father told me she was gone and wasn't coming back..."
"I'm sorry..." whispered Sebastian before pulling me into a warm, comforting embrace.
"Not your fault..." I murmured against his strong chest.
We stood there for a while, in a tight embrace, until the strong smell of something burning invaded my nostrils.
"Ah shit!" yelled Sebastian, tearing away from the hug and rushing to the bread on the pan.
He tried to grab the bread off the pan but ended up burning his fingers instead, he yelled out at the pain and jumped back while accidentally knocking the pan off the burner and straight onto his barefoot.
"Aw fuck!" he yelled. I scurried over to where he was, grabbed the pan and put it in the sink carefully.
I turned around to see Sebastian staring at his fingers that were starting to turn a bright red of a burn. I grabbed his hand, dragged him to the sink and stuck his fingers under the cold water of the sink.
"Is this alright?" ?I asked, holding his fingers under the faucet.
He sighed. "Yeah... Thanks."
I smiled and turned off the water. "Oh yeah, your foot..." I mumbled before I got an idea. "Stay right here, don't move" I said while I headed to the bathroom.
The bathroom I went him was huge, there were several counter-tops at one end and on the other was an overly large bathtub.
I smiled and turned on the faucet on cold for the the large bathtub. I went back into the kitchen, Sebastian was standing in the same place as before. "You don't have to do all this" he said "It doesn't hurt that bad."
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right it doesn't hurt, you just dropped a burning pan on your foot!"
He chuckled. "It seems you're coming less and less shy around me by the moment."
I blushed and looked away from his crimson gaze. "Just...Shut up and let's get your foot better."
He smirked. "Actually, I don't think I can walk on this foot, you're going to have to carry me."
"Like hell I'm carrying you! I'd break my back!"
He laughed. "Damn, I really wanted you to carry me."
I ignored him and walked back to the bathroom. When I walked back in I gasped at how quickly the bathtub had filled up, it was way to much just for a foot.
I rushed over and turned off the faucet. I turned around to see Sebastian walking towards the bathtub, he stuck his foot in and sighed, I wouldn't doubt the cold water felt good on that burn.
That's when I got a devious idea, I took a step closer to him from behind then gave him a slight push. He yelled out in surprise as he fell forward into the cold water. I grabbed my sides as I let out a fit of laughter, his face had a shocked and confused expression on it.
"Hah! Aha! Oh my fucking god! Y-your face! Hah!" I stuttered in between laughs.
"You little devil..." he growled and before I could react he pulled me down into the cold water on top of him.
"Oh shit! That's cold!" I cried while trying to escape his grip.
He chuckled. "Pay back" he whispered in my ear.
I rolled my eyes and gasped when Sebastian moved his legs so I was in between them.
He leaned closer as I shivered. "You look so cute right now..." he whispered. "Shivering like a little kitten."
"Shut up and let me go!" I yelled "It's freez-"
I was interrupted by a pair of rough lips smashing themselves upon mine, I didn't even have time to be surprised.
A hungry tongue ran itself over my lips, pleading entrance to my mouth. I gave in and opened my mouth for his tongue to explore. I moaned into the kiss as the tongue expertly tasted every inch of my mouth delicately.
His mouth separated from mine as he stared at me with those piercing crimson eyes that seemed like were looking right through me.
"T-that was my first kiss..." I whispered.
Whoa. The first kiss so soon? Don't fret young ones, they're relationship still has a long way to go and I promise it won't be as quick as you may assume.
Now, this chapter has not been corrected and I haven't looked it over (don't have the time) so I apologize for the mistakes. XD
Alright, now Victor and I are off to Wal-Mart in our cosplays! XDD Me as Ciel, him as Sebastian. Last time we got glomped by a random fangirl... This will be interesting.