I don't own Naruto.

The Vanishing Princess.

Hinata's tiny feet dangled helplessly, she was beginning to come to her senses. She instantly knew two things before she opened her eyes, the first was that her head hurt and the second was that she was not at home but instead travelling at a high speed.

She summed up some strength to open her eyes, only to find that blackness welcomed her, she silently tried to summon her Byakugan, only to receive a sharp pain in her temple. She grunted in agony and annoyance, not only was she blindfolded but they had put a seal on her to restrain her eyes. The fog of confusion began to clear and Hinata vaguely remember what had previously happened.

She was in her bed, exhausted after a long, unsuccessful day of harsh training with her father when she heard footsteps approach her bedside. Instinctively, she placed a hand under her pillow and grabbed the kunai that rested underneath, she counted to three before rolling off to opposite side of the bed and away from the approaching footsteps, she crouched down slightly and then lifted her kunai up in a defensive position.

Her back to the wall so no one could sneak up on her, she saw two men clad in shinobi gear with their faces covered in masks at her bedside. Swallowing her fear of the strangers, she narrowed her eyes and got into the Jūken stance ready for battle. Kidnap attempts were somewhat common for the Hyuga heiress, she just had to fend them off till one of the more skilled members of the clan arrived. Opening her mouth to alert the other members (if they didn't already notice) of the intruders, one of the men's hands shot out a needle that pierced her neck, with some kind of chemical that paralysed her voice box, leaving her unable to speak.

Hinata's fear rose at the quickness of the man's reactions. Her hands became clammy and she pulled the thin needle from her neck, a small trail of blood trickled down her throat. It was at that time the men decided to strike, one jumped over the bed then extended his arms out to grab her, but Hinata managed to duck down and stab his thigh with the kunai.

The man quietly growled and cursed, Hinata silently congratulated herself on her fast reactions. Before she could inflict anymore damage, a hand shot out from the wall behind her and grabbed her hair; it pulled her back, slamming her into the wall. Hinata felt warm sensation on her skull and knew she was bleeding, she slumped against the wall as her vision started to become unfocused, she turned to the side and cursed when she saw a third man walk out the wall into her room before falling unconscious.

Now that Hinata's memories came back to her, she cursed herself for not activating her Byakugan earlier. The man holding her came to an abrupt stop, a new person had encountered them and he began to ask the men to give back Hinata. She smiled; finally her father's men had caught up with them and were here to rescue her. Her smile faded when she realised the harsh punishment she would receive from her father, for not being able to defend herself and getting herself kidnapped in the first place, putting her eyes and the whole clan, in danger.

Lost in her thoughts Hinata felt herself being released from the kidnapper's grip and braced herself for impact on the floor. Instead she was caught in a pair of strong, slightly cold arms. She was placed gently on the ground and her feet touched the cold, forest leaves. The hands came around to undo her blindfold and she stared at the man who rescued her.

He was crouched down to her level so their eyes met. Lilac clashed with yellow snake-like eyes, he had sickly pale skin and long black hair and Hinata noticed the lack of Konoha headband, putting her on edge.

"Hello princess, I do hope those men didn't hurt you too much," he spoke with a slight hiss that exaggerated the 's' in every word. This man was truly the embodiment of a snake.

At the mention of the men, she broke eye contact with the snake man, to see the dead bodies of the three kidnappers. Their faces now exposed and their throats cleanly slit, blood covered the forest floor, a deep red puddle around each man. Hinata now saw the Cloud village headband that was attached to each mans forehead. Those dirty, thieving Cloud nin had tried, once again to kidnap her.

The snake man gently grabbed Hinata's chin and turned her head to face him.

"Come on princess, let's get you back to a safe place," he released her chin and stood at his full height, dwarfing Hinata. He outstretched a hand to her.

She stared at the almost translucent hand. This man, a complete stranger, had rescued her from getting her eyes plucked out and most likely being killed. Her father's men were nowhere to be seen. Her blood began to boil at the realisation; her father didn't care about her, she was just a disposable tool to him. Weak and fragile unlike her younger sister who already, at the young age of 4 had started showing promise of being a stronger leader than Hinata. She gritted her teeth, she'd show her father how strong she could be.

Hinata took the snake man's hand and they disappeared deeper into the forest.

Hiashi cursed at the seal on Hinata's bedroom door, it was specially made to counter the abilities of the Byakugan user, denying them access to see inside the room without physically going in it. The door was broken down by a clan member and Hiashi rushed inside, only to see a blood smear on the wall and an empty bed.

Hinata was gone.

Hiashi barked orders at his men to search for the heiress and walked out the room, making his way to the Hokage building.

If the kidnappers were to get access to Hinata's eyes, the whole clan would be in danger.

After what seemed to be around an hour, the snake man and Hinata arrived outside a large building. The white paint that originally covered it was chipped and moss, ivy and other plants began to wrap it, almost swallowing it and making it part of the forest.

The man lowered himself and Hinata climbed off of his back, he offered to carry her since she was considerably tired and could not keep up with his fast pace.

He began to walk into the building and Hinata scurried to catch up with him. The place was huge! It had a large staircase that led to a second floor, however the man took a left turn and opened a basement floor, they walked down a set of stairs, to an underground corridor. The smell of disinfectant and chemicals hit Hinata's nose and she scrunched up her face in displeasure. The snake man laughed at her reaction, reassuring her that she'd get used to the smell.

-They stopped outside a large metal door, it screeched in protest of being open and the man ushered her inside. With a whisper of ''good night'' he shut the door leaving the room in pitch black due to the lack of windows or light source.

Hinata walked to the edges of the room and traced along the wall, finding her bed. She crawled on top of it and shut her eyes, sleep coming claiming her quickly.

Orichimaru grinned at his luck, he ran into some foolish Cloud shinobi whilst they had successfully stolen the Hyūga heiress. The potential weapon he could mould her into was too powerful to let them go alive.

He was truly blessed.

so the rewrite of chapter one is complete, i hope everyone enjoys it :) don't forget to leave a review! thank you! xo