{Claude x Grell}


(This be a BoysLove story!)

(Run away if you don't like!)



By: The Mistress

Her nerves only grew when the demonic butler leaned down to her ear much in the same way she had done him and whispered out, "Why don't I show you my little red butterfly?"

Grell had no time to even think of a retort before her mouth was being pillaged by Claude's own. He sensually licked her lips then thrust in his tongue, which was quite talented Grell giddily noted in the back of her mind. 'Ohhhhh~ and long too~!' Grell thought while letting a moan escape into Claude's mouth.

Claude slid the hand that had been around her neck to the back of her head to tangle in her curls, keeping her in place as he kissed her senseless. Meanwhile Grell let her arms slither up Claude's chest to wrap firmly around his neck, drawing their bodies flush against one another in an oh so pleasant manner.

Grell had kissed her fair share of men during her lifetime but she had to admit that Claude ranked as one of the best, maybe even better than her darling Undertaker. 'Mmmmm~ maybe I can convince them to let me test whose talent is superior to the others another time.' Grell distractedly thought while her tongue battled with Claude's for dominance, though Grell already knew she was going to lose and planned to enjoy every second of it in detail.

And just as Grell predicted, her tongue lost the battle for dominance against Claude's own and soon his tongue was creeping further down her throat than any tongue had ever been, making her shudder in unadulterated pleasure. Grell moaned at the feeling of his talented tongue wiggling in her throat before swallowed around it causing Claude to let out a pleased growl, but before she could do it again Claude stopped the kiss and yanked Grell's head back by her curls and started nipping harshly at the little bit of her neck that was exposed. He wanted to explore more of her throat but was restricted from doing so because of the blasted jewelry she wore. He tugged on it lightly and was about to tear it off completely when Grell, as if sensing his destructive thoughts, gave him a sharp look that clearly said, 'Don't you dare! Not my jewelry and not in public!'

Claude narrowed his eyes at her before consenting that the balcony right outside a party full of snobbish aristocrats probably wasn't the best place to devour his little red butterfly. He was going over the quickest way to the guest chambers in his head when a wicked idea entered his mind. He looked down at the still slightly flustered Grell and smirked at all the fun he was about to have with her.

Grell was shocked when Claude suddenly held her out at arms length, and she was about to ask him what was wrong, because they were having such fun a moment ago! She opened her mouth to voice her concerns but was silenced when Claude put a finger to her lips and said with a somewhat evil looking smirk that he would give Grell a ten second head start. A confused look flitted across Grell's face for but a moment but when Claude started counting slowly Grell realized Claude was a demon who liked to play with his food. That was fine by Grell, who just giggled a little before she turned and shot off into a different section of the mansion, careful to avoid any of the guests, be they mortal or demon.

Grell had run down multiple corridors before Claude had caught up with her, eager to catch her and claim her. Claude had gotten quite close to her and reached out to grab her but only managed to grab the fur wrap from around her delicate shoulders before Grell yelped in mock fear before she sped up. Claude almost caught her when they rounded a corner but the red butterfly fluttered out of his grasp once again only for her crash into an old Ming vase on a pedestal, giving him ample opportunity to grab her before she could flutter away again.

He smirked in triumph at her noticing her heavy breathing and flushed appearance, which he knew had nothing to do with her being tired from the run because demons and reapers had excellent stamina and endurance, which he was going to take full advantage of tonight. He enveloped her in a tight hold and dipped his head down and started nipping and sucking at her exposed shoulders and collar bone, littering her with marks of possession and earning him quite a few whimpers and sighs from the energetic redhead. Pleased with the marks he'd made on her he released her long enough to pick her up and throw her over his shoulder, making her cry out in shock. He started down the hall and stopped at the first guest bedroom he found and kicked the door open and entered then kicked the door closed with his leg.

"Claude! What on earth do you think you're doing? Set me down this instant!" Grell cried out indignantly while trying to wiggle off his shoulder. The only reply she got was a firm, open palmed slap on the ass! "Ahhhh~ Claude!" Grell moaned at the harsh slap to her rear and gasped when she felt Claude slide his hand up the back of her stocking clad leg underneath her dress. Claude continued up her leg to her thighs, rubbing teasing circles before caressing between her thighs. Grell whimpered in delight but yelped when she was unceremoniously thrown onto a plush bed. She looked up startled at Claude who was shamelessly undressing her with his eyes. He started unbuttoning his black coat before throwing it to the floor then started on his vest which soon joined his coat.

Grell knew that once Claude got undressed he was going to start removing her clothes, but being caught in lust he was probably going to tear hers off like the beast he truly was, and she couldn't have that! Her diamond studded rose hair accessory alone cost quite the pretty penny and the beautiful red dress too, Grell had to save up a months salary to afford it so no matter how delectable Claude was, he wasn't going to be the one to strip Grell of her fine clothes. While Claude was removing his trousers Grell kicked her legs up and back flipped over the other side of the bed out of Claude's reach, who had after what he thought was her attempt to flee, lunged forward to grab her but missed and landed on the bed with a scowl.

Claude got on his hands and knees on the bed with his shoulders slightly hunched as if he were about to lunge for his prey when Grell held up a hand for him to halt and smiled seductively at Claude while she started undoing the long string of buttons up the side of her pricey dress. Grell decided in that moment what a good idea it was to give Claude a show, so while she undid her buttons she swayed side to side sensuously and hummed a low tune under her breath, and when the last button came free of the last button hole she let the dress slide down her slender frame. Grell saw Claude's hands grip the comforter on the bed in a death grip and his jaw clench as he tried to remain in control of his lust for her, and seeing such a well controlled demon almost break said control because of his animalistic lust for her pleased Grell immensely.

Claude felt himself growl in approval at seeing what Grell was wearing under that dress of hers. A shiny black corset with red ruffles along the top and bottom hem with a bright red bow in the front with the lacing tied up the front, a pair of sheer black stockings that were held up by a lacy red garter belt, and a shiny black pair of panties to complete the look. Claude couldn't hold back any longer and lunged forward to tackle Grell to the floor but anticipating this Grell leapt out of the way just in time. Quick as a flash Claude was after Grell, who was giggling madly, jumping over the bed and running in circles around the spacious room before Grell went to jump over the bed again but was pinned down by a very sexually frustrated and highly aroused kumoshitsuji.

Grell's breathless giggles quickly turned into breathless moans as Claude ground his hips into hers, effectively rubbing their erections together. Grell spread her legs open wider to accommodate Claude's form and to bring their bodies closer together. Claude started removing her jewelry and her hair clip before tossing them over the side of the bed to join her dress. Meanwhile Grell starts running her hands over every inch of amazingly soft skin within her reach; gliding over well toned abs, muscular biceps, and his arching back. Marveling at how devastatingly beautiful this Claude was, maybe even better than Sebastian. He was certainly better company that was for sure. Claude leans back and lets Grell scrutinize every aspect of his faux human disguise, thoroughly enjoying the soft caresses Grell's feminine hands were giving him. Grell glances up at Claude's relaxed face and smirks deviously. In the blink of an eye she flips their positions and the Trancy butler is on his back with a very pleased shinigami squirming in his lap. Grell grins down at the slightly stunned spider demon and leans her head down and plants little kisses all over his chest, all the while keeping their eyes locked in a smoldering gaze.

Grell slid her body down Claude's, kissing and licking all the way. She stopped at his bellybutton and licked slow circles around it before dipping in making Claude's breath hitch slightly, but continued downward and bit his underwear and pulled them down with her teeth. Once free of its restraints Claude's member stood at attention, practically begging Grell to taste it.

"Ohhh~ Claude darling, you had quite the delicious morsel hidden away from me. I hope you don't mind if I taste it." That being said Grell bent her head down and pressed a hot and wet open mouthed kiss to the tip of the demons erection then laved his erection with her tongue, coating it all over with her saliva before giving Claude a demon worthy smirk and swallowing his erection whole, all the way down to the hilt, making the kumoshitsuji suck in a hissing breath and grip Grell's severely loosened curls to hold her head in place, and it's a good thing grim reapers don't need to breath because had Grell needed to she wouldn't have been able because Claude firmly held her head in place.

After a moment Claude finally loosened his hold and Grell pulled off and took a much needed breath of air before licking her lips and cheekily telling Claude that if he hadn't let go of her as soon as he did he would have 'come up a little short'. Said demon narrowed his eyes at the not so veiled threat the redhead sent him before smirking and gripping Grell's hair and tugging her head back down, a clear sign for her to continue. However Grell just turned her head to the side and told the Trancy butler that he couldn't make her, and though she tried to appear serious a saucy smile stretched across her face, making her statement out to be nothing but a tease.

Claude cocked an eyebrow and said in his monotone voice, "Challenge accepted little butterfly." Without missing a beat he reached over to the end of the bed where his belt had lay forgotten and grabbed it and lifted it up for Grell to see. The scarlet reapers eyes widened at the sight of the leather belt, she was about to tell Claude to not even think about doing what he was about to do but never got the chance. Claude brought the belt down over Grell's firm behind in a resounding CRACK! Grell stubbornly clenched her teeth together to stop her surprised and highly aroused shout from breaking loose. Claude just smirked in satisfaction before whipping Grell again, and again, and again until Grell finally couldn't hold in her screams anymore and opened her mouth wide and screamed in pained pleasure. Claude took advantage of his red butterflies open mouth and thrust his engorged member deep inside and banged against the back of her very accommodating throat.

The vibrations from her scream sent streaks of pleasure up and down his entire body, making him purse his lips together to hold in his groan of delight. His pleasure only intensified when Grell started viciously bobbing her head up and down on his shaft, relentlessly swallowing him over and over in a sinful fashion. Claude finally released a hiss of pleasure from the feeling of Grell's skilled mouth pleasuring him so amazingly well. Claude could feel his orgasm fast approaching so he gripped the back of Grell's head in a firm hold before furiously bucking into the reapers eager mouth, meeting her downward swallows with his upward thrusts, thoroughly fucking the shinigamis' now tender mouth with vigor. Boiling heat rapidly pooled in Claude's belly, making a knot of intense pleasure twist and coil before Claude couldn't hold back any more and came hard down Grell's well abused throat, thrusting a few more times before he was totally spent, 'Well for the moment at least.' He thought deviously.

Grell swallowed all she could but a generous amount of the butlers cum still leaked from her mouth, dripping down her chin to her chest. She moaned at the thought of her belly being full of Claude's essence and licked her lips, savoring the taste of the Trancy butlers' slightly salty flavor. A smile flit across her face as she ran her fingers through her now loose and wavy hair, savoring the dull sting on her scalp from where Claude had gripped her hair to the point where he nearly pulled it out, and a quick glance at the demons hands showed that a few loose strands had indeed come out during their little bout of foreplay. Smile still in place Grell reached her hand up and ran her finger through the cum coating her chin before sucking it off.

Claude opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of his captured prey sucking his seed off of her fingers as though it were a fine dessert. The sight alone had Claude's arousal awakening for another go. No longer able to watch the little show Grell was putting on Claude sat up and commanded Grell to get up and remover her corset and panties and then get on her hands and knees, the only verbal reply he got was a whimper before Grell stood up from the bed and teasingly started to undo the corsets lacing at an almost tortuously slow pace. Claude would have to remember to punish his naughty little red butterfly later for thinking she can tease him, but right now he was enjoying her little strip tease too much to care.

When the corset finally slipped to the floor Claude felt his eyebrows raise a little at the surprise Grell had beneath her negligee. A tiny little silver nipple ring was on proud display on Grell's chest, and Claude wouldn't admit it to anyone but damn did that turn him on more than it should. The highly turned on demon licked his lips in anticipation when Grell hooked her slender fingers in her little black panties and teasingly pulled them down at a snails pace. The kumoshitsuji watched as the seductress before him slowly slipped them down centimeter by agonizing centimeter before they were finally stripped from her delicate frame and tossed at him in a flirtatious fashion.

Now only clad in her garter belt, stockings and long black gloves Grell looked directly into the spider demons eyes and said in a breathy voice, "Claude~ I need you noo~ow." She only got a husky growl in response before Claude rushed to the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around his little red butterfly and dragged her down on the covers and started kissing her lips, her neck, any bit of skin he could reach. Kissing her hard and deep, stealing her breath away. Claude's nimble fingers roamed over her body and he couldn't help but think that Grell should have been born a demon instead of a reaper because her body was designed for sin, every curve screamed, 'Defile me~' with vigor.

Unable to wait any longer Claude kissed Grell once before ordering her to get on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. Grell whimpered in response and got into place, her head resting on soft pillows as Claude got behind her and went to slick his fingers in his mouth but stopped short when an idea popped into his head, an idea he was sure Grell would delight in.

Grell's head shot up and she shrieked when she felt Claude's slick tongue lick around her entrance, she shuddered and moaned when he prodded her with the lengthy muscle before plunging his way deep inside her with one quick thrust. The shinigami panted and keened while the demonic butler wiggled his tongue inside her and stroked her arousal in time with his languid thrusts. Claude kept up his steady pace for a while longer until Grell's moans rose higher in pitch and he knew the other was finally ready for the best part.

Ignoring the protests from the redhead below him, he withdrew his serpentine tongue and spit in his hand, at this point not caring how vulgar it was, and slicked himself up and positioned himself at Grell's tiny entrance. He pressed forward and filled the scarlet reaper to the hilt then began thrusting quickly and firmly, filling her tight body as she rocked her hips in time with Claude's brutal pace.

"Ah. Ahh. Ahhhh! C-Claaa~aude! Please go faster!" Grell moaned out between thrusts. She felt Claude's fingers rubbing and pinching her nipple, then he moved to the other and pulled and twisted Grell's nipple ring, making shocks of pleasure shoot straight to her erect member.

Claude toyed with her chest a bit more before picking up the pace and rocking harder into the feminine male, pounding into her harder than before, making her groan into the pillow her head was resting on. As the pace became more brutal, Grell's cries increased in volume and pitch, though they were mostly muffled by the plush pillow she was currently biting. Claude became annoyed at not being able to hear the way he was effecting the slender reaper so he grabbed a handful of her ruby colored hair, which was as soft as a spiders' silk web he noted somewhere in the back of his mind, and pulled her head back which allowed her to cry out unhindered. Her screams filled the room they were in, bouncing off the walls and probably spilling out into the large hallway. Claude was glad they were in the west wing and the party and guests were in the east wing or they would be hearing a symphony of lewd sounds and screams.

"Claude! Claude! Oh fuck yes, don't stop, ohhh fuu~uk! You're so b-big! Ahhhhhh~! Give it to me harder Claa~aaude!" Grell screamed out while she met every thrust of Claude's, pushing back harder and faster, making their pleasure spike higher than before. Claude grunted and snapped his hips forward harder and faster, focusing on thoroughly devouring this tasty little morsel writhing below him. He leaned back just so, angling his hips just right to find that spot in Grell that would make her-

"AHHHHHH! CLAUDE! THERE, RIGHT THERE! AGAIN CLAUDE, PLEASE!" She threw her head back, screaming in absolute rapture, gripping the comforter so tight Claude heard it rip. Claude smirked in self satisfaction, hammering harder into the reaper, brutally assaulting her sweet spot with reckless abandon, delighting in her ear piercing screams, knowing he was the sole cause.

Grell's pleasure was mounting to insurmountable heights as Claude almost viciously pounded into her, hitting her prostate so hard she couldn't see straight. He grabbed her hips in a bruising hold and pushed harder until she was being slammed into the intricately carved wooden headboard. Claude was dangerously close, not having had a bedmate since before he contracted with that little brat Alois, and Grell was even closer than he was to reaching blissful release. The Trancy butler started throwing more weight into his plunges, making them deeper and more penetrating; earning him a slew of praises and cries to God from the scarlet shinigami which she shouted to the heavens.

"Oh fucking hell! Claude! You're so damn goo~oooood! AHH!" She screamed in rapture, wanting more, craving it like a mortal craves air.

"Scream my name Grell." Claude said, his eyes glowing fuchsia and his demonic aura seeping free.


"Louder! I want everyone in this mansion to know what I'm doing to you!"


"Again! Scream my name over and over until your throat bleeds!"

"Claude! CLAUDE! AHH! Yes, oh fuck yeeees!"

Claude snarled and growled out a sound that would have made the bravest of men faint from fear. He reached up with his left hand and grabbed Grell's shoulder for more pull, making his thrusts even harder, and Grell was sure when they were done that she would have to take a few days off from work to recover from a fractured pelvis at the very least, with the way Claude was pounding her into the sheets. The bed was rocking back and forth wildly, making the headboard smash into the wall, leaving large indentions and cracks in the wood. Grell's vision was getting blurry and she was getting light headed from all the wonderful abuse Claude was mercilessly delivering onto her prostate. She was so damn close to paradise, just a little more.

Claude reached down and started furiously pumping Grell in time with his wild thrusts, finally tipping her over the edge, causing her to let out an ear splitting scream of orgasmic bliss as she climaxed harder than ever before. After coming she tightened almost painfully around Claude's pulsing cock making him lose his rhythm and thrust erratically into Grell's ultra tight body before emptying his seed deep inside her making her whimper at the burst of warmth from him releasing inside of her. Both spent and exhausted they flopped onto the now soiled bed and tried to regain their breath.

After some heavy breathing Grell turned to Claude and said in his usual flirty voice,

"Oh Claude, for a demon you sure can make someone call out to God~!"

Claude cracked a smile and turned to Grell and swooped down and kissed her full on the mouth before pulling back and saying in all seriousness, "You know what this means now, don't you my lady?" Grell smiled sadly up at the spider demon and nodded her head 'yes' and sat up and started reaching for her clothes so she could get dressed and leave. It was always the same, no matter how good the sex was; they always wanted her to leave right after. She had her panties and was about to put them on when she was snatched back over to the bed and thrown roughly onto it and looked up into a pair of angry fuchsia eyes. Grell was beyond confused at this point; she didn't know what she'd done wrong to earn her such a look from the kumoshitsuji. Finally Claude spoke.

"And just where do you think you're going pet?" Claude spoke in an even tone though Grell could detect the underlying notes of irritation. She gulped and shifted her eyes to look anywhere but at Claude, unfamiliar with the situation she's found herself in. Claude, who'd become fed up with her evasiveness grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. Grell was about to learn that when Claude got his metaphorical 'claws' in something he considered his, then he never let it go, never. And Claude has decided to claim this beautiful red butterfly as his own, whether she liked it or not. With that final thought Claude tilted Grell's head to the side before lengthening his fangs and sinking them into Grell's soft neck. He heard her moan in pleasure from the bite encouraging him to bite harder. The bite was essentially marking her as his own so no other demons or immortals got any funny ideas. And ohhh her blood was simply orgasmic, it's truly a shame demons can only feast on the souls of mortals because Grell has the most delicious tasting soul he has ever sampled by far.

Not wanting to weaken her too much Claude pulled away and licked around the bite mark, cleaning up any remaining blood from the wound as well as making his scent on her even stronger. Once done he looked into Grell's face and was pleased to note that her cheeks were flushed with color and he could smell slight arousal coming from her again, meaning she enjoyed being marked by him, which was good because he didn't like pets who try to run away.

"Listen to me Grell, you belong to me now, and I've marked you as mine." I said it with purpose so she knew I was serious about this. I saw her eyes widen and expected her to protest this but she just blushed and smiled a coy little smile and giggle girlishly.

"Oh my Claude, you sound so possessive, all over little me? I'm flattered you know." She said with a breathy voice and twinkling eyes.

Claude smirked and wrapped Grell in his arms and kissed her ferociously, pleased with the outcome of the night. He let his hands slide down to cup his butterflies' pert little ass and would have gone further but felt his contract seal burning, signaling that Alois was calling him. Letting out a growl of frustration Claude reluctantly pulled away and stood to get dressed. Once dressed he turned back to bid Grell farewell for a few hours until Alois went to sleep but saw that Grell had fallen asleep herself. 'She's probably exhausted from our earlier activities.' Claude thought hautily. He looked at her slumbering form and noticed she looked so delicate and innocent when she slept. It made Claude want to do nothing more than fuck her all over again, take her over and over until she was covered in his their essence, to sully such purity with animalistic urges, the thought of taking her on the table where his highness ate breakfast, where he bathed, where he slept. Hell, he was a demon, depravity and acts of sin were his bread and butter. His contract seal burned hotter than before and he embarrassedly realized he had been daydreaming of his scarlet pet. With one more longing look at the sleeping Grell Claude dressed in a second and rushed out the guest bedroom, intent on finishing anything his highness wanted quickly so he can return to his pet and claim him until the sun rose.

"Things just got more interesting." He said aloud to himself with a devious smirk.


A/N: I'm done! Finally! *fwew* Thank goodness! Looks like Claude got a troublesome new pet~ Good for him, he needs something to keep him busy! If you like it, REVIEW! If you hate it, REVIEW! If you don't give a damn, REVIEW! Are you seeing the pattern here folks? Hahaha! First ever lemon I actually posted! YAY!

~The Mistress