Hey, hey, my Lovelies!

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and everything! I really appreciate it!

All pictures are on my Photobucket, on my profile!

No beta! All mistakes are mine! Sorry in advance!

I don't own. I only play!

Without further ado … Enjoy!


Chapter Fifteen

Welcome ... or Not


Nessa's Point of View

Jacob pulled me closer as we descended the porch step but wisely didn't push me behind him as we approached the rest of my family.

Caleb stood shoulder to shoulder with Andrew, their arms crossed intimidatingly across their broad chests and glaring intently. Even to me, their powerful display was intimidating. Jacob's Pack stood back, staying close enough to intervene if necessary but allowing us to deal with our family business ourselves.

I took my place on Caleb's other side, my face hardening as I scanned over the rest of my brothers. This time, it was Jacob who took a stance behind me, hands on my shoulders as a sign of support while allowing me to take the lead with my brothers. It made me feel important and trusted.

And safe; he had my back, which gave me all the more confidence.

"Damien, this is Jacob's territory. You can't just barge in unannounced and uninvited like this," Caleb said loud and clear as he drew up to his full six foot six height.

"And yet, here you stand in the forefront while he cowers behind our sister," Damien mocked, glaring just over my shoulder. Damien growled as one of my boyfriend's arms wrapped around my waist possessively. "Get your hands off her, you filthy mutt!"

"Don't talk to him like that, Damien. You have no say in my life anymore," I replied calmly, keeping my face blank and hard.

"The fuck I don't. What are you doing? All of you? Why stand with them when we are your brothers? Should I brand you all traitors?" Damien snarled back, his gaze cutting to me.

He saw me as a traitor? My heart ached with the admission, but I didn't let it show on my face as I drew to my full height as well, not taking kindly to his empty threat. His 'brands' meant nothing to us now.

"On what grounds are we traitors, Brother?" Andrew scoffed. "That we are speaking to a Pack of shifters that could be very valuable allies? Or that we allowed Nessa to meet with Jacob? He still has a lot to prove to Caleb and I, but we believe they love each other and have the imprint bond between them. We are following customs; that doesn't make us traitors, Brother."

"We are no traitors, Damien. We stand by and support our sister while she makes a life for herself, be it alone or with Jacob," Caleb seconded.

"You fraternize with the enemy; therefore you are traitors," Erik growled, almost breaking their ranks until Damien pushed him back with a glare.

"Enemy? They are no enemy of ours , Damien. They are Nessa's new family, and so, ours as well," Caleb stated calmly.

"Ah, yes, you think the dog has imprinted on her. Quite frankly, I call bullshit on it all. I would have felt it, and I felt nothing," Damien revealed.

This brought confusion to me. If he was my Alpha, he'd have felt when my loyalties had shifted, which they very much had, to Jacob. It made no sense.

"That isn't my problem. Nessa assures me she had imprinted, and I believe her," Caleb told him confidently.

"She lies," Damien snarled vehemently. "What would father say about this? His little girl dating a rabid mutt. He would not stand for it! He would be turning in his grave!"

Intense anger shot through us all, but to my surprise, it was Andrew who acted upon his. In the blink of an eye, Andrew had thrown Damien back into a tree, screaming, "Don't you dare bring him into this, you fucker! He'd be over the moon that Ness has found her soul mate and you fucking know it!"

Caleb pulled Andrew back, but it didn't deter him from his screaming.

"He'd go the whole nine yards to check the guy's background and shit, but he would never try to tear them apart or keep them away! He'd try, which is a damn sight more than what you're doing. Have you ever thought about what you're making Nessie feel? Huh? Do you even care?!"

The Pack behind me tensed as one but didn't advance forward as Damien shot to his feet and charged at my brother, only to be pulled back by Steven. Caleb pulled Andrew back to 'our side' of the invisible line that had been drawn between us. However, he didn't reprimand him for his actions; Caleb would have done it himself had he been a little faster to react.

"Don't challenge me, Pup!" Damien shouted with rage, eyes flashing as he struggled against Steven's restraints.

"Why not? Scared you'd lose? I've always been faster than you, D. You're ego has seriously messed up your mind, and now you're deluded into thinking that you can do things you can't. Dad has always taught us not to start something we can't finish," Andrew taunted in return, snarling.

"I SAID DON'T CHALLENGE ME!" Damien bellowed, shaking fiercely until he blurred.

"Then quit being an arrogant little prick and take note and responsibility of everything going on around you!" Andrew yelled back. "Quit being a self-centred little fucker and start thinking other people apart from yourself! That's not how I'd do it and certainly wasn't the way Dad did it."

"Don't compare me to him!"

"You were the one who brought him up," Caleb said hotly.

Damien snarled.

"Never, in her entire life, had Dad hit Nessie, not even when she was naughty and disrespectful those handful of times! Yet, here you are, hitting and manhandling her just because she's found happiness in her life. So what, you want her to remain unhappy and alone? Is that it?" Caleb asked.

Andrew continued, "What about friends? Is she allowed friends? Because so far, the only thing you expressed is your dick head attitude against it all. She's growing up, Damien, whether we like it or not, and she's going to start finding guys and wanting 'girlfriends' to hang out with."

"But no … you live in 'Damien world' where only he matters so all the things that we've said would have either never been heard or was set aside as soon as they registered. Because that's the way you are, and you'll never change," Caleb snarled angrily.

"Don't speak to our alpha that way, Caleb!" Steven ordered warningly.

Caleb snorted. "Some alpha. He carries you three around like he thinks he's king, and you let him. Do you even know what you look like?"

He didn't give them chance to reply.

"You look like obedient little puppies that bend to his every will. I'll tell you right now, it's not attractive. You look like little mother fucker clones to match the larger one," he shouted, glaring at Damien to emphasise the last point.

Four identical snarls and growls sounded from them.

"Watch your mouth, Caleb. I'm warning you," Damien ordered in a sickly calm voice.

I bit my lip, slightly wary of what Damien would do if Caleb pushed him too far. I had already done so and look what happened to me. Technically, Damien was still Caleb's alpha, and he could do anything to put him back in his place.

"Or what? Come on, Damien, do your worst to me. Just let me warn you, manhandling me won't work like it did for Nessa. I will fight back if you lay one finger on me," Caleb murmured darkly, his eyes like slits.

Damien hesitated slightly, making Caleb and Andrew smirk. It wasn't a secret that Caleb could easily take Damien in a fight.

"You're out. The both of you." Damien commanded smugly.

My eyes widened at his implication, but neither of the men beside me seemed bothered, or surprised, by this turn of events.

"That's it? Just like that? We're out the pack, or out the family period? We don't mind. We'd rather be out, then follow your lead. I wish Dad was here to put you in your place, you little fucker. I hope you get everything that's coming to you and trust me, there's plenty that I could think of," Andrew murmured angrily.

And just like that, I felt the shift in the air.

Caleb seemed to grow taller right before my very eyes, an air of dominance and power surrounding him as his eyes fixed upon Damien.

As an Alpha Female, I could feel the strings between my brothers sever, and I knew that Jacob could feel it as well what with the way his eyes widened as he peered between us all. His, or should I say 'our', Pack shifted uncomfortably behind us, knowing something significant was happening but unsure as to what.

Only one string reattached to Caleb when it all settled once more - Andrew. I knew then that Caleb and Andrew had formed their own pack, that Caleb had just become an alpha. It was instinctual for Andrew to fall behind Caleb in their new hierarchy, as he was the younger of the two.

"Damien, I can't believe you just-"

"Shut up, Eric," Damien snarled, shutting him up immediately like the good little pup he was.

"Well, go on then. You're on Jacob's territory. Can't be having that, can you, Jacob?" Caleb called to us.

Jacob chuckled softly in his chest, making me smile, despite everything. I kind of tickled as his chest was plastered against me.

"Of course not. I suggest you leave before I become impatient and release my Pack from their hold," Jacob ordered, the alpha tone in his voice evident.

He was shaking slightly, like his wolf was trying to get free to fight for what was his (be it me or his territory.) I could hear the guys behind us snarling softly in response to the tone of their alpha as well as the anticipation of being free from their restraining alpha command.

Damien growled, glaring at the pack and our brothers once more before spinning on his heel and stalking towards the trees. I had to smirk at that; There was no way that he'd risk his ass against so many of my new brothers. He was clearly outnumbered and for once, Damien was actually using his head. Of course, it could be uncharacteristic cowardice showing through.

Once they were gone, Jacob murmured to a couple of his pack to follow them, to make sure they went straight home. He wouldn't risk anyone right now. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight to him, burying his face in my neck before inhaling deeply. I laid my hands on his forearms, stroking comfortingly as I gave a heaving sigh of relief.

Behind us, Jacob's ... well, I guess my Pack hesitantly came forward, probably feeling how hyped their alpha was. I turned us slightly and smiled at them softly without ceasing my motions against Jacob's skin.

"You okay?" Paul asked me, stepping up beside Jacob and I with eyes filled to the brim with concern and residual anger.

I smiled and nodded at him. "Yeah. A little shaken, but it's not every day our family is divided," I tried to joke, but it was too soon and sadness crept up on me.

I glanced towards Caleb and Andrew, who were apart from us, speaking softly to each other. As if they sensed my gaze, they both turned as one. They didn't look troubled by what had just transpired, and Caleb even offered me a bright, genuine smile. I knew they were more than capable of looking after themselves as a duo as they were with the others, but still, I worried.

They came forward.

"We're okay, Ness. I feel lighter already, and I kinda like the thought of answering only to myself," Caleb joked, enticing a small smile from me. "Seriously, Sis, we'll be fine. We're still Nights. Not even Dad could have taken that from us. We'll make it all work."

"Of course, you're both welcome to stay here with us until you get something different sorted out. Even if you don't as well," Jacob offered, finally lifting his face from my neck. He was considerably calmer now; the shaking had stopped.

Caleb nodded his head in thanks. "You know, we just might take you up on that. Andrew?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Thank you," he agreed as well, smiling. "And besides, I miss Ness' cooking."

"Oh yeah, that's the only reason why we keep her around too," Paul replied, winking at me teasingly.

I giggled and tried to scowl at them all. "You're all incorrigible," I grumbled, making them laugh.

"Come on, why don't we all go to the Den and watch a movie or something?" Sam suggested, to which we all nodded and began to make our way inside.

Quil and Brady were walking alongside Andrew when I heard Quil asked, "Hey, Andrew? What's it like from up high when you're phased? I bet it's epic."

Andrew chuckled. "Yeah, it really is, and I'm the only one who can catch Ness when she's airborne too," he replied, causing my steps to falter.

I cringed.

"Shit ..." I whispered, grimacing as everything came to a standstill on the porch.

I could feel everyone's confused gaze on me, as well as Andrew's apologetic grimace.

"I guess ... you hadn't told them that part?" Andrew guessed hesitantly.

I lifted my gaze to his and shook my head. I was a little annoyed but couldn't really be mad with him. He didn't know.

"Ah ... sorry," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

"S'okay, I guess," I replied with a sigh.

"Ness?" Jacob asked warily but clearly curious. "What did he mean?"

I sighed heavily and met his gaze slowly. "Well, um ... I guess I haven't told you everything about me. About my wolf and phasing," I told him, watching as he frowned slightly.

"Well, okay ... what about it?" he asked.

"I'm kinda special ... in my family, and the whole Pack," I told him, glaring at my brothers when they snorted incredulously before continuing, "I'm a wolf, as you all know ... but that isn't all."

"What? What does that mean?" Embry asked in confusion.

I kept my gaze on Jacob's thoughtful ones as he worked through what I might mean. When he didn't say anything after a while, I continued, "You remember? When you were chasing me in wolf form those two times?"

He smirked. "How could I forget?" he murmured, making me blush softly. "But go on ..."

"My scent vanished," I stated.


"That's because I phased. Our scent changes when we phase from human to our animals. It throws off pursuers and whatnot," I explained. "That's why it seemed like my scent vanished, kinda."

"But ... if your scent just changed to your human one, wouldn't he have smelt it there and then?" Craig mused with a frown.

I shook my head. "I didn't phase to human," I contradicted, my eyes still on Jacob.

He frowned deeply in thought. "But then, what ..." he trailed off, losing himself in his thoughts until his eyes widened with realisation. "Wow ... you don't mean ...?"

"The eagle ... Those two times after I vanished ... you remember the eagle flying above you?"

"Oh my God ..." he breathed, pulling me closer to him as he stared down at me in wonder and awe, hand resting on my cheek. "You're ... you were the eagle?"

"Holy shit! How is that even possible?!" Embry exclaimed, finally catching on like everyone else.

Caleb and Andrew were smiling smugly and proudly.

"We don't know how. She's the only one, daughter or son alike, in our Pack and history that has been able to phase into two forms. Her wolf, and her eagle. It made her all the more special," Caleb complimented, making me blush.

"Not really ..." I contradicted in a whisper. "I'm no better than anyone else."

"It certainly gives you an advantage," Jacob said, still staring at me in awe. "I ... Can I ... see? Would you show me?"

"How about we all phase? It would be your first time seeing us up close, wouldn't it?" Andrew suggested excitedly.

Jacob nodded. "We saw the snow leopard up close. He was the only one, really," Jacob replied. "You don't mind?"

"Of course not. Ness?"

I was still staring at my imprint, relieved that he didn't think me a freak or something for being so different.

"Okay," I whispered eventually, feeling a knot of nerves develop in my stomach as I moved away from him.

What would he think? What would he do? And the Pack, what would they think? God, I was so nervous!

"It'll be okay. He'll think you're gorgeous, trust me," Caleb whispered in my ear before taking a few steps away from me.

Andrew was at my other side a few paces away, perched on a large boulder that he'd need to take off from. He winked at me encouragingly, making me smile as he crouched down on the boulder.

I could feel the Pack's eyes on us, waiting for signs of their phase; stripping down nude, for instance, but it wouldn't come. Our phase was different, very different from theirs. They would get the shock of their lives.

I turned to Caleb and nodded, signalling for him to go ahead and phase. He smirked at the Pack before closing his eyes in concentration. He could do this without even thinking about it, but I knew he was putting on a good show. I rolled my eyes at him. He cracked his neck a few times and jigged about as if loosening himself up.

"Would you get on with it already?" I laughed, shaking my head.

He cracked an eye open in a lame excuse of a glare before closing it again. "You're no fun," he grumbled.

He then arched forward, his fingers clawing in the air as the all too familiar black veil began to consume him, slithering and caressing his legs as it welcomed him into its depths. I could hear the familiar crack of his bones as they realigned into his new form, his whole body now engulfed by the darkness.

He was purposefully holding it off for a slower effect and had I not known what it felt like, I'd have feared for his life. The darkness was our ally, our sanctuary. We weren't as safe anywhere else than cocooned in the cloud of blackness, which we could do for a short time until the dangers passed us by, essentially vanishing from sight.

The Pack exclaimed in shock and the few that were a little too close jumped back as the veil suddenly lifted, spiralling into the air before dispersing and leaving Caleb new black tiger within our midst.

Much like the Pack, my head only came up to his tiger's shoulder. He took a step forward, his eyes riveted on the mass of Quileute boys before him as he opened his mouth wide and scared them half to death with a massive, heart-stopping roar.

"Holy fucking shit!" Quil squealed like a girl as he and some of the other guys fell over themselves to get some distance between them and the massive tiger.

I bit back my laughter and hid my grin behind me hand, glancing towards Jacob. He had his mouth wide open, but he wasn't afraid. He looked shocked, obviously, but more intrigued than anything else.

Caleb stretched, his claws digging into the undergrowth as he lifted his ass in the air before laying down elegantly, crossing one paw over the other. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

Eyes diverted towards Andrew as a cloud of darkness whirled above his head, still crouched on the tall boulder. His eyes closed as the cloud shot down upon him, engulfing him from the head downwards until he was completely covered. And then it exploded outwards, leaving behind a striking black raven that was truly the size my brother had described.

"Holy fuck ..." Jacob breathed, eyes wide as he watched my brother unfurl his wings and caw loudly.

His wingspan was easily the length of one giant Quileute, and his beak was razor sharp and able to slice through the toughest of metals and bone, including vampire flesh.

I found myself walking towards him without even thinking about it, my small hand reaching out to caress that very same beak that could tear me asunder. Andrew's beady eyes took me in as he lowered his head to give me better access, shutting them when my hand made contact. Short, coarse fur and a wet nose brushed against my cheek, causing me to giggle as I looked at Caleb to my right.

"Alright guys, take off. I'll catch up in a sec," I told them lowly, moving away swiftly to allow Andrew room to take off.

Caleb licked my face with his prickly tongue before sprinting off into the forest. Loving the prospect of a run, the Pack followed eagerly, someone waiting for cover before they stripped while others, like Quil and Embry, did it without a care in the word. I shook my head at them while Jacob growled in warning behind me and covered my eyes with a hand. I giggled harder and batted his hand away.

Only Jacob and Paul remained behind, watching me closely. I grinned at them and stood so we faced each other.

"Ready?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah. Show me," Jacob breathed with anticipation and reverence whilst Paul just nodded.

I smiled once more before moving away. With my back still to them, I decided to tease them by phasing into my wolf first. The black veil enveloped me with the grace of a floating blanket, caressing my skin like one would stroke a sleeping baby's cheek. My eyes closed and on its own accord, my body careened forwards until I landed on four paws.

There was a soft gasp as the veil lifted. I turned to find Jacob watching me with intense reverence, his form vibrating with the need to phase. Paul side-glanced his alpha knowingly, sending me a wink before darting off into the forest. I personally felt his shift moments later, though I never took my eyes from the magnificent man before my eyes.

Somehow my mind was cut off from direct communication with the others, be it my brothers or the pack, but I could still feel them through my new Alpha Female bond with them so I knew I'd be able to contact them when i wanted. I was very happy with the fact that I wouldn't have countless teenage guys in my head.

The perks of being an Alpha.

I'd never been more grateful for my brothers' absence from my head in that very moment as all I could think about was the pure desire that circulated my body watching my Jacob phase. My wolf whined in appreciation as Jacob's powerful form stood before me, tall and proud.

I was embarrassed to find my whole body tingling at the sight and whined once again as the sensation strengthened, watching my imprint stalk towards me. I resisted the urge to run, to provide chase, fixing my paws to the ground as I maintained eye contact with my brute of a wolf. He was significantly larger than me, but I didn't mind whatsoever.

Do you realise how much i want you right now? Jacob rumbled huskily through the pack mind. The things I want to do to you, Ness, baby ...

I whined again and shifted my head in submission as he stopped beside me, his muzzle buried deep in my furry neck. A deep, satisfied growl vibrated his chest as he began to explore with his nose. I simply closed my eyes and revelled in the sensation, finally glad to be able to embrace it, rather than run to save my identity.

The truth was out. There was no need to run anymore.

God, Ness, you smell so fucking good, he moaned, butting his nose against mine.

I licked him back playfully, causing him to growl.

Show me your eagle before we give your brothers a show they really don't care to see, he threatened with desire, piquing my interest.

Would he really want to do anything like that in these forms? Why didn't the notion disgust me like it should?

It's natural, baby, he purred, snuffling my neck again. We're mates in all forms. Not just human.

I shivered at the thought. Catching him by surprise, I sprang away from him and feel his pursuit as I ran for the boulder, throwing myself off of it just as the black veil enveloped me mid-flight. Jacob skidded to a halt in shock as my enormous eagle took to the sky to join our brother.

Bout time you got up here, Andrew teased. I saw your doggy porn going on down there.

I would have blushed had I been human. Shut up, Andrew. It was not doggy porn, I protested in embarrassment.

He just laughed.

These wolves are a riot. I've already bested four of them and now this little she-wolf wants a turn, Caleb laughed, teasing and messing around with Leah as she lunged herself at him repeatedly to no avail.

He was simply too fast and kept dodging her at every turn.

Hey Ness, you have a watcher, Andrew chuckled with his attention on the ground below us.

I followed his gaze and had to chuckle mentally, spotting my Jacob's russet wolf sprinting beneath us, trying to look up whilst keeping an eye on where he was going. My flight faltered slightly as I watched him almost run into a tree, laughing along with Andrew as he caught himself just in time.

As he watched me, I could hear his whines of protest due to the distance between us.

God, baby, this is fucking torture. Please come back down? Jacob whinged, his whines audible once again even from my height.

I'd have rolled my eyes if I were human but decided to obliged. However, I was unable to resist teasing him.

Seeing my plan, Jacob exclaimed, Don't you even dare! Nessa!

Taking no notice of his warning, I took his dare for what it was and sped up. As I flew above an empty clearing in the forest, I allowed the black veil to engulf me again until I was human. I free-fell for about ten metres before the veil was back. Approximately ten metres from the grassy ground, my wolf took shape and I landed on all four paws, shaking out my fur after a job well done.

Suddenly, I was tackled from the side and pinned down by my ferociously growling imprint, a string of curses and chastisements surging through his head as he hovered above me.

You stupid, gorgeous, idiotic, magnificent woman! You scared me to fucking death! Don't ever do that again, Ness! he commanded, both his fear and frustration evident.

Having said that, I couldn't help but be amused by his overprotective reaction. I'd done that nifty trick more than half a dozen times. It garnered the same reaction from Caleb and Andrew as well.

Jacob was still going on.

You could have died! I could have lost you and then where would I be? God damn it, woman!

Jacob! I laughed, nipping at the underside of his muzzle.

He growled slightly at the interruption but turned his attention to me. I could see the genuine fear in his eyes and started to feel a little bad. I whined softly and nuzzled him again.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that while we're so new. I was perfectly safe though, baby. I promise. I wont' do it again, I promised, whining for good measure.

He deflated and with a huff, flopped down behind me before burying his muzzle into my fur again. His heart was pumping heavily with the scare.

I don't know how long we laid there but eventually, the pack came to lay around us. Tony approached us hesitantly, eyeing Jacob as he laid beside me. When he didn't get any reaction, he slowly lowered his head to rest on my back flank and relaxed once he knew he wouldn't be reprimanded.

Paul trotted over with flawless confidence and chuffed as he dropped down next to my head, sending a glare my way.

Not cool, he grunted, butting his nose to the side of mine.

I chuckled. Not you too, I complained.

It was recklessly awesome. Just don't do it again, he grumbled but I could hear the smile in his 'voice'.

I suppressed my own. Okay.

She'll do it again, Caleb stated matter-of-factly as he trotted into the clearing. Every single time, we make her promise not to, but she does.

Right, Andrew agreed as he touched down. Used to drive Dad insane, he added with a chuckle.

That was absolutely amazing, guys. I've never seen anything like that before, Same complimented, still somewhat stunned.

That makes our phase look boring, Brady whined, Where's our cool ass veil of darkness?

We're the only shifter family in existence in the world that has that, Caleb revealed, piquing the interest of every wolf surrounding us.

The only wolf that didn't lift his head was Tony, but I honestly think that was because he'd fallen asleep on me. Adorable.

Would it happen to having anything to do with your last name, perhaps? Jared asked.

Caleb nodded. Yep. You could say it is our family's signature. The thing that identifies us as a Night family member.

So the other families ... ?Paul questioned.

Have their own signatures too. You could probably guess them yourselves, Andrew replied.

Blazens are engulfed by fire and the Sparks struck by lightening? That sort of thing? Embry guessed.

Bingo, Caleb confirmed.

Each phase is slightly different, like you saw with Caleb and I. His veil came from below whilst mine from above. Some of us have other little quirks to the process, like how mine exploded away from me, Andrew explained. It's not something you can customise or anything. It just happens that way.

Dad thought it had something to do with family ties again, but we're not one hundred percent sure, I added softly.

The Aeroas transformation is the best for me. It's like they're caught in the eye of a tornado, and it actually does tear up some of their surroundings like the real thing. They have the most destructive phase, along with the Blazens, Andrew explained.

OUr phase is more like a sanctuary for us than an offensive tool. Like some place for us to hide when things get tough. The Sparks really are struck by lightning every time, but they assure us it doesn't hurt at all after their initial first time.

God, you guys are so cool, Quil breathed reverently.

Don't go growing some sort of hero worship for us, dude. You're the last thing we need trailing around on our asses all day, Caleb teased.

Many of us laughed.

I think we're frolicked around out here long enough. I'm hungry, so i know for a fact that you guys are too, I stated knowingly, giggling when there were several answering growls from stomachs.

Jacob hopped up from behind me and nudged his head against Tony's, startling him awake. I knew he'd have been blushing if he were human. He staggered to his feet, keeping his head low in embarrassment.

Sorry ... he mumbled.

I butted my head with his and smiled. Let's go home guys, I ordered and to my surprise, the Pack instantly began to walk, trot and sprint towards our house, or Pack Headquarters as pretty much all of them called it now.

Only Paul and Tony lingered around Jacob and I. Even my brothers had run off with the others. Paul took his place on the otherside of Jacob whilst Tony fell in line with me. I playfully butted my flank against his before breaking off in a run, hearing his throaty laughter behind me as he followed.

I didn't know too much about our Tony, but it was clear he had taken a shine to me. Whilst I was eighty to ninety percent positive he didn't feel anything that would entitle Jacob wrath, it was clear whatever he did feel was intense.

I knew that he was the youngest in the Pack as it stood, only being fourteen years of age. It was clear he was seeking some sort of affection from wherever he could find it. I would have to ask Jacob later when we were alone for his story, as I was sure that there was more to it than meets the eye.


Thanks for reading, guys! Leave me some love please?

No new pictures for this chapter. Those you who haven't seen their spirit animals, they are already posted on my Photobucket.

Love MrsWolfPack x