Author's Note: Hi. I must have apologized a billion times for taking forever to update, so I understand if you're tired of hearing it. I beg that my old fans forgive me for completely disappearing on you. Here is the end of My Darkest Hour. If it's not good enough for you guys, please let me know in the reviews and I will redo it or add to it for you. I hope you like it.

My Darkest Hour

Chapter 51—Epilogue

"My goodness, Kagome! You look so beautiful," Kagome's mother cried as she saw her daughter in her wedding dress for the first time.

Kagome blushed and smiled at her mother while Rin secured the veil in her hair. "Thanks Mama, but you wouldn't be as shocked if you had come dress shopping with us!"

Sora sighed. "Oh, Kagome, you know the only reason I didn't come was because Jii-chan was sick. I thought you had forgiven me already."

"Oh, I did," Kagome assured her, "I'm just messing around."

Rin hummed as she danced over to Kagome's mother. "Do we have something blue? We already have the old and new pieces."

"Oh, that's right!" Sora cried as she dug into her purse. She pulled out a white box and walked over to her daughter. She looked into Kagome's eyes. "Here you go, dear. This is a comb that I wore for my wedding. Your father bought it for me."

Tears welled up in Kagome's eyes at the mention of her father. She had cried herself to sleep a few nights before thinking of the fact that her father could have no part in her wedding. InuYasha tried to comfort her by telling her that he would be there in spirit, smiling down on them, but it did not help to quell her sadness. She had always dreamed of having her father walk her down the aisle, but since he passed away long ago it was impossible. But now, her mother has brought her a way for her father to be with her every step of the way.

"Thank you so much, Mama!" Kagome cried as she tightly embraced her mother.

Sora just chuckled and squeezed her back while trying to keep her own tears at bay. Rin, and Sango who had been sitting quietly by a window, both cooed at the scene.

Just then a loud bang interrupted the moment. Souta stood in the doorway heaving, glaring at all the women with a red face.

"What the heck is taking so long?" he yelled. "Can we get on with this already? I'm ready for cake!"

"Souta!" his mother cried in disappointment as his sister glared at him through narrowed eyes.

Souta sighed. "I'm sorry." Rin and Sango laughed while Kagome shook her head. "Oh hey! You look really beautiful, Sis."

Everyone cooed again as Kagome invited her brother to come inside.

"Oh Souta! How about you be the one to put the comb in Kagome's hair?" Sango suggested.

Sora clasped her hands together. "Oh yes, that would be wonderful." She took the lid off of the small box, revealing a beautiful silver comb with intricate floral designs that featured flowers made of deep blue sapphire.

"Oh wow," Kagome breathed along with Rin and Sango. "Thank you, Mama, this is so beautiful!"

Souta took the comb from the box and stood behind his sister to place it just in front of the tiny comb that attached her veil to her bun. After she thanked her brother, Kagome and everyone else heard the piano begin to play outside.

A few minutes prior, InuYasha was in a different room with Sesshoumaru, Miroku, and InuTaisho. His father had given him a long pep talk and went over the qualities of a good husband with him while the other two listened.

"Your mother and I haven't been together so long for nothing, you know! Kagome is a wonderful young woman and you need to cherish her every day. And when the time comes for her to carry your pups, you better wait on her hand and foot. Even if you don't at first you'll eventually get forced into it. But don't let it get to that point or those nine months will be even more torture than they have to be. Also, don't forget to—"

"Father, as brainless as our dear InuYasha is, I think that even he gets it at this point. You have been talking for half an hour," Sesshoumaru droned as he interrupted.

InuTaisho sighed. "I guess you're right. I can't believe this day has finally come! InuYasha is getting married," he said as he smiled at his youngest son who was sitting near a window. "Remember when you two were still in high school and he would bring home a different girl every two days? Boy, am I glad you have settled down. That Kikyo was another mistake of yours, and I'm sure as hell happy that you didn't end up with her. It's a miracle that you never caught anything nasty from those whores."

"Wow okay, I think that's enough now, Father," InuYasha interjected. " Yes, yes, I'm a changed man, I'm getting married to the love of my life, and I'll cherish her and whatever children we have together always. Can we talk about something else now, 'cause I'm feeling kind of nauseous?"

Miroku laughed as he slapped his friend on the back. Even though he was only Kagome's friend to begin with, he had gotten to know InuYasha really well in a short amount of time, and is now his best man.

"Oh come on, InuYasha! We all know that you're really excited about getting married. Especially because of the activities that you'll be occupied with tonight…"

InuYasha rolled his eyes as the other men laughed—even Sesshoumaru. "Why are you such a damn pervert?"

"Oh, you can't fool me, InuYasha. It's obvious now. Oh, look! Are you blushing?" Miroku jested.

"No!" InuYasha shouted and turned away as he slapped Miroku's hand off his shoulder. "Damn lecher," he mumbled under his breath.

Just then the men heard the music begin.

"Oh shit! I'm late," InuYasha cried before jumping up and running out to the altar. His father and the others followed closely behind. As he ran past the room where Kagome was supposed to be, he prayed that she didn't come out until he got to the altar. He wanted to keep her appearance a surprise, even though he already knew that she would be stunning. He has a beautiful mate.

Once he and the others settled into their positions, Kagome appeared in the doorway at the other end. Everyone gasped as the audience—which was quite small since they wanted to keep it private—stood on their feet. Pachelbel's Canon rang through the air with its light and beautiful melody.

InuYasha was stunned, just as he knew he would be. There she stood in all her other-worldly beauty. Her dress was a pure white halter that loosely hugged her curves. There were embroidered floral designs, which almost matched those of the comb in her hair, along the bottom of the skirt and the bodice. Her veil also had large, beautiful flowers spread out among the fabric like flower petals dispersed on a pond's surface. Her make-up was simple but enhanced her natural exquisiteness immensely. Her black, winged eyeliner was applied in a short line that was cutely flipped up at the ends, but still classy. Along with the black mascara, her dark eyeliner made her gorgeous, doll-like brown eyes pop. Pink blush adorned her cheeks, giving her an adorable, natural rosy look. Her lipstick was a pink color a few shades deeper than the natural color on her lips, and combined with her rosy cheeks and bright, sparkling eyes, created an aura of cute innocence and beauty.

Breathtaking, was the only word you could use to describe her, and even that did not do her justice. No thoughts were able to cross InuYasha's mind as her appearance astounded him into a trance.

"Wow," he heard Miroku whisper at his side. InuYasha himself was unable to formulate any words. His jaw would not move from its place on the ground. He had even forgotten how Japanese was spoken! All he could focus on was this sparkling angel that was floating nearer and nearer. It felt like an eternity before Kagome actually reached the altar, but before he knew it they were holding hands and preparing to say their vows.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered to his mate. Tears welled in her eyes and he lifted a hand to gently brush them away.

"Thank you," she breathed. "You look amazing yourself. So handsome."

The two smiled at each other as they took their rings in hand. They each said their vows, forever binding themselves together before their friends and family on such a beautiful day. They could not have been happier.

During the reception everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There was dancing, singing, eating, and games. About a billion and one pictures were taken and the same amount of "congratulations" were given. Kagome and InuYasha had the time of their lives as they ate cake and opened gifts, and celebrated their love with their families. It was a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful reception, but unfortunately it eventually had to end.

All of the guests gathered in front of the venue as the newlyweds were about to leave. Kagome tossed her bouquet and it landed in the hands of none other than Sango. InuYasha whistled and winked at Miroku. Miroku winked back as he hugged a blushing Sango's waist.

Kagome and InuYasha loaded themselves in the limo that awaited them after receiving last minute goodbyes and good wishes from their family. Before long they were headed off to the airport for their honeymoon in Jamaica. Basking in contentment and love as they lay in each other's arms, Kagome and InuYasha sat back comfortably as they drove into the next chapter of the eternity that they spend together.

Author's Note: Again, I'm so sorry. High school has kind of sapped my passion for writing fanfictions, unfortunately. And I had such great plans, too! Oh well. Hopefully one day my love for it will come back. I hope you liked it, and thank you all so much for all your feedback and support! Until next time. I can't wait for your reviews.