Author's Note:

Eheheheh, so this story was supposed to be mainly Kanji/Rise, but we kind of got carried away with the other pairings in the process… Oops. Still hope you enjoy!

The Sun Rises With You

a Persona 4 (© ATLUS) fanfiction

a der kapitan/Miss Hanamura collaboration


As Yu and Taiga quietly take their leave, and as Erin grabs Naoto's hand and makes a run for it, Yosuke and a stunned Class Representative continue to sit, displaced, across from Yukiko and Chie. When the dark-haired beauty finally breaks the kiss, breathing quickly and flushed pink, she slaps her hands to her cheeks. "I'm sorry!" she apologizes to the brunette, who's starry-eyed. "I-I don't know what came over me…"

"W-what…?" Still stunned, Chie has to shake her head to bring herself back down to reality. "I mean, that was great, but… H-hold on, Yukiko, I…" She holds her hand against her mouth, as though memorizing the imprint of Yukiko's mouth against her own. "Wow…"

Yukiko and Chie are still obviously trying to come to terms with what has just happened, but Yosuke looks strangely nonplussed. Their class representative, however, gawks in disbelief. "Hey," he says, nudging the bespectacled teen, "I'm not doing that with you." The addressed shifts violently in his seat to glare at Yosuke, who snickers, before getting up to leave.

Yukiko blinks, then slowly reaches out to hold Chie's hand; she gives it a soft squeeze. "Chie? A-are you okay…?"

"I'm just a little… dazed, I guess," she answers. "I mean, that's… It's almost everything I ever —" She suddenly turns to Yosuke, who she finally remembers is still in the room with them. "Hey, what are you still doing here!?"

He shrugs. "I didn't know you wanted me to leave."

Chie absolutely fumes as she throws a crumpled piece of paper at him. "Does it look like you're wanted here!?"

"Yeesh, so temperamental," he replies, flicking the paper back at her. Nevertheless, he stands up to shuffle out of the classroom. As he leaves, they can hear him muttering, "Fff, love turns people into assholes…"

Yukiko cocks her head as she watches Yosuke retreat, then turns back to Chie. "What were you saying?" she asks with a smile.

Chie swallows nervously, butterflies rumbling in her tummy. "I just… Yukiko, are you… Are you serious? I mean— I mean, do you really…?" She can't even formulate a full question, she's so flustered. Her cheeks turn pinker than Yukiko has ever seen them, but her eyes are bright.

"Yes," Yukiko replies, nervously but surely. "Th-that is, if you'll have me…"

"Oh c-c'mon, Yukiko," Chie laughs, though it sounds forced, "when you say it like that…" She gulps, the looks into Yukiko's eyes with as much courage as she can muster. "I mean, we've known each other long enough… We don't have to be like that…" Her gaze, which has been so intense, softens as they drift down to Yukiko's trembling fingers; slowly, she takes them and intertwines them with hers.

Yukiko's breath hitches, but she smiles gently. "I… really do like you, Chie."

Even if she knows it now (perhaps has always known it), Chie can't help but blush. Her heart is racing against her rib cage — she swears it'll burst if it goes any faster. "I… I seriously can't believe this is real. But… But I mean, if you're totally okay with this… Then, I…" She presses her lips together contemplatively. After a while, she says, "It's always been you, Yukiko."

Yukiko's eyes widen before her body relaxes considerably. "Really…? You mean it?"

"Of course!" Chie replies confidently, drawing a giggle from the Amagi's lips. "I mean… You've always been there for me and— and even though that stupid Shadow said I just wanted to keep you because it made me feel better… I just…" She stutters and fumbles over her words, and Yukiko can't help but laugh. "Oh, come on! I'm no good at this!"

"I know, I know!" Yukiko replies good-naturedly. Chie's words and actions, though not always eloquent, have always had charm, she thinks. "Hey, why don't we get out of here?"

Chie stands up excitedly, holding one of Yukiko's hands in her own. "Alright! Let's go and have fun! … Together!"

Filled with an incredible joy and warmth that she has never felt before, Yukiko laughs as she too stands. "M'hm! Let's go!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Naoto sees Chie and Yukiko walking side by side, fingers not quite interlacing but still touching intimately. She thinks of making a comment, but suddenly realizes that Erin's gaze is focused rather intently on her face. "Er, m-my apologies, Rin-senpai. I was momentarily distracted… Where are we going?"

"Ah, I don't know," the older female admits with a small laugh. "I really just wanted to get out of there, honestly… Do you just want to walk around?"

"Yes, it was beginning to get a little… bizarre in there." Naoto smiles softly, then bobs her head. "Certainly. I'm sure there are plenty of places we can visit."

"Of course!" Though she smiles, Erin realizes that she's still holding onto Naoto's hand. Slowly, she uncoils their fingers while wearing an apologetic (and perhaps hesitant) expression. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to."

Naoto's dark gaze wanders to their fingers as she stretches hers out a bit. She bites down on her lower lip when she identifies an unfamiliar warmth spreading from the tips of her fingers. "Oh, no, I… I didn't even notice." She quickly turns her head and clears her throat. "W-well, what would you like to see first?"

"Um, well…" She spots the bizarre look on Naoto's face and frowns. "Hey… What's wrong, Naoto-kun?"

"Huh? Nothing, I'm…" Embarrassed for whatever reason, she rubs the back of her neck. "I suppose I'm just a bit… confused is all."

"Confused?" Erin's eyebrows knit together as she takes a step closer to the Detective Prince. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Rather than being comforted by the sudden closeness, Naoto gasps and takes a step backwards out of instinct. "I… I'm not sure. No, I don't think so. I just feel very…" She grasps the front of her suit; Erin sees that her pale fingers are shaking. "I'm sorry, Rin-senpai. I don't quite understand it myself, to be honest."

"Well… Maybe this'll help…?" Courage blossoms in her chest, giving Erin that extra push to step forward and quickly peck Naoto on the cheek. Just as soon as it spreads, however, it disappears, and Erin moves away like she's been burned.

Naoto's breath hitches as her eyes widen to the size of saucers. "S-senpai! I…" She raises a hand to the spot where Erin kissed her. "So, do you… I mean, you do…"

"Well, y-yeah," Erin replies, as confidently as she can. "I mean…" Her cheeks flush, and she diverts her gaze from Naoto's questioning eyes. "I mean, what's not to like? You're beautiful, smart, independent…" She stops herself short, awfully embarrassed now, and ties her lip. "I said too much, didn't I?"

"I… Rin-senpai…." Naoto wrings her hands together, unsure of how to respond because she's so unsure of the own emotions racing through her. "I'm a little… I suppose I'm just a little surprised. N-no one's ever really told me this before, so I… I'm not quite sure how to go about this."

Erin's face scrunches up a bit. "Well, I mean… D-did you hate it?" It looks like it pains her to even ask the question.

"Ah, I…" Naoto clears her throat again, though it doesn't do much to clear her anxiety. She turns to her senpai, but she can't quite meet her eyes. "N-no, I don't think so… It's not a negative feeling I'm experiencing, I don't think…"

Immediately, Erin feels her spirit rise. Tentatively, she cups Naoto's face in her hands, forcing the shorter girl to look up. "Then, please, just… Naoto-kun, I need to know how you feel… Because I…" She forces a smile. "I really like you~!"

"I… Rin-senpai, I can't just easily…" She swallows thickly, her eyes darting everywhere but at Erin. "I don't…" Her blue eyes widen as they finally catch Erin's, and she chuckles. "Goodness, you're so straightforward. It would… I suppose it would only be fair, then, if I, too…" She clears her throat, though her voice continues to lower. "I suppose that I… You're feeling, I— They are reciprocated," she says finally.

Erin's expression has fallen before Naoto even finishes her sentence. "W-well, that's okay, I understa—" She trails off when she realizes that she hasn't been rejected. "Wait a sec," she mumbles. "Did you just say…?" And suddenly, her face brightens up and her arms are wrapped tightly around the smaller girl. "Thank you! You won't regret it, I promise!"

Naoto gasps as she's hugged, then laughs softly into Erin's blazer. "Certainly, I don't think I have to worry about that…" She flushes intensely, but slowly returns the embrace. "I, um… I'm not quite sure how to proceed…"

"Well, uh…" The brunette pulls away just enough to see Naoto's expression, then swallows the lump growing in her throat. "W-we could try… kissing?" Her cheeks turn pink and her eyes brighten at the simple mention of the word. "But, uh, w-we don't have to! I-I mean…"

"K-kissing…!?" she breathes, beside herself. "W-well…" Her eyes inadvertently shift to Erin's lips, and when she catches herself, she just blushes and splutters more. "I… I would… like to, perhaps…" She lightly licks her own lips, still staring at Erin's, then meets her eyes quickly before leaning in carefully. Erin grins as she too leans in, until their lips are only centimeters apart. She takes a deep breath before closing the distance completely and tugging Naoto closer.

Naoto tenses as soon as their lips touch, but eventually she relaxes into the kiss and leans closer to Erin. Eventually, the latter breaks the kiss for air. "Thank you, Naoto-kun~" Smiling, she tucks some of Naoto's stray hair behind her ear. "Sorry, I… I still can't believe all this is happening." She laughs lightly.

Naoto quickly raises a hand to catch Erin's, reveling in the instant shock that shoots through her bones. "I— Well, it is rather incredible… I… I'd never have imagined…" She smiles shyly. "I certainly don't regret it."