*Trigger warning! Self-harm*
You piece of shit why would he ever love you, you knew he wasn't gay. He was lying to you; it was all out of pity. No one will ever love you. The tears streamed down my face and my heart pumped. I'd been running down the sidewalk, but I'd become completely exhausted in the past minute. I sat down in a space between two buildings and caught my breath. I was coming back to reality as I examined my surroundings. I need something… a fast food cup, cigarette butts, a receipt, a glass bottle… There we go. I reached for the empty beer bottle lying against the wall and smashed it on the pavement. Shards flew all around me, and I located a large piece. I held it up to my flesh, my arm extended in front of me. I closed my eyes and pressed down, sliding the cold glass across my skin. I threw down the glass and turned to my arm, which was already oozing blood. I exhaled. I sat and watched it run down my arm. And then I heard yelling. Someone was yelling for me… and then Phil turned the corner. His eyes just as red and puffy and mine, he collapsed beside me, wrapping his arms around me. His chest hit my arm, and I stared, not saying a word. I felt nothing, so… empty. He loosened his grip and pulled himself away.
"Dan... Please I-" And he stopped, noticing the blood running down my arm, and the wet spot in the center of his shirt. He stared, and finally some of my emotions returned, just by noticing the look on his face. It hurt, not my arm, but the way he looked at me was painful. It was more than disappointment, he looked so hurt… like he thought it was his fault. Tears were streaming down his face and he gripped my arm.
"D- Did you do this?" I nodded my head slowly. I wanted to get up and run from him, as far away as I could, but I couldn't find the energy or the nerve to.
"We, uh- we should go to the hospital." He choked out. I wanted to tell him that it was fine, to kiss him, and show that he had nothing to worry about, but I just couldn't.
"No" was the only word I uttered. He looked grim, but he complied. He removed his jacket, and then pulled off his blue jet-pack penguin t-shirt, already stained in blood. He slid his arms back into his black jacket, zipping it up to his neck. He sat directly in front of me, pulling my arm slowly toward him, wrapping his shirt around it, and he applied pressure with his hand. He seemed to be so calm now.
"Dan, I want to talk to you about the two things that just happened. And I'm going to keep checking this, and if it doesn't stop bleeding soon we are going to the hospital whether you like it or not, okay?" I nodded, and he proceeded. I still couldn't find the energy to remove myself from the situation. "What you saw with Laura wasn't what you think, and I'm going to explain exactly how it played out. I was putting my things into a box, and she shoved me onto the bed. Look at me Dan." He spoke sternly, and I lifted my gaze from the ground to meet his stare, "Okay, You walked in the second she pushed me down, I was going to push her off. I wouldn't lie to you Dan, and you know that. I was never going to let her kiss me; I'm never going to do anything with her again. I should have said I was dating you and I should have yelled at her for calling you a name but I didn't because all I wanted to do was leave, I wanted to talk to her the least amount of time I could. If she knew I was dating you she would have targeted you more and I didn't want that. None of this was supposed to happen. I brought you along so that you wouldn't worry and you'd know that I'm loyal to you but then she did that, and I can swear to you that it was all her. And the second thing, I'm assuming this is the reason for the blood on the sheets. Dan this isn't okay. You shouldn't be causing yourself any harm because you really don't deserve that. You shouldn't ever have to be unhappy or ever feel the need to hurt yourself. If you feel like doing this again I want you to tell me. For one it's incredibly dangerous, and I want to be able to make you happy enough so that you'll never have to do this again because I love you Dan. I love you so much, I'd do absolutely anything to make you happy and you will always come first, before anyone." My arm felt sore, and I was tearing up. I didn't think I would ever mean this much to anyone, ever.
"I love you too." I gave a weak smile and he did the same.
"Do you believe me when I say that I hate Laura and nothing will ever happen between me and her? And will you tell me if you ever think about doing this again?" He was completely serious, and this side of him was a bit intimidating.
"I... I believe you. I trust you." He lifted the shirt from my wound, and then ran his finger gently across it.
"Did it stop?" I watched him. The last thing I wanted to do is go to the hospital.
"Yes. Want to go home?"
"Please." He stood and pulled me up from the ground, and we headed for home.