The view was black, dark and empty.

Before anything else, the unconscious female blinks her red eyes, only to have a slur view of things. She first sees the shade of brown and semi – yellow, the background making her slightly dizzy while she sits up with ease, hurrying and knowing that she shouldn't really act on these things much. Because of that, mere trouble is what she caused, plus the commotion. She suddenly remembered that her head was aching because of the sudden sharp pain, but thought not of the negatives. If it was the sign, then she went much to a cautious state.

She had her hands up to her head, still having an aftermath feeling, but didn't last longer. Once she was fully alert, she can hear some voices outside. She guessed that it was the squad leaders, but she worries if she was being rat out eventually. To her safety and fortunately, none about her is being talked for awhile. Instead of having some topics involving her, she can just hear the strategy, voiced by Hijikata but then was thoroughly dismissed. She grunted because she missed most of it, but she can always ask Okita or Saito on the latter part. Even so, discussions are pretty important.

She mumbled to that also, looking at her futon which felt warm yet different from the futon she has inside the palace. The outside world seems to refresh her self even if it has been years going, and she was pretty thankful that she survived until now. Thinking of these things aside, her ears perked little again, hearing of a new discussion, but it wasn't the vice-captain talking. This was followed by the footsteps that seemingly faded, making it harder for her to hear more. Because she is a demon, she cannot avoid hearing other 'elements' of nature in such range and be confused further since she's still feeling the slight dilemma of her headache.

Before she can even inch closer to her door, while wearing her normal kimono and the Shinsengumi robe still, she paused after being interrupted by one of the Squad leaders who slid the door, blinking his eyes seeing her already awake. The others were distant somehow, only lit with the power of one flame that can actually let them see themselves. "…" Raion didn't move to that for awhile, as if she froze.

"Oh, you're awake." The male said with a small smile, followed by Chizuru who was somehow behind him. It turns out that the male was Yamazaki who is also known as the Shinsengumi's medic and assassin. They were ordered to check up on her while she's resting and was still hanging on the wonder why she'd have a headache eventually.

The female continued to that. "Good thing… I thought something hurt you." she said, making the female demon look at them both again, still with a puzzled expression. "Raion-san, what was that awhile ago?" she asked another, diverting to the straight to the point question, which the leaders would like to know themselves.

"Chizuru-chan…" Raion started, but had a still 'I-don't-know' face expression. She scanned a bit and then looked at Yamazaki. "Yamazaki-san, what happened…?" she muttered with another low stern voice, but didn't actually answer the other female's questioning for she was also confused herself. Silence quivered their minds and so as she, making the blond respond and figured out that she was asked. "… I had a short headache awhile ago, but then it's gone now." She says, making herself much convincing and that she doesn't want to be asked further.

"Are you sure? You look pale."

"Don't matter much about it. I think this happens quite seldom and random." She responded and then started to sit another properly, also standing to prove it not by words, but by actions. Even if she insisted, Yamazaki aided her in standing. "…Please don't give me those looks, will you?" she added another with a low sigh, only to have the male ninja give a blank poker face and the other female smile.

Okita danced his way silently. "You are getting weak, or was it because you've been hiding too much stress?" he asked in one of his normal tones, but then he begs to differ if she's going to ask him if they rat her out. "I guess somebody is also like Hijikata-san then, and in terms of having work overload."

Hijikata grunted. "I can manage work most of the time." He stressed but then didn't mind him and looked at the young demon. "Don't faint like that eventually, it's not good." he said, more of a commanding tone though he didn't admit that he's a bit worried of it.

Sanosuke defended to that a bit, but he smiles first. "Looks like teasing quarters won't work on you – I don't want to be blamed if you get headaches and faint like that…" he says seeing her grunt a bit but didn't hold on to that much. He also somehow felt something when he was carrying her with Chizuru's help, but didn't prefer talking to that instead since they're in the middle of a tough discussion.

"And we're not going to catch you next time!" Shinpachi scowled a bit, though he just ruffled his hair and sighed. "Okay, I was a bit mean and I didn't really do that on purpose so…"

"I'm fine."

Raion's voice went over so they won't stop that. She sees most of them excluding Sannan, Gensaburou, Itou and Kondou. Her face flushed a bit red but then she stayed put on her place. "You really worry a lot don't you? It's… amusing." She noted and made up another smile, which she'd rarely show but then become embarrassed after. "Thank you and don't do that again." She added another.

"Heh, you finally smiled in front of everyone." Sanosuke took note, pointing at her mentally and then watched like he wouldn't see this again.

"… Shut up." She muttered low, and looked at the side with an ignorant look, but then knew that she was just getting shy another way around.

That little thing even mattered up to now, but what she wanted is to have the case closed before they get in trouble. A member of the Shinsengumi should be confirmed healthy and should avoid sickness. Even if they are known Wolves of Mibu, they still held to their status and position running. One of the things that attracted the female demon towards them is their attitude. She thought of them differently, like people who were of high class though things wouldn't turn out well expected the next times.

Reminding of the sharp pain she felt earlier made her wonder. 'Is someone from the clan remembering me or planning rather strange with me?' she really wonders because there are things highly explained by demon instincts itself and this is one of it. She cannot remember herself hitting hard on the head while she was teased by the three more often. She lifts her hand up to her head again and tried to see if she had bumps but found none.

"What is it?" Chizuru asked again, after seeing her move like that.

"… I was looking if I had a wound on the head but none." She responded false yet low and small, however her face turned rather curious. Their looks bothered her a bit. "Anyway what are you doing here crowding in front of me, it's creepy…" she muttered low but didn't lay a pout, since she was fine. "I'm alright and don't even think of me as a child. I am not like that." She assures so she won't bring too much trouble inside the headquarters again. After that small grunt, she places her hand down and then stood again, dusting herself while closing her eyes and first sees Okita while she gives a look. "Souji, I'm not in the mood."

Okita grinned. "You're scary when you wake up but you're acting all cool." He said with a shrug and allowed her to prance. Even so, the first squad captain smirks while he adds. "But…you're not going anywhere without your swords, right? I think these are pretty important to you." he had them on his hand, both the short and long blades, adding small knives.

"…?!" she immediately sees herself unarmed while she faces him to pause. "Oi, give me that back. You're not supposed to mess with my things while I am asleep, that's rude." She muttered with another set of her protest, specifically troubled since the male knew that she's a girl and anytime when he snaps he can mouth out her secret.

"Really? Take it from me then~ I bet you can use your feet and hands barely."

"…" she darkened the look. "Are you pushing me really hard now?"

"Yes?" he added and sighed. "For someone like you, I can't imagine how you would drag these sharp things on your body unnoticeable. How many pockets do you have on your clothes anyway, or do you place it somewhere else?" he added with a sly tease, making him look at her while she refrains from blushing of embarrassment, and still reaching for him. Of course knowing Okita, he wouldn't allow her to have the things.

"…" Remembering a part of Amagiri's handwork and his lessons she charged a bit. Knowing that the male would dodge, she immediately slid and hit partial his hip light so he can flinch and drop the sword, which successfully went to her hand. The male didn't expect that, while she stands up and started dusting herself again, the brunette grunting at him. "You think I can't take it away from you? Ha." She muffled with victory, which is one reason why she shouldn't be moving much.

"True I didn't expect that… from someone like you to hit." Honestly, he squirmed in silence because it did hurt, and remembering that she's a woman, he didn't continue to act on further, paying respect towards her gender.

Raion gave a sickening look towards him again, but then the brunette knew nothing else but not to move too much. She still wondered what the sharp pain was all about, or was it a sign that she's being followed? Her pureblood can sense farther than a normal being, since she was secluded with the demon's scent, and was also used to it. "I don't want to stay here a bit longer…" she mumbled to herself.

"Eh? You were saying?"

"Don't mind me. I want to go out for awhile." Looking at the rest, her slightly blurry eyes caught nothing much of a vision, but rather an irritated view. She didn't mind that also. She wanted to 'breathe' for a little. "If you would allow me, I wish to be alone once more… I'm alright." She deepened her voice with that again too.

Chizuru got a worried look again. "But Raion-san… You're—"

"Bring Saito with you then."

Hijikata's words were interrupting, but he has to say that. With a serious yet blank manner, he confirmed it. Crossing his arms like that meant that he was not kidding. In fact, his inept action was just too normal. "You should be back before dinner. It is pretty understandable that you're quite choked at the quarters." By that, he hit through the brunette's mental thinking, probably knowing that she's being strange with unknown reasons.

"Ah? Why Hajime?!" Shinpachi asked again and protested. Seeing the eyes of most everyone, he gulped and then kept cool. "Fine."

"I don't want to come with you anyway, you're annoying." Raion said with a dark tone.

"I never said I wanted to aid you there, even if Hajime would switch places!"

His voice was very irritating, but the brunette just sighed and bowed her head. She ignored the male and then looked at Hijikata. "Thank you very much." Afterwards that, she decided to stand firm another and then walked, her vision still adjusting despite the fact that she's been there for minutes. She hopes that no one really notices it that much.

When she was gone, Chizuru mumbled. "What is it?" Hijikata suddenly asked.

"Nothing… I'm just worried. I-I shall make everyone tea now…" she said and then bowed quietly while moving out of the room. "Please excuse me." With that, she fully left the conversation as she walked her feet continuous but slow.

Okita turned his head and then gave a shrug. "Well, so much for this time. I think I should go to—"

"Okita, I believe it's your time to go patrol now." Hijikata reminded, making the male flinch with a troubled look. "Don't forget your job here."

"Ah, you're being a mother hen again. I will, don't worry." The brown haired male said with a sigh, about to deploy with the others but paused a little. "Hijikata-san, I have a bad feeling about the others also. And… Raion is…"


He was about to tell the truth, but a smile curved up his lips. "…cute." He replaced that word which made the vice captain doubt on why he said that, before he danced his way out. That expression of the demon vice captain was just precious he can still remember it. He continued to move away now, leaving the vice captain alone on the room, with Yamazaki.

Hijikata removed the thought and then looked at Yamazaki. "Thank you for the help. Let's go also."

xGan-samax says... Oh my, I am so sorry this was SOOOO late. ;n; from now on the chapters are going so slow since my college work is being nuts and I have little time to do these things... (and I am working on a Black Wolves Saga inspired novelette also for a project at school .) Sorry also for the crappy chapter. It's Saito and Raion's moment on Ch.11~ Once again, I am SO sorry...