WARNING! Fic contains bad language, violence, a lot of Canadian goodness, and revenge.

Please enjoy.

The World Meeting was noisy and disoriented…Like always… America was pulling his hero shenanigans. England and France were at each others throats. Russia was intimidating half the room while Germany was between trying to take control of the meeting and trying to get a clingy Italy to stop complaining that he is hungry.

Utter chaos at its finest. And, like always, Canada watched from the side lines. He side and held his bear to him. Today he hoped he would get his chance to speak, but it failed once again courtesy of his idiotic southern neighbor. He was always invisible. Hell, even Prussia, his friend and his crush, didn't notice him. It hurt him.

He placed his head into his bear's fur and sighed. It had been only an hour and a half since this meeting began and it still had four and a half hours to go. They'd be lucky if they can get a break. Canada sighed again. Can't anything change this current situation?


Everyone jumped and turned to the door of the meeting room. A blonde male with a hockey stick that had barbed wire wrapped around it stood there. His eyes were covered by dark aviator sunglasses and a majority of his hair was pulled into a low ponytail; the rest framing his face. He wore a red Mountie jacket and pants, and gloves. In his mouth was a cigarette.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Germany, pissed that someone stormed into the meeting.

Canada stared at the stranger. Suddenly, the stranger locked his hidden gaze in his direction. "Okay, fuckers, things are going to change, right here, right now!"


A sinister chuckle came from behind the stranger. Out stepped another blonde covered in blood stains and was wearing a red sweat shirt and ripped jeans. Canada gasped. This person looked exactly like him…only much scarier. He held a bloodied knife in his hand.

"Oh yes, things will change…" the second stranger licked at the blood on the knife, shivering in delight at the copper taste.

The stranger with the hockey stick walked over to Canada and grabbed him by the collar. He pulled him up, making him stand and noticed by everyone else. The stranger looked him over before looking at the other nations.

"This little fucker right here is Canada. CANADA is a motherfucking awesome nation yet you don't notice him. You asswipes are too fucking arrogant and crazy to notice this guy. Well, today is going to change all that." He whipped off his sunglasses; a dangerous violet glare unmasked. Canada gasped when he realized this guy looked like him too.

"S-sorry I couldn't stop them." Everyone looked at the door to see a beautiful blonde girl standing at the door next to the other stranger, out of breath. He lightly curled hair was in two low pigtails and had on a white beret. She wore a white blouse and her red skirt was a little short but was covered by her sweater. Round glasses delicately framed her face and brought out her violet eyes. "I couldn't get here fast enough."

"Nice of you to join us, Madeline," said the blood stained stranger.

"Who are you people and why do you want Canadia?" asked America.

"IT'S CANADA!" shouted the three strangers and Canada himself.

The one who held Canada looked at everyone, pointing out his hockey stick. "You bitches will keep quiet while I explain." As soon as he was sure that everyone was quiet he began. "You see, I am Canada. He is also Canada, and so is Madeline over there. We all are Canada. However, we are different forms of Canada. I am his badass side. You can address me as Matt. Don't fuck with me. Crazy over there is his snapped side, which by the way is slowly rising so you better cut the crap before he takes over. You do not, I repeat, do not want that to fucking happen. Call him Mattie." He then pointed to the girl. "And the chick is Madeline, his female self. Just like him, only with boobs and a vagina."

"E-eh… that's embarrassing, hoser," squeaked Madeline, blushing.

Canada looked at the other versions of himself. He was at a loss of words. Suddenly, the version of himself holding him shook him so he'd look at him.

"It's time you fucking man up. Do you want to be walked all over? I have half a mind to kill you but I won't since I am being nice today." Matt placed his stick behind him before facing Canada to the world. "He has been he forever and yet you assholes don't notice him half the time or not at all. Hell you acknowledge that wannabe nation more than him. Well you will change that and now. Notice the fucker more and I won't kill you all."

"Now wait just a min…" England never got to finish his sentence when Mattie came up behind him and held him at knife point.

"Hehe, stop while you are ahead. You don't have the floor right now. It is Canada's turn. Now shut up or my knife will have a new home, right up your ass."

"Easy Mattie," said Matt.

"We should calm down," said Madeline, trying to calm everyone.

"Shut it," said the other two.

Canada gulped. "W-what d-do you want me to do?"

Matt chuckled and let go of him. "Speak up, fucker. Show them that you are Canada and that we mean business. Let them know what you want and what you fucking have. Do it, bitch." He slapped on the back, smirking. "Let them have it."

Canada looked around the room. His eyes first landed on America. He then glared at the southern look-a-like and he walked up to the American. "You have caused me so many problems since the day we met. I have also stood by you during the best and worst times, yet when I need you I am passed up."

"Hey I am sorry."

"Shut the hell up and let me finish!" Canada never really yelled before…but right now it felt so good. "I am sick of constantly being mistaken for you and getting into trouble because of you! Fuck you and your fucking burger brained ideas!" He pushed the American so he fell back against his seat and onto the floor, whacking his head.

Canada then moved on to the person next to him. England gulped but tried to stand strong.

"Now l-lad, this isn't you…"

"How the fuck do you know? You don't know me! You never did!" He punched England in the face. "That's for mixing me up for America!" He then punched him in the stomach. "That's for being a stuffy jerk! I can't believe I looked up to you!" He then kicked the British nation in the balls, making him double over onto the floor in pain. "And that was because I always wanted to do that to you since day one!"

"Go Canada!" cheered Mattie. "Make them bleed."

France shook with fear as his former ward came his way. The younger nation glared at him. "You… You were supposed to be there for me… but that didn't happen, huh?" He gripped the jacket of the other nation and pulled them so they were face to face. "And to think I called you Papa…" He spat in the French males face before pushing him away.

Madeline shook her head. "You finally can let it out."

Canada looked around the room of nations. "You all have been warned. Canada will not be overlooked anymore. I will be involved in matters and I will have some input. Ignore me, and I will make sure that you will be punished."

"That's my nation," said Matt, clapping. "Fucking let them have it."

Canada looked at his other selves with a smirk. "Let's blow this place and paint this town red and white."

"Fuck ya!"

"Oh, red, hehe."

"Oh maple…"

As Canada made his way towards the door he stopped short. He turned and spotted a certain former nation. He stared at him for a moment before turning and walking over to Prussia, who was frozen with shock and fear.

Canada looked him over before pointing at him. "Before I go… You… Fuck you, and fuck your teasing!"

"W-what do you mean?" Prussia now added confusion to his actions.

"Shut up!" Canada then pulled him and slammed his lips upon the other. He bit and licked, having a hot and heavy makeout session with the shocked man. When Canada pulled away he smirked at the flushed Prussian. "I think I made myself clear." He dropped the shocked nation and walked to his other selves.

"Way to go," said Matt.

Madeline and Mattie joined the other two at the door. Canada looked back at the shocked nations and smirked, flipping them all off. "Screw you guys. See you at the next meeting."

With that, the four Canada's left the room. The other nations didn't move. Once they were sure the Canadian's were gone, Germany cleared his throat. "Please p-put into our notes t-to remember Canada at following meetings…"

"Agreed!" cried out the room.

France sat with America and England as they nursed their wounds. "I didn't know our Canada held so much anger…"

"Oh yeah…" America gasped as he placed an ice pack on his head.

England cried out as France iced his pants. "Bloody hell!"

Spain and Austria were checking on Prussia, who hadn't moved since his makeout session with the Canadian. "Maybe he's broken."

"Oh you can't break Prussia," said Austria as he checked Prussia's pulse.

Prussia finally snapped out of his gaze and looked at Austria and Spain. "You…You guys…"

"What is it amigo?" Spain knelt in front of him.

Austria placed his wrist down. "Keep talking Prussia. It will help."

"…I think I am in love…" Prussia stared dreamily at the doors of the room as if waiting for Canada to return.

Suddenly there were the sounds of motors outside the meeting room. Everyone ran to the window and looked outside. The Canadas were out there revving up motorcycles before zooming off, hooting and hollering as they rode away.

Prussia clawed at one of the windows. "Oh…Canada."