The room in space was dark. Very dark. The builder had probably forgotten to put in lights, or maybe died before he could. The only thing not darkened was a circle of glowing blue light on the floor. It was about 2 blox by 2 blox (1 blox is 1 foot), and hummed like a generator. Then it started to brighten. Beams of light shot up in rapid succession from the glowing circle. Barely visible in between all those flashes was a shadow. It looked like a ROBLOXian...

Grean opened his eyes. He had apperently entered the server inside a room of some kind, one without any lights except for the one he was standing on. Strange, Grean thought. Who forgets to put lights inside a tele room? He stepped forward cautiously. Nothing made a noise but his footsteps on the smooth floor. Then the sound of more footsteps made him turn very quickly. About two ROBLOXians, with a third being dragged along behind. Grean quickly ducked into a corner. The sliding door to the tele room opened, and someone was thrust in hard, hitting the wall with a clang. Closed again, leaving the user gasping for breath.

"Hey," Grean said. The user turned in about as much fear as Grean had earlier.

"He took me..." the ROBLOXian whispered.


"Overseer 2.0." Grean felt his stomach (or whatever ROBLOXians had in place of one) churn. "He swooped down on Spawn world with his Metal Birds and captured me... he tortured me on several occasions... why I don't know, but he did, and whatever he says, he will pay!"

Overseer sat in the command chair of the M.S. Netherrack and thought. That prisoner had been really hard to manage. Maybe go on him a bit harder next time, Overseer thought happily. He looked at his close friend, Drago, working with the controls that operated the Spam Bombardment Cannons, and thought how talented his crew was at operating the ship. Possibly he would let Drago take command of all torture chamber functions. No, he decided, Drago is too... soft-hearted to kill another ROBLOXian in such a manner. A hissing noise from behind him said his assassin had returned.

"Report, RinzlerV8," he ordered.

"Sir." The slim dark-armored figure bowed. "I've picked up another life form in the teleporter room. Maybe a new arrival."

"Deal with him." RinzlerV8 bowed again.

"As you wish, my master." He left.

Grean heard the user come in before he saw him. A rattling, metallic hiss filled the room incessantly. He did not speak but held out his hand for Grean to hold onto. Grean complied, and the user escorted him out of the tele room. As Grean passed through the doorway, the other ROBLOXian fell down and screamed "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!," before the door to the tele room closed entirely.

He was now alone with the user. The user's grip was light but unbreakable. Grean dared to ask him the question that had been haunting his mind from the moment he'd arrived here.

"Where am I?"

The user said nothing, only walked faster. Grean sighed in exhasperation. "Hello?" No response. "I know you can hear me." Still none, but the user's hiss had become steadily more rasping. Then: "Duck." A feeling like being repeatedly shot with a flamethrower while being stretched to impossible dimensions hit Grean. He tried to duck but he was in such a mental state of fear that he couldn't. Then the user spoke again. "DUCK, I said!" Grean managed to duck this time. After a while the feeling stopped coming, and he stood up, feeling like a wet rag that had just been wrang.

"Everyone experiences that feeling at one time or another," the user said coldly, dusting himself off. "Well, this was your first Warp. Apparently we're now in F.E.A.R. airspace."

"Are we going on a suicide mission?," Grean said incredulously.

"No," the user replied. "F.E.A.R. planets have been F.E.A.R. planets for one reason: they have valuable resources that would be most helpful to our movement. We're attacking, in other words."

" I hope we don't die," Grean said fearfully. They continued.

At last they reached their destination: a huge room, packed with people. They were all mostly operators, except for whoever was in the large, redblock-upholstered seat in front of then.

"I am back, master," the user intoned. The seat turned around. Astride it was a ROBLOXian, sitting with a relaxed air, a crown with several aluminum lightning bolts protruding from it sitting atop his head. The height was unsure, but he was probably many blox tall, as much as six or seven. And the face stared out from under brows that curved perpetually downward and gave his face a sinister appearance. Grean recognised him immediately. "You're my brother." Overseer smiled a perfect, even-toothed smile.

"I know."